Discord Blogs (166 blogs)

Someone to love and d**k down

By girlsjustwantohavfun posted
Tags  roleplay   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   1x1roleplay   discord   dcrp 
With 51 views

the good and bad about me.

By artimies posted
Tags  roleplay   jaehyun   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   nctrp   discord   dcrp 
With 76 views

let's take ibuprofen together

By puellamagia posted
Tags  roleplay   krp   1x1   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 76 views

Looking for 1x1 txt roleplays.

By Crimsonrainflower posted
Tags  roleplay   kpoprp   krp   txt   soobin   mxm   1x1   discordrp   discord   yeonjun   beomgyu   tomorrowxtogether   txtrp   soobinxyeonjun   txthueningkai   yeonjunxkai 
With 151 views
Status [M]

lf: friends (& maybe more... πŸ‘€) to spend time with

By ratata_BMxEC posted
Tags  kakaotalk   kktrp   1x1   discord   dcrp 
With 226 views

pls pls open (begging)

By crystalrays posted
Tags  roleplay   twitter   rps   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   flrp   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   discord   discordbased   dcrp   discordfl 
With 3 pages, 176 views

boyfie apps open again! if you’re a lot like keith or vinny from jersey shore, WE WANT YOU

By wutheringwaves posted
Tags  txt   soobin   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   1x1roleplay   discord   beomgyu   txtbeomgyu   txtsoobin   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 51 views

100% OFF! 2 in 1 Cat Boy & Dog Girl deal!

By kafkas posted
Tags  kpoprp   twitterrp   fbrp   krp   twtrp   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   discord 
With 176 views

lf: someone to save me from boredom

By ranko_m posted
Tags  kakaotalk   mewe   kkt   1x1   discord 
With 151 views

lf: someone who wants to plot/write as much as me

By xdeviant posted
Tags  roleplay   freelancerp   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   1x1roleplay   discord 
With 226 views

lf: someone to use me

By strdews posted
Tags  roleplay   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 276 views

lf: fellow darker themes enjoyer

By tikitaks posted
Tags  roleplay   mewe   1x1   discordrp   mewerp   1x1rp   1x1roleplay   discord 
With 2 pages, 101 views
Status [M]

lf: someone to emotionally manipulate me

By dndisturb posted
Tags  roleplay   twtrp   flrp   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 176 views

lf: custom designers

By junyangs posted
Tags  twitterrp   twtrp   discordrp   discordroleplay   discord   dcrp 
With 51 views

-2 phasmo RFN

By fukuroudani posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterrp   1x1   discordrp   discord   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 26 views

lf: friends to have existential crisis's with

By happyd3athday posted
Tags  kakaotalk   line   mewe   kkt   1x1   discord   viber 
With 76 views

everyone please log out i want to be alone right now.

By viperz posted
Tags  twitterrp   twtrp   discordrp   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 1 subscribers, 151 views

are you there, god? it’s me unnamed loser

By waveline posted
With 126 views

lf coder ( γ€ƒοΌŽοΌŽ)(ó﹏òq)

By twogoobs posted
With 76 views

lf: someone to cure my boredom

By demonkxnk posted
With 1 subscribers, 126 views
Status [M]

how to discordrp????

By cluelessgirl posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterrp   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   discord 
With 76 views, 1 comments

π„ππˆπ’πŽπƒπ„ 𝟏: 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐓

By curiosrp posted
With 26 views

π‹πŽπŽπŠπˆππ† π…πŽπ‘ π€π‚π“πˆπ•π„ π†πŽπ“πŸ• π‘πŽπ‹π„-ππ‹π€π˜π„π‘π’ ( discord/mewe/other )

By Vampsuvius posted
With 26 views


By damjisung posted
Tags  roleplay   gay   gaming   facebookroleplay   fbrp   twtrp   kktrp   kktroleplay   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   discord 
With 176 views

π–πˆπ‹π‹ π˜πŽπ” 𝐋𝐄𝐓 π‚π”π‘πˆπŽπ’πˆπ“π˜ πŠπˆπ‹π‹ π˜πŽπ”?

By curiosrp posted
With 126 views
Status [M]

Let’s try this again (this idiot forgot their discord log in 😭) lf; my next obsession [friends, maybe more…] - MDNI!

By delusionalxbxtch posted
Tags  roleplay   kakaotalk   kktrp   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 301 views
Status [M]

april fools dont mean to me i lie everyday

By jobrig posted
Tags  roleplay   flrp   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 76 views

i’m sorry for being so tall huge massive large charismatic and strong

By levitating posted
With 126 views

looking for literate para 1x1 roleplayers !

By blaena posted
Tags  roleplay   twitter   twitterrp   rp   kakaotalk   line   straightrp   kakao   kakaorp   linerp   kakaotalkrp   mewe   freelancerp   1x1   discordrp   mewerp   1x1rp   discord 
With 1 pages, 1 subscribers, 76 views

third time's a charm [ closed! you guys are the mvps πŸ˜” ]

By 45rabbit posted
Tags  roleplay   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 126 views, 1 comments

free 2-week trial friendship subscription

By duotones posted
Tags  discordrp   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 276 views

buy one get two defectives

By keropie posted
Tags  roleplay   twtrp   flrp   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 2 pages, 151 views

You look lonely. I can fix that.

By kay-mun posted
With 301 views, 4 comments

new year, new me

By graythegei posted
With 26 views

father told me β€œson, i’m growing old…”

By cutstain posted
Tags  twtrp   freelance   kktrp   1x1   discordroleplay   discord   discordbased   dcrp 
With 176 views

hi lets plot!!

By freshandfineholup posted
Tags  fbrp   freelancerp   discordrp   discordroleplay   theboyz   1x1rp   discord   tbz   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 251 views

new year, new connections

By volchesista posted
Tags  1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 201 views

and thus, today marks the day i sold my soul for love

By sadists posted
Tags  1x1   discordrp   discord   dcrp 
With 251 views

hogsmeade date anyone? (hogwartsau)

By wonbinnie_ posted
With 51 views

it's me you've slain

By anaheimist posted
Tags  roleplay   1x1   krproleplay   discordrp   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 4 pages, 326 views

do care + did ask + please tell me more actually

By hetdom posted
Tags  mobilerp   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   discord   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 1 subscribers, 151 views

a christmas gift for you.

By boukens posted
Tags  twitterrp   1x1   1x1rp   1x1roleplay   discord   dcrp 
With 201 views

heyyy (lowest point of my life)

By y2kcunt posted
Tags  flrp   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   discord   dcrp 
With 276 views

objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

By mansplain posted
Tags  1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   discord 
With 126 views

just another case of bad weather

By ae-winter posted
Tags  twitterrp   twtrp   1x1   discordrp   discord   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 101 views