
The Misconception of Us

"Alright everybody take five!" Yelled the director.

Onew walked off the stage and went to get a drink of water.

He couldn't shake the way Key was acting towards Jonghyun. It was really strange key and Jonghyun normally get along so well. He wondered it this had anything to do with that other time.

It was pretty early just like this morning when he walked by Jonghyun's room when Key came storming out of his room and accidentally bumped Onew really hard in the shoulder. When key turned around to apologize Onew noticed that he wouldn't look him in the eyes and was blushing. Key then walked straight to the bathroom.

Onew was confused as to why he had left Jonghyun's room in that state so he knocked and walked into Jonghyun's room. He was surprised to see Jonghyun fast asleep on the floor. He assumed that Key must have thrown him off in order to wake him up, but why was he so upset.

Onew wasn't sure, he then picked up a bottle, opened it, and drank the better half of it. He forgot how thirsty he was until he put the bottle on his mouth. It was almost time to start up again. He loved doing musicals but he disliked the time it took away from the rest of SHINee.

He felt bad that he didn't know what was wrong with Key. He's normally very observant when it comes to the matters of the group. As he is the oldest he felt that he was supposed to take care of the younger members, almost like an older brother.

He decided that he should talk to Key when he got back. He wanted to make sure that everything was alright and see if there was anything he could do to help. He knew that this would be a difficult task seeing how Key wasn't very open about his feelings. It wasn't that Key was reserved, in fact key was very outgoing, he just didn't like talking about how he truly feels.

"Alright breaks over everyone places!" Onew put his water bottle down and walked back on stage with his mind still on how he would confront Key about what was going on between him and Jonghyun.


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143bts #1
Chapter 11: please update!!