
Cloud Nine

Skye Choi was the "princess" of the group.

She was someone who had a love for fashion and especially, boys.

She was into the latest trends and was one of the popular girls in school.

But there comes a price to popularity and that was school.

It wasn't like she had bad grades, but her grades weren't as good as Natalia's.

Her dream was actually to go to college, and learn more about fashion. Though with her struggling with school, her ambition was huge and she could not let her struggles get the best of her.

At Skye's house

" Alright Skye. One more. This problem and you're done," Bobby, her boyfriend said as he was helping her with her math homework.

" Jiwon, can we just stop? I'm really tired," The long haired girl yawned as she didn't want to do anything anymore. It was 7 pm and they were working on her homework for hours already.

" Babe, just finish this problem and then we won't have to do anymore,"  Bobby tried to persuade his girlfriend as he was exhausted as well. 

" I know, I'm not good at this. So why push me?" She sighed and pouted.

" I just want to help you," He said as he patted her back. " I don't want you to struggle as much. It hurts me a lot."

Skye cupped her boyfriend's face with her hands. " Thank you. For always being there for me."

Bobby smiled and pecked her forehead. " I should go. I love you." He got up and she walked him out.

" I love you too," Skye waved to her boyfriend as he was leaving. After Bobby left, she decided to text the girls to come over. The doorbell rang a few minutes later and Skye opened the door.

" What's the emergency?!" The three girls asked as they were out of breath.

" About that. There is no emergency," Skye smiled as brought them inside.

" Are you serious, Skye? I was finishing up my essay!" Natalia whined as she walked in the house.

" I was getting ready to eat dinner, " Jade said as she sat down on the couch.

" And I was at the park, playing basketball with Hanbin and Donghyuk." Angel said as she was still in basketball shorts and looked more worn out then usual.

" I'm so sorry, guys. But I need your help. I need you to help me re-learn all of my classes," Skye said looking down as she brought food to Jade.

" All of your classes? But we're already halfway through the year," Natalia widened her eyes as she looked at Skye for comfirmation.

" Please? I feel bad for always having Bobby help me," Skye looked down as she sighed.

" Don't be like that. Bobby is just doing that because he loves you and he wants you to do well," Jade said while munching on her food.

" But I want to make it up to him," Skye jumped happily as she nodded.

" Okay, okay. Nat, help her with Math. Jade will help you with English and I'll help you with Science and History. It can't be that bad, right?" Angel questioned her friends.

Four Hours later

" Well, its been four hours and we've only got math down," Natalia said while looking at the clock.

" I guess we'll all just sleep over," Angel sighed as she texted her parents that she was going to spend the night at Skye's house. All the girl's decided to text the parents, then continue on teaching Skye.

3 am

" Guys! I finally understand everything!" Skye smiled as looked at all the work she had done. She noticed that her friends didn't reply back to her. She looked around and realized that all of them fell asleep. 

Thank you for putting up with me. She thought as she put away her school work. She put blankets over them and pillows under their heads before she went to sleep as well.

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bilasi #1
Chapter 13: ah im so sad i want them backkk
bilasi #2
Chapter 12: im waiting for ikon to appear again iwant them with the girls
bilasi #3
Chapter 11: ahhh they broke up whyyy this is so sad noooo
bilasi #4
Chapter 8: That fanfic Is exactlly what i was looking for its awesome