The way we used to be.

What I've Been Looking For
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It’s been a week since the incident in the karaoke bar happened but for Mark it seems that it was only yesterday. He can clearly remember the awkward atmosphere on their way back to Seoul. No one was talking inside the van, and no one dared to talk about what happen the night before.


School already started also. Mark, Jinyoung, JB and Jackson were on the same class, Youngjae on a year lower and Bambam and Yugyeom were on a same class, two years below. Mark wants to talk it out with Jinyoung. He really wants to but he can’t seem to find the courage to do so. With that there’s week was compose of only exchanging good mornings when they pass each other in front of the bathroom or minimal talks during lunch or dinner when Jinyoung’s family wants to eat together.

Jinyoung, on the other hand, also wanted to talk things out. He wants to apologize to Mark because of his attitude but he was afraid. Afraid that if Mark asks him the reason why he’s like that, He might need to tell him honestly the reason. And he doesn’t want that to happen.

Today was also not an exception. The group was munching their lunch on the school cafeteria. Although everyone were pretending to be okay, deep inside they know that they’re not, specially Mark and Jinyoung.


“So what’s the problem with you two?” Jaebum asked Jinyoung while carefully pointing a thumb towards the red head trying to avoid getting his attention.


“with Mark? Nothing. We’re fine” Jinyoung answered Jaebum. Jaebum can’t find the sincerity in the boy’s words.


“Yeah? if living in the same roof and the only conversation you have is exchanges of good mornings and good nights wasn’t a problem, then maybe you really do not have a friend, Mister.” Jaebum replied sarcastically. Jinyoung rolled his eyes, shrugged his shoulders then continue with his lunch.


“From the looks of it, it seems that you’re still not okay with our little cold friend there.” Jackson ask Mark. They are also having a conversation how the relationship between Mark and Jinyoung. Well, everyone can notice. It’s just that the Maknaes don’t have the courage to ask their hyungs about it. So basically, it will the hyungs to be one to solve it.


“Yeah, Mr. Sherlock? “ Mark doesn’t want to talk about it. For him, it’s like putting more wood in a fire. Involving a lot of people can lead to more misunderstandings.


“I just want to help, dude. You’re my friend. Both of you actually. So I don’t want things to be between the two of you. Even the maknaes, I know they already notice,” Jackson whined at the same putting an arm around Mark’s broad shoulders.

Mark turned to look at the Maknaes. although they’re pulling around he can actually notice the worried glances that they alternatively giving him and Jinyoung.

“Just step up, Man. Talk to him” The Chinese guy continued.

“I also want to. I really wanted to. It’s just that….”

“You’re afraid of the outcome?”


“well, in the end it’s up to the both of you. If staying like this then afterwards regret the things that you don’t do, seems the better option for you then who am I to argue?” Mark look at Jackson. Although this guy was always the playful there are times that he’s making sense. No, he’s always making sense. And it makes Mark to wonder where are this advices came from.


“May I know what’s the other option then?”



“Well, it’s to talk it out with the other party. Explain things and be ready with his respond. It can lead to positive outcome which can make you both happy or the other side of the coin. But at least, if ever that it will result negatively you will know what you need to do next.” Jackson finished his speech before finally standing up because the bell that ends their lunch break already rang.

“Not coming to Class?” he asked the red head.

“Nope. I want to think about things. I’ll be on the usual spot.”

“okay then, I gotta go. Try to really think about it Hyung!” and Jackson was out of Mark’s sight.




When Jackson enters the classroom alone, Jinyoung can already deduced when the other one is. the usual spot huh?. but nevertheless he ask Jackson and there discover that his gut feel was right.

Their professor was standing in front of the class talking about some business firms that went bankrupt because of frauds and stuffs but Jinyoung can’t seem to find his interest towards the topic. His mind was occupied by a certain red head boy who was not inside the classroom. He was thinking if he should end this awkward situation between them now.

it now or never

He carefully squat down and crawl towards the door a

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jurigkpop #1
Chapter 12: Ok.... this is definitely a really good update....

Umm..... I'm really curious about what actually happened between them in the past..... what make Jinyoung feels so paranoid and traumatic....
Chapter 12: So they are officially now?
Chapter 11: when jinyoung is gonna notice mark's feellings untill when its late OMG ,so complicated Heol (~_~)
jurigkpop #4
Chapter 11: I'm sorry but this story is getting weird, complicated but not a nice complicated......
Jinyoung too easily fall in love and Mark is too coward......

I hope you wouldn't feel offended by this.... I just want the best for you......

Update soon........
Chapter 11: OMG..just why Jinyoung?why you make Mark's heart broke again?!T^T
Chapter 10: Hope jinyoung can love mark soon..>.<
Chapter 10: Ohhh Mark~ you really love Jinyoungie..i know someday Your love will reach Jinyoungie.. ^^,
Chapter 9: Like this story,,very curious with what happen next..
graccikoh #9
Chapter 9: while the title implies sadness in Jinyoung's part, I'm so happy that he didn't get to court yura..
Chapter 9: Awww u like this story....
Update soon authormin