Chapter 3

My Love for Him, His Love for Her

We were all sitting at the cafeteria and talking until Minseo excused herself to go use the restroom. "I'll be back" she stood up and started walking towards the restroom. 'great!' I thought. Now it was only me and Jungkook and there was an awkward silence between us. He's been acting weird since Minseo introduced me to him. 'does he hate me?' I thought, 'did I do something wrong that he's annoyed with me? Gosh how I wish Jimin was here with me to save me from this situatio-'


My phone buzzed on the table and snapped me back from my thoughts. I checked to see who texted me. It was Jimin. He's been always a life saver to me.

Jimin: "hey, what's up?"

Me: "hey, nothing much. Minseo's childhood friend has come to seoul to visit and we came here to the usual cafeteria to meet him"

Jimin: "him? he's a guy?"

Me: "yea, his name is Jungkook" there was a long pause before he replied. It was strange for Jimin to take that long to answer since it only takes a second for him to reply back.

Jimin: "I see"

Jimin: "I thought we were going to the movies tonight.." Oh shoot! I forgot to tell him we couldn't go, since Minseo is planning to spend the whole day with Jungkook.

Me: "oh yea, I'm so sorry Jimin! I forgot to tell you we couldn't go. Minseo is planning to spend the whole day with Jungkook and she insisted me to go along with her. Maybe next time ok?" there was another long pause before he replied back.

Jimin: "sure, next time. Have fun :)" It was strange. It wasn't like him to text me like that. He used to be all excited and over reacting to everything and his texts were pretty long too, but now it seemed very short and without any excitement. The Jimin I know would be all clingy and cute, insisting to go with us and get all excited to meet Jungkook. But he was different.

"ehem.." Jungkook cleared his throat awkwardly, snapping me out of my thoughts and reminding me he was still there. I shook my head and looked up at him "o-oh I'm sorry, it was my friend.." I explained, tucking my hair behind my ear. "n-no no, it's fine! don't worry about it" he said and scratched the back of his neck. "so how is America?" I decided to break the silence. He looked up at me, a little surprised at my sudden question but then he smiled "it's alright I's still hard living there alone, but I'm working hard" he mumbled under his breath but loud enough for me to hear. "Alone? I thought you were living with your parents?" I questioned. "right.. they got divorced a couple of years after we moved to the US. I started living with my dad since then, but.." he cut himself short and looked down at his coffee "but?" I asked, wanting to know what happened "but.. he passed away last year. I'm living on my own now" a bitter smile formed on his face. "w-what about your mom?" I questioned "she.. she took all the money my dad left me and ran away with her boyfriend" he took a sip of his coffee trying to gulp down the bitterness of his sad memories. "I-i'm really sorry to hear that" I put my hand on top of his, which was sitting on the table next to his cup of coffee, trying to show him my concern "it must've been really hard on you" I said, worried. He looked up at me, flustered at the sudden skinship and quickly looked down to hide his flushed cheeks. I then noticed what I just did and quickly pulled my hand away, but suddenly he grabbed my wrist "i-it's okay, I'm sorry. It's just that it's been so long since I've talked to someone and they actually showed me concern. I've never had anyone that I could share my worries with, that's why I'm a little flustered now" he explained, a little embarrassed "t-thank you for listening" he looked down and rubbed the back of his head with his hand while still holding my hand with the other. "y-yea.. no problem" I was happy and confused at the sudden confession he made "b-but I thought you and Minseo talked through everything-" "I didn't want to make her worried while I was away.." he cut me off "I know she cares too much that might actually hurt her, so I didn't tell her about any of this. Can you keep this as a secret, please?" Jungkook asked me with his begging eyes while his grip on my wrist got tighter "s-sure, I will keep this secret to myself" I reassured him with a nod and a smile. He smiled back and loosened his grip.

"hey~ I'm back!" Minseo suddenly appeared at the table and Jungkook quickly let go of my hand and sat back. I did the same. "welcome back" Jungkook welcomed Minseo and made room for her to sit down. We continued laughing and talking about random stuff until it went dark outside. "oh man, what time is it?" I looked at my watch and boy! it was already 8pm. We talked for so long that I lost track of time. "let's go watch a movie guys!" Minseo suggested excitedly, which Jungkook and I agreed right away.

We walked to the nearby theatre and checked the movies. "ooh this one looks interesting!" I saw Minseo pointing at a movie title at the billboard 'Betrayed Love'. Before I even get the chance to state my opinion, Minseo was already at the ticket booth with Jungkook 'I guess I should go along with her..again!' I let out a sigh and followed the two inside the theatre. The room was packed with people and we got lucky to find a spot for the three of us. Jungkook sat in the middle with me and Minseo at either side of him. Half an hour passed since the movie started and I could already hear Minseo's sobbing. She was leaning her head against Jungkook's shoulder and crying while Jungkook was tapping her shoulder. The movie was about a guy who loved this one girl, but she betrayed him with his best friend. The story was cliché, but still heartbreaking. As I was watching the movie, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier today. The things Jungkook told me about his life and family. It was really sad! How can a mother 'steal' the money, which his husband has left for their son after his death, and run away? I couldn't even imagine how hurt Jungkook was but tried my best to empathy with him. He was a nice, kind hearted, sweet, young and handsome man with a very sad past. My heart ached just to think about it, but tried to give him a good and fun time so he could forget about all his pain even for a day. I took a deep breath and decided to shrug it off, but then I remembered something else. Jimin. I was still confused about his texts. They were short, really short compared to his previous texts. I knew him for a long time now and could sense something was off. He seemed kinda..sad? I was worried about him. I pulled out my phone to check if I had any notification from him. nothing. I sighed, apparently loud enough for Jungkook to hear because he turned his head to look at me "something wrong?" he asked, concerned. "n-no, I'm fine" I smiled softly, trying to hide my true feelings. He smiled back and turned his attention to the movie. I decided to text Jimin first to see what's up.

Me: "hey~ any plans for tomorrow?"

Jimin: "hey, not really. what's up?"

Me: "not much I just miss you :'("

Jimin: "haha okay what do you want to do?"

Me: "let's meet up tomorrow! I wanna see u"

Jimin: "sounds like a plan, where do u wanna meet up?"

Me: "we can meet up at the park across from the dorms, then we can go for a walk and just hang out"

Jimin: "ok! tomorrow at 10am?"

Me: "sure! see ya ;)"

Jimin: "kk see u~"

I realized I was giggling the whole time I was texting him. It's been always like that. Jimin never fails to make me smile.

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Chapter 17: Nooo.. TT__TT
Omg.. Its just perfect when my playlist play 2u cover by jungkook.. I'm crying *soobbbss*.. Good job authornim.. I love your beautiful writing..
Chapter 18: Wow, I didn't vision this ending would come. Heart still aches for Jungkook. Anyway, as for the sequel I'll choose the first option, 'cause it seems much more interesting for me. hehe Fighting author-nim!☺
Noobynoobster #3
Chapter 17: NOOOOOOo I had a feeling this would happen. Y u do dis. Whyyy. Still. It was beautifully written.
Chapter 17: i thought the one who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 17: i thought the obe who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 16: i didn't realease that im crying .. my tears drop by itshelf ... ddaebbaakk
Ayamie432 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Chapter 16: I found myself anticipating every chapter of this story. Please don't let anyone die. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: By the way this chapter was fantastic. So steamy and tender omg I keep coming back to reread it I'm just dying in anticipation for the next chapter! >. <
Chapter 15: Ugh, I'm so hooked on this story. I want Jihye and Jungkook to be together so bad. Minseo is really cruel though...