
yoonminuts | audrey | 7/10
You're the man but I got the I got the I got the power,
You make rain but I make it I make it I make it shower
FULL NAME naomi ogawa bois (小川直美 / 오가와 나오미)
 — mimi - a typical nickname for her
PRONOUNS she/her
UALITY biual
DATE OF BIRTH (AGE) march 29, 2002 (20)
BIRTHPLACE quebec, canada
HOMETOWN tokyo, japan
ETHNICITY japanese-australian
NATIONALITY japanese-canadian
 — sign language, 100% fluent, her mom is deaf so she signs very well and loves to teach others
 — japanese, 98% fluent, her japanese improved a lot over the years since she's lived there. she's so fluent that she's forgetting her french and english. but she acts like she forgets some words to act cute for fans since she was known for that when she was younger.
 — french, 65% semi-fluent, she lived in quebec where french is a main language so she had to learn when she was younger 
 — english, 70% fluent, she speaks english with her dad and it was her first language
 — korean, 25% basic, she's been learning for about a year on and off
FACECLAIM xg harvey
BACK-UP niziu nina
165cm and 47kg. people tend to think that harvey is mixed with hispanix instead of australian because her skin is slightly more tan and she apparently looks like the asian camila cabello. which she really doesn't see.
she's still trying to find her stlye. some days she'll be more experimental than other days but she's still not sure what she likes so its really a mix of different things.
TRAITS entj, talkative, confident, daring, individualistic, bossy, calculating, determined, rebellious, insensitive
talkative: naomi is a chatty box, especially for things she's passionate about. she likes to voice her opinion and share her knowledge with other people though she's still selective about when she deos this. small talk bores her to the core, she wants to talk about big ideas and changing the world.
visionary: naomi is a big dreamer, she wants to do things on a grand scale and she definitely has the imagination for it. instead of just being satisfied with being a singer she wants to change the music industry. to her there are always ways society and the world can improve so thats what she wants to do. even for little issues she tries to fix and do things more efficiently. she doesn't understand why she would sit back and just watch things be done terribly when she can make a change.
doesnt want to act cute anymore. wants to show a ier side. though cute is still her specialty. tired of acting fake. is more serious but still has the cute charm.
confident: naomi puts a lot of effort in whatever she does so she's confident whenever she goes into things. she's rarely impulsive and knows when an action will have consequences but its all in the risk of improving herself and things around her.
daring&individualistic: naomi tries things that others don't want to, after thinking it through first. she forms her own opinions, if she doesn't know she looks it up. all her career she's been silenced and forced to act like everything is ok but she's tired of it and no longer wants to be this cutesy girl that can barely speak japanese for middle aged men to enjoy. she wants to show a more serious side of herself, that's she's actually talented instead of cute all the time.
bossy: sometimes naomi just comes off as bossy. it's her aggressive tone that sounds like she's bossing people around when she is just giving a suggestion. since she's talkative she might lecture at times or seem like she's forcing her ideas onto people since she knows she's right because she did so much research and trial and error. but then again when she's not using her high voice guys aren't a big fan of it so it could also just be their way of shaming her to speak with a higher tone all the time.
calculating&determined: naomi knows what she's doing. when she was acting cute, speaking high, cutely fake crying and messing up her japanese on purpose after living in the country for 5 years it was all to gain fans. she knows what the public likes and can easily play into that because she's always been. her goal was to be a famous singer so she did whatever she could to reach it. she wanted to show her dad that she can make it big. though she's at a point where her morals and beliefs matter too. she's determined to change how people think and expose the toxic sides society but she also can't do that if everyone hates her. so that is something she'll struggle with on produce angel, following the little voice in her head that's screaming or the society. 
rebellious: naomi has always been rebellious in subtle ways. she was controlled when she was younger so she couldn't show it as much but she still did. for example, if people said she didn't look good in green, she'd specifically ask for a green outfit their next performace and look amazing in it to shut them up. when people say she can't do things she completely proves them wrong.
insensitive: because naomi is so determined and matter of fact she might be missing the emotional part at times. naturally she talks rather bluntly but on stage she can turn that off and seem emotional. her emotions show differently than other people, she vocalizes her emotions. for example she will tell you how betrayed she felt instead of crying about. the way she talks is very descriptive and says how she feels but since she doesn't express it with her face she is deemed unemotional. people that udnerstand her know that she's quite emotional because if she wasn't she wouldn't go on passionate rants or tell you how proud she is of you. she thinks she gets that part from her dad, since her mom is deaf she's really expressive but her dad isn't. 
naomi's parents met in japan at one of her moms exhibits. she was an artist and he saw her gallery on the way to his home so he decided to check it out. he thought naomi's mom was just a pretty guest looking at the art so he tried to use his australian accent as his charm to talk to her. he was an english teacher at the time and had no problem getting girls as a foreigner, but naomi's mom was a little different because she couldn't hear a thing he was saying let alone his oh so charming accent. she was deaf and he only realized after talking for about 2 minutes straight. since his usual dropper didn't work, he was intrigued on figuring out how to woo her. for months he practiced sign language and kept going to her gallery to try and impress her to no avail. it took 3 months before he could even get a phone number and 6 months before a date. though it was all worth it in the end because three years later they got married and moved to canada to start a life together. 
two years later when naomi was born the doctors were worried that she would be born deaf but she completely fine. though since her mom didn't talk naomi started talking later than usual. having a child was hard on the married couple because her dad worked a full time job while her mom was an artist at home, though during the night she couldn't hear naomi crying so her dad had to deal with it and it caused many arguments. her inability to hear was a constant frustration for him because even when naomi was a loud toddler, her mom didn't quiet her down when she was screaming and running around the house since she didn't know. as a kid naomi remembers her dad screaming so much at her mom, many bad words that she still wouldn't say now and all her mom could do was sign back and cry silently.
one thing naomi's mom loved was listening to music, she couldn't hear it but she could feel the bass on a loud speaker. when she was painting she liked to listen to loud music and sit on the floor so she could feel the vibrations. naomi remembers music being a big part of her childhood, especially groups like berryz koubou, morning musume and arashi. she liked to sing along with a fake microphone and act like she was the singer while her mom clapped along. so her wanting to be a singer because her mom loved music shouldn't have come as a surprise. but when she told her dad that, he laughed in her face and told her that there's no point because her mom will never hear it anyways. he absolutely crushed her and since then she wanted to prove her dad wrong.
naomi's mom would deal with getting yelled at if it meant her daughter would have both parents. but when she heard about him disrespecting naomi, it was the last straw. she filed for divorce and moved back to japan with naomi in 2010. in japan naomi went to many auditions to try and make her dream come true of being a singer. she had no prior training except singing for her mom but managed to pass the audition for hello project's trainee program hello pro egg, now known as hello pro kenshuusei.  
 — she prefers listening to girl groups over boy groups
 — she's a feminist
 — she's lived with ebichu all her life so she's used to living with other people and easy to live with
 — she has to keep reminding herself not to talk in a higher voice when she meets new people because she does it automatically
 — she's really bad at eating spicy food, she'll keep hitting the arm of hte person that made her eat it while she suffers
 — soba and anything with curry is her favorite food
 — alcohol tolerance is at a -1000 when shes drunk she wants to compete over everything and encourages others to drink
 — her instagram has 67,000 followers
 — she can rap reaally fast
 — part of her wishes she had a normal childhood and made memories before becoming an idol because its really all she knows and would be devastated if it came to an end
 — y and badass concepts
 — blackpink, 2ne1, mamamoo and little mix
 — hello kitty plushies
 — back hugs and forehead kisses
 — everything matcha
 — sleeping in
 — crossing
 — having long hair since she's so good at swinging it
 — scary movies
 — misogynistic men
 — acting overly cute
 — rain
 — people that talk down to others
 — bullies
 — erts or people that make y comments, even when girls do it about guys esp underaged guys its gross to her
 — being woken up unexpectedly
 — doodling everywhere
 — picking off her nail polish
 — hogs the covers when she sleeps
 — setting 10000 alarms
 — crossing her arms
 — biting her lip to stop herself from speaking her mind
 — hitting when she laughs or finds something funny
 — dancing
 — painting
 — she makes ramen so much it can be considered a hobby
naomi loves her mom so much. she knows everything that happens in her life and encourages naomi to express herself because she does the same, only by art. on her off days she spends time with her mom and does art together to let out any stress. her mom gives amaazing advice but doesn't fully tell her what to do because she wants her to make her own decisions.
naomi doesn't talk to her dad often, she hasn't seen him for 2 years now. he still reaches out to her because she's his daughter and he loves her. though he has a pessimistic point of view and says negative comments like she won't make it big etc. she wants to prove him wrong so badly. he would be proud to see her stand up for what she believes in though.
hinata was naomi's first friend in ebichu. she was the youngest at the time so she was happy to no longer be the baby and have someone to baby. when all the members were ignoring her and salty that she joined, hinata was there for her. their fans ship them together because they're so close, their ship name is hinami. they basically grew up together and hinata became her best friend. she even taught her sign language and used it as their own secret way to communicate and have a laugh all by themselves. oddly enough hinata developed hearing loss in her right ear and took a hiatus from the group in 2015. she was nowhere near deaf but naomi did make fun of her in sign language. out of all the members, they're there for each other most when they have a problem and in general. it was actually in 2014 when hinata realized she had feelings for naomi. they were both very young but when hinata went to go film her first movie, it was the first time she was away from the girls in a long time and she found herself missing naomi like crazy. she didn't say anything but she did question her emotions back then and cried when they were reunited. her feeligns for naomi never went away, she feels like same now everytime they're apart but holds it back not to ruin the friendship. naomi begged her to go with her on produce angel but she's satisfied with her career in japan, she doesn't have as much courage as naomi to take such a big step. that doesn't mean she doesn't agree with naomi that the idol industry can be improved but its not her battle to fight. either way she will support naomi with all her heart. there are only two things she wants in life, to be a successful actress and to be naomi's girlfriend.
ryutaro is a well known actor with many fangirls. she was a fan of ebichu since 2013 and fell for naomi's cute ways. they were friends since she was 16, he went to their concerts and got her autograph too. she was just happy that such a big actor was her fan. when she turned 18 he asked her out and of course she says yes. they've been datin secretly for the last two years because it could possibly ruin both their careers. ryutaro always cited his type as a woman who takes a step back or two and makes a man. in japanese that means someone submissive that'll treat him with respect so he can be in charge and make the decisions. basically how most japanese men think. naomi finds this extremely ist and everytime she tried to talk about those kind of topics he changed the subject or silenced her. he told her that she ruined the fantasy that he had in his head of her when she was younger and on stage like she was better just being cute without an opinion. she was too young before to realize the subtle ways he'd demean her and shut her up but produce angel might just be what she needs to realize how he's just like everyone else. he doesn't support her going on the show at all, he rather her stay in ebichu and is upset at her for leaving.
PLOTLINE  burnt youth
TALENT TWIN xg jurin
BACKUP kep1er hikaru 
TRAINEE YEARS  almost 2 years at hello project, a few months at defstar records
PAST EXPERIENCE member of shiritsu ebisu chuugaku (ebichu) from 2012-2021
naomi trained at helloproject for 2 years. she was happy to be there because it was the company that started many of the groups she loved. but everytime naomi auditioned for a group she failed, she auditioned for morning musume's 9th generation but didn't make it and the same happened with up up girls and angerme. she saw many girls graduate without debuting at all and was scared that the same would happen to her. so when defstar showed interest in her, she took their offer to become a trainee. it seemed to be the fight choice because after only a few months she became the newest member of shiritsu ebisu chuugaku.
naomi joined ebichu in march 2012 after they signed under defstar records. ebichu was known for being a little rough around the edges yet cute so they thought she fit their style since she was only 10. she was the only new member that joined during their transition from an indie group to having their major debut at a big label like defstar. the other girls weren't fond of her joining since they were close already and the point of ebichu was to be middle school yet she was still in elementary school. the producers excuse was that some of the members were highschool students so age didn't matter. naomi made her debut with the song karikeiyaku no cinderella 2 months later.
right away ebichu was busy, her first live performance was a month later when they took part in an idol festival in front of a crowd of 8,000 people. she got to meet some of her idols like buono! and performing for the first time really made her feel like a celebrity even though she got the least amount of screams and was really nervous. but just like her members, the groups fans were hard to warm up to her too. it wasn't until their summer tour did she start gaining fans, like many young idol groups in japan ebichu had many adult male fans and a lot of them started to like the 10 year olds innocent charm and cluelessness. she was only in japan for 3 years then so while her japanese was better than before it wasn't perfect. that on top of the fact that she was ten and mixed made everyone swoon whenever she spoke.
in august they released their next single called go go here we go rock lee for naruto's new anime series rock lee and his ninja pals and naomi gained more fans for her cuteness in the music video. 2013 only got busier, starting in november they went on a three month winter tour, reached their goal of charting 3rd on oricon chart with the single ume in january, went on another tour from april to june, released their 4th single te wo tsunagou featuring two ending theme songs for the pokemon series in june, released their 1st studio album titled chunin in july, held an outdoor concert called ebichu natsu no family ensoku aka famien that would happen every year after that, held another tour from september to november, released their 5th single titled mikakunin chugakusei x in november, became the fastest artist to perform at saitama super arena in december, and ended the year with three members leaving.
2013 was the year naomi really felt what it meant to be an idol, that whole year she didn't get a single break. everytime they finished a schedule they were too tired to do anything else that they just went to sleep and by the next day they were preparing for their next schedule. none of the girls were able to have a phone so naomi didn't see her mom at all that whole time. sometimes she would beg her manager to let her call her mom or cry about practicing another hour because her legs hurt so much. each time she just got scolded about how she should be grateful that her dream is coming true and so many other girls would love to be in her place. naomi's fanbase was growing because of the big smile she put on stage, but little do they know that when it was all over she cried from pain. one time her face was so puffy from crying earlier that they put glasses on her and said her had a stye. 
naomi showed a lot of strength for an 11 year old. after a while she got used to the busy schedules and learned to push through it instead of complaining. throughout the years her schedule barely lightened up, they still held about three tours a year with multiple comebacks. they had many member changes and tragedies from members being diagnosed with illnesses to death, yet it made them closer everytime. as naomi got older and saw the success of kpop groups like blackpink and bts, she wondered by ebichu or any jpop group ever got the same kind of fame. though their popularity slowly grew in japan, they still weren't as popular as akb48 or their sister group momorio clover z. naomi felt as if her career was at a stand still. 
she saw the trends that kpop idols followed and wondered why they weren't doing the same to gain worldwide popularity. but when she brought it up during meetings she was silenced or asked if japan isn't good enough for her as if her mixed blood had anything to do with her observations. in interviews she brought up that she wanted to do something more mature and got hate online for saying such things. by 2021 naomi was still the youngest at 19 years old. she was hoping they'd change their concept from something cute to more trendy now that she was an adult instead of pleasing the middle aged male fans that loved their "innocence". but in january of 2021 ebichu's management held auditions for new members aged 10 to 21 and in may of 2021 three new members were added aged 15, 14, and 13. at that point naomi knew that she couldn't change the jpop industry and got fed up. she took a big leap of faith and left ebichu to join produce angel, it's either she made a wise decision or just jeopardized her whole career. 
Please answer these questions from your character's, if they're lying or delusional please put the reality in brackets.
IF YOU WERE A MEMBER OF A K-POP GROUP, WHAT WOULD YOUR POSITION BE? i'm hoping to get the position of a dancer or rapper. there weren't really set positions in ebichu but i enjoyed those the most. maybe because i talk a lot in general but something about rapping is so fun and powerful.

OUT OF 10 HOW TALENTED WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF? i'd give myself a 9. there's always room for self improvement, no one is a 10.

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A KPOP IDOL? kpop has seen so much success in recent years unlike jpop. it really made me question my career and what i was doing wrong because i felt like i was stuck in the same spot for years while being in ebichu. i mean look at sakura, she went from being in akb48 to izone and now she's debuting again with a stronger image. she really inspired me to come here and show a different side of myself thats not cute all the time. 

DO YOU HAVE GOOD STAGE PRESENCE AND CHARISMA? WHAT ABOUT STAR QUALITY? yes i performed so many times by now i think stage presence is engraved in my bones. 

WOULD YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A TEAM PLAYER? of course, ebichu was my team for almost 10 years and now that i graduated i'm ready to be apart of a new team. (they use the term graduated when a member leaves the group)

Hold up no you didn't bow bow
I ain't the chick to walk behind you 'round town
 — this is a little longer than the others. i wanted to try a love triangle situation though instead of planning it all out i'm leaving it to you. in case you didn't know ebichu is an actualy jpop group that i used to love so i had a lot of fun with this app. i feel i'm constantly sounding lowkey butthurt in my apps and idky haha. 
 — here!
PASSWORD power - little mix


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