chapter 8

Memoirs Of My Heart
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Chapter 8. Sacrifice for Love

Jessica felt a stinging pain on her shoulder aside from the headache. 


Arghh I hate hangovers….good thing it’s weekend.

Jessica slowly lifted the covers and she found herself in her pajamas.

She looked around and she was in her room. 

“Good morning unni,” Krystal entered her room with a tray.

“Krystal??” Jessica surprised. 

“What? You expecting Tiffany unni?” She teased. 

“No, but how did I get home?” 

“First drink this medicine,” Krystal continued, “Tiffany unni gave you a piggy back ride going here and she even changed your clothes,” Krystal said in a serious tone.

Jessica’s jaw dropped. 

Krystal burst out laughing… “I was just kidding, Tiffany unni called me. She said you passed out, so Yuri unni and I picked you up and drove you home. Aish.. why did you even fainted?”

“That explains the bruise on my shoulder. I don’t know Krys, all I remember was she’s saying something and my heart wasn’t beating at all and next thing I know I woke up here… “ 

“Im so disappointed in you Jessica, why are we even blood related. I mean that could be your chance.”

“I know I know. Aish don’t you think I’m not disappointed too! I just got nervous, that’s all.” 

“Nervous or still afraid?” 

There was a sudden change of atmosphere. 

“Stop it, Im not going to argue with you Krystal,” Jessica changing her clothes. 

“Admit it, you are afraid that she’s going to blame you for her mother’s death.”

“So what if I’m scared? So what if I’m afraid that she’s never going to forgive me when she lost her mom because of me. Tell me that I shouldn’t worry a bit Krystal, tell me!!!!” Jessica shouting while her tears running endlessly down her cheeks. 



Graduation ball. 

Tiffany and Jessica being the center of attention to almost every part they attend. 

They were the perfect couple everyone envies.

Everyone at the party stopped what they were doing just to stare at the couple.

The two made their way to the dance floor, owning it.

Hours passed but still not that late. 

“Tiff honey, Im getting dizzy,”

“Oh Jessi, the party just started and you’re drunk already? You’re no fun.”

Tiffany started teasing Jessica.

“Fine!! Stay here, Im going home.” 

Jessica started walking away.

Tiffany pulled her back.

“Oh Jessi, Im just kidding, let’s stay a bit more then I’ll drive you home, ‘kay?”

Tiffany really likes parties.

She likes being surrounded by people and loud music. 

She loves the unlimited drinks she could have. 

She feels alive owning the dance floor.

But most of all she loves how people envied her with Jessica.

“Jessi?” Tiffany looked around searching for her sweetheart. 

Tiffany searched everywhere, she almost gave up.

“Are you in here Jessi?” Tiffany called inside the lavatory. 

She spotted Jessica passed out in one cubicle. 

She carried Jessi and seated her on the passenger seat. 

Tiffany buckled up her seat belt and drove. 

Being under the influence of alcohol she didn’t realize she was speeding.

She the music. 

Tiffany glanced beside her, Jessica is sleeping soundly. 

Tiffany couldn’t help but admire the sleeping beauty. 

She tried to fix Jessica’s bangs……. 

But a loud beep and blinding light where coming at the too fast

She felt the stirring wheel slid from her hand.

She immediately unbuckled her seatbelt and wrapped herself around her girlfriend. 


“Where am I?” Jessica opened her eyes, she found herself wearing a hospital gown.

Dextrose was attached to her hand. 

“Auntie?” She recognized Tiffany’s mom looking at her worriedly.

“How are you dear?” 

“Im fine.. where is Tiffany? What happened?” 

“There was an accident my dear,” Tiffany’s mom chocked her voice and began to cry.

“Tiffany threw herself to save you, unfortunately she’s been traumatized.” 

“Im really sorry Auntie,” Jessica covered her face with her hands.

“It’s not your fault dear, Tiffany loves you very much that she is willing to risk her life.”

Tiffany’s mom sighed.

“Jessica, my dear, Im sorry to say this but we are planning to take Tiffany to the US and get her cured. My husband and I were planning to get her memory erased, I still don’t know how that will happen but we are willing to go that far so she could start anew.”

“You’re gonna take her away from me? You’re gonna erase me from her life?”Jessica shouted hysterically. 

“It’s not like tha—“

Before Tiffany’s mom could finish,

Jessica pulled out the dextrose from her arm and ran outside.

Jessica didn’t care wherever she’s going all she knows that she can’t Tiffany leave her.

Jessica is crying hard, she couldn’t see where she’s going.

She’s bumping to anyone in her way.

She didn’t know she reached outside of the hospital.

Jessica stopped from her track and cried some more.


Jessica wasn’t in her senses at that time, she felt someone pushed her and she bumped her head.

Everything was a blur. 

*End of flashback*

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Chapter 14: Thank for this wonderful story of yours.
This is so good to help my heart that is missing JeTi moments..

Hopefully I can see you again with your new JeTi stories.
Chapter 12: OMG! I must say my big thank you to baby Jung!
Daebak! If you didn't spread that cucumber things and drag Jessica to Tiffany's house, I don't know when will JeTi are back together again or when will stupid Jessica will have the courage to talk more with Tiffany about their true feelings. Ckckck!

So, thank you so much baby Jung! Now that JeTi are back and they have so many things to catch up with and everything from each other sides so,, I am going to wait for more JeTi moments.

Chapter 12: Jessica is so sweet and nice
Chapter 10: Can Gyuri and Jessica just date? XD
musiarc #5
OMG author.. you make me want to just give Jessica's journal to Tiffany straight on her face..
Chapter 7: Hahaha... Aigoo just when Tiffany want to tell her something there the ice princess who is already passed out? Hahaha
Chapter 7: Haha Sica can't handle the alcohol
ohhhh Sooyoung likes Sica huh?
Chapter 4: She eat the cucumber? Haha
Chapter 4: Hahahaha! Tiffany for sure make Jessica eat that cucumber??? I am so glad that Krystal talked with Tiffany and understand her more. Now it's time for that stupid older Jung to move on and see Tiffany.
Krystal need to come up with new plans more just to make JeTi become one again. Hohoho
Chapter 2: Weird and scary Jessica we get in here. Hahaha
Poor Soojung, Sulli and Jiyoung for always get scared whenever Jessica is in her so not good mood and all. Hahaha..

I wonder what's wrong with JeTi and what's that mean by Jiyoung's question before Jessica interupt them?