
Cloud Nine

After that day, everyone was getting ready for graduation. It was very hectic for all of them.

Graduation Rehearsal.

" Wait, Gel-" Hanbin fixed her cap as she smiled at him. " There you go."

" Thank you," She smiled back as she pecked his cheek. They both heard two groans in response. They turned their heads to Jinhwan rolling his eyes and Bobby shaking his head. The couple chuckled at their friends.

" You guys being lovey is making me sick. Like who are you and what have you done to my friends?" Jinhwan fake-gagged and rolled his eyes again. 

" Yeah, it's gross, I miss the tough Angel, now she's just soft," Bobby smirked as the girl glared at him.

" Kim Jiwon, I will kick your ," Angel said as she walked closer to him.

" Oh, she's back. Hyung, hold this while I run for my life," Bobby gave his cap to Jinhwan, running off, before Angel started chasing him. 

Hanbin and Jinhwan laughed as they saw them arguing.

" One more week before we don't see this anymore," Jinhwan sighed as Hanbin nodded sadly. 

" I'm gonna miss her so much. Do you think we'll change in 3 years, Hyung?" Hanbin looked at the older boy with eyes of hope that everything will be alright.

" To be honest with you, we will change. Even if we try to fight it, it will never be prevented. The only thing we need to do is to make effort to change for the better," Jinhwan smiled as he held onto Bobby's cap tighter. Skye and Yunhyeong walked up to them.

" I am so happy that we're almost done. This heat is killing me," Skye aired out her gown as she re-adjusted her cap. They all looked at the two, still running. Hanbin looked over at Skye.

" How are you feeling?" He said, which suprised her.

" I'm getting better. I just miss him," She nodded as she smiled sadly. Jinhwan walked over to her and hugged her. 

" Hyung, are you okay as well?" Hanbin looked at Yunhyeong who was spacing out.

" Yeah, I mean I have to realize that maybe I was too late," He said as he looked at Hanbin. Hanbin patted him on the shoulder as the two started walking back to the group. Angel walked back to Hanbin, who chuckled and hugged her.

Bobby stood next to Yunhyeong, and glanced over at Skye, who was next to Jinhwan. They made eye contact, nodded at each other and looked away. 


Today was it. After they graduated, the whole group met up with their families.


" Noona, I'm so proud of you!" Donghyuk smiled as he walked up to her with their parents.

" We're all so proud of you, my dear," Their mom said as she combed Angel's hair with her fingers and brought her hair behind her ear.

" You made it, kid," Their dad grinned as she went up to him and hugged him tightly.


" Oppa!" Hanbyul ran up to her brother, who swooped her up to carry her. 

" Hi, Byullie," He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. Their parents followed as well. His dad patted his back and his mom, hugged him. 

" We're proud of you. Now it's time to live your dream," She cried happily, Hanbin wiping the tears from her eyes and her husband handing her a tissue. 


" Mom!" Bobby ran up to his mother as he hugged  her and lifted her up.

" Jiwon-ah, you scared me!" She patted her chest softly as she chuckled. Bobby put her down and mumbled "sorry", as his dad laughed.

" Jiwon, you're all grown up now," He smiled at his son.


" Noona, just take the picture before all of Mom's lipsticks gets all over my face," Jinhwan laughed as his mom continued to peck his face. His sister took the picture and set down the camera.

" Jinhwan, thank you for making us proud," His mother smiled as she looked at her son, who also smiled back.


" Yun, we have to pose the same way as when I graduated," His sister said as she got into her position. They took the picture and laughed at them, even comparing them to the ones before.

" I gotta save these," Yunhyeong smiled.

" Now it's time for you to do what you want. Follow what your heart tells you to do. Just live your dream," She smiled at her younger brother. 


" Mom! Dad! Can we hurry up? I have to meet up with my friends!" Skye whined as she posed for another picture. After the pictures, her father held her hands.

" Sweetheart, I just want you to know that we love you so much and will always support you. I know for certain, that you and Bobby will be together again," He hugged her tightly.

After Graduation. 

They were all at Donghyuk and Angel's house. 

" We did it!" Angel grinned as Hanbin hugged her from behind.

" We're so happy for you guys," Natalia nodded as they setted down the food that they brought on the table. 

" Now let's spend this weekend with no regrets," Junhoe cheered. They all hung out together, enjoying each other's company.

Jade was talking with Natalia, before Yunhyeong walked up to them.

" Um, Jade. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something," He said nervously.

" Why not here?" She asked as she looked at Natalia and back at him.

" It's very important," He said.

" Okay, let's go outside," She nodded as she headed for the backdoor, being followed by him.

" So I have something to tell you. And I know it's something which might make you hate me," Yunhyeong sighed. " But I think I have feelings for you, I don't know. And I know you like Donghyuk-" 

" I never said I liked Donghyuk in that way. I love him as my best friend."

" Wait, what?" Yunhyeong widened his eyes. " But I thought you went on that date with Donghyuk."

" I did, but I turned him down. Because I don't see him that way," She nodded.

" So who do you like?" Yunhyeong asked.

" I don't know. I did like you, until you became a jerk," Jade rolled her eyes.

" But I don't want to be a jerk in your eyes," Yunhyeong said. " I can prove it to you."

" Well, if you prove to me, I will think about it," She agreed as he smiled. 

" Okay, now let's go inside," Yunhyeong put his jacket around her, heading back to the door. 

They went back inside, as everyone looked at them. 

" Wow, no fighting?" Jinhwan laughed. The two looked at each other, realizing that his jacket was still around her, Jade took it off and gave it to him. Yunhyeong smiled before walking away from each other. Donghyuk looked at Jade, who was walking over to the seat next to him.

" You've always liked him, haven't you?" He nodded, which made her give a surprised response. 

" Hyuk, I don't know what you're talking about," She brushed off quickly, grabbing her drink and taking a sip.

" I know, Jade. I've known for while now, I just wanted to see if I had a shot," He smiled warmly. " Just know that I'm happy for you. I really am."

She hugged him tightly. " I'm gonna miss you so much," Jade cried. 

" I'm gonna miss you too," He said, trying to fight his tears.

Skye was sitting next to Natalia.

" Nat, I found out that I have to be in Milan this weekend and start school," Skye said, which made Natalia widen her eyes.

" So soon? Does everyone know?" Natalia asked.

" So far, only you and Jinhwan knows," She said in a much quieter voice.

" Did you tell Bobby? He should at least know that you're leaving this weekend," The younger girl sighed.

" Wait, you're leaving this weekend?" Angel asked as everyone looked up and turned their heads towards their direction. 

" Um, ah. Yeah, I am," Skye nodded as she looked down.

" Why didn't you tell us?" Junhoe said as he stood up. 

" I was scared on how you would react," Skye said to everyone in the room, yet she and Bobby were looking at each other as she spoke. Bobby sighed and walked out to the backyard. She was about to get up when Hanbin stopped her. 

" I"ll talk to him," He nodded at her, which made her sit down again.

Hanbin followed him and saw him sitting on the bench. 

" Hey, Kimbap. How are you feeling?" Hanbin sat next to him. 

" I don't know what I'm feeling. I feel mad and sad, yet I have no right to feel that way. I'm not her boyfriend anymore," Bobby said. 

" But you love her no matter what, so you both have to set each other free. And for sure, you will be together again," Hanbin smiled.

They walked back and saw everyone getting up.

" It's getting late guys, we have to go now," Jade said as put on her jacket. 

" Let me walk with you," Yunhyeong smiled as he and Junhoe followed her out, giving their goodbyes to group.

" We're also going as well!" Natalia and Skye put on their shoes and waved goodbyes.

" Now that everyone's leaving, we'll be going as well," Jinhwan said as Chanwoo and Bobby nodded in agreement. Everyone left, witht he exception of Hanbin.

" So sleepover?" Angel laughed as she and Donghyuk finished cleaning. 

" We're sleeping down here?" Hanbin asked as he sat down on the couch. 

" I'm actually gonna go to sleep early, so you guys can have a little date or whatever," Donghyuk chuckled as he threw away all of the trash. " Just please don't do anything gross." The older two laughed as he walked up the stairs and bid them good night.

" So what do you wanna do?" Angel smiled at Hanbin as he moved closer to her. 

" Star gazing and movies before we fall asleep?" He smiled back as she rested her head on his shoulder. They brought out some blankets to the backyard, setting them on the grass and looking up at the stars. 

" Hey Bin," Angel voiced out disturbing the sound of the crickets and the wind. 

" Yes, my love?" Hanbin asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

" When you guys get big, just know that I will always be right here," She looked up at him.

" I will always be waiting for you, no matter what happens. It will always be you," Hanbin smiled as he kissed her lips. And at that time, they all felt complete. 

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bilasi #1
Chapter 13: ah im so sad i want them backkk
bilasi #2
Chapter 12: im waiting for ikon to appear again iwant them with the girls
bilasi #3
Chapter 11: ahhh they broke up whyyy this is so sad noooo
bilasi #4
Chapter 8: That fanfic Is exactlly what i was looking for its awesome