
Seventeen Imagines! - Requests Closed

"Are you excited?" Yumi's friend spoke near her ear, her smile widening from one cheek to the other. 

She rolled her eyes, the long table approaching them quickly. Her and her friend Minji were at a fan signing event for a group called Seventeen that had recently debuted. Minji had followed in their footsteps ever since their trainee days and had reluctantly dragged her best friend Yumi along with her to go see them in the flesh at this fan meet. There were hundreds of people crowded around and Yumi sighed, checking her watch for the third time that evening. They had been standing in line for over three hours and finally their turn was only one person away. 
"I'm so excited! I just want to tell each of them how beautiful and talented they are!" Minji held her hands together, her feet bouncing from one to the other. 
Yumi patted her friends head, happy to see her this content. If these boys were what put her in a good mood then she was ultimately in a good mood too. 
"Next!" A large man called, his badge reading Security in bold writing. 
Minji grabbed her friends hands, approaching the table. She had her album in her right hand and her speech prepared. Yumi looked along the long line of celebrities. There were so many of them, she distracted herself by counting. 13.
"DK! I'm so glad to finally meet you!" Minji cried and Yumi dragged her attention to the first boy at the table. 
He was wearing a plain black tee with the name SEVENTEEN engraved near his collar. His black hair was cutely ruffled and his smile looked like it could light up a room. Ultimately she smiled and gave him a small bow. She watched as he signed Minji's album and gave her a high five. 
The next one had blonde hair so bright Yumi wondered how it was possible to have dyed it like that. She looked up at him, his petite aura seeming kind and lovely. She bowed, smiling and waving at the boy. 
"Woozi oppa!" Minji smiled, bowing at him and shoving her album forward, "You're secretly my favourite!"
The boy let out a loud laugh and gave her a small thank you before scribbling his name on the album. 
The third boy had brown hair that fell over his face effortlessly and looked awake and vibrant. Yumi immediately  noticed his roots were not purely Korean and she tilted her head. 
"Vernon, how are you?" Minji smiled, extending an arm out to shake his. 
The boy laughed shyly, "Good thank you. Take care of yourself!" 
Minji nodded, her cheeks tinting a slight pink before handing him her album. He signed it fairly quickly but still made sure not to mess anything up. 
The next boy had blonde hair as well and looked as though he was in an overly happy mood. His aura seemed kind and energetic. 
"Hoshi oppa!" Minji began to dance a small part of their choreography and the boy joined in, laughing all the while. 
"That was good, who is this friend?" He asked politely, pointing at Yumi. 
"Hello, I'm Yumi. I'm accompanying her on this trip," She laughed, not knowing how else to state her situation. 
There was no other way she could easily tell him she wasn't there because she knew them. In all honesty she didn't and it was only through these seconds that she was learning to memorize their names and learn their personalities. 
"I know this may come off as weird but you have incredible skin!" Hoshi laughed, gazing at her pale features in awe. 
Yumi blushed, looking down instantly. She had never grown used to compliments and so she was always nervous. She just never knew how to react without coming off as rude or cocky. 
"Thank you-" She was cut off by his rough shove at the two boys on either side of him. 
"Guys, look at her skin!" He spoke in an excited tone. 
Yumi's breathing rate increased, scared she would cause a scene. It wasn't until Minji gave her hand a quick 'It's okay' squeeze. She knew people would always point out and admire Yumi. This was just another one of those times and she was always there to keep the innocent girl sane and remind her that everything was okay. 
Vernon, the boy from before, was the first to look back at the girl, his eyes gazing over her skin slowly. Yumi bit the inside of her cheek, confused as to what she was supposed to do. It wasn't until she laid eyes on the boy on the other side of Hoshi that her expression changed.
He was in an army hoodie, his hands folded over the table in slight disinterest. He was wearing a white hat to cover the black locks of hair that fell over his forehead perfectly. His expression seemed dark and his gaze on her was even darker. 
"Wonwoo, are you seeing this?" Hoshi slapped the boys arm and he nodded slowly, shrugging it off.
Yumi blinked several times, her eyes still on the mysterious boy who's name was supposedly Wonwoo. He seemed bored and as if he didn't care for her complexion. Of course that didn't bother her but she wished he had shown some interest. 
"It's even more shocking when you touch it!" Minji added, her evil grin already placed over her lips. 
Yumi pinched her side painfully, her hand shaking in the process. Touch her skin? She had barely learned their names let alone grew comfortable enough to let them touch her. Her stomach turned and she stepped back, wishing the ground would swallow her whole. 
"Can I...?" Hoshi was the first one to speak, his smile broad and hopes high. 
She tightened her lips, the back of her neck sweating and she leaned forward and turned her head to the side only a little so the boy could do as he pleased. 
Hoshi wasn't slow as he extended a finger and poked her skin, pulling back quickly and giving her a small bow. 
"Sorry, enjoy the rest of the fan meet," He muttered, his cheeks turning pink and hands on his lap in embarrassment. 
Minji gave him a small wave as she moved onto Wonwoo, the one Yumi had noticed earlier. 
"Hello! Your rapping is doing very well. Fighting!" Minji smiled, taking hold of his hand and intertwining their fingers. 
Wonwoo nodded, his expression somewhat sour. Minji was too engaged in her puddle of drool to notice his change in mood. He seemed even more distant and lost as he took hold of her album, signed it and gave her a small bow. 
As Minji moved on, Yumi was about to follow her footsteps when she felt a small tap on her elbow. She furrowed her brow, turning around to look behind her and saw Wonwoo giving her a small smile. She looked on both sides of him; Hoshi seemed to be busy with another fan and Minji was speaking to another member. She looked back at Wonwoo in confusion. When she made notice of the small paper in his hands she understood. He was just another boy trying to give her his number. This situation was a little shocking to her though as he was an idol and any type of relationship could potentially harm him. 
Still, she gave him a small smile and took the paper, shoving it in the pocket of her cardigan hard enough for him to understand she had no intentions of calling him, ever. 
Why am I doing this? 
Was all Yumi thought as she pouted, staring at the numbers ready to be dialled on her phone. 
She was sitting on her bed, it was already midnight and she was in a sports bra and shorts, her body still cold with a chill. She had decided to call Wonwoo and for what reason? She herself didn't know. It was just something about his demanding persona and deep personality that she thought was magnetic. She didn't know him but the way he seemed so closed off made her want to get to know him. That was only one of the pros. 
She prayed she wasn't making the same mistake she did years ago. A boy in her first year of college class asked her to meet up with him and she did. They became close and eventually became something serious. But he had broke up with her because he cheated and still managed to make her look bad. It was an experience that left her closed off and immune to first moves but still she was willing to try. He motivated her to do better than him and she would take that challenge. 
Those were her last thoughts before she pressed the call button on her screen. She laid back, one arm slung over her eyes in regret. Each ring gave her more of a shock and she immediately questioned her actions.
"Hello?" A deep, tired voice spoke through the receiver. 
Yumi shot up, her jaw open and one hand over . She was a total idiot for calling him past midnight. Obviously he was sleeping. 
"Hello?" The voice spoke again. 
"Hi," She whispered, far from the speaker as if he could pick up her nervousness. 
The line went silent for a moment and she thought he fell back asleep. There was a slight shuffle on the other end of the line and she silently shook her head in guilt. 
"Is this...?" His words slowed, probably in hopes of her answer. 
"Yeah," She sighed, leaning back down on the bed again. 
"Oh! Okay," He laughed a little, his tone borderline awkward. 
Yumi bit her lip. This was probably the dumbest thing she had done. She made a mental note to remind herself to mark this day on the calendar. 
"I know this is a terrible time to call. I'm sorry?" She offered, hoping he wouldn't be too irritated. 
"Yeah, I was sort of sleeping," He chuckled, "But at least you called." 
She felt her insides churn for a moment before letting out a small laugh. He seemed witty. And not the forced type where boys tried to be funny. It just came to him, even half asleep. 
"So, should we meet up tomorrow? I have a spot in mind. I can text you the address?" 
She let out a breath of relief, glad he was taking the reigns. Otherwise they would be going no where. 
"Sounds good, I'm sorry again. Have a good rest." Was the last thing she said before hearing the other end click and her phone screen went black. 
She pouted. It would have been nice if he at least said goodbye. Nonetheless, she tossed her phone to the side and hopped onto her computer on the left side of her bedroom door and began to type; 
How to Impress a Guy on Your First Date? 
The place was small. It wasn't as big or expensive as she thought it would be and that was beyond a relief. She paused before entering, making sure to take note of the name of the little cafe join. 
It was quite sunny, but chilly enough for her long coat to be deemed acceptable. The last thing she wanted to do was come off as a try hard. 
She stepped inside, tucking her phone in her purse and making her way deeper into the room. The sweet smell of cinnamon and brewed coffee hit her nose and she doubled over in delight. 
"Hey!" A soft voice called and Yumi looked behind her. 
A waving Wonwoo was seated a few tables near her right and he looking flawless. Even in jeans and an oversized sweater, he looked just right. His hair wasn't hiding behind a hat anymore and it was messy in that just-woke-up kind of way. Still, he looked dressy enough and Yumi found her breath being taken away as she walked towards him. 
"How are you?" He spoke softly, his cheeks already in a deep blush. 
That was the first thing she noted; he was the cute type. The type to blush at small things and shy away from blunt or straightforward moves. 
"Good, how was your disrupted sleep?" She laughed, tucking a strand of hair back into its original place. 
He let out a soft chuckle, nodding over at a waiter who began to approach them. 
"Hello! What can I get you two this afternoon?" The lady smiled, looking between the both of them. 
"I'll have the usual. And for my..." He seemed at a loss of words and Yumi looked up at the waiter with a smile.
"Just a cup of coffee please, thank you." 
The lady nodded and walked off, her pen beginning to jot down the orders quickly as she slipped behind the counter and into the kitchen. 
"Sorry about that," He rubbed the back of his neck and Yumi instantly knew he was indicating the previous situation. 
It was understandable that he didn't know where they stood. They had just casually sat down together so there was no way of telling where they were in their...relationship? Even that seemed like too strong of a word. 
"It's okay, I'm Yumi by the way." She looked directly at him, his head nodding quickly .
"Ah, I was going to ask you that just now. So where do you come from?" He was leaning forward now, interested in her answer. 
"I'm originally from Seoul actually. My father owns a small shop and my mom is a teacher so this has always been my home," She opened her arms in an exaggerated manner. 
He nodded, "I'm from Changwon but my parents made me move here when I was little." 
She noticed she was leaning forward too, listening into his life. She wanted to know so much. The thought of being close with someone in the music industry seemed foreign to her but now she was realizing there was so much more that these people had to offer. 
"So when did you join" She froze, forgetting that she knew nothing about him or his debut team. It was slightly embarrassing. 
He nodded, laughing, "Seventeen? Yeah I joined a few years ago and were finally done training!" He let out a fist in the air only to pull it back down quickly in embarrassment. 
Laughing, Yumi noticed another thing about him; he was the shy type. He would get humiliated easily and was the type to be ashamed of everything that came out of his mouth. 
"So what do you do?" He probed, trying to take the attention off of him. 
"Besides being a slob, nothing really." 
Wonwoo let out a chuckle, his laugh extending for a few seconds before he quickly covered his mouth. The way his nose crinkled when he smiled wide made Yumi admire him a little closer. 
"Stop looking at me like that," He muttered, every ounce of him radiated cute. 
Yumi shook her head quickly, "It's not that, you just seem much different."
Wonwoo's expression became serious, "What? How?" 
She cursed her lips, her mind flashing back to the fan meet incident. He seemed sour and bored. Instantly she believed that he was a rude person and he gave her a bad impression. But now, she was seeing a different side of him. A side she was dying to know and spend more time with. 
"I don't know you just had a really scary expression at the fan sign," She shrugged. 
"Oh, the fan sign..." His voice dropped and he looked down. 
Her forehead crunched, "What's the matter?" 
He turned red again, his lips tight and expression mysterious. Yumi could immediately tell he was conflicted and she held back the urge to place a hand on his arm. 
"Honestly, this is embarrassing for me to say but I was upset at the other members." He blurted, his expression masked by his position. 
"Why on Earth would you be mad at them?" She questioned, thinking of possibilities. 
Maybe they attracted more fans? Maybe they embarrassed him at the event? 
"They kept touching you and stuff," He blushed, covering his face for the second time. 
Her heart was beating much faster than it had moments before. He was upset because the other guys were touching her. It made her squeal on the inside upon realizing he was protective of her even without knowing her. 
"I know its weird but it just upset me for some reason. Like you liked it." He finished, eager to let out his feelings. 
Liked it? She was dying under their touch and prayed they would stop. She wasn't comfortable with strangers but somehow, her and Wonwoo seemed to be getting along just fine. 
"I wanted to get away as fast as possible!" She laughed. 
Before Wonwoo could even laugh, his phone blinked with several notifications and he excused himself before reading a few of the messages. Instantly, he stood up. 
"I'm so sorry but I forgot I had practice today and I love being here but Seungcheol hyung is going to kill me-" If Yumi didn't stop him, he would have rambled on forever. 
"It's okay!" She laughed, getting up after him, "I guess we should cancel those orders." 
Wonwoo smiled thankfully. He was grateful she wasn't pouty at the fact that he had to leave early. 
As they made their way out, he held the door open. Yumi took note of another charm of his; he was a gentleman. He would go out of his way to impress her and make her feel as though she had his trust. 
"So, I'll call you for a make up," Wonwoo laughed, his hands in his pockets. 
She watched him closely, the way his eyes lowered when he was nervous and they way he played with his thumbs when he was caught of guard. The little things drove her insane and she found her gaze on his lips. 
"Sounds good!" She smiled, waiting for him to make any move. 
He noticed her change in position and immediately stepped back, his eyebrows furrowed and he became flustered. 
Pointing to her he blushed, "So should I...Should we..." He seemed as though he couldn't find the words and Yumi groaned in frustration, her hands reaching for his collar and pulling him down towards her. 
When their lips met, Wonwoo froze, his body stone cold. She grew nervous, split seconds away from pulling back until his hand met her cheek and he brought her closer to crush the space between them. Unintentionally, she sighed against his lips and that only drove his desire to deepen their connection. 
As she wrapped her arms around his neck, only one thought crossed her mind, 
She could get used to this.
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hyesong #1
i] Mingyu
ii] when you're so pissed because mingyu and his friends always bullies you
iii] Kang Jein
iv] angst and fluff
hyesong #2
Chapter 9: Omfg
I luv u so much
(one of the better ones I must say ;;;;)
Thank you and I loved how Woozi was 'selfish' OMG this is the Woozi I love rofl it's cute ttm and I would totally read again and again thank you <3
annisananto #4
Chapter 7: OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE IT~~
Chapter 6: Thank you! It was worth the wait! :D
DeerLuhan2233 #6
Chapter 5: i) Joshua
ii) they meet at a big fancy party where their parents had wanted them to meet so they could get married but both of them don't know about the plan, she's a quiet person and Joshua's a bit shy. And he talks to her in English, thinking she doesn't know how to talk and when she does, he's impressed. The rest is up to you.
iii) Lee Soomin (OC)
iv) rom com
I hope you could do this for me!!
MinjiJu #8
Chapter 3: Aww!!! Omg that was so cute T.T <33333 i am about to collapse from his cuteness sjkdpwjdjkajd i cant thank you enough <3 this was really good <'3333 thank you thank youuuu i love love love this!!!
yangyoungjaee #9
i) Wonwoo
ii) their mothers are bestfriends and both of them desperately want wonwoo and joohyun to date. but joohyun had a crush on wonwoo's bestfriend mingyu. wonwoo didnt like joohyun at first but he began to fall for her slowly.
iii) 배주현 (bae joo hyun)
iv) fluff, slight-angst (like ww likes joohyun but she likes his bff and he goes like ?????????? )

thanks before!♥
something that can catch my heart..(and kiss scene)
Kim Minjung