
Pretty Boys Café
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My mother told me to take a day off because she doesn't want me to cause any more trouble for the cafe and so that I can rest and let my burn heal. But of course, the burn was never that bad and since I finally have a day off, I might as well go somewhere, right? With Jisu after the cafe closes of course.

I quickly changed into nice party dress that's comfortable. I grinned widely and spun around in front of the mirror, admiring how the dress looks. 

Suddenly, I heard my mother call out to me. "Yunji.. Jisu is here!"

My lips curled into a large smile and opens bedroom floor. I flew downstairs to open the front door, throwing it open.

"Finally!" I said and pouts a bit, crossing my arms.

She laughed and shrugged a bit. "Sorry~ Let's go?"

Grinning widely, I waved goodbye to my other and headed out. Surprising, Jisu is in a pretty nice outfit too, a simple plaided shirt with skinny jeans, and a pair of heels. Simply but it looks good on her.

She linked our arms together and we headed off. "So... Where are we going?"

"Mm.. I dunno. Maybe we can grab a piece of cake and then go party later?~"

I grinned widely at the idea and nods. "Sounds good~"


"Here you go, miss." The waitress said as she placed two pieces of cake. A slice of green tea cake and a slice of red velvet cake. 

"Looks yummy!" Jisu said eagerly while taking her phone out. I shook my head and she glanced over at me.

"What? You were gonna do it too!" She exclaimed while pointing at my phone on the camera app. I sheepishly grinned at her. 

"Shhhh. Let's eat now." I said while taking my fork. She nodded and we digger into our meal. 

While we were busy chatting and eating, I heard a familiar group of voices coming from outside the cafe. I turned around and saw it was the guys, Jeonghan, Hansol and Jihoon. I choked on my cake when Hansol's eyes met mine. 

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Jisu asked worriedly until she looked up and dropped, slightly ajar. 

"Hey," Jeonghan greeted us with a smile. I covered my mouth while coughing. "H-Hey," I said in between my coughs. 

"You okay?" Hansol asked. I nodded furiously and he poked my head. "Once is enough." 

Jisu looked over and waved at Jihoon. He smiled and waved back and I furrowed my eyebrows at them. "Who knew the evil coffee man can smile." I whispered to Jisu and she laughed.

"Who knew huh. And hey, lover boy is staring at you." She whispered back and my eyed widened when I saw Hansol, who sat on our table in front of us, looked down at the menu. 

I turned around and glared at Jisu, but she was already busy talking to Jihoon.

"Humph," I mumbled before turning back around. 

"Which one did you get?" Hansol asked. "I believe I got red velvet," I said while staring at the half-eaten cake.

"Is it good?" he asked curiously.

I nodded. "Yeah.. why?"

"I wanted to see if it's made the way I like it." He mumbled and gestured to the cake. "Can I get a bite?"

My eyes widen at his question and then looked down at the fork that I'm holding. "Uh.. Yeah sure. Get another fork.."

He shook his head and grabbed the one from my hand. "I'll just use this. I don't mind."

I watched with large eyes as he cut a piece of the ca

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Oh my lord- I just logged back in and realized that I have this incomplete story laying around haha
would any of you guys like me to finish it in the end chapter and end it once and for all? Please comment and let me know your opinions!~


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Yeol177 #1
Chapter 11: I don't have a good feeling about hansol female friend at all poor Mingyu don't worry of she can't love you I will... Woohoo Joshua showed up...we just need diva Boo, papa S.Coups,wonwoo, Jun, Minghao, Hosh,and DK
ichigoYuu #2
Chapter 10: I enjoyed it! A lil puppy with pink boots? how cute~
Poor Mingyu tho :Y second lead sindrome....
DidiBlackheart #3
I reallyy like the title! i'm kinda curious so... i really can't wait to read it ^_^
Seventeen_Minghao #4
Chapter 9: Dangittttt cliffhangerrrrsssss TT-TT Please update faster cause i really like this fic and its killing me to get small updatesss please do a long one pleaseeeeeeeee
ChoSaku_ #5
ichigoYuu #6
Chapter 9: Josh is in da houseeeee (well u know, school. But on the house sounds better lol)
Dangerous church oppa has appeared!! Will Mango-...Mingyu save the day?
ichigoYuu #7
Chapter 8: Indeed! They are sooo adorable~
Waving to each other until being out of sight ains
Jasinda98 #8
Chapter 8: Seeing stars made measy feel all fuzzy!
ChoSaku_ #9
Chapter 7: Woozi don't have to do aegyo at all, firrst he doen't like them, second he's already cute AF <3
ChoSaku_ #10
Chapter 5: You're AN is a little too late, I'm already dead from fangirling from the beginning of the story lolxD