Kakao Blogs (82 blogs)

looking for literate para 1x1 roleplayers !

By blaena posted
Tags  roleplay   twitter   twitterrp   rp   kakaotalk   line   straightrp   kakao   kakaorp   linerp   kakaotalkrp   mewe   freelancerp   1x1   discordrp   mewerp   1x1rp   discord 
With 1 pages, 1 subscribers, 76 views

Street racers!Sekai (looking for a rp buddy)

By Lafrisee posted
Tags  roleplay      exo   kai   sehun   jongin   auroleplay   sekai   kaihun   exoroleplay   3rdpov   rp   kakaotalk   exorp   kakao   pmrp   kktrp   kakaotalkroleplay   kktroleplay   kkt   inboxrp 
With 276 views

Looking for a Male RP Partner

By jjforeverdbsk posted
Tags  kakao 
With 26 views
Status [M]

Looking for mutuals

By hookedforsoft posted
With 101 views

looking for mutuals

By hookedforsoft posted
With 126 views

looking for friends and rp partners¿? // kkt & line based (updated & always open)

By taeminschill posted
Tags  roleplay   twitter      aurp   kakaotalk   line   partner   rpw   kik   mobilerp   kikrp   twtrp   kakao   linerp   kktrp   kkt   freelancerp 
With 1 pages, 251 views, 2 comments

bts kkt rp gc !!! namjoon..hoseok...wya??? ?__?

By koo_club posted
Tags  roleplay   mobilerp   kakao   kakaotalkrp   kktrp   kktroleplay 
With 1 pages, 26 views

Time to make some friends!

By yourpetwaffle posted
Tags  kakao 
With 100 views, 3 comments

Kakao group chat?

By tofubunny posted
Tags  kakao 
With 50 views

Twitter and Kakao talk

By Life_Not_Knife posted
Tags  twitter   kakao 
With 50 views, 2 comments


By Kuehki posted
Tags  personal   kakao 
With 50 views, 3 comments


By KrisJiminnie posted
Tags  random   kakao 
With 1 comments

Social Media!

By daeyumjae posted
Tags  tumblr   line   kik   kakao   kkt 
With 2 comments


By pinktrash posted
Tags  kakao 
With 25 views, 1 comments


By BabySquishMuffin posted
Tags  kakao 
With 2 comments

Kakao Talk

By ChiaToma posted
Tags  kakao 
With 1 comments

hello! kakaotalk? c;

By enluna posted
Tags  kakao 

talk to me, i'm lonely ;;

By lachesis posted
Tags  army   exol   bts   katalk   kakao   igot7   lovemepls 
With 50 views, 5 comments

hello, friends

By samuraicls posted
Tags  lame   kakao 
With 50 views, 2 comments

Anyone wanna talk

By marksonIGOT7 posted
Tags  kakao 

KakaoTalk, anyone?

By AnnieWilson posted
Tags  kakaotalk   kakao 
With 300 views, 16 comments

Kakaotalk #2 XD

By thedesperateunicorn posted
Tags  kakaotalk   kakao 
With 75 views, 2 comments

Kakao Talk??

By SugabaesGirl_Sweggin posted
Tags  kakao 
With 75 views, 6 comments

Add me on KakaoTalk!!!

By Gizibebleh posted
Tags  exo   bts   kakaotalk   kakao 
With 75 views

What's your favorite platform? *UPDATED*

By cherryeol04 posted
Tags  roleplay   twitter   facebook   line   kakao   apps   mobilebased 
With 775 views, 6 comments

What's your favorite platform?

By cherryeol04 posted
Tags  roleplay   facebook   friends   line   kik   kakao 
With 350 views, 10 comments

Give me your kakao ID

By Nael1995 posted
Tags  kakao 


By sehunsbum posted
Tags  roleplay   facebook   line   kakao 
With 1 comments

Contacting Information

By LadyAngel123 posted
Tags  kakao 
With 1 comments

I'm lonely! Let's be friends!!!

By cherryeol04 posted
Tags  kpop   exo   friends   vixx   line   kakao 
With 400 views, 24 comments

Kakao talk anyone??

By PororoDuizhang posted
Tags  talk   kakao 
With 2 comments

ANY starlights, babyz, angels,army's wanna kakao talk me T.T

By Jongitup posted
Tags  vixx   kakao 
With 25 views, 4 comments

Brand New "ME"

By xinnie posted
Tags  kakao 
With 50 views, 2 comments

Kakao Me ^_^

By Spirithelvenkpop posted
Tags  kakaotalk   kakao 
With 75 views, 1 comments

Snapchat, Instgram or Kakao?

By --minnie-- posted
Tags  kakaotalk   instagram   kakao   snapchat 
With 50 views, 9 comments


By blueberry_muffin posted
Tags  kakao 
With 50 views, 2 comments

Free Talk Kakao Talk

By JijiJelloz posted
Tags  kakao 
With 3 comments

My Idiot Friend lol

By littleedeeer posted
Tags  kakaotalk   kakao 
With 50 views, 3 comments

Kakao friends

By starlight-turtle posted
Tags  kakao 
With 1 comments

Anyone with a Kakao account???

By molly38690 posted
Tags  kakao 
With 2 comments

Want a KakaoTalk Friend?

By Primadonna_Angel posted
Tags  kakaotalk   katalk   socialmedia   kakao 
With 4 comments

Bored, bored and still bored (Kakao talk and ask.fm)

By babynaekkeoya posted
Tags  kpop   bored   bap   kakaotalk   askfm   askme   kakao 
With 75 views, 9 comments


By cyberhex posted
Tags  blog   kakao 
With 150 views, 2 comments

Kakao RP?

By nn3887 posted
Tags  2ne1   snsd   exo   bts   kakaotalk   rolaplay   kakao 
With 1 comments

I'm feeling super social.

By AlmightyAsKey posted
Tags  key   twitter   facebook   kakaotalk   kakao   snapchat 
With 2 comments


By XxAngieexX posted
Tags  kakao 
With 3 comments

Anyone wanna talk? { Kakao

By CIndy934 posted
Tags  kakao 
With 3 comments

I played kakao with hunhan!

By hunhan_chunjoe posted
Tags  luhan   sehun   hunhan   kakao 
With 100 views, 10 comments

Reblogging: Want to Make Friends

By alwaysdreaming posted
Tags  twitter   kakaotalk   line   wechat   kakao   makefriends 
With 3 comments

Free Free Free!

By lederpqueen posted
Tags  exo   chanyeol   kakao 
With 75 views, 2 comments

Boong Boong Boong

By luhanwaifeu posted
Tags  exo   xiumin   lay   kakao 
With 400 views, 5 comments


By animegirlfan911 posted
Tags  kakao 
With 50 views

Add Me!!

By HappyVirusXO posted
Tags  kakao 

/ / plis.

By enluna posted
Tags  line   kik   kakao 
With 75 views, 7 comments

Do you have an Instagram or KakaoTalk acc? :3

By Cheesecakenham posted
Tags  kakaotalk   instagram   kakao 
With 3 comments

#0042: Kakao Story

By ModernDecay posted
Tags  random   kakao   kakaostory 
With 1 comments