lf: someone who wants to plot/write as much as me

anyone just really, really want to write because same. (4 days later and i'm still open to listening to applications despite getting a handful already lmao).

  • mdni. mun is in their twenties.
  • discord only. i can't keep track of multiple platforms well.
  • timezones are a social construct. i don't care if you're a plus, minus, or neutral.
  • main picture is currently male, but will happily change to a male or female fc for you to suit each plot/preferences.
  • that being said, currently only writing mxm or fxm (where mun writes as the female).
  • as a male, am versatile. can dom/sub to suit your preference. as a female, typically a bottom/sub.
  • a para/lit writing style is preferable. i have difficulty writing with little to no detail, so i would like someone who can match my efforts.
  • enjoys darker plots (with questionable morality), supernatural plots, and cliche/fluffier plots. not great at anything too angsty or heavy slowburn, but if that is what you desire, i am willing to try.
  • open to writing more thought-out/developed plots and open to writing something more simple without much thought (e.g. if you just really want to write some pwp, i would also be agreeable).
  • likes can be discussed depending on what role(s) i am taking on. they differ depending on what i am writing as.
  • limits are generally blood, vomit, gore, and anything similar. let's keep excessive bodily harm minimal. i would like my muse to be alive and in one piece.

if you are someone who has always wanted to write a certain ship or a certain plot but haven't found someone to do so, please let me hear what it is. even if it's something i don't think i'm good at writing, i will put in 101% effort into trying if you allow me. just don't get too upset at me if it's not to your standard (i'm soft-hearted).

if you are as interested in writitng/plotting as i am, send me a dm and i'll add you.


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