Chapter 6

My Love for Him, His Love for Her

I woke up as I felt an amazing warm feeling around me and nuzzled to whatever the source was. I slowly opened my eyes only to realize I was nuzzling against Jungkook's neck. I suddenly yelped and tried to get away, but he had his arms around me and whenever I moved, his grip would get tighter and tighter

'what the hell??' I thought.

I tried to wake him up but then saw his face. His face was so angelic when he was asleep. I couldn't bring myself to wake him or even move an inch, instead I analyzed his features. He was handsome! like really handsome! He looked hot and innocent at the same time. I let out a giggle and started his hair, gently. After a few minutes he slowly opened his eyes and I quickly pulled my hand away "no.." he held my hand "don't stop" he put my hand back on top of his head, I hesitated a little at first but began to it again. He seemed like a little kitten as he nuzzled against my neck and went back to sleep.

I really didn't want to wake him up but I also didn't want Minseo to see us like that. What would she think if she did? Even though we didn't do anything, the sight of Jungkook holding me in his arms and nuzzling against my neck while I'm his hair, would definitely make Minseo's mind go wrong places! Especially when she told me that she liked Jungkook. I didn't want her to feel betrayed and think there is something going on between me and Jungkook. I lightly tapped Jungkook's shoulder "Jungkook-ssi...wake up" I whispered but he didn't move "Jungkook-ssi please wake up" I said louder and shook him. No response. "wake up!" I shook him harder but he didn't budge. Oh my gosh! This guy is such a heavy sleeper! "JUNGKOOK!!!" I shouted and he finally jumped and let me go "I-i'm so sorry!" he apologized while looking at me with wide eyes "wow! such a heavy sleeper you are!" he giggled while rubbing his eyes

"yea haha my bad..It's just I haven't slept this comfortably for a long time"

"why?" I frowned

"well you know, busy with my job and school and stuff. I barely got to eat"

"what?? really? wow! there must've been a lot of pressure on you when you were in America" He nodded his head in agreement while yawning

"well now, you need to go wash up" I demanded him as I stood up and grabbed his hand, pulling him so he would stand up. He whined and resisted at first but then he stood up, lazily dragging himself to the bathroom. I chuckled as I watched him before making my way to the kitchen.

It must've been really hard on him. He had to make money while studying and going to college. He didn't even have anyone for the past year and was all alone by himself. He said he couldn't even talk to Minseo about what he was going through because he didn't want to worry her. I really felt bad for him but also praised his strong spirit of moving on. I wanted to help him.

When he told me he hardly got to eat, I decided to cook him breakfast. I wanted to let him know he's not alone anymore and he can trust me with anything. He told me that his favorite food is anything with flour, 'hmm..what should I make him?' I mumbled then thought of something really good 's'mores pancakes'. I clapped my hands together and gathered all the ingredients needed

"flour, baking powder, cocoa powder, brown sugar, salt, milk, egg, sour cream" I mumbled as I checked the ingredients. Then I started cooking. It took me less than I thought, like under 20mins. Jungkook came out of the bathroom and suddenly stood still as his eyes analyzed the table I made for him. Pancakes neatly placed on top of each other as they were covered with the marshmallow sauce. Jungkook's eyes then met mine

"you made this all for me?" he asked as his eyes were twinkling

"yup! I hope you like it!" I smiled as I signaled him to sit down

"I love them already!" he giggled excitedly as he sat down and took a bite right away

"oh my gosh Jihye!! did you make these yourself?" he asked as he was stuffing his mouth with more pancakes

"of course I made them myself! and you need to slow down or you'll choke to death!" I laughed but never did he look up, he was busy enough eating. I giggled at the sight of him. He looked like a 3-year old kid stuffing his mouth with his favorite food, not realizing how dirty his face was getting

*cough... COUGH*

Jungkook suddenly coughed which snapped me out of my thoughts. I quickly poured his glass with milk

"told you to slow down!" I reminded him as he was choking on his food. He quickly gulped down the milk

"that was a close one!" he said as he caught his breath

"Jungkook you're unbelievable!" I stated and he laughed, continuing eating.


Suddenly a door swung open, causing me to jump a little. I looked at the direction of the sound and found Minseo standing on her doorway and rubbing her eyes. She looked awful and pale. I was sure she didn't want to look like that in front of Jungkook so I ran up to her to fix her looks, but she refused and pushed me away and started walking to the table. She was acting strangely. I don't think she even noticed Jungkook until she sat down

"what are you doing here?" she asked Jungkook, shocked.


"I told him to stay due to the heavy rain" I cut him off.

"oh.." was all she said and started eating the pancakes I specially prepared for her. She was allergic to chocolate so I made her regular pancakes with berry sauce. She loved berries.

There was something off between Minseo and Jungkook. They suddenly got too quiet and it was starting to get a little too awkward so I spoke up

"soo, did you guys have fun at the bar?"

"lots of fun" Minseo smirked sarcastically

"I should probably leave now" said Jungkook as he stood up "thank you for the breakfast" he started walking to the front door but I quickly ran to him

"what? you're leaving already?" he chuckled

"I bothered you enough last night. And it's already stopped raining. I have to go back to the hotel and take care of few things, but thanks for everything" he smiled and opened the door to leave, but turned back and looked at Minseo, who was still sitting down at the table and staring at her food "bye Minseo, glad you're feeling better" Minseo didn't even look up, causing a bitter smile to form on Jungkook's lips. I was confused at the whole situation and kept looking between the two with a questioning look on my face. Jungkook turned to me one last time and smiled before walking off. I closed the door and approached Minseo, rubbing her back gently

"everything okay Min?" I asked her, concerned. She didn't say anything and was just playing with her food. "I thought you liked pancakes with berry sauce so-"

"thanks" she cut me off as she suddenly stood up and walked to her room before slamming the door shut behind her.

There stood me. Alone in the dining room, having no clue what was going on whatsoever. I was confused as hell 'what the heck was that about?" I mumbled to myself and then started to clean up. First the table, the kitchen and then the living room. I was busy cleaning and tidying up the living room until I heard something that stopped me. The sound of someone sobbing. I slowly approached the direction of the sound, only to realize it was from Minseo's room. I gently knocked on her door "Minseo? Is everything alright?" answer. I then slowly opened the door. There was Minseo, laying on her stomach on her bed while holding a pillow to her face, hoping to muffle the sound of her sobs. "Minseo..." I approached and sat next to her on her bed "what's wrong?" I asked while gently rubbing her back

"I *sniffle* hate him! *sniffle*" she said as she continued crying

"why? what happened?" I asked her calmly. She finally turned around to face me while wiping her tears away

"h-he's just...he's such an " she whined loudly and started crying again, yet louder than before. I hugged her and rubbed her back

"sh sh sh... It's okay let it out" even though I said that to her, I was confused as hell. Why would she say something like that about her lifelong crush and love? Just what did happen that night? I had so many questions I wanted to ask her but knew well that it wasn't the time, so I gave her some time to recover. She continued crying against my shoulder until she calmed down a little

"my head bad" she said while her eyes were still closed from all that crying

"oh yea, you didn't even drink any water after you got up right?" she shook her head 'no' and I got up to bring her water along with some medicine. She took the pills I gave her and gulped down the water in one second "wow slow down little lady" I giggled as I poured her another glass. She seemed a lot better now. Her face wasn't puffy anymore and her natural color was back. I tapped her back gently "now, are you ready to tell me what happened between you and Jungkook?" she nodded

"it all started when you left..."

(Narrator's POV)


Jihye bid Minseo and Jungkook goodbye before walking off to the dorms and disappearing into the crowd. When there was no sign of her left, Minseo suddenly linked her arms with Jungkook, earning a puzzled look from him, which soon changed into a giggle when she started doing aegyo

"let's go to the bar, Jungkookie~" Minseo tugged on Jungkook's arm while looking up at him with her smiling eyes

"alright" Jungkook chuckled before walking into the crowd, his arm still linked with hers'

After they reached the bar and settled down, Minseo quickly ordered them both some drinks.

"so how have you been Kookie? it's been so long, I missed you to death!" Minseo looked at Jungkook who was taking a sip of his vodka

"I know, my absence is unbearable for people" he winked at her and she smacked his arm playfully

"Yah! you still haven't changed your player side, have you" Minseo joked and he wiggled his eyebrows at her

"I've been alright, how have you been?" He asked while taking another sip

"I've been okay...but lonely" she looked down while drawing circles on the brim of her glass

"but you have Jihye, she's a good friend" Jungkook reminded Minseo

"yea, I guess" she nodded, still looking down "but now that you're here I'll never feel lonely again" she looked up and smiled cheerfully at him, earning a giggle from him

They continued drinking and talking through the loud music that was playing. Minseo begged Jungkook to dance with her, but he refused

"c'mon Jungkook! you came back after four years and the first thing you do is turning me down for dancing with me??" she then dragged him to the dance floor.

The loud music blasted through Minseo's ears and she completely let her body take over, dancing like there is no tomorrow. Jungkook on the other hand, was just looking out for her to not hurt herself or anyone else. He knew she was beyond too drunk and wanted to take her to her dorm as soon as possible, but she was having so much fun which prevented him from taking it away from her, so he just played along.

After the dance, Minseo couldn't stand on her legs anymore and fell into Jungkook's arms

"Kookie...take me home" Jungkook tried to help her walk

"but I don't know where you live" he confessed

"then take me where you live" his eyes widened at her words but then relaxed, knowing she was too drunk


"just do it! hurry I'm tired" she demanded and he had no choice but to obey

They arrived at Jungkook's hotel and took the elevator to reach the floor his room was located at. After they stepped into his room, Jungkook carefully layed her on his bed, making sure he doesn't wake her up, before going to the bathroom to wash up. When he came back, there was no sign of Minseo. Before he gets a chance to look around, he found himself pressing against the wall while a pair of eyes staring at him intently. He saw Minseo, only in her bra and , pressing her body against him

"what the hell?!" Jungkook let out, almost yelling, but Minseo put her index finger to his lips to shut him up. Her finger then traveled down his lips to his neck, his collarbone and finally, to his abs. Only then Jungkook realized that he was half , having only a towel wrapped around his waist

"when did you get those?" she asked teasingly while tracing his toned muscles with her fingers. Jungkook yanked her hand away

"you're too drunk Mins-" he got cut off by Minseo's lips, Jungkook stiffened under the sudden touch, but then pushed her away "what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"no! what the hell is wrong with YOU?!" Minseo spat back

Jungkook ran his fingers through his wet hair in frustration before going to his drawer and throwing her one of his shirts "put this on"

"don't want to!" she protested causing him to groan in annoyance "have you lost your mind?!"

"I lost my mind from the very moment I saw you, Jungkook" Minseo felt her tears filling up her eyes

"what??" Jungkook questioned, still feeling puzzled at the whole situation. Minseo looked up at him as a single tear trailed down her cheek, which softened Jungkook's expression

"I-...I love you Jungkook" she confessed, almost as a whisper. Jungkook didn't hear her at first, but she repeated herself with a louder and more confident voice

"I love you, Jeon Jungkook"

Jungkook didn't say anything and continued looking at her as she was wiping away her streaming tears. He turned around so his back was facing her and started to get dressed

"go to sleep, you're tired" he demanded her as he put on his hoodie. When he turned around, his face snapped to the side as a sharp pain hit him, leaving a throbbing sensation in his cheek. Minseo slapped him. His hand slowly made it to his fire red cheek as he dropped his head low so he wasn't facing the sobbing Minseo.

He felt bad for her because he could never love her the way she does. She was always like a little sister to him whom he adored and protected from anyone who tried to hurt her. Funny. Because now he is the one who is hurting her the most. He hated himself for that.

Jungkook slowly lifted his head up to meet Minseo's teary eyes "I'll leave so you can rest" he smiled bitterly before leaving the room. Now it was only Minseo in the room. The only sound that could be heard was her sobs and sniffling. She threw herself on the bed, crying herself to sleep.

(Jihye's POV)

"that's what happened" Minseo explained as she wiped her tears away

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Chapter 17: Nooo.. TT__TT
Omg.. Its just perfect when my playlist play 2u cover by jungkook.. I'm crying *soobbbss*.. Good job authornim.. I love your beautiful writing..
Chapter 18: Wow, I didn't vision this ending would come. Heart still aches for Jungkook. Anyway, as for the sequel I'll choose the first option, 'cause it seems much more interesting for me. hehe Fighting author-nim!☺
Noobynoobster #3
Chapter 17: NOOOOOOo I had a feeling this would happen. Y u do dis. Whyyy. Still. It was beautifully written.
Chapter 17: i thought the one who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 17: i thought the obe who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 16: i didn't realease that im crying .. my tears drop by itshelf ... ddaebbaakk
Ayamie432 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Chapter 16: I found myself anticipating every chapter of this story. Please don't let anyone die. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: By the way this chapter was fantastic. So steamy and tender omg I keep coming back to reread it I'm just dying in anticipation for the next chapter! >. <
Chapter 15: Ugh, I'm so hooked on this story. I want Jihye and Jungkook to be together so bad. Minseo is really cruel though...