Yuriroleplay Blogs (25 blogs)

  • Getting RPs & Others...

LF: baby mommy gf! 💓 in dire need of someone to smooch and cuddle

By pachirichuu posted
Tags  taeny   twitterrp   yuriroleplay   twitterroleplay   yurirp   kktrp   igrp   kktroleplay   1on1rp   winrina   jiminjeong 
With 201 views
Status [M]

LF: baby mommy gf! 💓 in dire need of someone to smooch and cuddle

By pachirichuu posted
Tags  taeny   twitterrp   yuriroleplay   twitterroleplay   yurirp   kktrp   igrp   kktroleplay   1on1rp   winrina   jiminjeong 
With 51 views
Status [M]

Looking for roleplay partners

By tinkerbelldust posted
With 101 views, 2 comments

RP partner wanted. Message me~

By starbrightsarang posted
With 1 pages, 201 views, 1 comments

lf: girls to talk and hang out with

By moonliiights_ posted
Tags  yuriroleplay   yurirp   1x1rp   1x1roleplay   gxgrp   gxgroleplay 
With 151 views, 3 comments

RP partner wanted..move in couple or 1x1

By crunkbunny posted
With 2 pages, 326 views

❇ Bighit: Building Dreams of the Many ❇

By HaoTaro posted
With 101 views

I need (2-3) Admins to help me out on an up and coming Circus AU Roleplay!

By RisingGodsOfTheEast posted
With 76 views
Status [M]


By moonliiights_ posted
With 126 views

a heckin dork looking for softies to befriend and cuddle with

By softestuwu posted
Tags  yuriroleplay   yurirp   linerp   lineroleplay   girlxgirlrp   1x1rp 
With 151 views

looking for rp partner! (re-opened!)

By akirahisakawa posted
With 1 pages, 101 views

For girls

By cassie5shawol posted
With 675 views, 13 comments
Status [M]

looking for rp partner! (re-open!)

By akirahisakawa posted
With 3 pages, 125 views

yuri roleplay on LINE

By Dark-Princess posted