望的戰士 :: Yyn



 None really - Yyn's name is too short and she's generally too bland to have earned any interesting nicknames. This may change.


 Yyn overall is a pretty average Fire Nation citizen - round face, small eyes, wide mouth, and maybe a slightly large nose, but all in all she's pretty unremarkable, and she's aware of and a bit self-concious about that fact. She may joke about being "perfectly bland," but a part of her abhors her looks, and she tends to avoid mirrors when she can.


 Yyn is teased a bit for dressing "like a middle-aged mother" since she prefers clothing that covers a majority of her skin - long skirts and elbow-length gloves are regular parts of her wardrobe. Her sabai more often than not have at least one long sleeve that covers her entire arm, and she tends to tuck her other arm into that sleeve when she's not using it. Of course, she's usually dressed in her school uniform, so it's rare she actually dresses herself anyway.

Yyn has never thought she was particularly special, and her entire life seemed to support this. She was a nonbender from a nonbending family who would grow up to probably keep running her family's clothing store after finishing her basic education. The only thing that maybe stood out were the nightmares - but Yyn had never thought much of them. Not until she wakes up in the Avatar state after one of them. Luckily her room remained in tact, but now she's determined to go learn all four elements and help end this war. Unfortunately for the world, she's Fire Nation. And right now, she's pretty convinced that they're the good guys in all of this.

AGE: 15

FACE CLAIM: View (BNK48 Trainees)
HEIGHT: 160cm

Who are you?


INFP-T 🔥 Hufflepuff 🔥 Enneagram 2w1

(+) Passionate, Empathetic, Curious
(/) Trusting, Stubborn, Envious
(-) Tempermental, Conflict-Adverse, Idealistic


Yyn is not the sort of person who warrants a second glance on the street. She's generally softer-spoken, more of an observer who's generally content to stay to the side and be the support for other people. At least, that's how she tries to present herself, because that's what she is as far as she can tell - a side character. She makes the clothes for the main players, she doesn't take the stage herself. But oh how Yyn wants to take the stage. She looks at the people around her who are prettier, smarter, more skilled, and oh does she envy them. She watches them from her self-assigned corner, and resentment for how much happier, how much more successful and impressive they are builds up inside until it explodes out. However, Yyn knows these explosions would be no good for what little reputation she has, so she keeps them quiet if she's in public - passive aggressive muttering, phrasing things just so to make people feel like absolute . But if she's alone, Yyn gets physical in her rage, punching walls, throwing things, and usually giving herself pretty ugly bruises in the process. But this release isn't cathartic - it just makes her feel worse. Her private tantrums and internal resentments prove to her that at her core? She's not a good person.

Despite Yyn's less than stellar personal assesment, however, the people who know her would argue just the opposite. Where Yyn mostly sees her envy, rage, and passivity, others notice her kindness, her curiosity, and her deep-seated love of humanity, all things Yyn herself write off as incidental (after all, doesn't everyone love their friends and family? And it's not like she's selfless - she feels good helping people out, so she's absolutely getting something out of it). Yyn at the heart of things is a deeply empathetic person, and it's not uncommon to hear her passing out compliments around the village and sharing her lunch with the less fortunate children without a second thought. She's also very suceptible to being manipulated, since she always believes the best in people and tends to trust first, ask questions later. Her mother always comments that her daughter is someone who feels things very intensely, and it's true - Yyn is a passionate person who just wants everyone to be happy. Unfortunately, she has a bit of an idealistic outlook at the moment, so her idea of what 'happy' should look like is extremely black-and-white, which has likely contributed to her total acceptance of the Fire Nation propaganda she's grown up with. Since she's (arguably) happy, clearly their way of life must be the best one - right?

This mentality is only aggravated by the fact that Yyn is extremely stubborn and unwilling to admit when she's wrong. Add to this that she can't stand confrontation, and it's not hard to see that she's spent most of her life closing her eyes and ears to anything that contradicts her already-held beliefs. She ignores red flags, and when things inevitably go wrong she just blames herself for not being good enough, or deserving it since she's a bad person. She doesn't want to have to look at herself objectively, both because it's hard and because she might have to face some truths that she doesn't like. Interestingly, this utter failure at introspection isn't at all mirrored in her external life - in fact, Yyn is extremely curious and always interested in learning about other people and their inner workings (sometimes hypocritically calling others out on their flaws while still shying away from her own actual problems, not the ones she's inflated in her head). She loves learning new things - not quite as much as she loves making people feel good, but it's a close second.


Yyn was raised in a typical middle-middle class Fire Nation family, complete with a relative who was discharged from the army and now relies on support from the non-military members of the family. Arguments between her mother and uncle over the latter's failure to "get a dang job, it's not like you can't do anything anymore!" were a common occurence in Yyn's household, but that's about as bad as things got. Her parents have a stable marriage and run a successful-enough-to-pay-the-bills clothing shop that's been in their family for more generations than anyone can remember, and Yyn has been working there since she was old enough to know how to count money accurately. She's currently in her second-to-last year of schooling and isn't planning on doing any higher education, instead contenting herself with inheriting the family business and eventually taking care of her parents when they become too old to take care of themselves. And Yyn is perfectly happy with her situation - she's never known anything else, after all.

However, there is one part of Yyn's life that hasn't been smooth-sailing blandness: her dreams. Every night for as long as she can remember, Yyn has vivid dream in which she is different people. The dreams sometimes have clear goals, or 'plotlines' as Yyn always calls them, but sometimes it's just her living someone else's life. She's always written it off as a quirk of a big imagination, but recently her dreams have turned into nightmares, and she's losing a lot of sleep just as the start of the school year is approaching. She's starting to get a bit suspicious, but it isn't until she dreams of being an Earthbender fending off Fire Nation forces and wakes up in the Avatar state that Yyn finally realizes her dreams aren't so much dreams as they are memories - and they've been trying to tell her who she really is for a long, long time. Now she can only hope she didn't learn the truth too late to actually help.


 On the rare occasion she does get into arguments (always over things that don't really matter) she'll often end her points by saying "Fight Me." People usually laugh, but she's a little bit serious.
 Yyn has definitely thought about a future family and getting married one day, but she's actually never been attracted to anyone physically before - she's found both boys and girls cute and interesting in the past (though she generally prefers girls), but the idea of holding hands or kissing honestly makes her uncomfortable. She's worried about what this means for her ideas of a future family, so she hasn't shared her feelings with anyone.
 Yyn is very prone to getting hangry.
 If and when Yyn discovers dancing she's going to absolutely fall in love with it - she already hums distractedly when she's working in the shop and there aren't any customers, so music is something she really enjoys.
 Yyn is a hugger. Most other signs of physical affection make her uncomfortable, but Yyn loves hugs, and is actively sad about the fact she's past the age where hugging people she isn't dating or related to is still socially acceptable.


 Mother - Uyumo (49) / Co-Owner of Yang's Family Clothes / Precise, Controlling, Determined / 8/10
Yyn and her mother love each other, they do, but Uyumo has very clear ideas of what she wants for Yyn, and Yyn is honestly scared that she won't be able to measure up. Her mother wants a grandchild, wants Yyn to take over the family business and care for her and Zakin in their old age and Yyn... well, Yyn thinks she wants that too. Heck, some of it she does want - kids and a partner and her parents always nearby - but other parts she's less sure about, and she's reaching an age where she's intentionally distancing herself from Uyumo for fear of dissapointing the older woman.

 Father - Zakin (52) / Co-Owner of Yang's Family Clothes / Easy-Going, Driven, Presumptuous / 8/10
Yyn and Zakin's relationship is a little more stable than her and Uyumo's, though perhaps it's because Zakin doesn't really expect anything from his daughter. But he loves her all the same, and Yyn loves him in return, and prefers when her shifts at the store overlap with his, as he's more relaxed about her chatting with friends and occasionally, consequently falling behind on her mending duties. He'll even do her work for her if she gets too caught up with other activities.

 Uncle - Lauzin (50) / Retired Army Captain / Animated, Bitter, Humorous / 7/10
Zakin's younger brother moved in with the family when Yyn was only five years old after losing his leg in  battle and being honorably discharged, so she doesn't really remember a time when he wasn't around. Lauzin is always sharing stories of the glory of war and the heroics of his team with his neice and her friends, and Yyn thinks he's absolutely amazing. However, Lauzin is actually rather bitter about his discharge and the general handling of his injury by his Army superiors, and despite being able to maneuveur just fine now even without his right leg he still has no job, not even helping in the clothing story, and Uyumo is getting rather sick of it, causing tension in the house.

 Unofficial Pet - Yuru / Being a Pest / Conniving, Stubborn, Picky, Loyal / 10/10
Yuru has lived in the dumpster behind Yang Family Clothes for about as long as Yyn can remember, and she's been feeding him for that long as well. He's incredibly clever for an Elephant Rat, at least according to Yyn, and she insists that she can tell him apart from other Elephant Rats despite them all looking the same. Yuru is, of course, Yyn's animal guide and is indeed quite smart, though he uses this intellect in questionable ways sometimes. Then again, he is an Elephant Rat - why should he care about the legality of breaking and entering or theft?





 Yyn's family has owned a clothing store for generations, so ever since her hands were steady enough to hold a needle without stabbing herself Yyn has been learning to make clothes. She's not the best at it, but she's not bad either after years of practice, so given some decent cloth and a few hours she can usually whip up a simple outfit.

Avatar State: 

 Having grown up thinking she was a nonbender, Yyn has a total of zero bending experience, so this state would be very useful, if, you know, she had any control over it at all. As it stands she's only actually used it once on accident, the morning she discovered that she was the Avatar, and she's been unable to tap into it since.


 Let's be real, the best part of Yyn's arsenal at the start of her journey is Yuru. He can sneak around, eavesdrop on conversations, and steal just about anything that isn't nailed down (or too heavy for him to lift, which  is less that you'd think - he is an Elephant Rat, after all, they can push quite a bit of weight around). He also often serves as Yyn's guide when she's particularly freaked out or uncertain about her role, encouraging her forward and pushing her outside her comfort zone (sometimes literally. Yyn is not too heavy for Yuru to move).

Are You Ready?


How do you feel about the war?

 Well, it's necessary in order to bring peace and equality to the world! It's so brave of our troops to go out and try to help the world, even if people try and fight back to defend their old and broken traditions that really only hurt people. Once we win, everyone will be thanking us.

Do you think it will end soon? Do you want it to?

 I hope so! The sooner we win, the sooner the world will become a better place and everyone can live as they are and be happy!

If there is a new Avatar, it would be someone from the Fire Nation. How do you feel about that?

 (Pre discovering who she is) I haven't really thought about that - I guess it could be good? But historically the Avatar has tried to fight against us, so it could be bad too. I guess it depends on who he is.

 (Post discovering who she is) FINE. Um, I, uh, I mean wouldn't it be good? Because, like she - he - they could help the Fire Nation and finally end the war and, and make the world great again. That would be good. Right?


unqua911 ✩ Dani

LAST COMMENT: I just want to emphasize here that while Yyn is the Avatar, she's not going to be the central character of the story! In the same way that AtLA focused on the entire cast, so too will this story - Yyn is just one of many focus characters~


 You'll see!

PASSWORD: I tried to find a theme song but I am so bad at that xD




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Ok here is Nova, I tried to rush a bit so feel free to tell me if it doesn't make sense or if you have any question xD

surprise it's not unnamed chara, it's yeying xD

I hope he's not too much all over the place and I'm aware I might have forgot to write some things in his background but I trust you to make the needed/necessary connections and fill in the blanks, if there is any! I hope this is enough material to work with and go crazy with him! xD
it took me a while but it was worth it
my last character! I hope she's good enough
oh god it took me two months and a half to finish writing the background otl (four months on the overall app) but my stubborn boi is finallyy here! this is going to be a read-full oops