
Seventeen Imagines! - Requests Closed
"Set the camera up already!" Minji laughed, her hand reaching up to slap her friend Hoshi.  
They were preparing to set up for a live streaming broadcast where fans or random viewers could tune in, ask questions and engage in the sheer boredom the two were experiencing. 
"Wasn't this an amazing idea?" Hoshi smiled simply, adjusting the camera and finally flicking on a black button. 
Minji was over at Hoshi's house due to a sudden change in her plans. What was supposed to be a night at her mothers opening fashion week, became a sweats and sweets party in her friends bedroom. 
"Is it on?" She asked, adjusting her hair for the third time that minute.
"Yeah, just waiting for the fans to start coming in," He responded, still working on the camera angle. 
Hoshi was a trainee for one of the smaller companies in the music industry but still, his talent never went unnoticed. Thousands of people were talking about his dancing and singing skills and the other assets on his team. The paranoia of his name became so serious he had to drop out of school and start home school. If it wasn't for the help of his old friends, Hoshi would have been lost in the fame. 
"Hi guys, this is Hoshi! This is my good friend Minji," He pointed over at the girl on the left who was sitting on the bed beside him. 
Minji smiled, directing a small wave to the camera, "Hello, I'm Minji. Please take care of Hoshi!" 
The boy blushed, his line of sight directed at the camera. 
"Oh, questions are coming fast!" He smiled energetically. 
Minji squinted at the laptop just under the camera, she made a small face. Dozens of comments were coming in every second and she could barely keep up. 
Jack$$: Woah, why is your room so neat?
LinaHoshi334: Hoshi! We will take care of you!!
"Woah," Hoshi laughed, still star struck. No matter how many times someone told him he was good at what he did, he would never get used to it. 
"When did you and Hoshi meet?" She read, pointing at the latter to respond. 
Hoshi scratched his blonde hair, his mind racking back to a few years ago. 
"Well, me and Minji lived in the same neighbourhood so we automatically became friends because we were the same age," He nodded, satisfied with his answer. 
"What is your favourite colour?" She spoke again, looking at Hoshi. 
"Red because it's vibrant!" He responded quickly. 
The questions came faster and faster and before they knew it, over 100 thousand international fans were watching them live and Minji started to break into a sweat. She knew there would be negative remarks. Even Hoshi had warned her that people would assume the worst between the two and she always said she was okay with it. But now, realizing that her friend was going global and in a way so would she, she was growing nervous. 
"Minji, what do you think is Hoshi's charm?" Hoshi read, smiling at the girl cutely. 
She shoved his arm playfully, "You made that up!" 
Hoshi laughed, throwing his head back, "Answer the question already."
She thought for a moment. There were so many good things she could list about this boy. His positive attitude, his talent, his beautifully contagious smile. Hoshi was truly a star with either a camera on or off. He was always the diamond in the rough and managed to make people laugh everywhere he went. If she did begin to list his many charms, the broadcast would go on for hours. 
"I think Hoshi has a lot of charms but I mainly love his humble attitude and cute personality!" Minji smiled, poking the boy at his side. 
A few more questions and comments had popped up and Minji struggled, her eyes squinting immensely. 
"Ah, slow down," She laughed, leaning forward, "Hoshi when will you debut?" 
She looked at the screen for a second more and waited for his response. When she heard nothing from beside her, she frowned, "Hoshi?" 
He was in the same position, his mouth slightly open and his eyes glued to the floor. She could tell his palms were red and his breathing rate had increased. 
"What's wrong?" She spoke, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
It was extremely rare to see him like this and the only time he was ever like this was when something was serious. She watching him look up at her slowly, and then get up from the bed. 
"I can't finish this," He muttered, stepping out of the room. 
Minji looked at the empty door frame in shock and then looked down at the empty space beside her. She blinked, confused as to why he had suddenly grew upset and took his grande exit. It wasn't like Hoshi, he was never like this unless something was really bothering him.
For a second she forgot about the broadcast and turned to the camera, trying to mask her confusion. If she was surprised, she could only imagine the commotion his fans would cause. 
"Sorry guys, I'll be right back!" She smiled before getting up and stepping outside the room. 
Once she was free of thousands of eyes, she swore under her breath trying to rack her brain for reasons of Hoshi's sudden displease. 
"Hoshi!" She called, walking towards the kitchen and finding him sitting quietly on the counter stool, his eyes staring into the nothingness in front of him. 
Minji walked up to him, dragging a stool around so she was placed in from of him. 
"What happened?" She gave a small pout, her concern expressed by her worried tone. 
Hoshi shook his head, his mood ultimately ruined, "Nothing, it's just...just." 
He seemed at a loss for words and Minji was stunned. He was super conflicted and she didn't have half a hint as to why. 
"Was it something I said?" She raised an eyebrow, hoping she was going somewhere with this lead. 
Hoshi bit his lip, his eyes now on her and a thin tint of pink on his cheeks. 
"You know I would never lie to you right?" He asked slowly, each word building up to the other. 
Minji nodded, the sanity in the situation completely gone. They had never lied to each other. It was almost like a pact they made when they first met. It was something like a promise between the two that they would stay loyal and loving towards one another and no matter who came in between, they would be the two who knew the most about each other through thick and thin. 
"And you would never lie to me?" He asked again. 
She nodded once more, pressuring him to continue. 
"So, do you really just think...I'm...you know," He fumbled, the tint now turning into a shade. 
Minji shook her head, "What? Do I think what?" 
"That I'm not manly enough?" He spat, eyes closed and hands over his face. 
Minji looked at him like he was crazy. What on Earth did his manliness have to do with anything? And that was when it struck her. The broadcast. 
It was never intentional, but eventually she felt a small jolt in her body and soon she was laughing uncontrollably, one hand over and the other clutching her stomach. 
"Don't laugh!" Hoshi frowned, running a hand through his hair in frustration. 
Minji couldn't help it. It was beyond adorable. 
"I'm sorry, I couldn't keep it in," She coughed, her chuckles coming to an end. 
Hoshi was upset because she called him cute and to that, she was in a sense questioning his manliness. It was nice that he depended on her to verify his 'man status' and that he grew offended when his hard work didn't pay off. Yes Hoshi was cute but not in the way that he wasn't y. It was something about who he was that could switch like a lightbulb in a second. He had many talents but questioning his demeanour wasn't one of them. 
"I think you're cute in a way that's manly too," Minji shrugged, confused as to how she could explain herself. 
Hoshi slumped his shoulders, "Seriously?" 
"Hey you work so hard. You're a beautiful dancer, a beautiful singer and a beautiful person. You have so much to offer and you have so many positive personalities okay? Maybe cute was the one that I thought of first but that doesn't mean you aren't manly either." 
Hoshi sighed, shrugging, "Thanks, I was just scared you only saw me as the cute type."
Minji shook her head, "I think of you as the boy with the beautiful smile. And besides, if you're worried about what I think of you, you should be confident because I only see the best in you in my eyes." 
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Thanks Minji." 
She nodded, walking over to his side of the table and slinging an arm over his shoulder.
"There are many ways you can thank me later," She smiled, exiting the kitchen and walking back to the room. 
Upon entering, the camera was still on and it seemed that the only amusers were the bed and floor. With a groan, Minji placed herself back on the bed and smiled.
"I'm back! Sorry, just a little inconvenience," She laughed watching Hoshi come back in. 
"What did I miss?" He smiled and Minji could hear the forced deepening of his tone. 
She hid a smile and Hoshi glared at her quickly before regaining his composure. 
"Back to the questions!" Minji laughed, leaning forward again. This time, her jaw dropped.
LexiKPala: Omo! That was the cutest thing ever guys!
LinaHui: Hoshi wants to be manly so he got all upset ~
KimHallmy233: He likes Minji! It's official!
KatherineRobs112: Woah, Hoshi is seriously insecure! You are manly oppa!
"They heard us..." Minji whispered, peeking at the door which she forgot to close when she left. 
Hoshi jumped off the bed, his cheeks flushed and jaw open. 
"Love you all, until next time! Broadcast Ending now!"
[A/N] Heyoooo! So I was going to upload this after I uploaded the Mingyu request for B2stFan3 but my computer was having issues uploading the chapter so I have to delay it until tomorrow. Thank you for all your patience!
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hyesong #1
i] Mingyu
ii] when you're so pissed because mingyu and his friends always bullies you
iii] Kang Jein
iv] angst and fluff
hyesong #2
Chapter 9: Omfg
I luv u so much
(one of the better ones I must say ;;;;)
Thank you and I loved how Woozi was 'selfish' OMG this is the Woozi I love rofl it's cute ttm and I would totally read again and again thank you <3
annisananto #4
Chapter 7: OMG!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE IT~~
Chapter 6: Thank you! It was worth the wait! :D
DeerLuhan2233 #6
Chapter 5: i) Joshua
ii) they meet at a big fancy party where their parents had wanted them to meet so they could get married but both of them don't know about the plan, she's a quiet person and Joshua's a bit shy. And he talks to her in English, thinking she doesn't know how to talk and when she does, he's impressed. The rest is up to you.
iii) Lee Soomin (OC)
iv) rom com
I hope you could do this for me!!
MinjiJu #8
Chapter 3: Aww!!! Omg that was so cute T.T <33333 i am about to collapse from his cuteness sjkdpwjdjkajd i cant thank you enough <3 this was really good <'3333 thank you thank youuuu i love love love this!!!
yangyoungjaee #9
i) Wonwoo
ii) their mothers are bestfriends and both of them desperately want wonwoo and joohyun to date. but joohyun had a crush on wonwoo's bestfriend mingyu. wonwoo didnt like joohyun at first but he began to fall for her slowly.
iii) 배주현 (bae joo hyun)
iv) fluff, slight-angst (like ww likes joohyun but she likes his bff and he goes like ?????????? )

thanks before!♥
something that can catch my heart..(and kiss scene)
Kim Minjung