望的戰士 :: HANAE

Imagine being conditioned to worship someone all your life, but once you get closer to them you realize that they’re not a saint like they seem. That’s how Hanae was taught to look at the fire lord, a god that could do nothing wrong. The most virtuous man in the fire nation who puts his people before himself. When she became a royal servant, she was convinced that she was the luckiest girl in the fire nation. She moved up into the ranks fairly quickly and with time she became more than just a servant. Her feelings for Ozai blossomed and she had high hopes for the two. But when she overhears the plans at a war meeting she questions the true motives of the war, and if her beloved fire lord has good intentions like she always thought. Its speaking out and what she does with that information that could give her a cruel reality check on her position and the man she loves. 
Name: hanae
Age: 25
Nation: fire nation
Birthplace: north chung ling / fire fountain city
Currently: capital city
Faceclaim: kim minseo
Height: 170cm
Appearance: hanae is really beautiful, she constantly heard it since she was little. but how much she believes that is a different story. if you ask her she'll most likely say she's the most unattractive person in the room. her hair is jet black but it only makes her hazel eyes pop even more. she prefers to do the half up half down style with her hair. she takes care of her appearance though, she does whatever she can to make herself look attractive and presentable like her mother always taught her.
Style: hanae wears her work uniform most of the time since she's mostly working. on the days she's not working she makes sure to look nice and dress up well in a decorated red hanfu. most people would wonder where she gets that kind of clothes since she's just a she's just a servant. she claims to have gotten them with her own money after saving but they're actually gifts from ozai. she can't go anywhere without her red lipstick, she feels like she looks really plain without it. as for accessories, she always wears her fire lily hair pin that ozai got custom made for her.
ISFP-T, friendly, structured, obedient, loyal, reserved, detail-oriented, hardworking, intelligent, sensitive, open minded, caring 
everyone's personality gets shaped by their parents from a young age, most of the time its unintentional. but akane shaped hanae to be the exact way she wanted and she succeeded. hanae is basically the perfect daughter, smart, friendly, polite, hardworking, all the traits that her mother taught her to be. growing up in the fire nation made her even more structured, she was raised to love her nation and glorify the fire lord and she did as she was told without questioning it. anyone that thought differently from them was wrong but she's never come across someone like that yet.
hanae is someone thats nice to everyone, she's truly a friendly person. she can make friends easily and be the social one at a party making her memorable to others but after a big event she'll need time to herself or with a close one. she prefers being in small groups or one on one though she can easily go with the flow at large gatherings too. she's not a judgmental person, thats what others love most about her is that she seems so genuine and she truly is. she's a simple girl that enjoys seeing those around her happy. she's sensitive to others emotions and pick up on things right when someone walks in the room. she knows how to make other people feel comfortable and accomodates them. somehow she knows the exact thing to do to make everyone happy and its because she pays attention to details that most people won't. everyone can say they like something but the true emotions are in their body language and facial expressions, something she's very good at picking up on.
even though she doesn't show it she's actually an open minded person, she has a mind of her own which is the thing that allows her to discuss so many topics and be so intelligent. but whenever she has a thought that goes against what she's been told specifically about her nation, she ignores it. when it comes to her devotion of the fire nation she's willing to turn a blind eye and ignore her gut feeling, always coming up with a positive reason to justify any wrongdoings. she has a bad habit of being idealistic, a hopeless romantic that sees the good in everything even those without a good side. she wears her heart on her sleeve, wanting to please others because seeing them happy makes her happy. she thinks she knows what she wants because she's been told what to want for such a long time. but she never stopped and asked herself what she truly wants.       
Hanae was born in fire fountain city in 74AG to her mother akane and father haruto. Her mom was a bender, ex army lieutenant who worked in a factory. By the time akane met haruto he was a jobless yet funny man living in his parents basement but she fell in love with his charm and humor. They wound up having a shot gun wedding while hanae was on the way. Akane was a typical fire nation mother, strict but in a loving and caring way. She emphasized the importance of keeping face and always looking presentable because she not only represented herself but her whole family. She ran a strict household that was interrupted by her father who didn’t believe in taking life so seriously and strict schedules. Her parents relationship was good but had its faults, akane complained about haruto’s laziness all the time. She got him a job at the same factory she worked at but his clumsiness prevented him from being promoted, he did a lot more talking than working unlike akane who took work very seriously. But they stayed together anyways despite her constant complaining because at the end of the day he was a good father and brought light to even the darkest days.
When hanae was 5 she was introduced to her new baby brother akuto who was a lot like her dad, which gave her mom a pounding headache. She put a lot of pressure on hanae to do something great with herself, she told her to marry a powerful and driven man not someone like her father. She remembers her mom pointing at a picture of fire lord azulon and tell her that was the kind of man she should marry. As she was saying that haruto and akuto were running after an elephant rat trying to catch it to make it a pet. Her family was definitely chaotic but they were close anyways. In school hanae was the top of her class and class president. While her brother was out developing an unhealthy gambling habit with their dad she was being the studious daughter that her mother always wanted. Everything about her was basically perfect.
In 89AG hanae was selected by the headmaster at her school with a few other girls to try out for the servant selection program at the capital that took place every few years. The best young girls all over the fire nation were sent to the capital to try out. Mostly girls from the capital made it but if you were chosen it was seen as a huge honor for you, your family, and your hometown. Not everyone could try out though, it was on a recommendation basis. To the headmaster hanae checked all the marks despite being on the older side but he decided to take the chance anyways because it would make the school look good too. When she ran home to tell her mother the news she’s never been prouder, she was always told that being structured and obedient was the way to be and so far it proved right. At 15 she had the chance to receive one of the biggest honors of a lifetime, to serve the royal family.
She went to the capital once before on a school trip and saw the palace from the outside but the inside was way more beautiful than she could ever imagine. She was one of three others from north chung ling that passed the test and from then on she's been living at the palace. She was one of the oldest trainees, training started as young as eight years old but hanae passed all the requirements and tests with flying colors. Her beauty helped her as well. She trained for a year before officially becoming a servant. Her starting position was an embroider at the age of 16 making garments for the royals and palace decorations. She was proud to even be there and sent letters to her parents talking about how amazing it was. There were times when they would get screamed at and some of the servants would get hit by those of higher authority for messing up but hanae saw it all apart of the process. It didn't take away from the fact that it was a dream come true for her.
As an embroider she made the designs on the outfits and things like curtains and bedsheets. During training they all learned the usual techniques and designs that were acceptable. While making a new robe for ozai hanae took a chance and decided to add a pattern of fire lillies along the cuffs and neckline for him. All the girls told her not to since he usually just liked his robes plain red with the nation's emblem in black on the back, but she thought it was a good idea. When it was presented to him he seemed upset and demanded to know who made such changes to his request. Hanae stepped forward to take accountability bowing down to him but defending her actions by saying fire lillies represent passion and purity, i thought this represented the royal family well since they're always looking out for the wellbeing of our nation with pure intentions. please forgive me... she was honestly scared for her life but instead of getting upset he smirked and said hmmm you're right, i like it. good job. back at the living quarters everyone was talking about how he complimented her which he never did to anyone. it was honestly the best day of her life. 
After two years of working in embroidery hanae got promoted to work as one of azula's personal servants. It 91AG and she was 17 at the time attending to all the needs of a 6 year old. It was the first time she worked for one of the royals hands on and she expected it to be an amazing experience but azula was terrifying. She understood why working for her was called the worst job for all the servants and it seems absurd to be afraid of a 6 year old but something about her seemed almost demonic from a young age. Hanae didn't let it get to her and didn't act like the typical servants that were filled with anxiety around her. She was a kid afterall so she tried her best to be nice and optimistic about her time there. Even ursa thanked her for not being so nervous around her daughter like the others.  
95 AG was a tense year for everyone at the palace, fire lord azulon passed away, ursa disappeared and ozai took iroh's place as fire lord. Emotions were high that year and servants were getting fired left and right for the simplest mistakes. In his first month as fire lord ozai fired all of ursa's past servants simply because one made his tea too hot causing him to burn his mouth. Due to this incident hanae and a few other servants were moved up to serve the new fire lord. Hanae was waiting for this day, she was happy no matter which royal she served but the fire lord himself was the biggest honor of all. 
Ozai remembered her from the robe incident years ago, out of all the girls she was the only one that he knew by name. Hanae was a detail oriented person, she somehow reached all of his expectations all the time. She even did things that he didn't ask for assuming that he would like it and he did. He was well aware of her devotion to him and when he privately invited her to his room one night she proved that she was willing to do anything for him. Their one night affair turned into more frequent private meet ups that got her to be promoted to head servant, she was basically a supervisor of all the others making sure that everything runs according to plan to accomodate him and she was definitely good at her job. 
For the last 4 years she's been in a secret relationship with the fire lord. Other servants are jealous of how fast she went up in ranks and question if she even deserves it but she doesn't care because she's happy where she is. She would do anything for ozai and she has high hopes that they'll get married and have children someday. But when she was serving tea at a recent war meeting, she overheard the cruel plans that was proposed and started questioning if the intentions of ozai are truly pure like she always thought. But there's no way that ozai could be some kind of monster, the war is for the benefit of the world, right?  
Likes. summer season. accessories. fashion. fire lillies. meat dishes. makeup. mangoes. dumplings. love stories. theater plays. card games. poems. deep talks. making friends. learning new things. butterflies. nature. ember island. 

Dislikes. people who talk bad about the royal family or the fire nation, you can talk bad about her but not her people. spicy food. mushrooms. violence.          

Habits. since she trained and has lived in the palace for the last 10 years her mannerism is reserved and polite. she bows to others and is mindful of her posture, gestures, facial expressions, the way she talks, etc.  

Sleeping habits. she's a light sleeper because she has to be prepared to wake up at any time of night to serve the royal family if they need her. 

Hobbies. paisho. cooking. sewing. reading. writing poems.  

Fears. her biggest fear is disappointing her mom because so much expectation has been put on her. she's scared of disappointing ozai and others in general too but not as much as her mom.

Cuisine. she prefers meat over fish, with her favorite being komodo rhino. she actually isn't a big fan of spicy food, it gives her tummy aches but she's been forcing herself to eat it for years and act like she likes it. she isn't a big eater, she watches what she eats so she doesn't gain weight because servants looks are often scrutinized. they're expected to look beautiful at all times since they work at the palace.

Firebending. hanae can't firebend but she always thought people who could were cool, she gets almost mesmerized by it. when she sees ozai firebend is when she finds him most attractive because he looks so powerful. but if she saw an actual fight she'll most likely find it scary. 

Flowers. hanae really loves flowers with her favorite being fire lillies. she likes to collect pretty flowers and put them into a notebook, one on each page with a few words about each. she likes to look back at it from time to time because it makes her happy for some reason. sometimes when ozai finds rare flowers he'll give it to her when no one is around and same with any of her many friends since they all know her obsession witth flowers.

Name. her name means blossom or flower because she was born around the time that the fire lillies bloom.  

Friendships. hanae has many friends in the palace, she knows a lot of the other workers by their names and has friends on all levels just because she's so easy to talk to. she's that friend that'll remember your birthday and get you a gift or even make you one months before. though she's the head servant she treats everyone with respect yet she can be strict when she has to because making the fire lord happy is the most important thing at the end.

Love. hanae is a hopeless romantic, it started when she saw the play love amongst the dragons when she was a student. the ending was the two characters being together despite their differences but learn they're more alike than they really think. she likes reading romantic stories with koharu and gushing about it. she's not the type to think ahead, she's more of a live in the moment kind of her girl but she hopes that her love life with ozai will end like the play, two people from different world having a happy ending.   

Firenation. hanae is super loyal to her nation, in their eyes they do no wrong. she's proud to be from the fire nation and would never talk bad about it. she believes the fire lord and royal family are great people helping the rest of the world, and that the war is to spread greatness. it only makes sense for the fire nation to conquer and destroy other lands because they're the superior nation. working in the royal palace only made this ideaology more drilled into her head than the normal person. 

Alcohol. the first time she drank was with during a day off with the other workers. they had hotpot after hours eating the left over ingredients lying around. other say she becomes cute when she's drunk. she's drank a few times with ozai and becomes extra affectionate being the kind of cute that she would call cringy if she was sober. 

Poems. she has another journal that she writes poems in that express how she feels that day. sometimes when she's alone she reads her poems aloud like its a monologue performing it in front of an audience. she can make poems so easily that she can make one of the spot if you ask her, and it'll actually be good. she's read a poem in front of ozai before and even he was impressed with her skills.   
akane (50) / factory worker / strict, close minded,  / 100% hanae and her mother are very close as she is with the rest of her family. akane is very proud of hanae and talks about her working at the palace to almost everyone. they exchange letters the most, she tells her mom basically everything. but since akane is closed minded she wouldn't understand if hanae suddenly changes her mind about the fire nation. even though they're close hanae still has a fear of her and disappointing her. she's a lot like a tiger mom.
haruto (52) / factory worker / humorous, friendly, clumsy / 100% haruto is the fun parent and hanae is thankful to have him to ease the tension when akane is being too harsh. he's open to anything as long as his kids are happy. he just wants to see them smiling and enjoying life the most. if hanae has something she can't tell her mom she'd tell her dad instead and he'll always be understanding most likely keeping it a secret from akane too.
akuto (20) / navy soldier / clumsy, idiotic, energetic / 100% akuto is a lot like haruto. since he's younger hanae doesn't bore him with the details of her life but they do exchange letters from time to time. he's a clumsy soldier that doesn't get much respect in the military but always finds something to smile about and she admires that about him the most. just like their dad he'll support her no matter what. 
ozai (44) / fire lord / domineering, apathetic, confident / 100% hanae is aware that ozai can be terrifying and brutal but she's also seen the warm side of him that many people don't see so she refuses to accept the fact that he would hurt millions of people for personal gain. he's opened up to her and so has she. either way she's been glorifying the royal family since she was little and theres no way the man she looked up to would be so cruel. in her eyes ozai and anyone in the royal family can do no wrong. the way ozai sees her is a different story, she's convinced that she's the only one who has a secret relationship with him but she doesn't know for sure. she thinks ozai loves her enough to marry her, if he didn't love her he wouldn't have slept with her so many times, right? she thinks they're much closer than they really are but he might just willing to toss her aside if she steps out of bounds.
azula (14) / princess / cynical, intimidating, composed / 10% hanae doesn't hate azula, she thinks she's a misunderstood little girl. hanae was one of azula's favorite servants when she was younger, but it didn't stop her from getting yelled at when azula was mad. before azula had no idea that ozai and hanae had a thing but one day azula screamed at hanae and ozai told her to mind her tone. in response azula said why? she's just a servant after all. since then she's been a little suspicious.
zuko (16) / prince / bitter, short tempered, confused / 10% hanae doesn't know much about zuko personally but she's heard a lot about him. she heard when fire lord ozai burned him and she thinks he deserves it for speaking out of turn. ozai has talked about zuko quite a bit. 
iroh (50) / brother of ozai / wise, kind, smart / 70% iroh is known to be a little flirt, he's innocently flirted with all of the female servants at one point usually just giving them a compliment. she thinks he's a sweet man and he thinks she's great at making tea, and beautiful. 
koharu (23) / servant / innocent, loyal, obedient / 100% koharu is hanae's closest friend in the palace. they joined at the same time and were friends since they were trainees. koharu is proud of hanae for all that she's accomplished so far, like any best friend she likes to see her friend thrive and defends her when others talk bad. she has the same mindset as the other brainwashed fire nation citizens, the royal family is always right and would never do anything bad. she doesn't know about hanae's relationship with ozai but hanae has been so tempted to spill the beans on many occassions.  
How do you feel about the war? 
the war is for the betterment of the world. we are a nation of rich culture and we want to help the other underdeveloped nations have structure like us. just look at the colonies, i'm sure they were worse off before we colonized them.   

Do you think it'll end soon? Do you want it to?
i'm sure it'll end whenever fire lord ozai thinks its the right time. i trust that he'll make a good decision on that whether its now or a hundred years from now.

If there was a new avatar, it would be someone from the fire nation. How would you feel about that?
it's great! maybe he or she can help speed up the process of greatness that the fire nation is trying to spread.

ending comments: yaaay i can't believe i finished this in one day. i only had the basics down before when i messaged you haha. i’m not sure how the whole maid system there works but i based it very loosely on korea’s gungnyeo’s (you can just skip to the court ladies section) and the qing dynasty’s maid system since i imagine that what it would've been based on. i left the little details like what she heard at the war meeting and what she does with that information up to you. i just wanted to say thank you for coming up with such an amazing fic and giving me something to do during my last weeks of vacation haha <3

scene requests: tba  

password: do whatever you want with her, she's in your hands now. 
Memory. since she's so detail oriented she has a habit of clinging onto every last detail remembering even the smallest things from a long time ago. she might not seem like she's listening but she is, and she keeps that information deep in her mind to use it later on if she has to. though she's never had to. 

Connections. she might just be a servant but her friendly personality and trustworthy ways has helped her make a lot of connections in the palace with many important people. if she plays her cards right she might be able to use them to her advantage.   

Cooking. its not her job to cook but she's befriended some of the chefs at the palace and has learned to make many dishes that taste amazing. she especially loves making desserts, fruit tarts are her favorite to make because she can decorate it to be aesthetic.



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