
Seventeen Imagines! - Requests Closed
Mingyu held up the paper, his tongue sticking out in thought. With one last satisfactory nod, he turned to the girl beside him and gestured for her opinion. 
Immediately, Aeron shook her head, her short black hair swooshing from either side of her face, "That's too dark." 
Mingyu muttered under his breath, shaking his head in defeat for the thousandth time that evening. It was nearly dinner and the two had been bickering all day on a design for their master bedroom. After drawing almost a million sketches, Aeron had disagreed with every single one of his ideas and he was growing irritated. 
"There's only so much I can do, the designer is coming in tomorrow and we have to decide," He spoke strictly, shaking his head. 
Aeron shrugged, placing herself on the king sized bed in the middle of the room. It was completely empty. It made sense due to the fact that they had just moved in a week ago but at this rate, nothing was going to get done. Arguments were only the beginning of their problems. They could never look one another in the eye without glaring. They just weren't compatible. And that was what Mingyu tried telling his father when he proposed the idea of the two being wed. It didn't make sense to either of them as they were literally complete opposites. Mingyu was hot and Aeron was cold. Everything was a debate between the two and the constant bickering never seemed to end. After the wedding, they were forced to stay together immediately and learn to bond. With the way things seemed with them only into their first week as a couple, neither of them had hope. 
"It's not my fault you have terrible taste. This is a bedroom not a dungeon!" She countered, glaring at the latter who was leaning against the door frame. 
A cold breeze flew in from the window and Aeron shivered, her flimsy tee barely enough to keep her warm. The seasons were changing fast and winter was quickly approaching. The house couldn't be in this condition by then and she was beginning to grow scared. 
"Well how about you stop being lazy and pitch in then? Throw in some ideas, pick some furniture!" He responded, arms folded across his chest. 
She hadn't known Mingyu long but she knew he was upset by his suggestive tone and concerned expression. 
"Pitch in? I'm the one who's paying the rent for this damn place and working my a-- off to make sure you have enough to eat," She titled her head, "All you have to do is pick some colours and you can barely manage to do that." 
Mingyu scoffed, "Colours? You left me with the job of interior design and in case you haven't noticed it isn't easy when you have complaints being thrown at you at every angle!" 
"Then why did you ask for my opinion in the first place?" She shot back, her blood boiling under her skin. 
"Because you're my wife." He finally broke, his eyes digging lasers into hers. 
Wife. How could a life like this be meant for two people who couldn't stand one another? It was weird, in fact unfamiliar to her. When she was younger all she wanted to do was marry the man of her dreams and live a life where smiles were their only channel of communication. But now, life showed her that things didn't work in accordance to dreams. She was married to this man, to Mingyu and as much as she disliked it she had to learn to live with it. Because now she was his wife. 
"You have terrible taste and you can barely win an argument," Aeron shook her head in disbelief, frowning up at the boy. 
She watched in amusement as Mingyu sputtered, his hands flailing at his sides and his cheeks burning in anger, "What? I won this argument!" 
She laughed, wiggling a finger at him, "You are a sore loser." 
Mingyu stuck his tongue out playfully, "And you're a terrible partner." 
Aeron gasped in shock, open dramatically, "Oh my, I can't believe Mingyu of all people said I was a terrible wife. Oh how offended and hurt I am by that comment!" 
"You at acting too," He pointed out, letting a dry laugh emit from his throat. 
"At least I can cook," She countered quickly, making sure he didn't win this round. 
Her and Mingyu were always going back and forth until one or the other gave up or said something extremely offensive. The fights would end up either in tears or more fights which were then resolved by a shy apology and quick hug before they started the same thing again the next day. It was their tradition. 
"I can cook, weren't you the one whining about how amazing it was on the phone the other night?" He smirked, running a hand through his delicate hair. 
Aeron shot up, her cheeks pink and the hairs at the ends of her neck standing up, "You were listening?" 
Mingyu laughed, "I can always make another meal for you dear." 
She let out an audible groan and threw her head back in exasperation. He always knew the right amount of wit to use to triumph over her. It was completely unfair.
 She got up, throwing one his sweaters over her petite torso and walked towards him slowly. She watched his expression change from one of victory to confusion and ultimately he became flustered. Once she was close enough for him to become vulnerable, she reached up and pinched his lips together so tightly she could hear him cursing at her through clenched teeth. 
"Stop talking and paint my room," Was the last thing she said before releasing her grip. 
Mingyu rubbed his mouth in pain, a small pout forming over his lips. 
"I hate you," He grumbled, biting his lower lip in anguish. 
She closed her eyes, her lips extended towards him and she made small kiss noises at the latter, 
"I hate you too husband." 
Movie night. One of the only things they had finally agreed on the night of their solemn marriage. 
They promised they would dedicate one night in the week just for movies. They would watch two, one that the wife wanted and one that he wanted. It was simple and bound to be followed. 
They weren't problematic in terms of choosing movies. Aeron's choice was swift and she picked out the first thing that came to mind. The Night of A Thousand Stars. A classic romance that mixed with fantasy and a tad bit of horror all to come together and make the perfect film. She was excited, it was a hyped display and she couldn't wait to watch it. Although her dream scene was her enjoying it with her girlfriends, engaging in fits of squeals and screams, she would take the chance even with Mingyu. Besides, she could always focus on the television screen and not him. 
Mingyu's choice was much different. His movie was called The Mastermind and slipped into the action and adventure genre. His pick took a while though as he explained his choices were too vague to choose from. With some scolding and arguing, he was able to pick out something randomly and he seemed satisfied. As long as he was happy, Aeron didn't mind. She just didn't want him complaining all night about how it was her fault that his choice was terrible. 
"I'm so excited!" Aeron smiled, gripping onto the couch cushion tightly. 
They were seated close to each other on the same couch, Mingyu leaning back with one arm over the top of the couch and Aeron crossing her legs. It was a comfortable yet agreeable position for the both of them. 
"I hope this movie doesn't as much as you do," Mingyu spoke, reaching over to throw a popcorn piece in his mouth. 
She glared at him, throwing a playful punch in his direction. 
By the time the screen illuminated with artistic sound and spacey scenery, Aeron squealed in delight, her arms clasped together in joy. The lights in the room were already dimmed and she leaned forward, her attention directed at the screen. 
She watched as the female lead emerged, her soft hair blowing against the wind and that was when the male actor stood in the scene. His handsome features and glowing skin taking over the movie. Aeron let out a small "Oh" and she swore hearts were falling from her eyes because he was beautiful
"That's Jaewon, he was casted in this movie in a matter of days, isn't he lovely?" She spoke to no one in particular. She wasn't expecting a response from Mingyu nonetheless did she care. This was her night and she was going to enjoy it. 
She felt the space beside her close and then Mingyu's thigh was touching her crossed knee. She furrowed her brow, swallowing the nervous lump that had grown in . Why did he move closer? Was the the only question that kept ringing in her mind. Still, she shook away the thoughts, trying to pay attention to the scene in front of her. 
Mingyu was silent for the rest of the movie other than the occasional cough or him getting up to refill his cup of water. Each time he returned, his position beside her changed and eventually there was little to no space between them on the couch and Mingyu seemed to be indifferent to all of this. Aeron was squirming inside, her mind awake and processing his every move. She had never felt an attraction this strong towards him. Of course she thought he was good looking and even through all of their bickering she knew there was a space for him in her heart but this was coming down on her quicker than she had predicted. Only their skin coming in contact made her tense up and a light feeling began to take over her insides. 
"That wasn't so bad right?," She managed to speak when the movie ended, sitting back against the chair and looking over at him. 
He wasn't speaking, his eyes simply watching her as if he were half asleep. He looked gone almost and Aeron felt a shiver run through her body. His gaze was intense, it was that look just before someone confessed to liking you or confessed to finding a dead body. Aeron didn't know which one he was directing towards her. A part of her wished it was the dead body. 
"Are you alive?" She muttered, her speech slowing in panic. 
His sudden quietness made her grow agitated and a little conflicted. She mustered up the courage to poke his cheek a few times before shaking his shoulders. His expression stayed dry and distant for a while. That was until he his lips, turning to face her. He looked as though his next move would be one he was going to regret. 
She considered calling the police. And that was her next intentional move but it was stopped when his lips parted and he tilted his head. She leaned away from him, her heart beat so fast she was sure he could hear it. She didn't know if it was minutes or hours that passed but her decision to stand was cut of by his next unexpected move. 
His hands were now on her cheeks, holding them as though they would disappear in a second. In terror, Aeron gripped his wrists, her eyebrows furrowed and lips tightened. Whatever he was trying to pull was obviously a prank. She felt her heart tug at their sudden contact but immediately she blinked away her intuition. 
"That isn't funny-" Was all she could make out before his body leaned forward and his lips caught hers. 
It was a mess. He was nervous, she was surprised and they were both caught off guard. She felt his head tilt slightly before deepening the kiss, his lips savouring hers in every way possible. Aeron only managed to flutter her eyes closed for a moment before he pulled away. 
The kiss lasted barely a minute but he was seemingly out of breath and red in the face. She fixed her eyes on his lips, her uncertainty and doubt getting the best of her. Even with the cluster of suspicion in her gut, she felt her core screaming inside her chest. She had never imagined their first kiss as a couple to be now. Yes, from time to time she imagined how it would play out but that was in the unseeable future. That was so far down their timeline Aeron doubted they would still be together. But this was something else. A small shift in his cocky, unmannerly attitude and Aeron wasn't sure if she was awake or simply sleeping. 
"What was that for?" She tried to keep her cool but her body was in sheer desire of being near him again, being connected with him again. 
He crinkled his eyebrows, his eyes still watching her but the look of loss and detachment was now gone. 
"Because you're my wife.
She cursed her lips, her stomach curling with pleasure. Now it sounded real. Now it sounded attainable and she loved the way he said it so effortlessly. She loved imagining these moments happening again. Maybe this was a turn in their relationship, a turn where they both realized it was either they grew up or grew apart.
"And because you're just now realizing you're madly in love with me," She added playfully, the shade of colour still present in her cheeks. 
He laughed softly, a sound she had never heard before. It was smooth and rich like it came from a good place and she smiled automatically. 
"That too," He stood up and began fixing the television for their next movie. 
Aeron watched his back as he worked quickly and quietly on the job in front of him. It was a comfortable silence that was soothing and somehow meant to be. Like this moment. This moment where a wife was looking at her husband in pure awe and astonishment. 
These moments were meant to be.
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hyesong #1
i] Mingyu
ii] when you're so pissed because mingyu and his friends always bullies you
iii] Kang Jein
iv] angst and fluff
hyesong #2
Chapter 9: Omfg
I luv u so much
(one of the better ones I must say ;;;;)
Thank you and I loved how Woozi was 'selfish' OMG this is the Woozi I love rofl it's cute ttm and I would totally read again and again thank you <3
annisananto #4
Chapter 7: OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE IT~~
Chapter 6: Thank you! It was worth the wait! :D
DeerLuhan2233 #6
Chapter 5: i) Joshua
ii) they meet at a big fancy party where their parents had wanted them to meet so they could get married but both of them don't know about the plan, she's a quiet person and Joshua's a bit shy. And he talks to her in English, thinking she doesn't know how to talk and when she does, he's impressed. The rest is up to you.
iii) Lee Soomin (OC)
iv) rom com
I hope you could do this for me!!
MinjiJu #8
Chapter 3: Aww!!! Omg that was so cute T.T <33333 i am about to collapse from his cuteness sjkdpwjdjkajd i cant thank you enough <3 this was really good <'3333 thank you thank youuuu i love love love this!!!
yangyoungjaee #9
i) Wonwoo
ii) their mothers are bestfriends and both of them desperately want wonwoo and joohyun to date. but joohyun had a crush on wonwoo's bestfriend mingyu. wonwoo didnt like joohyun at first but he began to fall for her slowly.
iii) 배주현 (bae joo hyun)
iv) fluff, slight-angst (like ww likes joohyun but she likes his bff and he goes like ?????????? )

thanks before!♥
something that can catch my heart..(and kiss scene)
Kim Minjung