Chapter 11

My Love for Him, His Love for Her

I slightly opened my eyes only to shut them back tightly due to the sharp pain I felt inside of my head. It felt like somebody stabbed a needle right from one side of my temple to the other, causing me to suddenly groan in pain. As soon as the sound left my mouth, I felt movements beside my bed as a hand was gently placed on my forehead.

A familiar hand...a familiar sensation...a familiar warm and comforting feeling...I knew too well who these hands belong to...hands that I don't ever want to let go, hands that always gave me warmth, comfort, care

"you're awake?" a soft voice whispered next to my ear. An angelic voice that caused whatever pain I was feeling to go away, filling me with comfort instead. I wanted to instantly fall asleep again because of all of that calmness that particular 'person' was giving me, but I wanted to open my eyes to see that 'person'. The one who waited patiently for me to wake up...the one who was worried about me like always. I knew who that person was, I could sense him with each and every cell of my body. He was

"Jimin..." I said softly as I opened my eyes to see a pair of brown ones looking down at me. His soft hand that was on my forehead slid down to my cheek, caressing it gently with his thumb. My lips curved up a little at the beautiful sight in front of me

"how are you feeling? are you feeling better?" Jimin asked with a caring tone, concerned eyes looking down at me. I pulled my hand up from my side to put it on his that was caressing my cheek

"I'm fine" I smiled sweetly and tried to sit up, but there was it again. An intense piercing pain shoots inside my head, I winced "a-argh!" Jimin helped me up

"just stay here, I'm gonna get you some water" he said as he stood up from the ground and left the room. I began massaging my temples, hoping to reduce at least some of the pain. I failed. I tried to remember what happened yesterday, but my brain was too tired to think of anything and forcing it would only cause me more pain so I just decided to ask Jimin about it. It didn't take long before he came back with a glass of water and some medicine in his hands

"here, take these" he offered as he sat down next to me on my bed. I took the medicine and drank the water to help the pills to go down easily.

"thanks" I mumbled and smiled at him. He smiled back but still had that concerned expression on his face. "Jimin.." I decided "what happened to me last night?" He sighed before beginning to explain

"well... After class Minseo and I decided to go back to the cafeteria since we were a little hungry. Before we knew it, it was already dark and cold outside so she invited me to some hot chocolates at your dorm room. When we got here, we realized you still weren't back. since it was only 8 pm, it didn't bother me that much knowing you weren't that of an outdoor person and you'll be back soon...but you didn't. I decided to stay with Minseo because first, I was worried about you and second, I didn't want to leave Minseo alone since she was really worried about you too. It was around 12:30 am when we heard a knock on the door. When we opened it, we saw you passed out inside Jungkook's arms. He was carrying you. He said that you guys were eating at a restaurant, but you ended up drinking so much that you actually passed out"

Right! now I remember! Jungkook took me to that cozy little restaurant to eat after working on our art project...goddammit! why did I drink that much? I'm not a drinker at all but why did I end up drinking that much? and in front of Jungkook! I ruffled my hair in frustration

"are you guys dating or something?" Jimin's question snapped me up. I quickly looked up at him, shaking my head 'no'

"n-No! we're not! w-why would you even ask that?"

"I don't know...he seemed like he was worried about you and was kinda annoying" he said, mumbling the last few words

"w-well..aren't friends supposed to get worried about each other?"

"whatever" he shrugged, seeming uninterested

"by the way, where's Minseo?" I asked, finally realizing the dorm being so dark and quiet. I bet my room's lights were the only light that were on in our whole dorm room

"she went out to the park" I looked at the time and gasped. It was 5 am!!!

"why did you let a girl go out alone at this time of the night??? (basically day but it was still very dark outside)"

"woah chill! she said she wanted some time alone with herself. Besides, she said that she's not gonna exit the campus so I guess she's at one of the parks inside the campus"

"oh..." what would she think of me now? me out with Jungkook all night and returning with him carrying me in his arms at midnight!? I definitely need to explain everything to her! I need to tell her that nothing ever happened between us and.... awe man!! why do I keep ruining everything? why do I keep messing things up? Gosh, I hate myself for that!

As I was still blaming myself for everything in the world, I didn't realize Jimin was dragging me inside the bathroom

"go wash up! you stink of alcohol!" He confessed with a disgusted face

"well thank you very much"

"I'll be in the kitchen" he said before throwing me my towel and walking out. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked horrible! My once nice wavy hair was now all messy with each strand standing in different directions. My dark circles completely noticeable even from 10 meters away. I sighed again and started taking off my clothes and then stood in the shower. I let the warm water to wash away my stress and worries along with the dirt and grease on my body. After showering, I wrapped my towel around my body and brushed my teeth before stepping out. I threw on some white oversized tee with some gray sweatpants and joined Jimin in the kitchen. He was making ham and cheese with eggs and bacon. The smell was already killing me as my stomach began growling like crazy, begging me to put some food in there

"mmm smells good!" I hummed, walking behind him and peeking from over his shoulder "I didn't know you could cook" I teased and he smirked

"well...I'm capable of doing many things that you still don't know about" he winked and I rolled my eyes, facing away from him so he couldn't see my blushed face. 'this guy's such a tease' I thought, but then decided to push it further to back

"what kind of things?~" I asked, drawing circles on his back with my finger. He looked up at me, still having that devilish smirk on his face, taking a step towards me

"wanna know?"

"very much, sir" I bit my bottom lip as he was getting closer to me, his smirk never leaving his face...

When he was only centimeters away from me, he reached out his hands and attacked my sides. Tickling me. I screamed at the sudden funny-annoying sensation and began laughing and wiggling around, trying to escape his grip...failed. "wanna know more??" he laughed out while still tickling me "nonono NO! LET GO!" I scream-laughed. I was literally going nuts as I continued wiggling around like crazy, hoping to get away till I couldn't breathe anymore and my eyes began to tear up. The whole dorm was filled with sounds of us laughing and screaming. That didn't last long until we heard the front door open and close with a loud bang and heavy steps making their way to the living room. It was Minseo... She looked awful! Hair messy, red puffy eyes which were clear that she earned them from crying for hours, huge dark circles around her eyes and her body shivering from the cold. She was only wearing a tee with jeans! I quickly grabbed a blanket from my room and wrapped it around her, rubbing her back and arms to make her warmer.

"Minseo! why are you doing this to yourself? what happened?" I asked as I continued rubbing her arms. She didn't say anything, her head hung low like she found something more interesting on the carpet than my questions so I decided to not push her. She was still sniffling both from the cold and crying. Jimin quickly got out of the kitchen with a cup of hot coffee and a plate of ham and cheese in his hands. He sat next to her on the couch and started feeding her, even though she was resisting, he still forced her to open

"you should eat, Minseo. You haven't eaten anything from yesterday" He said softly and continued on feeding her. I too fed her the coffee in between her bites.

After feeding her, I walked her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet before running the shower for her. After I made sure that the water was at the right temperature, I offered Minseo to help her take her clothes off but she shook her head 'no'. She hasn't spoken a single word to me since she came back. I knew she was mad and I needed to clear this misunderstanding between us as soon as possible

it was all a misunderstanding

I didn't have anything to do with Jungkook and Jungkook didn't have anything to do with me, end of story!


After our classes were over, we decided to go out for lunch. Since Jimin was driving, we let him decide where to go so he took us to his favorite place. Korean BBQ! I mean who doesn't like korean bbq, really? All of us had the biggest smile on our faces when we stepped into the restaurant. The smell of grilled meat found its way to our nostrils and we found ourselves drooling. Our faces were no joke! Seeing each other drooling over just the smell broke us into laughter. After laughing for what it seemed like forever, we walked around the restaurant to find an empty table.

"finally! here, guys!" Jungkook shouted from the other side of the restaurant. He finally found us a spot, thanks Kookie!

We all sat down and the waitress took our orders moments after. The restaurant was PACKED! like no kidding! we noticed after we entered, people began to line up outside. It's been only ten minutes and the line has already reached the street which was six meters away! I think we got lucky that we didn't have to stand in the line. It was crazy!

"so, Ji! what do you like for your birthday present?" Jimin suddenly asked, interrupting my wild thoughts

"huh?" I asked. Why would he bring up my birthday all of a sudden?

"your birthday! it's in a week from now, what do you want?"

"uuh...nothing really...what do YOU want? yours is in a week after mine" I snapped back teasingly

"aawh c'mon! don't change the question. I asked you first!"

"and I asked you second" I smirked which caused Jungkook to giggle a little. Minseo was still ignoring me and hasn't said a word since we came out.

"actually...I don't want anything for my birthday. Just having you guys by my side is enough" I smiled and reached my hand to take Minseos' who was sitting across from me. She smiled bitterly, looking up at me for two seconds before dropping her head again. I sighed mentally to myself

"awh I'm starting to tear up, Ji! you're so sweet" Jimin fake cried and pretended to wipe his invisible tears away

"ah shut up!" I slapped his arm playfully and he laughed

"wait, when is your birthday?" Jungkook asked from the other side of the table

"October 7th" I responded

"and I'm October 13th" Jimin said without even being asked

"hey nobody asked you!" I chuckled and slapped his back playfully

"what tha- aish this kid!" he swung his arm around my neck, pulling and trapping my head while ruffling my hair with his fist

"yah! staaahp it lemme go!" I whined, slapping his arm. Jungkook kept staring at us in bemusement while trying to contain his giggles.

"excuse me" Minseo suddenly stood up, excusing herself to the bathroom. We all went silent and fixed our positions, sitting up straight.

We ate our food in silence after that, no more goofing around...

'well, this is awkward'


Author's Note:

Hey, there guys!

aah sorry again for this late update DX know =_=

anyways, I needed to make something clear for you, loves. So, this whole story is based on Jihye's (first person) POV so there might be some confusing events going on for you and you might wonder 'why is this character acting like this?' BUT don't worry! it's all gonna be clear later on ^^

This way would be easier for you to imagine yourself as Jihye and what she thinks, you know like real life haha

I really hope you are enjoying this story so far

As always, Thank you for reading


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Chapter 17: Nooo.. TT__TT
Omg.. Its just perfect when my playlist play 2u cover by jungkook.. I'm crying *soobbbss*.. Good job authornim.. I love your beautiful writing..
Chapter 18: Wow, I didn't vision this ending would come. Heart still aches for Jungkook. Anyway, as for the sequel I'll choose the first option, 'cause it seems much more interesting for me. hehe Fighting author-nim!☺
Noobynoobster #3
Chapter 17: NOOOOOOo I had a feeling this would happen. Y u do dis. Whyyy. Still. It was beautifully written.
Chapter 17: i thought the one who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 17: i thought the obe who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 16: i didn't realease that im crying .. my tears drop by itshelf ... ddaebbaakk
Ayamie432 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Chapter 16: I found myself anticipating every chapter of this story. Please don't let anyone die. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: By the way this chapter was fantastic. So steamy and tender omg I keep coming back to reread it I'm just dying in anticipation for the next chapter! >. <
Chapter 15: Ugh, I'm so hooked on this story. I want Jihye and Jungkook to be together so bad. Minseo is really cruel though...