Chapter 7

My Love for Him, His Love for Her

A week has passed with Minseo completely ignoring Jungkook. Not answering his phone calls nor replying to his texts, so he had to text me instead to see if she's okay.

Minseo was having a pretty hard time. She refused to eat and she barely showed up to her classes. Jimin noticed Minseo missing her classes since they both were in the same music class, so he would call me all the time, asking what's wrong. He even visited our dorm four times. He was really worried about her, so was Jungkook and myself. I hated seeing her like that. Where did the once playful and cheery Minseo go? I wanted the old Minseo back. I tried to talk to her and convince her that Jungkook was only considering her drunk condition and how he didn't mean to hurt her. I told her that he really cares and is worried about her, but it was no use. She was still ignoring him. 'It's no use if I just ramble to her about Jungkook' I thought 'they should meet and talk face-to-face about it' so I thought of a plan.

"Any plans for tomorrow?" I asked Minseo, who was laying on the couch while watching K-drama

"No, why?" She asked, her eyes never leaving the TV screen

"Nothing just thought I would cook your favorite for dinner" I winked at her while her eyes finally left the screen and looked at me, excitement written all over her face

"Grilled lamb??" She asked excitedly

"Yup" I smiled and she suddenly got up and attacked me with a tight hug

"My Jiji is tha best!!!"

"Alright, alright you're choking me Min!" I tapped her back to let me go and she did so

"What would I do if I didn't have you, Jiji?" She said while fake crying and I nodded

"I don't know, you should be really grateful that you have such a friend"

"Thank you, lord for granting me such a friend" she held her hands up, as if she was praying to God. I giggled and went to my room to get ready to go grocery shopping for tomorrow's dinner, that's when my phone buzzed. I looked at the ID to see who texted me. Jimin...

"hey, how's she?"

"she's doing better, don't worry :)"

"that's a relief! she's been acting weird lately, do you know what was the problem?"

I paused before replying him back, hesitating if should tell him or not. Minseo didn't want anyone know about this so I tried to make something up "yea.. she just got the flu, nothing major"

"oh, okay then. glad she's feeling better now"

"haha yea"

"so, how are you?"

My heart jumped a beat and I don't even know why. Maybe it was because college didn't let us meet or talk as much as we used to before, plus he was too worried about Minseo over the last week that I kinda felt he almost forgot about me... no matter how much I tried to avoid it...I knew I was being jealous


"you don't sound like it, though"

I was always such a terrible liar, even through texting and especially with Jimin. He always read through me like I was a book or something

"I'm fine, really"

"what are you up to?"

"well, I'm just about to head out to go grocery shopping"

"okay, I'm on my way"

"wait, what??"

"I'm going with you, just wait for me at the gate"

"wait no, you don't need to I'm fine"

"just wait for me there, I'll be there in a sec"

gosh! did he even listen to me? well, I don't think so. He never listens! I sighed and got ready as quickly as I could. Putting on my black over-sized tee with black skinny jeans and grabbing my purse before I head out

"bye Min, I'll be back in a few" she nodded in response and I shut the door behind me before walking out and towards the gate to the dorms, where Jimin and I planned on meeting each other. When I got there, my eyes widened as I saw Jimin already there, leaning against a tree. He was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with short jeans while a silver chain hanging around his neck. He looked always. He was listening to his music and it was loud enough for me, who was standing a few meters away, to hear it. I knew he didn't notice me so I decided to do something. to scare him! I sneaked behind the tree and suddenly grabbed his sides "BOO!" Jimin suddenly jumped while a girly scream escaped his mouth "WHAT THA- YOU FREAKING SCARED ME TO DEATH WOMAN!!" I just couldn't stop myself from cracking up. Scarring him was always fun, but hearing him scream now was a plus. I put my hands on my stomach while still laughing out loudly. Jimin on the other hand, was completely annoyed by my attempt and flicked my forehead

"ow! what was that about" I said between my laughs

"that's what you get trying to scare the out of me!" he looked away from me, still annoyed

"awh come on Jiminie, it was a joke" I told him while calming my laughter, but he ignored while still looking away. Gosh was he a kid sometimes.

"come on Jiminie, I'm sorry" I apologized and saw him looking at me in the corner of his eyes. Only then I knew I was succeeding, which motivated me

"I'll buy you ice cream" I offered and he finally looked at me with a huge smile on his face


"my God, Jimin! you're such a kid, grow up! you're freaking 20!" I jested and he just shrugged in response. We started walking to the supermarket. The weather was great! sunny with a cool breeze, just perfect. We passed by the park across from my dorm and multiple stores until we reached our destination. Jimin grabbed a cart and we started walking down the aisles while I grabbed things I needed, throwing them inside the cart before checking off my list.

"oookay! that's about it!" I said as I checked off the last item on my list

"didn't you forget something?" Jimin asked. I frowned and went through everything I needed to get

"I don't think so, I got everything"

"you suuure?" he tilted his head, smiling teasingly at me. I pouted while tilting my own head, confused, but then it hit me

"oh right, okay" I reminded myself as I walked inside the ice cream aisle "get whatever you want" I felt like a mother who was going to award her son for doing something good by buying him an ice cream. Jimin excitedly looked through dozens of ice cream before deciding on one

"make it two" I said, suddenly craving some for myself.

After that, we went to the cashier to check out and walked out the market. We decided to go to the nearby park to chill and eat our ice creams. We sat down on a bench, side-by-side and started eating the ice creams. It was so nice! sweet and refreshing at the same time. The cold and smooth ice cream filling up my mouth, making my teeth and cheeks cold, which was a great feeling in that hot weather. I looked to my side to see Jimin, peacefully eating his ice cream, but then I noticed that his ice cream was melting. I quickly wiped the melted cream with my finger to prevent it from dripping on his clothes. "oh thanks" he flashed me a smile and I nodded. Now I was looking for a tissue to wipe my finger clean and I couldn't just it 'cause my hands were dirty. Failing at finding a tissue, an idea came to my mind

"Jiminie" he looked at me and I suddenly rubbed the cream on the tip of his nose

"what the heck! what's wrong with you today"

"sorry, I didn't have any tissue" I confessed while giggling and rubbed some more on his cheek "sorry, there were some left still" I laughed teasingly and stuck out my tongue at him. He looked at me in disbelief but then an evil smile appeared on his face. My instincts warned me to run, which I did so.

"let me turn you into a unicorn" Jimin yelled from behind while chasing me and I picked up my speed

"no way, mister! the one who'll turn into a unicorn is you!" I laughed and realized that he has already caught up to me. He grabbed my elbow and pulled me back, I stumbled on my feet and we both fell flat on our butts "ow!!" I whined while rubbing my and heard Jimin laughing his off from behind, I looked at him and saw him laying on his back while laughing, knowing that it was my one and only chance I took action and hovered on top of him, sticking my ice cream on his forehead "that's a good unicorn" I rubbed his chest as if he was a pet animal while trying to hold in my laughter

"you have got to be kidding me!" Jimin stood up, with my ice cream still stuck on his forehead. Unable to hold in anymore, I burst into laughter. I don't know what exactly it was but Whenever we were together, we would act like 5-year olds. Stubborn, energetic and carefree. I loved it. I could easily forget about all of my worries and stress when I was with him. He just makes me feel so calm and cheery like I don't need to care about anything else. He always makes me feel at ease and that's what I absolutely love about him.

I stood up after wiping my tears and stood in front of the unicorn Jimin. He looked at me, annoyance and frustration written all over his face. I couldn't help but to pinch his cheek "who's my little squishy? asdfghjkl!!" weird words escaped my mouth in the form of a squeal from his cuteness while cupping his chubby cheeks in my hands, making his plump lips form a pout. God knows how badly I wanted to kiss those lips! His cheeks flushed bright pink and tried to break free by pushing my hands away

"awh Jiminie you're so cute!! just let me take a picture!" I asked, reaching for my phone from my back pocket

"no way!" he protested, attempting to run away

"pretty please!!! please please please" I looked at him with my pleading puppy eyes

"I said no way!"

"aw, come on! I promise I won't show it to anyone" I promised, but he still had his back at me, ignoring me completely

"oh my god!! someone's stealing our bags!!" I shouted and Jimin suddenly looked back, panicked.

"where??" I took advantage and quickly took a picture of his panicked face. It came out really good and I set it as my lock screen and giggled

"are you serious?" Jimin looked at me in disbelief before trying to snatch my phone away, which, of course, I didn't let him and started running again.

After fooling around for almost two hours, we finally decided to head back since it was starting to get dark outside. -Not to mention that we already got that ice cream off of Jimin's forehead before going back to the supermarket to get tissues to wipe it clean- He walked me back to the dorms and suggested me to help me with the bags, but I told him it was fine. Before stepping inside the entrance, I turned back and wrapped my arms around Jimin's waist, bringing him into a tight hug

"thank you for today, Jiminie" I whispered into his chest and he returned the hug, just as tightly

"glad you had fun, it's always a good idea to take a little break... I know you had a pretty hard time for the past week, since Minseo's been sick and you had to take care of her" he said softly while gently tapping my back. I felt tears beginning to fill my eyes but tried my best to blink them away 'so he did notice' I thought to myself and a smile crept up my lips

"thank you"

"you're welcome" We stayed like that for a few more minutes until we pulled away

"go and get a lot of rest okay? you need it" he flashed me a smile and I nodded

"yes sir!" I posed a salute form and he chuckled "okay go, it's getting chilly out here" he ordered me and I obeyed, walking in and towards my room, stealing glances back to see if he was already gone. I smiled waved at him one last time before turning a corner and disappearing from his sight. I got out my keys and unlocked the door, entering the room to see Minseo still laying on the couch in front of the tv with a bag of chips.

"I'm home" I announced

"oh, welcome home" she threw her head back to see me

"a little help here?" I asked as I was struggling with a dozen plastic bags in my hands. She stood up and walked towards me to help to carry them to the kitchen and taking the items out to put on their appropriate places. After we were done, I went to my room to change but before doing that I pulled out my phone to text Jungkook, telling him about my plan for tomorrow

"are you sure about that?" he texted me after a pause

"well it doesn't hurt to try, right? we'll see what happens. sooo what do you say?"

"idk... but I trust you so"

"thank you for trusting me, Jungkook! I really hope things get better between you guys after tomorrow"

"yea me too, thank YOU"

"no problem ^^ so see you then?"

"yup! see u :)"


Author's note:

Hello everyone~!

I know I didn't update last week and that's because it was my birthday and I didn't really have the time to update and I'm really sorry about that, but I hope that this fluffy chapter made up for that haha >_<

Once again, thank you very much for reading <3


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Chapter 17: Nooo.. TT__TT
Omg.. Its just perfect when my playlist play 2u cover by jungkook.. I'm crying *soobbbss*.. Good job authornim.. I love your beautiful writing..
Chapter 18: Wow, I didn't vision this ending would come. Heart still aches for Jungkook. Anyway, as for the sequel I'll choose the first option, 'cause it seems much more interesting for me. hehe Fighting author-nim!☺
Noobynoobster #3
Chapter 17: NOOOOOOo I had a feeling this would happen. Y u do dis. Whyyy. Still. It was beautifully written.
Chapter 17: i thought the one who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 17: i thought the obe who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 16: i didn't realease that im crying .. my tears drop by itshelf ... ddaebbaakk
Ayamie432 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Chapter 16: I found myself anticipating every chapter of this story. Please don't let anyone die. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: By the way this chapter was fantastic. So steamy and tender omg I keep coming back to reread it I'm just dying in anticipation for the next chapter! >. <
Chapter 15: Ugh, I'm so hooked on this story. I want Jihye and Jungkook to be together so bad. Minseo is really cruel though...