
Seventeen Imagines! - Requests Closed
Snow was terrible and Aera hated it. She sighed, her boots trudging through the slush and her long hair flying in front of her face, blocking her view of the street. 
She had groceries in her hand, three bags full of sweets to be exact. It was her younger brothers birthday and she was sent out to buy some snacks and junk food for the event. As she made her way down the street, she turned a corner in an alley, deciding to take the short cut. Before turning the other corner, her phone began to buzz and she threw her head back, letting out a frustrated noise. As she fumbled with the bags in her hands, she managed to grab her phone from her coat and hold it against her red ear. 
"Yes?" She spoke, her tone harsh due to the interruption. 
"Well isn't someone upset today?" She noticed the familiar voice of her best friend Jeonghan. She bit her lip, immediately regretting her attitude explosion. 
"Sorry, I'm just in a rush. What's up?" She tried to sound casual but her mind and heart were racing in union and her once cold body was growing hot and uncomfortably warm. 
"Are you out? I was just wondering if we could have a quick meet up before you go home. I want to run Cindy's birthday gift by you before I officially give it to her." 
Cindy. Aera felt her fingers curl in despise. Any mention of that girl could send her off on a tangent. Cindy was Jeonghan's girlfriend of three years and every time he spoke of her she grew upset and jealous. Aera had been in love with him the second they met and had hid her feelings for as long as she could remember. It was something about his angelic face and beautiful personality that blew her away. Of course, being the beauty he was she couldn't be surprised when word spread that he had found a significant other. But still, as they grew close all he seemed to talk about was how much he loved Cindy, how much his life depended on her and how no other girl could match her.
It hurt. Everything she had felt for him was under her tongue but still she managed to squeak a few, "Aw's" and "That's sweet's". She respected him and loved him to an extent where she just wanted to see him happy. And if that meant him being with someone else, she was willing to hide her feelings for some more. 
"Ah, I would love to meet up. I'm sure you're gift is great anyways!" She felt her heart pang in her chest but managed to smile in the cold. 
"Great!" She heard his enthusiasm through the line, "I'm near the corner store on 24th street, see me soon?" 
She looked down, pulling the phone away from her ear and letting out a long deep breath. No one could ever imagine the pain she had gone through for this man. 
"Sounds like a plan, see you soon!" She quickly cut the line, shoving her phone in her coat and promising to never take it out again. 
"Aish," she mumbled, fumbling with the bags once more before turning the last corner in the alley. 
Her footsteps slowed as she heard voices behind one of the dumpsters. She furrowed her brow, her bags making small sound against the wind as she cursed mentally for them to be quiet. 
"Oppa, see me soon?" A familiar voice chimed. Aera craned her neck trying to remember where she had heard that voice before. 
"Of course," Another voice responded, it was male and much deeper than anything she had heard before. 
With one more glimpse, she managed to crouch nearer to the sounds and was now in full view of an image that left her jaw in the snow and eyes on the floor. 
Cindy, Jeonghan's girlfriend, was in the alley with another man that was never in the picture before. She was in a bright red coat and her hair was tied in a bun above her head. The man had his arms around her waist and had little snowflakes in his brown curls. 
Aera would have ran. She would have left in that moment but when they began leaning in, she was glued. Cindy's arms flew around the mans neck and she stuck her lips on his in a frisky, hot mess. The two became lost in a mess of small touches and lip biting. Aera couldn't look any longer as she gulped in fear, and began backing up to leave the small alley.
Once she was far enough away, she quickened her steps, her heart jumping and her mind trying to comprehend what she had just seen. Cindy had cheated on Jeonghan. For how long was what she didn't know. Maybe it was a one time thing, maybe it had been going on for longer. It didn't matter, all that mattered was her lips were against someone else and her hands were on someone other than her boyfriend and that was wrong. 
Should she have been happy? Of course, this was her one chance to finally get to Jeonghan and be with him after all her years of trying. But in the pit go her stomach she felt a pain that wanted to make her cry and was strong enough to have her pass out on the floor beneath her. Someone had broken her best friends heart, someone had hurt the love of her life and she could never be happy about that. The question was how she was going to tell him, and her brain racked with ideas as she crossed 24th street. 
She couldn't just drop it on him. He would probably curl up in a ball on the sidewalk. She couldn't not tell him either as that would only be cheating him as well. She was stuck. This was not news that could come easy and she bit her lip, already imagining the look on his face. 
"Aera?" Someone called from behind her and she turned around, coming face to face with a smiling Jeonghan. 
He was in a black beanie, his brown hair held back with a tie. His jacket looked comfortable and his hands were tucked in the depths of his pocket. 
"Hey!" She smiled, giving him a quick side hug. Even seeing him like this made her feel happy and for a second she forgot about the incident. 
"So, are you ready?" He asked excitedly, moving from one foot to another. 
She looked confused, "Ready?"
He gave her a look, " see the gift for Cindy!" 
She nodded quickly, remembering the main reason she was here. Saying her name only reminded her of what she had just seen and her expression turned sour. 
"Okay here it is," Jeonghan reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small, silver chain that glistened in the sun. It had four beautiful charms on it, each different in shape and lay effortlessly in the palm of his pale hand. 
Aera gasped, her eyes falling onto the piece of metal and she reached forward, her thin fingers running over its surface. This was amazing. She closed her eyes, a sharp pain in her chest engulfed her and she released her hand off of the pendant. 
Jeonghan noticed her change in expression and he placed a hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?" 
She shook her head slowly, hot tears stinging that back of her eyes. Someone like Cindy didn't deserve him. Someone that could easily throw him away wasn't worth any of his time. Jealousy was beyond the picture, this was a bigger issue. Jeonghan had fallen for someone who didn't care about him and it wasn't fair for him to continue bending his back for someone like her. 
"You can't give this to her..." Aera spoke slowly, her eyes not daring to look at him. 
"Why not?" His voice was loud in her ears and for a moment she didn't want to tell him. Anything was easier than this. 
"Because she doesn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve you," Each word was slow and controlled, her voice low enough for only Jeonghan to hear. Even looking at the ground, she knew his expression was one of shock and uncertainty. She knew his eyes were on her and they were gleaming with unanswered questions. 
"What are you talking about? Did something happen?" 
She bit her lip so hard she swore blood might have trickled. Her eyes matched his and she looked in them for a second, basking this last look before he fell into pain. This had to be done, he couldn't give this to her because she wasn't right for him, she wasn't right to him. 
"She cheated on you Jeonghan. When I was walking over here, she was kissing another man." She struggled to say and she watched him. Watched his expression turn from confusion to annoyance. 
"I'm sorry, this wasn't how I wanted to tell-" She was cut off by a scoff. A strong scoff from Jeonghan and when she looked at him, she saw the crease in his forehead and anger in his eyes. 
"Seriously? You would really stoop this low and lie to me about my own girlfriend?" He said. 
Aera's eyes widened and she looked at him, surprised by his response. 
"What? I'm not lying, I saw her in the alley kissing another guy!" Her voice rose with anger. 
She couldn't believe her ears. After working up the courage to finally tell him the truth this was how he was shutting her down. 
"You think I'm going to believe you? We've been dating for three years and cheating on me is the best excuse you could come up with?" He laughed sarcastically, shoving the pendant back in his pocket. 
Aera looked at him in disgust, how could her best friend not believe her?
"Jeonghan why would I lie about something like that? I'm telling you what I saw, I'm trying to help you!" She spat, confused as to why she was yelling. 
It was only evident that a small crowd of passerby's began to gather around them, as if they were putting on a show. Oh how in this moment Aera wished it was all a show. 
"Help me or help yourself?" His voice lowered and the soft angelic boy she used to love was not there anymore. She was looking into the eyes of a monster. 
"What is that supposed to mean?" She threw her hands in the air. 
This was not how she planned this conversation and she was loosing herself every second that passed. 
"You're jealous of Cindy! You want to be her and you never will be! So stop trying to pin this on her okay? I love her and if you can't handle that then take a break from this friendship!" He spoke loudly, his eyes raging with fire and chest falling up and down. 
Aera felt hot tears sting in the back of her eyes and her vision began to blur. She was done, not only had he questioned her loyalty but he had pulled a low blow and hurt her where he knew it would hurt the most. 
"I was just...trying to protect you," Was the last thing she said before wiping the tear that had just fallen and walking past him. 
She didn't turn back and only looked forward, her heart heavy and eyes continuing to water. This isn't the time she told herself and promised to save her tears for her bed, in the dark, under the covers. 
Her and Jeonghan hadn't spoken in days and Aera was fine keeping it like that. She had no interest in engaging in any type of conversation with him as he had blatantly embarrassed her in the middle of the street. After trying to explain what had really happened, she was bashed for it and in all honesty she had no problem telling him anything ever again. It was sadly ironic that the person she called her best friend didn't even believe her. That was the least he could do. 
Her thoughts were interrupted as a knock came on the door and she got up, pulling down her bright tee shirt in the process. Looking in the peep hole, she gulped. 
Jeonghan was there, in the flesh, standing at her door. Frankly she wouldn't have opened it. But seeing his sulked silhouette in the glass made her fingers unlock the latch and pull the door open. 
"Looking for someone?" She spoke, her eyes giving him a quick one-over. 
He was in a pair of sweatpants and an over sized hoodie. This time his hair wasn't tied back, it fell precisely over his chiselled face, his cheeks pink with cold. 
"Can I  come in?" He asked, his voice sweet and smooth. 
She did miss him, and it was that feeling of emptiness that allowed her to accept his request and she opened the door a crack more, giving him just enough space to walk through. 
He already knew his way around as he had been at her house thousands of times. Walking to the living room with Aera behind him, he placed himself on the couch and folded his hands together. Aera followed, but decided to stay standing in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Listen, before you say anything I just want to let you know I broke up with Cindy," Jeonghan started, his gaze on the floor. 
She furrowed her brow. Didn't he not believe her? 
"Why? I thought she was the love of your life?" Aera responded in sarcasm, a part of her regretting being so mean. 
He shurgged, " were right." 
Her shoulders fell. He looked so sad and defeated, as if all of his time had been wasted and she felt guilty on the inside. She had dreaded him for weeks and been so mean to him but all this time he was hurting. 
"I'm sorry," She spoke under her breath, her empathy getting the best of her and she sat beside him on the couch. 
He looked over at her, his eyes pained.
"I didn't mean for you to find out that way. I really didn't intend to hurt you," Aera breathed, just looking at him made her feel worthless. 
"It's okay. She told me the day after you left that she was in love with someone else and that's when I knew you were telling the truth." He said. 
Aera nodded, not knowing how to respond. The usual, 'I told you so' was never their style. 
"Thats not why I'm here," He continued, now looking at her. 
She allowed him to continue. 
"I'm here to say sorry for everything I put you through-" 
"Jeonghan, it's okay," She interrupted him. She didn't think he deserved to explain anything. At least not now. 
"No, I treated you without respect, embarrassed you in the middle of the street, accused you of things that weren't true and most importantly I didn't believe my best friend." 
She cursed her lips, her feeling towards him were true. 
"I know I shouldn't be asking you to forgive me but when you told me she was cheating on me, I forced myself not to believe you. I told myself you were lying so I didn't have to get hurt," He explained and Aera nodded. 
"You don't have to explain anything to me, really. I forgive you and I have been forgiving you since the moment I left on the street that day." Aera smiled, and her arms moved against their own will to wrap around his body. 
He matched her movements and she rested her head on his shoulder, a feeling of happiness yet suffering amongst her.
"You are seriously the best. And I was wondering, if you aren't busy, if I could take you out for lunch?" He rubbed his hand at the back of his neck sheepishly and Aera blushed, her cheeks tinting pink, "I'm looking for a fresh start with fresh faces." 
"Most certainly," She laughed, her stomach flipping in the process. 
This wasn't love, but it was a start. She could help him heal and he could realize that there were people that loved him right under his nose. And for Jeonghan, he was willing to look.
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hyesong #1
i] Mingyu
ii] when you're so pissed because mingyu and his friends always bullies you
iii] Kang Jein
iv] angst and fluff
hyesong #2
Chapter 9: Omfg
I luv u so much
(one of the better ones I must say ;;;;)
Thank you and I loved how Woozi was 'selfish' OMG this is the Woozi I love rofl it's cute ttm and I would totally read again and again thank you <3
annisananto #4
Chapter 7: OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE IT~~
Chapter 6: Thank you! It was worth the wait! :D
DeerLuhan2233 #6
Chapter 5: i) Joshua
ii) they meet at a big fancy party where their parents had wanted them to meet so they could get married but both of them don't know about the plan, she's a quiet person and Joshua's a bit shy. And he talks to her in English, thinking she doesn't know how to talk and when she does, he's impressed. The rest is up to you.
iii) Lee Soomin (OC)
iv) rom com
I hope you could do this for me!!
MinjiJu #8
Chapter 3: Aww!!! Omg that was so cute T.T <33333 i am about to collapse from his cuteness sjkdpwjdjkajd i cant thank you enough <3 this was really good <'3333 thank you thank youuuu i love love love this!!!
yangyoungjaee #9
i) Wonwoo
ii) their mothers are bestfriends and both of them desperately want wonwoo and joohyun to date. but joohyun had a crush on wonwoo's bestfriend mingyu. wonwoo didnt like joohyun at first but he began to fall for her slowly.
iii) 배주현 (bae joo hyun)
iv) fluff, slight-angst (like ww likes joohyun but she likes his bff and he goes like ?????????? )

thanks before!♥
something that can catch my heart..(and kiss scene)
Kim Minjung