
Seventeen Imagines! - Requests Closed

"Yah, you're not going to cry are you?" Mingyu laughed, his arm slung around her shoulder in amusement. 

"Shut up already," She chuckled, the slight red already growing in her cheeks. 
They were in the school cafeteria like they always were, enjoying their lunch. Mingyu had begun his daily taunting and started poking at Kyungmi's small flaws and insecurities. 
She had always known Mingyu was harnessing feelings for her so from time to time she would shrug off his comments and his remarks. But eventually he would turn them into some kind of ritual and the jokes kept coming at her like blows. 
"Seriously," He laughed, "Does it not offend you when people call you small? I mean you're tiny!" 
She smiled softly, her eyes thinning at him in the process. Her usual reaction was to simply slap his shoulder or roll her eyes at his remark but this time she was quickly getting upset, her cheeks burning and the back of her eyes as well. 
She loved Mingyu, he was like a brother to her but sometimes he crossed the line out of pure innocence. Although it was never really his fault, there were some things he should have learned not to say. 
"Okay honestly, let's just eat and get out of here," She tried to stifle a laugh but it came out pushed and somewhat rushed. 
Mingyu leaned forward, his mouth almost touching her ear. Kyungmi held back a small shiver that crept down her spine. 
"Why stop when I can watch you whimper in defeat?" And with that he burst out laughing, his hot breath still apparent on her skin. 
She groaned, shoving him away with her palm and sulked in her spot. With a glance at the clock, she sighed. There was still half an hour left of torture she had to forego until this nightmare ended.
"So are you still coming over today?" He asked, poking at her side. 
She tossed a lock of her hair behind her shoulder, leaning her elbows on the table, "Nope, I have homework." 
His jaw went slack, "You promised."
She shrugged, there were just some things she would rather do and being stuck in a house with Mingyu where he could endlessly taunt her was not one of them. 
"Sorry not tonight," She wanted to keep the conversation short and sweet. Maybe they could finally switch over the topic. "So are you done Ms. Choi's project?" 
Mingyu stuck a finger in his now cold burger, a small pout forming over his lips. 
"Not even close, maybe you could help me?" He smiled, eyes still glued to the piece of meat squished between the bread. 
Kyungmi's face lightened up and she nodded quickly, her mood going from sour to somewhat amused. Helping people was one of her favourite things to do, especially if it involved math. 
It was something about the confusion and loss of numbers that left her perplexed and wanting more. She loved tricks and challenges, they were always pushing her to do more and motivate herself. If anyone was willing to get help with that, she was one hundred percent down with it. 
"Of course!" She exclaimed, "You know I'd always help you!" She caught the small blush in his cheeks before he straightened his shoulders, his chin held a little higher than moments before. 
"Wait, I forgot you failed your last evaluation with Ms. Kwon," He let out a sarcastic smirk and then a dramatic frown, "...I can always ask Min." 
Kyungmi felt her stomach turn and she gave him a small glare. Failing that class was something she told Mingyu in secrecy. She had cried to him in the basement of the school and expressed her hurt towards the grade. He knew it wasn't a joke. 
"That was unnecessary," She mumbled, twirling her thumb. 
She never knew what was coming with this boy. Sometimes she admired his cheeky puppy eyes when she walked past him in the halls and others, she was wishing she never knew him. She didn't want to spark any more surprises with him and was seconds from getting up. The only thing that was holding her back was the fear of him making fun of the way she walked or how sensitive she was. 
"No, it was necessary all right! To think that I was this close to having you as my tutor," He chuckled, this time taking a bite into the burger. 
Kyungmi glanced at the time again, only fifteen minutes to go and her heart was racing madly. She just couldn't keep up. 
"So should we skip next period? Joshua has some songs he wants to show me in the music room," He kept speaking as if nothing had happened, munching on his burger as if it was the most casual conversation in the world. 
"I'm not in the mood," She muttered, hot tears tickling her eyes. She looked away, any signs of pain would only trigger more hurt. 
Mingyu gave her a look, his eyes squinting so hard they were nearly closed, "What was that?"
She let out a breath, "I'm not in the mood." Her voice coming out much more weak than she had expected. 
"The mood? What ruined your mood? Gosh Kyungmi you're such a party-" He was cut off by the sound of a chair being dragged against the floor and he looked up to meet the eyes of a conflicted Kyungmi. 
"You ruined my mood Mingyu! You did!" She spoke, her chest heaving and eyes growing watery. 
There was only so much she could take and she reached her limit. He was not only attacking her personal problems but insecurities that she had taken years to overcome. 
"Woah..." He blinked suddenly, never seeing his friend like this. 
She looked down, packing her bags and collecting the wrappers of food on the table. Enough was enough and the amount of love she had for Mingyu was no where near the irritation she felt towards him. 
"Kyungmi just chill," He was stuttering, standing up after her. She noticed his cheeks were pink and he seemed embarrassed and shocked. 
She shook away his hand, her lower lip shaking just enough for him to notice. 
"Oh my god, I didn't mean anything," He exclaimed, there was fear racing in his eyes as if he had broken one of his mothers fine china pieces. 
Kyungmi stepped away, her feet carrying her to the nearest door with no care in the world for anything or anyone behind her. 
"I know you're in here," She heard the same voice thousands of times and she rolled her eyes, grabbing another wad of tissue and dabbing her face. 
She was locked in the girls bathroom on the third floor. Mingyu had followed her, each step with a side of apologies and compromises. Of course she ignored him, slamming the bathroom door behind her and crossing her legs near the furthest sink facing the hinges of the barrier.
He had been knocking for several minutes, his voice growing more desperate with each plead. She sniffled, her head paining and she felt dizzy from her train of thought. Maybe it was best to tell Mingyu she didn't want to be friends with him anymore more. It would save her the pain. But still, the same images of him blushing when she grabbed his hand and stuttering when she complimented him left her confused. She was attracted to the idea of someone liking her and it being Mingyu only made things better. He was handsome, tall, and openly loved in the school. Girls wanted to be with him, guys wanted to be him and he just wanted her. Were his feelings really worth throwing away? 
"I'm coming in," She heard him speak. It sounded more like he was convincing himself. 
She bit her lip, eyeing the lock on the door. He wouldn't really come in the girls bathroom would he-
Her thoughts were interrupted by the slow sound and sight of the door opening just a crack. Please God let it be a girl she silently prayed. It seemed as no one was on her side when she saw perfectly combed locks of brown hair peep inside quietly before Mingyu fully stepped in the room. 
She gasped, her eyes bugging wide. 
"What the hell?" She spoke in a hushed whisper. 
The bathroom was empty but still, if someone walked in they would get the wrong idea. 
Mingyu took only two strides and he was standing above her. To her surprise, he knelt down and by now they were sitting side by side, shoulder by shoulder in the tight space. 
"You shouldn't be in here," She spat, not looking at him. For some reason the warmth of his shoulder against hers left her at a small loss of words.
"I don't care," He said quietly, his head down and kneed propped up. 
She glanced at him, his tall figure fit smugly against hers. 
"Kyungmi, I am so sorry for everything I put you through this year," He began, shaking his head like he was disappointed in his actions, "I really don't know what got into me." 
She scoffed, "You don't know what got into you?" 
Mingyu looked at her, shocked. Their faces were so close he could feel her rate of breathing against his lips. 
She turned her body fully, her eyes starting to water as she spoke, "I gave you so many chances and you chose to mercilessly taunt me and beat me down for what?" 
She tore off another piece of tissue and looked up, trying to stop the water works, "To see me hurt? To see me like this? Does this amuse you Mingyu? Do you like seeing me cry and twist and turn under your control?"
She couldn't stop herself, she was furious. The pain inside of her was eating her alive and if today wasn't the day to let it go, she would explode. 
Mingyu pressed his hands together so tightly they were turning red. His knuckles were a light shade of purple from all the knocking he had done. Still he looked into her eyes, her pain, and let her finish. 
"When I first became friends with you I really thought we would be unstoppable," She let her tears run by simply remembering when they first met, "I thought we would be that pair that everyone in the school wanted to befriend!" 
It was true. After taking him in, the two became closer than she had ever imagined. She had high hopes too; she was funny and he was loud so he could project that humour. They seemed to be perfect for one another and Kyungmi slept every night in anticipation for their next meet up at school. But now she was afraid to see him and she prayed the clock would stretch so time would go by slower and the next day wouldn't come as fast. 
"You do this all the time Mingyu," Her voice cracked slightly, "Every time we say our goodbyes I go to the bathroom and cry because you say things that aren't right and every time I forgive you because...because I'm an idiot!" 
This time she was facing him, the taste of salt was heavy in . Mingyu bit his lip, she could see his forehead was crunched and he nodded slowly, a way of telling her to keep going. She  her lips, dry and breathing substantial and rapid. 
"I don't know why I keep letting you do this to me! My mind keeps telling me to let you go and help myself but every time I look at you something inside me switches and I can't tell you to go away. I want you to be beside me all the time and if you're not I feel empty and like I'm worth nothing. I don't know why I feel this way but I do and I can't help it so I keep giving you chances and..." Kyungmi couldn't breathe. A wave of confusion fell over her and she gasped for air. 
Years and years worth of emotion were poured out and she couldn't filter what she was and wasn't saying. In this moment, the only thing that mattered was the sensation she felt when he looked into her eyes. It was so strong and all she could do was continue to cry. 
"And what?" Mingyu spoke for the first time, his voice hoarse and he blinked at her, eager for her finish. 
"And...and," She didn't know what she was saying but it felt right, "And I don't want to be afraid of you!" She broke, collapsing into his side and closing her eyes for a moment, letting everything sink in. 
After all that, she had provided him with both a confession and an explanation of her feelings. Love and pain and suffering all for someone she had finally come to realize she adored. She wanted his presence, his constant taunts, his smile, his geeky laugh, his expressions and reactions. She lived for them and she couldn't just let that go. She herself now understood why she hung onto Mingyu. Because she wanted him to never leave her no matter how much pain he put her through. 
"Please," Mingyu held her shoulders, bringing her up to her previous position, "Please don't be afraid of me Kyungmi." 
She sighed, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. 
"The only reason I'm such a jerk is because I don't know what else to be. I tried the nice guy thing and you only saw me as a friend so I tried the mean guy thing. I guess I thought you would like me more if I wasn't a softie," He admitted, his gaze intensifying with every word. 
"It hurts me so much to see you flinch when I say something but I don't know how else to get to you. Your heart was hardened Kyungmi and you didn't like me so I thought I would try something new. It was stupid I know but please, don't be afraid of me." 
She tightened her lips, "I don't know what to say anymore."
It was true, although he was being brutally truthful, she was immune to this and her automatic response every time was no response. 
"Please, I'm still the same Mingyu. The same geeky guy you met last year. And I promise to show you that!" He had one hand over hers by now. 
She looked down at his bruised fingers. He was the same Mingyu that liked her enough to knock on a door until his fingers were numb. He was the same Mingyu that would protect her, even from himself, at times where she felt uncomfortable or scared. He was the same Mingyu that laughed when she dropped her belongings or tripped over a curb. He was the same Mingyu, and no identity crisis would change what was in his heart. 
"We should start again and just rewind," Kyungmi suggested, a small smile forming over her lips. 
People will do anything for the ones they love.
"A start would be getting out of this bathroom," Mingyu laughed. And it was the first real, genuine laugh she had heard in a while. 
They got up, dusting off their clothing and wiping off their tears and emotions. This would be the new beginning, or an old start. A rewind in the direction they had once come from and Kyungmi was ready for that. She was ready to open up and really see Mingyu for Mingyu. Maybe she would see him as more than that if she tried. 
"What was that about you never wanting me to leave you though?" He mumbled, his cheeks pink and eyes on his thumbs. 
She laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. This was the same old, geeky Mingyu.
[A/N] This was long awaited. As you may have read my computer wouldn't let me upload your chapter so I ended up writing it again. Enjoy, and thanks again for your patience <3. 
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hyesong #1
i] Mingyu
ii] when you're so pissed because mingyu and his friends always bullies you
iii] Kang Jein
iv] angst and fluff
hyesong #2
Chapter 9: Omfg
I luv u so much
(one of the better ones I must say ;;;;)
Thank you and I loved how Woozi was 'selfish' OMG this is the Woozi I love rofl it's cute ttm and I would totally read again and again thank you <3
annisananto #4
Chapter 7: OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE IT~~
Chapter 6: Thank you! It was worth the wait! :D
DeerLuhan2233 #6
Chapter 5: i) Joshua
ii) they meet at a big fancy party where their parents had wanted them to meet so they could get married but both of them don't know about the plan, she's a quiet person and Joshua's a bit shy. And he talks to her in English, thinking she doesn't know how to talk and when she does, he's impressed. The rest is up to you.
iii) Lee Soomin (OC)
iv) rom com
I hope you could do this for me!!
MinjiJu #8
Chapter 3: Aww!!! Omg that was so cute T.T <33333 i am about to collapse from his cuteness sjkdpwjdjkajd i cant thank you enough <3 this was really good <'3333 thank you thank youuuu i love love love this!!!
yangyoungjaee #9
i) Wonwoo
ii) their mothers are bestfriends and both of them desperately want wonwoo and joohyun to date. but joohyun had a crush on wonwoo's bestfriend mingyu. wonwoo didnt like joohyun at first but he began to fall for her slowly.
iii) 배주현 (bae joo hyun)
iv) fluff, slight-angst (like ww likes joohyun but she likes his bff and he goes like ?????????? )

thanks before!♥
something that can catch my heart..(and kiss scene)
Kim Minjung