A Perfect Pair (VERNON)


The small desk lamp light reflects off the white pages on the desk in front of you. You open the blinds of the window above the desk allowing the moonlight to illuminate the dim room. You tap the back of your pencil beside the pages. Your cheek is rested in your palm as you balance your elbow on the desk. Your eyes scan the work sheets. You were drained, the day seemed like it would never end. You had finished your English homework first thing when you got home from school, you did up your geography once you finished dinner. But you had pushed your science homework away. It’s not like you hate science, in fact you find it can be quite interesting, only thing is that you're not necessarily the best at it.

So you sat, reading the words on the textbook pages. You were beginning to get frustrated since one paragraph you would understand perfectly but the next would leave you more confused than ever.

Letting out a sigh you your phone, its bright screen made you squint as you read the time. 10:15pm. You sighed again, and looked back towards the science homework you had barely made a dent in. You practically gave up right then and there, opening your binder past the homework questions and to a black lined page. You took your pen and began doodling, covering the page with variations of hearts, stars, and smiley faces.

The work was due the next day, and was worth 15 percent of your final grade. You flipped the page back to the questions. You had answered two of 35, and heck, you didn’t even know if they were correct.

You bit your lip and tapped the pen as you eyed the questions. Sighing you returned to your doodles, making black swirls through the light blue lines.

You paused your hand movements and dropped the pen on the page. You had an idea. You picked up your phone and began scrolling through your small amount of contacts. You stop reaching the one you wanted. You smile at the self taken contact photo, at your boyfriend kissing your cheek, Niagara Falls filling the background. You loved the photo he chose to be his contact.

You pressed the call button and placed the phone to your ear. As the phone rang, you bit your lip. It was late, and he had been at work all day. The phone rang a few more times. You slowly removed the phone from your ear, He was probably asleep considering he’d been up for nearly 24 hours. Just as your thumb went to press the end button, you heard a voice on the other line.

“Hello” you spoke slamming the phone back to your cheek, hoping it was him and note his voicemail.

“Evening babe” his voice replied lowly, sleep lingering in the tone. “Hi Hansol, did I wake you?” you ask in a near apologetic voice. “Yeah~ but, it’s alright” he yawned. “Oh! Then nevermind hun, go back to bed” you told him even though you knew he wouldn’t listen and just continue talking to you. “No no, what’s up?” you replied his voice awakening a bit. “Uh~ well, umm” you weren't sure how to ask him for help, it’s not like you could just go down the list of questions asking each one and get a correct reply from him.  “What is it?” he spoke followed by his usual nickname for you. “Well, I’m doing my homework right now...” you started only to be interrupted by hi. “Science?” he questioned you, just by his voice you knew he was raising an eyebrow and holding back laughter. “Yes Hansol, science” you replied rolling your eyes at his confident guess. He chuckled lowly. “And you need my help?” he asked still chuckling. He knew you hated asking him for help when it came to school. He was smart enough he didn’t have to pay attention in class and still get an A on a test, whereas you were… well, average.

You sighed playfully annoyed by his fake arrogance. “I… Yes, I need your help” you admitted. Even though asking for help was the purpose of your call you still felt slightly embarrassed asking. “Okay baby, continue working on it the best you can, I’ll be right over” he spoke sweetly. You weren't expecting him to come over, but you weren't about to reject seeing him. “I will, see you soon” you giggle girlishly. “Yes, soon baby” he replied. You hung up, a smile on your face. You looked down at the paper, now covered in squiggles. Your smile dropped, “right, continue working on it” you laughed to yourself before adding to the doodles.


A few minutes later you hear the doorbell ring. You stand from your desk chair, skipping from your room and to the front door. “I got it!” you call, making sure your family members don’t reach the door before you do.

You invite Vernon inside, and take him into a hug. “Hi” you speak, your lips brushing over his sweatshirt. You take his hand and lead him to your bedroom. You run to the next room grabbing a chair for him to sit in.

You push the chair up to the desk, sitting down in yours. Vernon follows you, and sits. You smile at him, though he eyes the page on the desk. You look over at it noticing his puzzled expression. Your doodles. Quickly you flip the page to the questions. Laughing awkwardly as he looks over at you. He turns the page back to your busy drawings. “Wow, great work on your science” he says sarcastically. You rub the back of your neck and scoff. “Anyways, what is it we’re doing?” he asks you. You places his elbow on the desk and his cheek to his palm. He watches you as you flip the page to the questions and grab the text book. You look to him, and smile. “What?” you say questioning his gaze. “I don’t know, you just look cute” he replies making you blush. “Okay~” you look back to the pages, ignoring his sweet closed mouth smile.

You briefly explain the work before he takes the textbook to read the assigned pages. You look at him, his wavy falls messily over his face that looks down to the book. You looks up from the reading and at you for a second, he smiles slightly slightly. His eyes sparkle in the dim lamp lighting and stars from outside the window practically reflecting in them.

He soon finishes the reading, and explains the concepts you were to learn. You watch him as he points to questions and explains the work. His intelligence was attractive to you. “Get it?” he asks look towards you. “Uh… one more time” you reply raising your eyebrows sheepishly. He laughs beaming that smile you love so much. he quickly re-explains, this time you listen to each and every word. You nod each time his looks at you assuring him of your understanding.


He wraps his arm over your shoulders and moves in closer. You begin to answer the questions on your own. The work finally making sense to you. He smiles and nods. His hand rubs the top of your thigh gently the other twirls your shoulder length hair between two fingers.

You look over at the time, reading 12:35pm. “Don’t you have work tomorrow… today?” you question him. He nods. “I do” his voice is quiet. You nod to his words, you felt somewhat sorry for keeping him awake this late when he had to be in to work for 7am the latest. You quickly and messily jot down the answer to the final question.

“Done” you say, relieved to finally be finished. Vernon reads over your work, nodding the whole time. “You know, you much smarter than you think” he speaks placing the binder back down on the desk. Your cheeks glow pink in the soft moonlight as he shuts off your desk lamp. You stand as he does.

“Now get some sleep Y/N” he kisses your forehead softly. “I love you” you tells you, placing his lips on yours. You rest one of your hands on his lawline, the other on his side. Both his hands rest on your waist.

After a few moments, he takes your hand leading you to your bed. “I show myself out” you gestures for you to laydown. You do as he directs. He smiles and pulls the blankets up around you. “Goodnight” he kisses your nose. “Goodnight Hansol” you reply. With your words he exits the room and house. You roll over to look out the window, your eyes trace from star to star. You sit up in bed, seeing Vernon through the window, walking down the street. Quickly you jump from your bed, sprint from your bedroom and run outside. You stop, spotting Vernon on the sidewalk. You begin running catching up to him. Your… his baggy sweater keeps you warm in the cool September breeze. “Hansol!” you call to him. He stops turning to you. You nearly jump into his arms when you reach him. You throw your arms around his waist. You holds you back. “Thank you” you say leaning into him. “Anything for you” he replies, pecking your forehead. You lean back. “You know, I may not understand science, but I understand the chemistry we have” you try making a cheesy romantic joke. He laughs at you, and your cheesy, dorky, yet cute self. “Sorry bad joke” you say laughing at yourself. He pulls you into a hug once again. “Dork” he calls you. “Nerd” you say back to him. He pulls away, smiling before taking your lips in his. “A perfect pair” he says between kisses.


You repeat his words in your head, as you happily kiss in the late night moonlight.

A perfect pair.




okay~ so this took longer to write then it should have... 

(It's kinda hard writing my own bias O.o lol)


anyways, hope you all enjoyed it... 

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Rin_puii #1
Chapter 5: chan isnt my bias bUT A A A THIS IS SO CUTE
Ha_Yoon #3
Wonwoo /OC
OC has short dark hair, bright eyes, fair skin and the happy cheerful type. smiles a lot. can't wait! ujjujujujuju

OC- short curly hair with a brown highlights, may look weak but inside is so strong, sarcastic, quiet sometimes, green- minded LOL XD

That's all. Getting excited for the scenario.. :-)
ShinSung #5
OC is shortish curly brunette hair, gray and blue eyes, sarcastic , sympathetic even though doesn't show it
I don't know if this too descriptive, but something to do with the fact that OC brightens other peoples mood by making fun of herself and putting herself down
O/C is brown short hair,not too skinny,she is hyperactive girl.Please make it lovely and romantic..thankss~
cy_0308 #7
Chapter 6: Wonwoo/OC
O/C is black wavy hair, not too skinny, bubbly on the outside but have low self-esteem. Please make it fluffy and sweet! Thank youuuu
Exo_Galaxies #8
Jun/ OC
O/C has short, curly brown hair and large brown eyes. She is intelligent and has a strong mentality. I also really enjoy high school settings.
Good luck on all of your stories and thanks!
O/C has layered, shoulder-length black hair, small brown eyes, really mentally strong but introverted.
I really like happy endings and when the girl is way tougher than the guy!
Thank you in advance! :)
Daydreams13 #10
O/C has red shoulder length hair, brown eyes, little weird, intelligent and tough but shy.
I really love coffeeshopau! and schoolau! especially when they are fluffy!!!
I'm really excited for this story and update soon!!