Twitterroleplay Blogs (352 blogs)

  • Getting RPs & Others...

hey you're one in a million...

By brokenrizz posted
With 51 views

lf: bob the builders to fix her.

By catisland posted
Tags  twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   dcrp 
With 126 views

lf: bob the builders to fix her.

By catisland posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   1x1   discordroleplay   1x1rp   dcrp 
With 76 views

you look so cute, wrapped 'round my finger.

By armageddone posted
Tags  twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   flrp   1x1   discordroleplay   1x1rp   rp   dcrp 
With 251 views

LF: baby mommy gf! 💓 in dire need of someone to smooch and cuddle

By pachirichuu posted
Tags  taeny   twitterrp   yuriroleplay   twitterroleplay   yurirp   kktrp   igrp   kktroleplay   1on1rp   winrina   jiminjeong 
With 201 views
Status [M]

LF: baby mommy gf! 💓 in dire need of someone to smooch and cuddle

By pachirichuu posted
Tags  taeny   twitterrp   yuriroleplay   twitterroleplay   yurirp   kktrp   igrp   kktroleplay   1on1rp   winrina   jiminjeong 
With 51 views
Status [M]

lookin for a cute gf

By concessio posted
With 76 views

pls pls open (begging)

By crystalrays posted
Tags  roleplay   twitter   rps   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   flrp   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   discord   discordbased   dcrp   discordfl 
With 3 pages, 176 views

lf: freelance plot/rp/writing partners

By opinionatedfacts posted
With 1 pages, 126 views
Status [M]

some quick fun :]

By sungames posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterroleplay   rp   yurirp   straightrp   twtrp   kktrp   kktroleplay   discordrp   rp   dcrp 
With 326 views, 1 comments


By myunqbin posted
With 1 subscribers, 151 views

asking for a friend. . . anyone still interested in affrps?

By rednoon posted
Tags  roleplay   roleplayaff   affroleplay   twitterrp   affrp   twitterroleplay   tumblrrp   rpaff   fbrp   twtrp   instagramrp   igrp 
With 1 pages, 101 views

i want you.

By risingstars posted
Tags  twitterrp   twitterroleplay   1x1rp   1x1roleplay   dcrp   dcroleplay 
With 251 views
Status [M]

making most of this break ()

By bluflamingo posted
Tags  auroleplay   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   aurptwtbased   1x1rp   1x1au   1x1twitter   rp   roleplay   krpau   sfwroleplay   sfwrp 
With 176 views

Hey.. wanna eat ramyeon and chill?

By cheejicakes posted
Tags  roleplay   ocrp   twitterroleplay   krp   twtrp   literaterp   flrp   freelancerp   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   rp   sfwrp   dcrp 
With 101 views

looking for some warmth.

By miracleworker posted
Tags  twitter   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   flrp   1x1rp   dcrp   dcroleplay   dcfl 
With 201 views
Status [M]


By jawdropped posted
Tags  twitterroleplay   krp   twtrp   kktrp   1x1   discordrp   discordroleplay   1x1rp   dcrp 
With 2 pages, 101 views

It's cuffin' season

By wooboy posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   dcrp 
With 101 views

To our prettiest Calypso's menace

By yourloyalsubjects posted
With 1 pages, 51 views

will you be.. . my movie buddy?

By remoirse posted
Tags  roleplay   twitter   movies   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   mobilerp   twtrp   igrp   1x1   discordroleplay   dcrp 
With 126 views

lf people to hyperfixate on

By lachesis- posted
With 76 views, 1 comments

Let's be alone together? (looking for friends.)

By _letras posted
Tags  twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   kktrp   flrp   discordrp   1x1rp   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 126 views, 1 comments

i’m just sad and so

By indcency posted
With 176 views, 1 comments

i will get on my knees for you. (real)

By scarletlunes posted
Tags  twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   instagramrp   igrp   igroleplay   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   rp   dcrp   dcroleplay 
With 51 views
Status [M]

"darling" but i can't stand you.

By pyucheo posted
With 51 views

lf: besties that i can mingle with and annoy

By fallensoldier posted
With 126 views

iso: rp partners (sfw, , anything goes)

By qornhub posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterroleplay   rpr   freelancerp   discordrp   1x1rp   discord1x1 
With 176 views

lf: anirp admins

By mumuing posted
With 51 views

Rp confessions.

By Rpconfessionsss posted
With 3 pages, 276 views


By Salemwitch posted
With 1 pages, 226 views, 1 comments

lf: anirp admins :heart_eyes:

By mumuing posted
With 26 views

lf: admins. :heart_eyes:

By mumuing posted
With 51 views

discord is the new tinder

By safest posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   freelance   freelancerp   1x1   discordrp   1x1rp   dcrp 
With 1 pages, 301 views

lf: people, friends, lovers, family (mdni)

By koskies posted
Tags  twitterroleplay   rptwitter   twtrp   rptwt   discordrp   1x1rp   rp   sfwroleplay   sfwrp   dcrp   krp 
With 101 views
Status [M]

lf: literate partners to write with

By amberjk posted
Tags  twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   literaterp   1x1rp 
With 101 views


By kkaengi posted
With 1 subscribers, 101 views

lf: friends, plot partners, fwbs, you name it! ☆ (always looking)

By astrophels posted
With 2 subscribers, 251 views

𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐨‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ /‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ A Haikyuu-Themed 2D Closed Agency Based On Twitter. Coming Soon!

By SummerGasukusho posted
Tags  roleplay   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   nonaurp   twtrp   twt   2drp 
With 701 views

lf: bebé slash partner slash friends

By Smxt_sm posted
With 151 views

lf: y/n so i can annoy and have fun time with

By goIdenspoon posted
With 201 views

Lf: old friend

By uncreatxve posted
Tags  roleplayer   twitterrp   twitterroleplay   1x1rp 
With 1 pages, 101 views

lf: a roommate (i live a moving castle btw)

By callingcard posted
Tags  twitterrp   twitterroleplay   twtrp   discordrp   dcrp 
With 401 views