Chapter 17

My Love for Him, His Love for Her

Warning: May be triggering and a lot of curse words have been used in this chapter.


(Narrator's POV)

One month has passed in the blink of an eye and not a single day has passed without Jihye waking up to the heartfelt sight of Jungkook sleeping, his head on the edge of her bed and her hand secured inside the frame of his soft and gentle hands. This sight never failed to plant a sweet smile on Jihye's face as to how loving and caring can a man be. She felt her heart warming inside whenever she landed her eyes on him and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't avoid the tingling feeling of the butterflies inside her stomach. Simply put, she was in love with that boy.

She wanted to sit up and plant a good morning kiss on Jungkook's cheek, but the weakness in her entire body prevented her from doing so. She wanted to wrap her arms around his torso and hold him as close to her as possible and tell him how grateful she is that he hasn't left her side, even for a second, all this time she was in the hospital. She wanted to his silky hair to sleep, just like how he did to her every single night, making her feel calm and safe like everything was going to be alright. Like she'll get discharged from the hospital the morning after, but not only she hasn't discharged for a month now, she felt weaker and weaker ever yday to the point that she couldn't eat by herself and needed someone to help her, which also in this case, Jungkook volunteered.

She knew something serious was wrong but no matter how many times she asked the nurses, doctors or even Jungkook and Jimin, all of their answers seemed the same; that she's going to be fine and will get discharged soon, that she should just rest without worrying about anything. Little did she know that she actually needed a heart transplant within a month and the doctors still haven't found any donors for her yet, that the doctors were slowly giving up on her survival by each passing day...

One day, the doctors decided to discuss Jihye's condition to Jungkook, Jimin, and Minseo, when her chances of staying alive became a real concern to them

"Unfortunately, we weren't able to find a donor for Miss Kim and as you can see, her condition is getting worse everyday. We're afraid that we should let her go" the doctor said, disappointment in his tone

"What do you mean 'let her go'?? You couldn't find a single ing heart for her?? What kind of a ing doctor are you? You bastard!!" Jimin, who was over the edge now, raised his voice at the doctor, advancing towards him to plant a neat bruise across his jaw but was pulled back by the nurses

"Let go of me, you ing piece of !!" Jimin struggled in the strong arms of a male nurse, trying his best to resist from being dragged to wherever the nurse was taking him but when he realized that luck wasn't on his side, he looked up at the doctor one last time before spitting out his words like venom from a snake "I swear to God, if something happens to her I'll ing sue you all!!"

Jimin's mental state wasn't stable since the first time hearing from the doctors that Jihye only had a month to live. He didn't know what to do with his life or more importantly, himself. He was so attached to his childhood friend that he couldn't bear spending a second without her and the idea that he had to live the rest of his life without her was driving him insane. He couldn't bear the sight of once always smiling, loving and happy Jihye, now lying motionless on a hospital bed in a lifeless, pale white room, waiting for her life to end. Maybe that was the reason for him not visiting her everyday, he preferred staying at his dorm, living the perfect life in his imagination where he and Jihye were smiling and laughing just like how they used to back in the kindergarten and every day after meeting each other. He lied to himself for a whole month and convinced himself that everything is going to be alright, everything is going to go back to what it used to be and now here comes the doctor ruining it all by telling him that they couldn't find any donors for her and they have to let her go.

Why is life so unfair to him, to Jihye? What did they ever do to deserve this?

These questions were just enough for Jimin to make him go to the gym, finding his favorite sandbag and beat the life out of it until a warm, deep red liquid would cover his knuckles. He always hated the harsh and cruel reality and always tried to run as far away as possible from it, but now there is nowhere to run to. It's a dead end for him, now.

Minseo, on the other hand, did not visit the hospital once since they were told about Jihye's condition. She didn't see a reason for her to visit either considering the fact that she took Jihye as the one at fault for everything; for Jimin not leaving his dorm and his mental instability and her having to take care of him and also for Jungkook being taken away completely from her by Jihye. Minseo loved Jungkook so much that drove her crazy and wanted him back by all means, even if it meant praying for her "best-friend's" death... It seemed that her prayers have worked now that there are no chances for Jihye to stay alive. She didn't know how to feel about it, should she be happy or feel guilty? She didn't know it herself.

Minseo saw her so called 'boyfriend' being dragged by the nurse into another room, assuming he'll soon to pass out from the sedative they are going to inject into him, but that didn't concern her as much as it did the boy standing on the other side of her, talking to the doctor in a voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't make out what their discussion was about, all she saw was Jungkook grabbing onto the doctor's uniform's sleeve and looking at him with pleading eyes. Looking at the situation, It seemed like Jungkook was asking for something that wasn't actually possible to be done, which made Minseo extra curious about what the matter was about. She saw the doctor shaking his head in disappointment before putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and telling him something that made him astounded. He seemed relieved and at ease now, which was the exact opposite from his reaction only moments ago. A relaxed smile found its way to Jungkook's lips before he let go of the doctor's sleeve and bowing to him in gratitude.

After the doctor was gone, Minseo approached Jungkook, who was looking off into the distance with a small smile on his lips, and asked him what just happened

"What did the doctor say?" her question seemed to have caught Jungkook's attention because now he was looking at her with his red, puffy eyes. His cheeks wet, eyelashes stuck together by what Minseo assumed to be his tears, nevertheless still smiling. He brought his palm to Minseo's cheek, gently it with his thumb before pulling her into his arm. Minseo was lost for words, she wondered why he was acting that way but she could care less. As long as she is in his arms, nothing else matters. She brought up both of her arms and wrapped them tightly around his torso. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in his sweet scent of cologne she realized how much she had missed. She missed Jungkook's arms around her, she missed the tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach whenever she was around him, she missed the comfort he could only give to her, she missed him. She missed Jungkook.

The world seemed to have stopped as they stood there, in the middle of the hallway, holding each other in their arms. After what it felt like hours, Jungkook pulled away, planting a quick yet sweet peck on Minseo's forehead. He looked down at her in the same sweet and soothing way before asking

"Can you do something for me?"

"Anything" Minseo, who was lost in the moment, replied as soon as the words left Jungkook's mouth

"Take good care of Jihye for me, will you?" his next words seemed confusing to Minseo, in fact, she didn't know what he meant at all. "Why is he asking such favor from me?" she wondered

"Why do you want me to take care of her? aren't you the one who's supposed to do that?" she questioned, only to get another smile in reply. Jungkook let out a little laugh and ruffled Minseo's hair

"Stubborn as always" he started "Just do it for me, please?"

In which Minseo nodded unsurely...

(Jihye's POV)

It's warm...

I can hear the sizzling and popping sound of wood burning inside the fireplace in front of me.

It's cozy...

I'm wrapped in a blanket, watching the colorful flames dancing around inside the fireplace.

It's raining...

I don't recognize the place, but I have a pretty good guess that it's a cabin in a forest maybe?

It's dark...

The fire is the only thing lighting up the small cabin. The only things visible are the dark figure of a wooden coffee table on my right and the shelf above the fireplace. On the shelf, there are a couple of picture frames and a vase that I can barely see. I'm sitting on the wooden floor, my back against a leather sofa, with a rug lying underneath me that is colored in a variety of colors: red, orangish-yellow, black and blue. I'm sure there are a lot more colors but I can't see them in the low lit room.

I'm not alone...

I feel a presence next to me. It's more like we are cuddling close to each other, yet I can't see their face. I'm resting my head against the person's chest, listening to their soft, melodic heartbeat. I don't know who this person is, but I'm feeling safe. I'm feeling calm and comfortable. I'm assuming this person is a he because of his rock hard, muscular chest, but no matter how hard it is, it's like a comfortable pillow under my head that I wouldn't change with the best pillow in the world. He is my head and I find myself dozing off. His heartbeat is like a lullaby to my ear, beating in the same rhythm as my own. I don't want this moment to end so I try to keep myself awake but it's so hard. Something tells me that if I close my eyes, all of these feelings will end, but I can't help myself. My vision is turning blurry with every blink, my eyelids feel so heavy like someone is trying to pull them down.

I surrendered and let sleep draw me into its trance of carefreeness...




I slightly opened my eyes to see nothing but a blur version of the familiar ceiling I've been waking up to in the past month. The white window curtains of my room are parted to let in the beautiful daylight and revive the lifeless room. Everything seems so white and new and...fresh! I don't feel the weakness I felt in the past month, however, I feel a slight burning pain on my left side chest. Ignoring it, I try to sit up at a leisurely pace. I look around the room, hoping to see the familiar face I woke up to every morning. The pale, white skinned boy who's jet black hair decorated his forehead just perfectly. The boy who succeeded to make my heart skip a beat for him whenever my eyes landed on him. The boy who was by my side every single day for a whole month, yet I wasn't able to thank him well because of my poor condition. Now that I'm feeling better, I want to thank him properly. I want to tell him how grateful I am to have him by my side all this time. I want to tell him how his presence helped me get through my illness.

I want to tell him how important his presence is to me...

Instead, I was met with an envelope on top of what it seemed to be a sketching notebook. Confused, I reached for the envelope and tore it open, unfolding the piece of paper that it contained. It was a letter that was written in a very neat and beautiful handwriting, it read:

To whom that I owe my heart:

Jihye, my love, I'm so very happy that you finally have the part of me that really belongs to you. My heart. I knew it belonged to you ever since I landed my eyes on you. From the moment I looked into your gorgeous, black orbs, I knew it was already over for me. I knew there was no way back. I fell in love. I will always remember the very first time we met, the very first time you fell asleep in my arms, the very first time our lips touched. The way you looked at me the way you smiled at me, it's all engraved on my memory.

This can't be happening!

I will remember every second that I spent with you, all the laughing, all the crying, all the talking we've had will remain fresh in my memories. After meeting you, I noticed that home is not a place, it's a person and that person is you, my love. You were the reason for me not returning to America, because after so many years, I finally found the place where I really felt belonged to; Next to you.


All the six months I spent with you, was the best time of my entire life, thank you for that. Thank you also for showing me what love really is. You made me feel what love is with every cell of my body every time our lips connected. I love you, Jihye. I know I can't physically be next to you anymore, but I promise that I will never lose sight of you. I will always be with you, even if you can't see me. I will be watching over you.

You were the reason for my heart to beat, so I owe my heart to you. Now, please make it keep beating.

Your beloved,

Jeon Jungkook


Promise me one thing, that you will live happily. That's all I want from you.

"No no no no! This can't be happening! Why, Jungkook? Why??"

I clutched on my bandaged chest, feeling the beating of Jungkook's heart inside. My tears came streaming down and I couldn't help the whimpers that escaped my mouth whenever I exhaled.

"Why?" I kept between my sobs. The once dead silent room is now filled with the sound of my wailing. The sounds of hurt, pain, and sorrow being poured out altogether from my being in forms of tears and whimpers.

I reach for the sketchbook that was underneath the envelope, realizing it was Jungkook's most adored item. He wouldn't let anybody near his sketchbook and always had it with him wherever he went and now, he's leaving it for me. I hesitated a little before opening it. I made sure to calm down my crying so that my tears wouldn't stain the pages. I took a deep breath and proceeded to open it. Stunned as I flipped the pages. He was a great artist, the best artist I've ever met in my life. He had sketches and drawings of a variety of subjects, landscapes, animals, portraits of men and women of any age. As I flipped through the pages, I noticed that from one point on, his subject of drawing is the same. The portrait of the same girl appearing on every single page. That girl was me...

Drawing of me staring off into the distance with my hair dancing with the wind. A little note was written on the bottom: "she looks so beautiful even when she's not doing anything."

A portrait of me smiling with another note on the bottom: "She brightens up my whole world with her smile. I hope she always keeps smiling."

A portrait of me crying "I can't stand seeing her in pain and tears. I wish I had the ability to always make her smile and forget about her pain."

A drawing of me sleeping "An angel from heaven above."

And the list goes on and on...

I can't take it anymore. I can't hold my tears back any longer. I feel cold. I feel insecure. Now I'm certain that the person in my dream was him. It was Jungkook who made me feel warm and secure inside his arms. Now that he's gone, to whom shall I rely on to make me happy whenever I'm down, to cheer with me whenever I'm happy, to be by my side no matter what the circumstances are. I feel alone. I wasn't able to fulfill any of his wishes when he was alive, yet he alway did beyond whatever I asked him. For the sake of all the things he has done for me, I shall fulfill his last wish.

I will live happily...


Author's Note:

Hey everyone~

I'm sorry for the loss, now you know why it took me so long to write this chapter. I just couldn't gather up the courage to write this chapter but it was already planned out and it was too late to change it. I'm really sorry but what I want you guys to do is to not give up on this story just yet! there are going to be a lot more surprises so please keep reading :)

As always, thank you for reading <3

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Chapter 17: Nooo.. TT__TT
Omg.. Its just perfect when my playlist play 2u cover by jungkook.. I'm crying *soobbbss*.. Good job authornim.. I love your beautiful writing..
Chapter 18: Wow, I didn't vision this ending would come. Heart still aches for Jungkook. Anyway, as for the sequel I'll choose the first option, 'cause it seems much more interesting for me. hehe Fighting author-nim!☺
Noobynoobster #3
Chapter 17: NOOOOOOo I had a feeling this would happen. Y u do dis. Whyyy. Still. It was beautifully written.
Chapter 17: i thought the one who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 17: i thought the obe who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 16: i didn't realease that im crying .. my tears drop by itshelf ... ddaebbaakk
Ayamie432 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Chapter 16: I found myself anticipating every chapter of this story. Please don't let anyone die. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: By the way this chapter was fantastic. So steamy and tender omg I keep coming back to reread it I'm just dying in anticipation for the next chapter! >. <
Chapter 15: Ugh, I'm so hooked on this story. I want Jihye and Jungkook to be together so bad. Minseo is really cruel though...