Moving Day

Cloud Nine

A couple of days since Angel started living with Wonho, yet she loved it already.

It was 8 am on a Saturday, Angel woke up first. She looked at the time before looking over the man sleeping peacefully next to her. His arms were around her, she felt so comfortable in his embrace. She peck him on his forehead, his nose, his cheeks and on his lips. He opened his eyes slowly, smiling as he kissed her forehead. 

"Good morning, love," He said, looking at her. 

" Good morning to you too," She smiled. " We should get up now, we have a lot to do today." Angel started getting up, but Wonho wouldn't move. "Oppa."

" Can we just stay like this for 30 more minutes?" Wonho groaned softly. 

" The last time you said that, we stayed in bed for an extra two hours!" Angel pouted. " Please? We get to help Skye move in. And we have the house warming party tonight."

" Okay, I'll get up," Wonho sat up, kissed her again and got off the bed to put a shirt on. 

" I still have to get used to you not wearing a shirt when we go to sleep," Angel got up from the bed as well, wearing one of his shirts and shorts.

" As long as you keep wearing my shirts, I don't really have anything else to use," He chuckled as they both fixed the bed together. They decided to get ready before they fixed up the apartment and left. Their apartment was actually  few floors away from the girls', making it easier for Angel to go back and forth for most of her stuff. 

They arrived at the girls' apartment, already seeing the boxes being moved by the boys. 

" You guys are here! Did you know that all these big boxes are just Skye's dresses," Minhyuk pointed out as the others were still doing work. " Hyung, we need your help." Wonho laughed, nodding while picking up one the boxes. Angel walked inside the apartment, looking at all the chaos that has happened. 

" Skye, how do you work this?" Shownu asked, trying to understand the function of the hanging organizers. 

" Don't worry, Oppa. We can do this. I think the guys need more help than we do," Skye said as she took it from him and shoo-ed him out. " Gel, you're here! We can actually get everything done!" Angel chuckled as she helped her best friend open a few boxes with a box cutter. 

" Are you making Jade do everything again?" Angel helped the younger girl, who was overwhelmed by all the boxes. 

" Help me!" Jade pleaded to her. Angel nodded as she got started. They finished Skye's room in an hour. They boys entered the apartment and saw how clean it was. 

" We've been working all morning. How did you get done really fast?" Kihyun sat down at the couch, exhausted. 

The girls looked at each other and shrugged. " We've always got things finished when we work together," Jade said as she wiped the sweat off of Changkyun with a towel. 

" Everyone still going later?" Wonho asked the group and recieved a nod in response. " Donghyuk and Junhoe are coming as well."

" Skye, you need to help me fix everything for the party," Angel said. " We have to go now, see you later."

The couple left the apartment.

" Skye, I thought Jackson was gonna be here," Jooheon said as he took a water from the kitchen. 

" He's still finishing up in Milan. He's coming next week for sure," Skye stated as she took a seat next to Kihyun. " He's gonna room with his friends, who are actually a couple blocks away."

" You guys must be excited to live together," Hyungwon said. 

" Jade and I are more like the Shownu and Jooheon relationship," Skye laughed as she looked at Jade. 

" Now it's different if it's Angel and Skye that are living together. They're like the Wonho Oppa and Hyungwon couple," Jade laughed as well.

" Hey, I would not go for Wonho Hyung," Hyungwon rolled his eyes.

" Yes, you would, everyone knows that if you had to choose, you would pick wonho hyung or shownu hyung," Minhyuk said.

" Okay fine," Hyungwon sighed as the other laughed. 

They couple made it back to their apartment and sat down on the couch, before answering a call from Donghyuk.

" Noona! Hyung!" Donghyuk said through the phone. 

"Hi Donghyuk!" They both said in unison. 

" I want to ask you something. I know it's only Donghyuk and Junhoe going, but I was wondering if the others can go as well?" The younger boy asked his sister which made Angel look at Wonho for a response. 

" Sure, everyone can come," Wonho answered him as he smiled at Angel. 

" Thank you, we'll be there soon!" Donghyuk cheered before ending the call. 

" Are you sure about this?" Angel asked.

" Why wouldn't I be? They're your friends, love," Wonho assured Angel.

" I love you," She smiled at him.

" I love you too," He answered back. 



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bilasi #1
Chapter 13: ah im so sad i want them backkk
bilasi #2
Chapter 12: im waiting for ikon to appear again iwant them with the girls
bilasi #3
Chapter 11: ahhh they broke up whyyy this is so sad noooo
bilasi #4
Chapter 8: That fanfic Is exactlly what i was looking for its awesome