Chapter 10

My Love for Him, His Love for Her

We were still sitting at a table in the cafeteria, chatting and laughing. Minseo was sitting next to Jungkook while linking her arms with him. Jimin, who was sitting next to me, would laugh at our jokes but was quite most of the time. Glancing at their linked arms from time to time, you could easily see the discomfort that was written all over his face... though I was the only one who noticed it. Jungkook, on the other hand, was quite almost the entire time. He would only smile while everyone else was laughing, play with his food while everyone else was happily eating, and had his head hanging low while everyone else was looking at each other's eyes. Sometimes I really don't understand this guy! He was talking and laughing nonstop when I was showing him around, but now he's acting like this.. 'is it because he still feels awkward around others?' I thought 'but him and Minseo are childhood friends, they can't be awkward around each it perhaps..Jimin?' I was still deep in my own thoughts when Jimin tapped me on my shoulder

"hey Ji, say aaah~" he told me while having his chopsticks full of noodle inches away from my mouth. I was shocked at first, but the sight of Minseo feeding Jungkook made me realize what Jimin was after. I didn't want to open my mouth, but then Jimin pushed his chopsticks against my lips, forcing me to open

"Jimin that's disgusti-mmph!" Jimin pushed the noodles inside my mouth before letting me finish my sentence

"it's good isn't it?" he faked a smile which was telling me to say 'yes' so I just nodded. He giggled and cupped my cheeks "awwwh you're so cute, Jiji-"

"it's 1:55" all of a sudden Jungkook stood up and grabbed his bag while looking at me

"h-huh?" I was confused at what he meant

"the time. It's 1:55pm. Art class" he said in separate sentences while pointing at his watch

"oh shoot! you're right!" I quickly stood up and grabbed my stuff "sorry guys! our class starts in five minutes! catch you guys next time" I waved goodbye to Jimin and Minseo and hurried out of the cafeteria with Jungkook. Our class was rather far from the cafeteria so we had to run all the way. When we got there, we both were panting and sweating like crazy. We looked at each other and started to laugh...also like crazy. We walked in and found two empty seats at the back. After settling down, the professor walked in and took roll.

"okay class, please say hi to your partner that is sitting next to you" Jungkook and I looked at each other

"oh hey, I know you!" I said jokingly and he giggled

"maybe you've misunderstood me with someone else, miss" he winked and I slapped his arm playfully

"the person sitting next to you will be your partner throughout the whole semester so I hope you guys get along well" the professor notified. I was really glad that we found two seats next to each other. Now I don't have to be worried about being a weird dude's partner, cuz lemme tell ya' the people on this campus are really weird like you don't even know.

"every project given in this class will be a group project which you will work on with your partner. we will mainly focus on the portrait and since this is an advanced class, I'm looking for details. for example we will start with eyes and eyebrows, then the nose, then lips, then after that the whole face and so on. for each project you have two weeks to work on but for the final, I'm giving you one whole month. fair enough?"

"excuse me, what will the final project be?" some girl in the front raised her hand

"I will talk about that when the time comes. So, we will begin our first project today, which is the eyes and eyebrows. each of you will draw your partner's eyes as detailed as possible and your partner will draw yours. again, I'm looking for details." the professor instructed "any questions? okay class dismissed" everyone began to leave the class.

I looked at Jungkook "hmm, your eyes are gonna be a piece of cake" I said as I was analyzing his eyes. He giggled and looked at mine

"but I think I'm gonna have a hard time drawing your eyes" he said while staring at me in the eyes

"and why is that?" I asked jokingly, but his expression became serious

"because...your eyes are beautiful" my eyes widened at his words. Heart racing in my chest as my cheeks began to flush a bright shade of pink, but then his expression changed from serious to playful

"gotcha" he smirked and I looked at him, annoyed

"yah! stop playing with me...pabo" I mumbled the last word under my breath which caused him to laugh harder. This guy really annoys me sometimes! I thought I finally got my first serious compliment from a guy but nope, this guy's such a player...ugh! I really don't understand why Minseo fell for this guy? I probably would never know, hah

"anyways, let's find some nice place to draw, we only have two weeks" I said as I stood up, trying to change the topic. He nodded and followed me outside. After looking around for about half an hour, we finally found a great place. The rooftop of one of the campus's buildings. It had a great view of the whole campus. Honestly, I've never been to any school's rooftop, it was the first and I actually liked it a lot. I always spent my time at either the library or the cafeteria. Finding a new place to chill was fun but Jungkook and I decided to make it our own little secret place.

I was enjoying the view, letting the cool autumn breeze wash away all of my stress. I took a couple deep breaths and smiled "I love this place!"

"here!" Jungkook called from the back and I saw that he arranged a little setting for us. Two chairs across from each other with a little table between them. It was a perfect setting to draw each other.

"that's perfect Kookie~ great job!" I patted his back

"excuse me?" he looked at me, confused


"what did you just call me?"


"that's my nickname now?"

"I kinda like calling you Kookie~ it's cute" I giggled

"what should I call you, then?"

"hmm...I already have some nicknames, Jiji and Ji, you choose"

"I'll just go with Jihye" he smiled and I shrugged

"whichever you want, Kookie~" I said as I did a little aegyo. I just love this nickname! he laughed and pulled out one of the chairs for me to sit down before sitting on the other.

"so, who will draw first?" he asked as I pulled out my sketching notebook with some drawing pencils

"I'll go first" I said and began drawing. Jungkook just sat in front of me, not moving an inch. Even though I was drawing him, I could feel his strong gaze on me, which I tried really hard to ignore.

"you know, you make a great drawing figure" I remarked as I continued drawing

"why?" He smirked

"cause you're not moving at all! It's amazing" I laughed

"watch and learn for your turn! I can't stand it when my figure moves" he joked and I giggled

"as you wish, sir"

It started getting dark and really chilly so we decided to wrap up and continue later.

"hungry?" Jungkook asked


"okay, let's go!" he grabbed my hand and started dragging me wherever he was going

"yah! where are you taking me, Kookie?"

"just chill and follow me, okay?" he said calmly and continued on dragging me with him. After walking for about what it seemed like 10 minutes, we finally arrived at our destination, which was a cozy little restaurant. When we went inside we were warmly welcomed by a waitress

"good evening~ how many?" she bowed

"two please" Jungkook smiled

"please follow me" she smiled back and we followed her behind. We sat down and I took a moment to observe my surroundings. The restaurant was pretty cozy and unlike the cold outside, it was pretty warm inside. The lights were dim and the floor and the walls were all wooden. Our spot was really nice too! It was in front of a cute fireplace. The whole place gave off a 'romantic' kind of atmosphere. I was looking at the fire inside the fireplace when the waitress came to take our order

"what would you like to drink?" I looked at Jungkook and he smiled "order whatever you want. It's on me"

"you sure?" I asked and he nodded. I looked at the menu

"I'll have a beer" the waitress noted my order

"and for you, sir?"

"I'll have a beer too"

"oookay~ and what would you like to eat?"


"jajangmyeon" we both said in harmony which caused the three of us burst into laughter

"okay~ I'll be right with you" and the waitress left.

"aah, it's such a nice place here" I admitted

"right? I found it yesterday and thought it was pretty dope"

"yea, it really is! thanks for bringing me here"

"oh, no problem at all!" he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"oh! do you wanna see how my drawing turned out?" I asked excitedly

"hell yea!!" I pulled out my sketchbook and handed it to him "it's not finished yet, but yea" he looked at my drawing really carefully. I could say he was focusing on every detail which made me happy. I love it when someone actually pays a close attention to what I say or show them. After staring at my notebook for a few minutes, he finally looked up

"not bad"

"not bad?? you stared at it for a whole ten minutes to say it's not bad?"

"yea, you had a couple mistakes here and there, but the overall work wasn't that bad"

"well thank you, professor, I think I already said that it wasn't done yet, no?"

"aaah~ yes yes, you're right ma'am" I giggled at his choice of words.

Our food finally arrived and we just dug in. We ended up Eating, talking, laughing, drinking. Then laughing, and drinking, and drinking, and drinking, and drinking...

I don't remember what happened next..

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Chapter 17: Nooo.. TT__TT
Omg.. Its just perfect when my playlist play 2u cover by jungkook.. I'm crying *soobbbss*.. Good job authornim.. I love your beautiful writing..
Chapter 18: Wow, I didn't vision this ending would come. Heart still aches for Jungkook. Anyway, as for the sequel I'll choose the first option, 'cause it seems much more interesting for me. hehe Fighting author-nim!☺
Noobynoobster #3
Chapter 17: NOOOOOOo I had a feeling this would happen. Y u do dis. Whyyy. Still. It was beautifully written.
Chapter 17: i thought the one who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 17: i thought the obe who donor the heart was Minseo .. but NO T^T
Chapter 16: i didn't realease that im crying .. my tears drop by itshelf ... ddaebbaakk
Ayamie432 #7
Chapter 16: Please update soon
Chapter 16: I found myself anticipating every chapter of this story. Please don't let anyone die. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 15: By the way this chapter was fantastic. So steamy and tender omg I keep coming back to reread it I'm just dying in anticipation for the next chapter! >. <
Chapter 15: Ugh, I'm so hooked on this story. I want Jihye and Jungkook to be together so bad. Minseo is really cruel though...