Chapter 5

My Love for Him, His Love for Her

It started raining outside. It started with few drops, but then it turned into a storm. It was pretty heavy so I offered Jungkook to stay over until it stops raining. He agreed to my offer since his hotel was a little far from us and he had to take the bus.

We were sitting in the living room, chit-chatting about this and that and learning a lot about each other. I learned that he was majoring in music, loves to draw and skateboard. He also loves to dance.. 'just like Jimin' I thought.

Back when we were still in high school, Jimin used to always wait for me outside of my class to walk home together. Even when I had to take a test or serve my detentions after school (which took more than an hour), Jimin would wait for me, but not outside of my class. I knew too well where to find him on those days. The gym. I would go to school's gym, finding him dancing to the loud music he was playing. He had amazing dancing skills that I've never seen before. He looked so cool when he danced. His slow moves made my heart to beat faster than it already was. I stood behind the doors, watching him dance. But he always noticed me staring and would look at me with a teasing smile on his face, which it really made breathing hard for me and continued dancing. He was always such a tease, but I loved him. I loved everything about him. After watching him dance for a good one or two hours, we would walk back home, hand in hand while laughing and fooling around. I even remember pulling up pranks on the neighborhood. We would split up, with me being on one side of the road and Jimin on the other, and then we would just run while ringing neighbors' doorbells one after another and laughing so hard that we couldn't breathe anymore.

I smiled at the memories, missing those times.

"what's so funny?" Jungkook giggled, pulling me out of my thoughts. "o-oh nothing aha" I laughed awkwardly "just an old funny memory, no biggie"

"so what are you and Minseo majoring in?" Jungkook asked, changing the subject

"I'm still undecided. I'm taking the generals first to see what I'm interested in the most. But Minseo is majoring in theater and acting" I told him

"she always loved to act and be on the screen, so she finally made it huh?" Jungkook chuckled

"yea! she's such an amazing actress, though, no kidding!" I praised Minseo. He laughed and nodded in agreement.

We continued talking about everything. I told him about Jimin, how we met and how long we've been friends but never did I tell him about my crush on him. Other than Minseo and my mom, no one knows that I like Jimin.

Until there was nothing else left to talk about, we decided to play a game.

"do you want to play a board game?" I asked Jungkook excitedly

"yea, sure!" he agreed

"really? I love board games, but I have no one to play them with. Since Minseo hates them and thinks it's a waste of time" I pouted

"but I love board games!" Jungkook said and my eyes twinkled in excitement.

I ran to my room and grabbed my all time favorite board game, TWISTER! When I brought it to Jungkook, I saw his eyes widened "are we really going to play that?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck, nervously.

"yea! you don't like it?" I asked, suddenly feeling disappointed

"n-no no, it's not that I don't like it. It's just I'm not really good at it" he explained while laughing awkwardly

"then I'll win!" I let out a laugh and he put his hands on his hips

"like I would let you beat me!" he scoffed

"we'll see about that mister" I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed

"bring it on!"

Boy was he competitive! But I liked it because I'm pretty competitive myself.

I opened the box and lay the mat on the ground. We decided on who's first by rock, paper, and scissors

"rock..paper..scissors..YES!! you lost from the very beginning!" I cheered as I held my arms up and showing victory sign

"yah! not fair!" Jungkook complained and I laughed "it's so! now you're first!" I spun the arrow "left foot on blue" then it was my turn.

We continued playing until we got really twisted. "right hand on yellow" Jungkook demanded me. I had to turn around, 'cause my left hand and foot were on blue and my right foot on yellow. When I turned around, I found us to be in an awkward position, really awkward! I was facing up at Jungkook as he was on top of me and his hands and legs on either side of me. We were staring into each other's eyes until I felt the heat rushing through my cheeks. I quickly looked away, causing him to snap back and look away while clearing his throat. "s-sorry" he apologized but I shook my head "I-it's okay haha, it's twister after all" I smiled and tried to spin the arrow for his turn, but as I struggled to lift my hand and reach for the arrow I fell flat on my back, not realizing I hit Jungkook's arm, which caused him to lose his balance and falling right on top of me. I held my breath at the sudden weight on me "o-ow" I let out a loud sigh, which made Jungkook look at me with his worried eyes "a-are you okay?" he asked, still on top of me. I looked at him and my eyes widened as our faces were only inches away "I-i just..can't...b-breath!" I managed to say while gasping for air. I saw his startled eyes and flushed cheeks as he quickly got off me and helped me to sit up. After I caught my breath I couldn't help myself but to crack up at the whole situation. Jungkook looked at me worriedly, he must've thought I hit my head or something

"w-what's so funny?" he asked, confused. I didn't answer and kept laughing so hard, until my stomach hurt like crazy "ow ow ow". by that time Jungkook was also laughing with me

"you're one crazy girl aren't you?" he said while laughing

"now you know me~" I said while rubbing my aching stomach

"ow but seriously I'm in pain right now!" I complained and he stopped laughing

"want me rub your stomach for you?" he smirked

"shut up" I hit his arm playfully causing him to laugh again "okay okay" he held his arms up in defeat "just lay down, I'll bring you water" Jungkook suggested and I frowned

"is water supposed to help me?" I questioned, already knowing the answer 'no'.

"I-i don't know, do you know any other good way to reduce your pain?" I chuckled at his silliness. I found it really adorable seeing him getting all worried about me for everything, he seemed like a little kid

"I'm fine, don't worry" I smiled, reassuring him "sooo I won?" I looked at him, teasingly. He facepalmed himself at my recklessness

"yea sure..whatever" he shrugged and laughed a little

"yesss!" I threw my arms up and cheered to myself

"but it was you who made me fall!" Jungkook declared and I pouted "but I guess I can be generous this time and let you win" he smirked

"woah shut up mister, your generousness is choking me" I mocked

"you're welcome" he winked and I threw a cushion at him, we both started laughing again.

It was strange. It felt like I've known him for years. I've never felt this comfortable with someone I just met. We've only known and talked to each other for less than 24hrs and we already feel this comfortable with each other... speaking of hours, what time is it?? I looked at the clock, it's already 8:30pm? not only it hasn't stopped raining outside, the storm hasn't calmed down even just for a tiny bit. I guess Jungkook has to stay for tonight. I was kind of glad having a sleepover with him though, I wouldn't be alone since Minseo is still dead..I mean asleep haha, and Jimin is at the guys dorms and probably busy enough to talk on the phone with me. So I guess it's for the best 'cause rainy nights aren't my favorite either. I'M NOT SCARED OKAY... well maybe a little BUT DON'T JUDGE. I just get a little too lonely on rainy days. Anyways, I suggested to watch a movie and Jungkook asked me if I have any horror movies

"oh my god! do you actually like horror movies?" I asked excitedly

"I LOVE them!" Jungkook responded, also excitedly.

My eyes lit up when I finally found someone who also liked horror movies. Jimin was always too scared of horror movies and scary stuff and so was Minseo, but they pretended to be 'busy' and I alway ended up watching them on my own, But I finally have someone to watch them with. I showed Jungkook my horror movie collection and we decided on one 'Sinister'. I went to my room and got us both some blankets since it got a little chilly. When I came back I saw him in the kitchen looking for something

"what are you looking for?" I asked as I approached him

"popcorn" he said as he continued searching

"well you are searching the wrong place sir" I said as I reached for the top cabinet. I struggled a little since it was too high for me, but then Jungkook smirked and easily reached up and grabbed the bag

"you should ask for help when you know you can't grab things that are too high for you, shortie" he whispered behind me as he was reaching for the bag. I turned around and hit his chest

"Yah! who are you calling shortie?" I yelled at him

"OW!! what was that for?" he rubbed his chest where I hit him

"you know!! never call me short again or I will punch you!" I poked his chest again. He was still rubbing the place while 'ow-ing'

"and come on! I didn't hit you that hard" I protested

"yes you did!" he said back

"did not!"

"did too!"

"did not!"

"did not!"

"did too- goddammit!" I lost and he laughed "now we're even"

he was unbelievable!

We grabbed the bag of popcorn and sat down in front of the tv while wrapping ourselves into the blankets. The movie was pretty good. I found myself jumping a little from the jump scares but surprisingly enough, Jungkook didn't even blink! I could handle horror movies, I actually liked them a lot, but there were scenes that I just couldn't take and would look away. I heard Jungkook giggling at my actions

"are you scared?" he teased

"am not!"

"then why are you looking at my shoulder?"

"just shut up!" I complained and he laughed harder.

As soon as I looked back at the tv, a terrifying jump scare appeared and made me scream and jump back. Jungkook got surprised but then smirked

"just come here" he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him

"what are you doing?" I asked as I tried to breakthrough his grip but he held me tighter

"just be quiet and watch the rest, you'll scare less if you're close to someone" he explained as his eyes were still on the tv

"I'm not scare-AAH!" I screamed again as another jump scare appeared.

Man this movie with its jump scares!

I don't remember anything after the movie... I guess I just passed out?

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Chapter 17: Nooo.. TT__TT
Omg.. Its just perfect when my playlist play 2u cover by jungkook.. I'm crying *soobbbss*.. Good job authornim.. I love your beautiful writing..
Chapter 18: Wow, I didn't vision this ending would come. Heart still aches for Jungkook. Anyway, as for the sequel I'll choose the first option, 'cause it seems much more interesting for me. hehe Fighting author-nim!☺
Noobynoobster #3
Chapter 17: NOOOOOOo I had a feeling this would happen. Y u do dis. Whyyy. Still. It was beautifully written.
Chapter 17: i thought the one who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 17: i thought the obe who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 16: i didn't realease that im crying .. my tears drop by itshelf ... ddaebbaakk
Ayamie432 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Chapter 16: I found myself anticipating every chapter of this story. Please don't let anyone die. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: By the way this chapter was fantastic. So steamy and tender omg I keep coming back to reread it I'm just dying in anticipation for the next chapter! >. <
Chapter 15: Ugh, I'm so hooked on this story. I want Jihye and Jungkook to be together so bad. Minseo is really cruel though...