
Seventeen Imagines! - Requests Closed
"Keep practicing kids, you're almost there!" Mingyu spoke loudly, clapping his hands in the middle of the studio. 
It was gleamed with sweat and perseverance. There were two groups in the studio and were instructed to stay there until midnight. Seventeen; Pledis's diamond boy group that skilled in vocals, rap, and performance. Mint; Pledis's eye catching girl group made up of dancers and mainly vocals. They were the only two rookie groups that had debuted in the same year from the same company. Being so, the members of both teams were extremely close and had grown custom to a sort of sibling bond. Other than the occasional flirting and sensual jokes, they seemed to get along much better than other groups that debuted that year under the same company. With thirteen members, seventeen was able to create a scene and there was never a dull moment in their meet ups. Mint having only four, they were used to the constant surrounding of males and seemed uncomfortable without it! It was something they had grown up with and worked with for half of their lives. 
"This special stage isn't going to prepare itself!" Bi An spoke, the leader of Mint. She was a fairly tall, pure faced idol who was in charge of instructing the girls vocally and charismatically. 
"Hey, I'm giving the instructions," Mingyu laughed, pointing a stubborn finger at her from across the room. 
She laughed silently, only to wipe a bead of sweat from her forehead and continue to dance to the loud music coming from the speakers. 
The annual MAMA awards were near and a special fan recommendation had been implemented in to their usual schedules. They wanted to see interaction and so that was what Pledis promised. Seventeen and Mint were to collaborate on a vocal, dance and rap multiunit to create the biggest, baddest performance out there. After all, it was their first time working together outside of the studio. 
"Bi An, come here for a second!" Joshua called her over, the music now seemed to fade from her mind and her attention went to the boy in a millisecond. 
She knew when Joshua wanted something, he was serious. He didn't play around with his orders or questions as much as his other members did. She held a sort of respect for him in the sense that he was the guardian of the group. When things were getting too goofy the fans would look to Joshua and he would be silently shaking his head in amusement. He was the balance. 
"What's up?" She spoke, her words heavy and water bottle in her pale hand. 
She was by his side, one hand on her hip and smiling brightly at the boy. Even if she was on the verge of pain, she couldn't resist smiling when she spoke to him. It was contagious. 
"Jihoon said he wants to make some changes in the lyrics of one of our songs. I just wanted to run it by you," He smiled. 
Bi An frowned, she glanced at the lyric paper in the boys hand and read over the few lines. It seemed as though the final changes were already printed and she looked for the parts she had composed. They were completely gone. She felt her heart drop and she looked up at Joshua frantically. 
"How could he do that?" She mumbled, her heart clenched and fingers curled. 
Without waiting for Joshua to say anything, she scanned the room quickly and noticed Jihoon wasn't there. Immediately she knew he was in the music studio upstairs. 
The lyrics of the song were composed by her and Jihoon equally and it took her weeks to gather her lines. They were heartfelt, truths and experiences all mixed together to form the perfect story. For Joshua to tell her Jihoon made little changes was an understatement. He totally and completely erased her part. So much for co-writing.
 She was determined to find him and make sure to put him in his place. She had never expected him to be this selfish. In fact even with his self composed songs, he didn't like getting all the credit and would shy away from the compliments. This was a change. She was going to confront him about it and she promised she wouldn't be nice.
"You sleazy, deceiving, lying, backstabbing, conniving, sick excuse of an artist-" 
"Woah," Jihoon mutterred, turning his attention away form the computer to face a fuming Bi An who just entered. 
Her brown hair was flying in front of her nostrils, blowing away after she fused angrily. Her fists were balled and she was standing at the door frame of the studio. It was dark and only the blinking lights of the computer screens lightened up the aura. Jihoon was seated in one of the desk chairs, one leg crossed over the other and a comfortable sweater over his petite torso. He wore a black hat over his blonde hair which seemed messy but just done enough. 
She glared at him angrily, "How the hell did you do it huh?" 
He blinked softly, his long eyelashes batting prettily in innocence, "Do what?" 
He had a pen in his mouth and his nails looked bit. Still he looked effortlessly dashing when he was hard at work, she couldn't deny that. In fact she couldn't deny that a part of her had harnessed feelings for Jihoon. When she first met him, they became close because of their similar age but it became much more than that over the years. The members had teased them of liking each other but Jihoon would always shrug it off so essentially, she would too. Something about his hard working demeanour and playful presence made her yearn for his company and she always found herself by his side. Everyone in the company knew they were extremely close. It was something even them two accepted but her feelings for him were always locked behind closed doors and she was willing to keep it that way.
Liking him or not, he still managed to disrespect her hard work and toss her lyrics in the trash which frustrated her even more. She liked him for goodness sake but even this didn't make him detestable. Somewhere in the bottom of her heart she believed he had a reason for all of this. Or maybe that was what she wanted to believe and Jihoon wasn't the boy she once knew at all. 
"You took out all the lyrics I worked on and now the song we made is technically yours!" She spat, walking over so she was standing near an empty chair beside him. 
A part of her wished he would offer the seat. 
"Technically," He smiled, nodding at her accusation as if he was accepting it. 
She was growing more and more heated by the second, almost feeling the anger growing inside of her. She had to hold down her fingers before the wrong one popped up and she didn't want that. Incertitude and rage fell over her at once and she didn't know if she wanted to scream because of his disrespect or cry because of his inconsideration. 
"You took out everything I poured my heart into and just dumped it in the trash like you don't care about it!" She added, her chest rising and falling in frustration. 
Jihoon pouted his lips softly, but still managed a nod, "Exactly."
She thinned her eyes. Partly because she wanted him to feel her wrath and partly because she didn't want to cry. This was not the Jihoon she had fell for at all. This was a cold hearted Jihoon who didn't care for anyone but himself and she was now noticing it. 
But then he started to laugh, a small laugh that made her ears prick and her eyes go back to normal. She raised a brow, looking at him as though he was the most confused person on Earth. And then his laugh grew and now he was slapping the table and throwing himself on the chair in amusement. 
"What's your issue?" She sniffled, holding back a chuckle. 
No one could deny Jihoon's laughing was the most adorable yet dorky thing ever. He would throw himself around and cringe in entertainment. It was addicting to watch to say the least and most of the time people were laughing at his reaction rather than the joke. 
"Sit down," He managed to cough, tapping the chair beside him lightly. 
She didn't decline. Any chance she could get to be near him she would take. But she was hesitant, this wasn't the same boy she was speaking to on the phone yesterday or the same boy who held the door for her when she first stepped foot in the company. This was someone else. 
"Who told you about the song?" He spoke, leaning his elbows on his knees so he was looking her dead in the eyes. 
She faltered under his gaze for a second before replying, "Joshua told me you made a few changes. And then I saw the lyric sheet and everything I wrote was completely gone!" 
She noticed his shift in expression and he was now serious. He turned his attention to the computer, typing quickly and rushed. His fingers ran over the mouse a few times before he deleted a pop up on the screen. 
Bi An watched as he played with the applications and desktop. He was a professional in the studio and anything to do with music was his specialty. 
"That idiot," He turned around finally and shook his head in detest, "This was supposed to be a surprise but I guess I'll let you in early." 
She bit the inside of her cheek in question. Surprise? For all she knew her birthday wasn't any months near and there was no other special occasion to celebrate this early in the year. 
"What surprise?" She mumbled, scanning her eyes over the bright computer screen. She had to squint a little from the immense lighting. She knew Jihoon liked his screen extremely radiated. 
That was when she noticed a few familiar phrases, and then stories, and then a few more phrases before she realized her song was there. Right in front of her, just this time on its own separate document. All doubts she had of Jihoon suddenly vanished and her instant reaction was to hug him. She held her urge back and faced him cautiously. Still, this didn't explain why he removed it from the group song. 
"So if you didn't delete it, then why did you take it out? Was it not good?" Her voice dropped and her walls grew high with insecurity. 
Her writing was something she was never extremely proud out. That was why she was surprised when Pledis asked her to co-write the song. But she tried her hardest to implement reality and emotion into it. She knew Jihoon was blunt and so was his criticism. If he didn't like it then it had a lot of work to do. 
"Bi An, it was too good," He said slowly, making sure she understood, "That's why I took it out of the song. I wanted to put it together as a solo piece that you could perform at MAMA." 
She felt something inside her rise and she lifted her shoulders a little higher. Immediately she smiled, her eyes forming moons of happiness in the process. This time she didn't hold back and let her arms wrap around his neck hurriedly. He chuckled against her shoulder, one arm wrapping around her back to respond to her gesture. 
"Thank you," She spoke silently, "I can't thank you enough." 
She saw his smile first and that was when she knew he was going to say something that would catch her off guard. She knew him like the back of her hand and whenever he looked at her like that, he was thinking of something cheeky, dumb or insulting to say. 
He smirked, poking her cheek with the bottom of the pen, "You can thank me with a kiss."
As if someone had shocked her a thousand times, she looked up at him, her eyes the size of saucers. The image of her hands in his hair, his lips messy and urgent against hers made her knees nearly buckle beneath her. But she knew better then to let go of herself. He was the taunting type and always initiated little things like this between them as a joke. As much times as it happened, she could never get over that feeling she got when he suggested it. 
"You're ridiculous," She scoffed, trying to hide the blush that was creeping up on her cheeks. 
But the dark atmosphere of the room seemed perfect and she could almost physically feel the tension between them. The universe wanted this to happen. But he didn't and she couldn't loose control of the situation and let him win. 
"Kiss me jagi," He stressed his words purposely, sticking his lips out mockingly towards the latter. 
Bi An could feel her heart beat as she pressed a finger against his lips in artificial disgust. Just as she thought her emotions were under control, he began extending his arms out and soon they were on either side of her chair, pulling her closer towards him. 
"Stop," She groaned in fear of what she would do if he continued to push her like this. 
He had his hands on either side of her thighs and his face was edging closer to hers, his playfulness all too apparent. She could feel her insides telling her to something, that it was now or never. But something in her mind told her to keep playing it cool or she would never live this down. But she wanted to and she wanted to and she wanted to. She wanted him to want to and she wanted to fulfil the desires she had for him the moment her eyes fell on his short frame. And just as she swore she would grab his collar and devour him whole, the door opened. 
"Hyung, Minghao wants to know if we're doing the choreography for the song you and noona made," An excited Chan burst through the doors of the studio. 
His forehead was decorated in sweat and even his shorts seemed soaked. 
Jihoon rolled his chair back in annoyance, a slight curse falling from his lips as he nodded sharply at the youngest boy of his group, "I'll be down there in a minute." 
Chan nodded without question and turned back the way he came without even acknowledging Bi An's presence. Jihoon locked his computer screen simultaneously and closed the recording booth in front of him. Gathering his belonging, he looked at the girl in the chair. Bi An was still confused, conflicted and concerned. What almost happened, almost happened and Jihoon didn't seem to care too much about the possible and potential make out session. 
"We'll continue where we left off, you aren't off the hook!" He wagged a sarcastic finger at her before heading out of the studio leaving a flustered Bi An alone. 
She ran a hand through her hair and leaned back in her chair, the darkness of the room playing on her side as she basked in what might have just occurred. And that was when she smiled to herself slowly, a thought coming to mind. 
If these were the games Jihoon played, she was just glad to be apart of it. 
[A/N] C'mon guys! I'm craving some asks on my new tumblr: svt-react 
I'm interested in this and I want to have fun but I can't do it without your support. Who knows, maybe the more asks/followers I get the more I'll update ;) After all, you guys motivate me to do these updates in the first place haha! Hoped you like this, and send me some asks! Thank you, updates coming soon! 
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hyesong #1
i] Mingyu
ii] when you're so pissed because mingyu and his friends always bullies you
iii] Kang Jein
iv] angst and fluff
hyesong #2
Chapter 9: Omfg
I luv u so much
(one of the better ones I must say ;;;;)
Thank you and I loved how Woozi was 'selfish' OMG this is the Woozi I love rofl it's cute ttm and I would totally read again and again thank you <3
annisananto #4
Chapter 7: OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE IT~~
Chapter 6: Thank you! It was worth the wait! :D
DeerLuhan2233 #6
Chapter 5: i) Joshua
ii) they meet at a big fancy party where their parents had wanted them to meet so they could get married but both of them don't know about the plan, she's a quiet person and Joshua's a bit shy. And he talks to her in English, thinking she doesn't know how to talk and when she does, he's impressed. The rest is up to you.
iii) Lee Soomin (OC)
iv) rom com
I hope you could do this for me!!
MinjiJu #8
Chapter 3: Aww!!! Omg that was so cute T.T <33333 i am about to collapse from his cuteness sjkdpwjdjkajd i cant thank you enough <3 this was really good <'3333 thank you thank youuuu i love love love this!!!
yangyoungjaee #9
i) Wonwoo
ii) their mothers are bestfriends and both of them desperately want wonwoo and joohyun to date. but joohyun had a crush on wonwoo's bestfriend mingyu. wonwoo didnt like joohyun at first but he began to fall for her slowly.
iii) 배주현 (bae joo hyun)
iv) fluff, slight-angst (like ww likes joohyun but she likes his bff and he goes like ?????????? )

thanks before!♥
something that can catch my heart..(and kiss scene)
Kim Minjung