望的戰士 :: Heshin

TW: Mention of death by sickness/plague.

replace with fc



 General Heshin - It's his title, since he is an Earth Kingdom general.
 Shin - Short for his name and the only people that call him that are his sister and his few close friends. (Misho called him 'Shinshin')


 Heshin is a giant of a man, being not only super tall but also packed with muscles. With broad shoulders, long torso and long legs, he cuts the perfect silhouete of a warrior (to the delight of all female around him). He has a squared jawline and dimples when he smiles (not that he smiles a lot these days). He also grew facial hair to look older than he is, to be taken seriously by the other more veteran generals. [basically face-wise it's the same as his faceclaim]


 He wears long robes with variation between large and long sleeves or tighter sleeves with vembrances depending on the situation. Sometimes fancy metal shoulderpieces also make and appearance. The color pallete goes from green to gray and he wears a big headpiece as a nod to his Kyoshi Island heritage. [His clothes are highly inspired by Nie Mingjue's clothes, so just imagine this with the appropriate color pallete from the Earth Kingdom]

Heshin had been a joyful and impulsive youth that had his heart on his sleeve and that hadn't thought twice before following the beautiful and amazing Avatar Misho, even if that meant leaving the only home he had ever knew behind.

He then proceeded to live the best years of his youth, surrounded by his brothers and sisters in arms, his best friends, and by the side of the love of his life. Even if the harsh reality of war was sad and gruesome, it was worth it with the people around him.

And then Avatar Misho died and he was left floudering to fill a gap way too big for him.

For the last fifteen years he has been grasping on anything he could of Misho and living by the expectations of others because he didn't know anymore what he wanted for himself. And then the new Avatar came and it made him reflect and rethink on everything so far.

AGE: 38
NATION: Earth Kingdom
HOMETOWN: Kyoshi Island 

FACECLAIM: Wang Yizhou (as Nie Mingjue)
HEIGHT: 198cm

Who are you?


Before: idealist, optimistic, honest, good humored, naive, impulsive, blunt, impatient

Now: realistic, patient, perspicacious, cautious, stern, poised, eloquent


Heshin's first formative years had mede him into a very loud and curious child and that extended to his childhood and teenage years. Having been raised in a family with a very strong moral code and having living in the secluded but peaceful society that was Kyoshi Island he had in him this inherent belief that everyone could be good if given the chance. He was also someone that held truth very seriously and one who took honesty almost as a matter of honor. This did made him blunt because he didn't had patience to act and speak as someone he was not and something he didn't believe in. He was impulsive because he was raised by his sister, a woman of action, and thus he internalized the need to DO something. He was also a very personable guy, once you got to know him it was easy to like him and spend time with him. And because he did grow up in the secluded Kyoshi Island he was ignorant of how the world functioned outside of his peaceful and basically egalitarian society. What tied back to his idealism and optimism about everyone and everything.

But with the years passing he didn't stay the same. His world vision started to change once he met Misho and went with her in her journey to find allies, and then later when he had to actually face war. He understood that the world was more complex than he initialy thought it was and learned to see it for what it was and not for what he wished it would be. He learned how to be patient because not everyone worked on the same rhytm as him nor everything always went the way he thought it would go. He also leraned how to be aware of his actions because in a war his mistakes didn't affect only him and one thing he knew was that he didn't want to put his friends in needlessly danger.

And then he when he had to face a huge personal loss and was pushed to a position he didn't really wanted he had to change and grow again. The loss itself made him someone more serious and to avoid more losses he became stern with those under his command. He had to act poised until he was actually poised by default to be seen as an equal functioning adult by those that wanted to use him as nothing more than a puppet. He had to train his awareness and perspicacy to be able to see patterns not only the the enemies he had to face on the battlefield but also to dodge, deflect, divert the same plots that wanted to turn him into something he wasn't. He had to curb in his first instincts of speaking the first thing that come to mind and learn how to communicate in a manner that delivered his points in a uncontestable manner. He had to grow and change into the image of a competent general and in the end 15 years of war didn't transform him into the feral copy of Misho that many wanted, but sometimes he wonders if he's still himself.





Heshin was born in one of the villages of Kyoshi Island from a family with lots of tradition and history. His matrilineal line is almost exclusively composed by Kyoshi Warriors, going all the way back to the first disciples taught by Kyoshi herself. As such, both his mother and his older sister were Kyoshi Warriors. His father, although with a less impressive bloodline, carried an equaly great legacy as the last apprentice from the man whose family had been responsible for creating the metal fans of the Kyoshi Warriors. Because of that both Heshin's and Oyoh's future was basically traced. Oyoh would be a Kyoshi Warrior like her mother and one day maybe become one of it's leaders while Heshin would learn from his father the art of being a smith. And everything was going well. Oyoh trained with her mother and Heshin sneaked to watch the sword lessons, just to be found by his father and being transported like a sack of potatoes (with many delighted child shrieks) back to the fields where they were training earthbending and helping the farmers or back to his father's forge where Gyosho would put Heshin in his safely distanced stool to watch how the process for making different tools worked. And then not long after Oyoh had graduated to a fully trained Kyoshi Warrior, a plague spread through the island. She was the first to get sick and Heshin, being only a child, got sick not long after. They got sick for a couple of weeks but soon sprang back to health. Gyosho and Sheko got sick after their kids, but their symptoms were a lot less serious. After all, Gyosho was a strong and healthy man and Sheko had went through a pregnancy at 40 like she was twenty years younger.  So it was to everyones surprise when they suddenly got worse and worse. Oyoh banned young Heshin from their parents rooms, afraid he would get sick again, and only allowed him to bring and take things for her. Until the day it was not necessary anymore, because they got taken away by the plague.

Heshin was only 8 and Oyoh at 18 was barely an adult herself. The aftermath was not easy, but fortunately they had help of their neighbours and their mother's friends until they could stay on their own two (or four) legs. There was even one of their father's seniors, an older student of the same master, that came to give his respect and condolences  and stayed for a while to teach Heshin at least the basics of smithing so he could keep helping the village by making farming and fishing tools once he was old enough. He even offered to teach Heshin the art of forging swords and metal fans if he's willing to move to his village in a few years. Oyoh immediately intervened, thanking the older man and saying they would reach out when the right time comes. From then on, life continues with only Oyoh and Heshin.

Living just the two of them was not easy. It was just two mouths to feed, but Heshin was still a child and couldn't work and Oyoh's stipend was too tight to securely live just from that. She started to do odd side jobs to complement what they had (working as bodyguard during travels between villages and even learning how to sew and make clothes repairs) and Heshin still helped the farmers in the fields sometimes after school and would get tips for that in the form of food and clothes. With time as Heshin got older and could pick back his father's forge and Oyoh rose in the hyerarchy of the Kyoshi Warriors they could live a more comfortably and don't worry that much about sustenance. Oyoh tried to give Heshin as much of a normal childhood as she could, but there was nothing much "normal" about their situation. Still, Heshin created found memories of the care of the other villagers, how his mother's and sister's friends would pitch together to give him and Oyoh birthday gifts every year, of running around with his friends and playing in the beach, of simply having his sister to cuddle up to at the end of the day. Sometimes life was not easy, but life was good.

When he turned 17 life had settled down. Oyoh was in a position where she didn't need to do side jobs anymore, having even gained the position of teacher of the youngest of the training girls. Heshin himself had become the village smith, and although he didn't have the ability and knowledge to continue the sword and fan forging, he was enough to make and fix the utensils and objects of everyone's day to day use. So he would have never thought that his life would change drastically in a sunny morning. He had woken up early and gone to the forge and he worked peacefuly until mid morning when he heard the village's gong ressonating. He was putting his stuff away so no accidents would happen when one of his friends came barreling through the building almost yelling that he had to see what was happening!

"What in Kyoshi's name made you almost run straight into the forge fire?"

"It's her! Well, not exactly her, but her reincarnation! The is a woman saying she's the Avatar and she asked to speak with the Kyoshi Warriors!"

THAT made Heshin hurry after his friend and towards the communal building. When he got there it was already crowded but he could easily see over mostly everyone's heads and he could spot his sister sat closer to the leaders of their regiment.  When things calmed a little and all the seats of the Kyoshi Warriors were full, the current leader, a woman that had been his mother's best friend, finally adressed the small woman in the middle of the room.

"The Kyoshi Warriors of our regiment have gathered, as was your request. What do you want child?"

"I'm Misho and I'm the new Avatar. I come to gather allies against the Fire Nation. I wish to rally the allied forces and include the Kyoshi Warriors so we all can fight against the opression of Fire Lord Azulon."

"There is a reason for the Kyoshi Warriors to have kept out of the war. To ask of us to join now is to ask us to go against our pledge and to put our people under risk of attack."

He knew things were not going well, specially when his sister raised her point.

"Are you in command of the armies? Can you garantee that we would be treated as equal colaborators? We might have stayed away from the war but we still know and remember how society works outside of our island."

In the end a second meeting was agreed upon on the next day so all the Kyoshi Warriors leaders, called upon by the gongs of each village, could reunite and deliberate over the issue. The results were still the same, with the Kyoshi Warriors deciding to not heed the call for aid. Heshin thought that it must have been only their tradition and the Kyoshi stubborness speaking louder, because he was thoroughly impressed how the Avatar defended her point and pleaded her cause. So much so that by end of the day, after the council meeting ended, he seeked her out and offered his help.

"It's an honor to meet you Avatar Misho, I'm Heshin. I'm sorry that you didn't get the answer you were hoping for."

"How do you know what was the answer I was hoping for?"

"I- I assumed- because you defended-"

"You are right. It was not the answer I was hoping for."

"Oh. Well. I'm not a regiment of Kyoshi Warriors, but I'm pretty decent earthbender and I know how to use the sword too. If you accept, I'm willing to help you."

"And why would you help me, Heshin of Kyoshi Island?"

"Because you are right. This is about more than just us, in this island. If we could help, we should.

And it was like that that Heshin met Misho and joined her in her journey. They agreed on meeting again on the next day and to board the ship together. Of course that as soon as Heshin got home and started to pack his things Oyoh noticed that something was going on confronted him about it. Of course that they argued. For the first time in his life Heshin actually got mad at Oyoh's overprotectiveness and he might have said some harsh words that he wouldn't otherwise, but he made his point clear: he thought that it was a worthy cause, and if he could help he would and she couldn't stop him. In the next day he woke up before his sister and finished grabbing everything he thought he would need. He found Misho in the meeting spot they agreed upon and then they quickly got around the village because they needed to buy some more provisions and because Heshin wanted to at least say bye to his friends. The only time he looked behind him was when they were already on the ship sailing towards high seas and when he looked at the beach he saw the figure of his sister. Till this day he gets mixed feelings about what it would mean.

The journey to the Southern Water Tribe was the first opportunity that Heshin and Misho got to actually talk and get to know each other and by the time they reached their destiny he was glad they did it because then at least she was a familiar sight between everything else that he had never saw before. He was also more or less mentally prepared for the fact that Misho already had friends there. Meeting Natak felt like a pinprick from the universe because the man chose to stay with his family over joining actively the cause. But on the other side he felt that he had a fellow understanding soul in Lakada, that shared his same wish to help with whatever she could help. And it was this way that the seeds of the Team Avatar were planted.

After rearranging the alliance with the Southern Water Tribe they headed east towards Ba Sing Se and once they arrived there they were met with a surprise. A procession with soldiers and a fancy sedan met then and the most pompous guy Heshin had saw so far got out of it headed straight for Misho and basically declared he would join them. Heshin and Lakada looked at each other perplexed, trying to find some sense into this, while Misho started to laugh uncontrolaby and Pompous Guy started to rant at her and yell "I'm serious!". In the end Misho regained her normal breathing and managed to introduce the new guy as Lang Haoming, one of the young masters of the Haoming family and her childhood friend. Lang looked imperiously at Lakada and Heshin and first noded his assent and approval at her when Misho mentioned she was a trained healer. And then he focused his stare on Heshin that held it with his own stare (till this day he believes it was that that actually got him Lang's approval, but the older man won't ever confirm it for him, because he's annoying like that).

"Misho says that you are an earthbender and has some training using a sword."

"Yes sir, that's correct."

"Good, we can work with that. I'm sure she will help you with earthbending. But I will make a real swordsman out of you."

If anyone doubted it, they would eat their words later because Lang actually kept his word. The Eastern Giant Blade and the Western Giant Blade is how they would be known in the future.

The next addition was a very unexpected one. They were in a covert mission in the Fire Nation colonies trying to gather information (and no one could actually tell you who approved of all four of them doing this type of mission together) when they met with a very shady looking man. He had followed then from the tea shop they had been not long ago and in the end he was spared only because his goals actually lined with their own goals. Many shanenigans ensue, with them running from Fire Nation soldiers, blowing up buildings, jumping into rivers, running some more, dressing in disguises, kicking some and taking some names from Fire soldiers, and then more running with a final of sharing drinks on a rooftop under the full moon. By the time they could actually breath and stop and think the new guy, Jurao, had already become one of them and when they returned to the headquarters in Ba Sing Se, he went with them.

The last member of their group came in the form of an estranged sister seeking reconnection. To be more specific, it was Misho's older sister Nova. Absolutelly no one was expecting that curveball (and Lakada did sent a glare at Jurao and Lang. Weren't they the ones supposed to gather relevant information?? Jurao just shruged and Lang actually looked a bit ashamed). The integration was not easy at first and Heshin and Lang had to intervene a lot in the beginning, trying to help all the expectations to adjust to their current reality. In enough time everyone got adjusted and Misho and Nova did get their chance to reconnect. As a bonus the whole team got a mother-like figure who had the ability to talk at least a bit of sense into their heads. And it was like that that the final lineup of Team Avatar got together and how the core of Misho's Special Operations Team was born. They joined the war together and together they wreaked havoc into their enemy lines, having each other's backs and believing they were invicible.


The day that changed everything is not a day that Heshin can say he actually remembers. He might remember a bit of the night before staring the mission when they went over their plans and Misho made the team that would go to Omashu feel pumped up and confident. He knows they rode on the fastest mounts they could find and that when they arrived in Omashu they clashed  unforgivingly against the Fire Nation soldiers. He knows things were going well until they didn't. But he doesn't actually remembers what happened. He has flashes of memories and mostly feelings. The worse is Misho's death. He remembers only the color red, heat, indistinct screams and the feeling of despair of not being able to help.


His first real memories related to the incident are of it's aftermath. He remembers of waking up in a medical wing, of hearing Lakada's voice somewhere around scolding someone, of an older soldier noticing he was awake and giving him a bitter warm drink and helping him to sit up. The man had barely finished answering his question of how he got there (he had been found unconscious in the field, the closest survivor found near what remained of Avatar Misho) when Lakada showed up looking incredibly tired, concerned and pained. Heshin meekly asked after Misho only to receive a negative nod from Lakada and to see tears springing up in her eyes. The soldier quietly left them alone to process things. 

"I- I don't remember what happened."

"It's better that you don't." Lakada replied while gently hugging him because he had started to cry too.

Even if none of his friends actually recounted the events of the battle when they came to visit him in his recovery bed, he heard the story from other soldiers, of how General Jeong Jeong had burned Misho alive. His first reaction had been denial. Rage. He had panic attacks where he lashed out at anyone around him to the point that Lakada had to put him to sleep most often than not. He even promised himself to get revenge on Jeong Jeong for Misho, if he ever crossed paths with the general. When he calmed down was to act on a totally opposite manner. He became quiet and almost unresponsive. And although in that way he couldn't make his healing wounds worse the fact that he was also barelly eating made his recovering slower and worried his friends, who were also grieving.

As soon as his wounds were healed (and the only reason he didn't get ugly scars from his burning wounds was because of Lakada's treatment) and he was as stable as anyone could hope him to be, Lakada thought that giving him a change of scenario would be a good thing. Jurao and Lang immediately agreed because they were willing to to anything to give Heshin back to himself. Lakada offered to take Nova with them too but the older woman refused, saying that there was much work to be done still. No one tried to dissuade her, they all knew that was her coping mechanism. So it was decided that Lakada and Heshin would go to the Southern Water tribe because she wanted to personaly tell the news to Natak. The visit was not joyful but it had the intended effect of trying to take Heshin out his shell. He did soften quite a bit around Natak's daughters and some life seemed to return in him, giving hope to Lakada (and later the rest of the team) that he would eventualy get past it.

On their way back home some epiphany seemed to hit Heshin and suddenly he was very worried asking Lakada what happened to Gira, Misho's Animal Guide. Lakada said that Gira was alright, she just refused to get too far away from Omashu. So Heshin asked to make a detour to Omashu and once they reached there he looked for Gira. In the end he found her hidden in a natural cavern looking very sad. A sligthly bedraggled Lakada found him some time later petting the tigerdillo.

"Don't- don't just walk away without telling me anything! I got worried!"

Heshin noded in understanding and when Lakada joined him in petting Gira he finally said something.

"She's very sad."

"Yes she is. She also misses Misho a lot."

"She won't leave, will she?" he asked after a brief silence.

"No. She won't. We already tried."

"Then... I will build a home for her here."

Despite being a bit perplexed Lakada agreed with Heshin's plans. It seemed that was something he needed to do not only for Gira but for himself too. She remembered him to actually ask permission to King Bumi before modifying the area that Gira reclaimed as hers. After Lakada went back to the headquarters Heshin went to the city proper to ask for an audience with King Bumi. When he presented his idea to the King, to his surprise it was readily given permission.

"Bah! The tigerdillo tried to maul some soldiers when they tried to recover the Avatar's body. If she can feel safe and not attack anyone else, it will be a win-win situation!"

So for the next few weeks he scouted the area with and without Gira trying to map the area and where he could and could not make modifications. He even had some help from the same Captain that helped him when he first woke up. The map provided by King Bumi and handed by the Captain was indeed very useful. Some days into his new project he received a visit from Nova, that having heard of what was happening from Lakada, came to help him. So together they earthbended a semi-protected area for Gira to live in but also taking care to not disrupt too much of the fauna and flora of the region. They hadn't Misho with them anymore, but at least they could care well for what was left of her and her memories.

But life wouldn't wait for them to be totally recuperated. After they finished their project and made sure Gira was well adjusted in her new home they went back to Ba Sing Se where the war council was reunited and as soon as Heshin arrived in the halls he was accosted by some of the generals demanding of him to be the new face of the war. Nova managed to contain them for time enought so Lang and Jurao could come to their rescue. They argued for a formal meeting on the next day so Heshin (and Nova) could rest and make themselves presentable again. Begrudgingly it was accepted. So on the next day they had a proper council meeting where the problem was presented: with the death of Avatar Misho the troops were unmotivated and the moral was low. They wanted Heshin to step up to Misho's place. The man that rallied troops to avenge his dead lover. Something in the idea made Heshin uncomfortable with it. Maybe because to him no one could replace Misho, it was impossible. Hopefuly Lang came to his rescue arguing over what exactly they wanted heshin to do and what would be his responsabilities and benefits if he accepted. He was pretty sure Jurao also throwed some veiled blackmail around to make things fall in his favor.

So it was like that that Heshin became the new face of the war. At first he received comand of is own squadron but was nothing much more than a pale comparisson of a cover boy. With time tho he proved he could actually wield the title they wanted to push on him. He didn't have much more of direction that trying to keep Misho's legacy alive, so he fell right into work, studing and gathering information and training troops and training himself. Lang and Jurao were with him all of the way, also teaching him what he would need to stand on his own against the older generals of the Earth Kingdom. For eleven years after Misho's death he firmly held his ground and mostly because of his work that the Fire Nation couldn't gain more terrain. The Earth Kingdom also didn't recover any lands back but the way he quashed some more adventurous Fire Nation excursions and how he held the line got him the title and rank of "Imovable Mountain General". The siege of Ba Sing Se was his biggest challenge and when they came out victorious after the Fire Nation army retreated they thoght they could have hope again of turning the war to their side. Soon they learned that was not the case because the new Fire Lord Ozai was much more agressive than his father Azulon and much more relentless in warfare. In the last almost four years the Fire Nation has been gaining terrain again and Heshin was faced more than ever with the horror of war, with the responsability and weight of thousands of lives under his command. He knows what Misho would have done, but even after years of having been hardened and changed by war he's still not willing to simply waste soldier's lives (a point that he more often than not gets in arguments with the other generals, but now he's experienced and powerful and they can't simply cower him into agreement). The best he can do is keeping to hold on as he has been doing and trying to hold on to Misho's legacy.


Meeting Avatar Yyn changes everything. [Have fun! :D]


 Even after 15 years some nights he still wakes up drenched in sweat and a scream stuck in his throath after having nightmares about Misho's death.
 He has a paper fan that was modeled after the metal fans of the Kyoshi Warriors. He found it out in his bag on the first night after he went away from home with Misho, and he knew that the only person that could have put it there was his sister. Now the fan has a place of honor being displayed in his office.
 He does have a hobby and it's gardening. He particularly likes to plant things that can become food or that have medicinal uses. Because sometimes he needs to be on the road he has small transportable pots that contains medicinal plants or plants that he can use as seasoning.[yes, he collects edible bonsais! :D]
 The reason he gets soft around children is because, back when things hadn't gone horribly wrong, he had thought about having some of his own after the war was over. 
 He makes as much of regular trips as he can to visit Gira and see how she's doing. But although he enjoys to personally care for her and spend time with her he can rest assured that she wouldn't go without care when he's not there because of the young earthbender that cares for all of the wild animals around Omashu. He had met the other in one of his routine visits and they came with an agreement about taking care of Gira.


 Parents - Gyosho & Sheko (52 & 47 when died) / Smith & Kyoshi Warrior / Regal & Good-Humored / 10/10 
He doesn't remember a lot of his parents after all those years, but to him his mother will always have the presence, posture and power of a Warrior Queen, with arms that would hug him and he would feel like nothing in the world could get to him. His father's memory will always come with the distant sound of his laughter and with the smell of a forge or freshly turned earth, of someone that would have infinite patience for his questions and that would show him the little secrets of the world.

 Older sister - Oyoh (48) / Kyoshi Warrior / Strict, Protective / ?
Oyoh was the one to raise Heshin through his teenager years and most of his childhood. As such, the line between sister and mother blurred constantly. But being thrown into adulthood too suddenly and into the role of a parent of a grieving child did prepare her for the role of leader she would reach in the future. She misses her parents everyday and while raising Heshin she wished more than once that they were still alive to give him the guidance she thought she couldn't give. She may have been too strict or overbearing in more than one occasion, but she did it out of love, protectiveness and fear of losing her little brother. They had once been very close because they had only each other in the world, but Heshin's departure from Kyoshi Island against Oyoh's wishes put a distance between them.
[faceclaim inspiration: Michelle Yeoh in Memories of a Geisha]

 Girlfriend - Misho (26 when died) / Avatar / u know better than me / 10/10
Misho had been the shooting star in Heshin's life: bright and brilliant while in the sky but leaving a hole of destruction after she was gone. Heshin was no strange to strong women but Misho had an eagerness and a charisma that was new and refreshing. At first his feelings were just curiosiy and admiration and then it developed into a crush and the more time they spent together the more he learned to love her. One of the things Heshin knows that Misho loved about him is how he always treated her as a person, as someone with equal standing. The fact that she was female or that she was the Avatar didn't affect that. From all the years that they new each other, Heshin would proudly sing praises to her qualities and he would accept her faults and try to work with that and love her anyway. He was not afraid to call her out when she was wrong but he would also be there for her whenever she needed. And in return he knew she would have his back too. But preciselly because they were so attached at the hips, when she was gone Heshin was left floundering and trying to pick up the pieces, alone.

 Friend - Lakada (41) / War-Healer / snarky, loyal, responsible / 9/10
Lakada doesn't have an impressive background, unlike most of her friends, but her own tenacity and hard work makes her as impressive as anyone else. Hailing from the Southern Water Tribe, she trained as a healer and met Misho when both were still in their training phase. A friendship was born over scolding the young Avatar and her training partner, their other friend Natak, over their bruises and injuries. As many of the healers that chose to help in the war, Lakada always thought that she could be of more help if she was where the fight was the thickest, so when she met Misho again years later she didn't think twice about following her friend. She was always the type to show love and care through scolding and actions, what's another way to say she's not good at expressing herself with words. But her friends know that and understand that and give her space and time and she will be forever grateful for it. Till this day she's the one who nags at Heshin so he would actually take care of himself instead of collapsing from overworking. When Lakada storms through his office, Heshin knows someone on his unit sent her a letter and that she dropped everything to see if he was well. He also knows she cares, so he wields, even if by this point the usual dinamic is for him to grumble first.
[faceclaim inspiration: Jessica Matten as Sokanon from Frontiers]

 Friend - Lang Haoming (40) / Swordsman&Nobleman / sassy, proud, determined / 9/10
Hailing from the old noble family of Haoming, Lang was used to do things his way until he became best friends with the other three most stubborn people in his generation. The Haoming family has members in the White Lotus and his grandfather was friends with Misho's grandfather, so they helped the young Avatar to run and hide during many years. He himself became a member of the White Lotus and didn't hesitate in following his sort of childhood friend when she started to gather allies and with that he also met the other two members of their group. He had always been good with words and with his family background he was both the politician and the one who got funds and information for everyone. Because he and Heshin were the first guys in their group of friends they naturally formed a friendship over swordfights, since they both carry ridiculously large swords on their backs. Surprisingly for those that don't know him well, he was the one that gave most support to Heshin after Misho's death and till this day they work together, even if from time to time Lang has to go back to his family home to help with the state (and work from there through letters. He does have a child to raise after all). He's also married to Nova and he's her #1 supporter.
[faceclaim inspiration: Huang Youming as Ye Baiyi from Word of Honor]

 Friend - Jurao (45) / who knows what he's really doing these days? his friends gave up trying to find out / shrewd & cunning lil bastard / 9/10
Jurao was born in the Fire Nation Colonies but he lived most of his life very close to the war fronts since the village his family lived in was on the very edge of peaceful territory. When he was ten his father was dragged out of his house by Fire Nation soldiers and sentence to execution because he had found an injured Earth Kingdom soldier and was secretly taking care of him. Jurao and his mother were spared since they didn't know about it but since then his family fell in disgrace. In the next six years his mother slowly got incresingly sicker and Jurao started to turn to not very lawful ways to gain money to buy his mother's medicine and pay the doctors. When he was sixteen his mother died anyway because of the disease that had spread in the land. Then two things happened: He found out he could see and talk with spirits and he also turned fully to fraud and theft to survive and by the time he reached his mid-twenties he had a respectfully large web of informants (and other types of less lawful professions too). The older he got the more his spiritual cognition grew and the more he remembered the stories his parents told him when he was a child (that were actually air nomad culture and teachings heavily disguised). So to appease their memory he used his gains and his influence to help those in need [so he was kind of like a Robin Hood] specially because he never forgot the disproportion of the reaction the Fire Nation had becaue his father was simply helping a hurt man. Because of the nature of his "job" he never stayed long in the same place and was like that he stumbled upon Misho's team one day and overheard that she was the Avatar. He quickly gathered that they were on some type of covert mission and he tried to blackmail them to help him take down a group of Fire Nation soldiers. Misho almost took his head off but long story short, he ended joining the group after two almost suicide missions that were really just one big crazy thing. His ability to get information where not even Lang could, his incredible skills in hand-to-hand combat and in wielding knifes and daggers, his loose moral compass plus his spiritual cognition made him a valuable adition to the team. He also did try to help Misho with her own spiritual conection but he was a ty teacher. Heshin will also never admit it but back then he was jealous of Jurao because he was handsome and charming and mysterious and savyy and the worst crime was that he easily caught Misho's attention. Of course that with time things resolved between them (Jurao was the one to actually point to Heshin that he was in love with Misho and to grow a spine and ask her out) and Heshin started to see the older guy as a sort of older brother. In a very distorted way Jurao made Heshin remember of his own older sister. Heshin also knows first hand how much Jurao cares about all of them because he was his drinking buddy after Misho died and because he stayed until Heshin could stand on his own two legs. Nowadays he travels around a lot (true to his secret heritage) and much of the intelligence Heshin gets today about the movements of the Fire Nation army is because of Jurao.
[faceclaim inspiration: Chen Kun/Aloys Chen as Qingming from The Yin-Yang Master]

 Friend - Nova (43) / humanitarian & noble lady / empathetic, righteous, selfless / 9/10
When Heshin met Nova and got to know that she was Misho's older sister he couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest because THIS sister left everything behind to look for her own younger sister. Despite that, or maybe because of that, he was the one that most supported the reconciliation of the two sisters. If Misho was feeling annoyed towards Nova, Heshin was the one to gently nudges her and say that it was a privilege to have an older sibling truly caring about you. He was also the one to tell Nova that Misho had been coddled her whole life and that maybe being overprotective was not the best way to gain her trust. Also, after Misho's death, they were the two hit the hardest by it and Heshin definitelly mimicked Nova's "work to not think" approach of things once he was a bit more stable.
[collab with Susan15]

 Protégée? - Yyn (15) / Avatar / u know better than me / tbd
The first time that Heshin got to meet Yyn he was surprised that this tiny girl was the Avatar. Not that he really should, because he's painfully aware of how long it was since Misho's death and how young the new Avatar would be. That in turn awakened in him some unexpected parental protectiveness and while it was in his power he felt like his obligation to help and guide the young Avatar to the best of his abilities. Maybe protecting this Avatar would make amends for his perceived failure in saving the last one. At the same time the more time he spends in Yyn's presence the more he is aware of how different she is from Misho and how she's her own person. And that could be a good thing, after all it has been 15 years since he has been living under the weight of his beloved Misho's ghost.

 About romance, Heshin had his epic love story with Misho and even if she's dead his love for her will never really go away.  Of course it doesn't mean that he will never ever love someone else again, but he's still pretty hurt by everything that happened and he still has to deal with a lot of stuff and a romantic relationship is not exactly his priority or even something he considers on a foreseeable future. It's safe to say it doesn't even crosses his mind.




 The first experience he had with earthbending was with what now he calls "civil earthbending" because he learned from his father to use it to help the farmers in their fields (turning the earth, planting, creating irrigation canals, etc) and to help with house repairs (building a good fondation, lifting heavy rocks. He started to learn martial earthbending after he met Misho because she was the one to teach him. He is very skilled  in both areas and till this day he keeps training both aspects of bending because one is a memory of his parents and the other is a memory of Misho.


 His father had been a skilled smith so he had always been interested in blades. He also always sneaked in his sister's practice when he could, specially when she was training with her sword. With time he convinced her to at least teach him the sword since the metal fans were exclusive of the Kyoshi Warriors. He started to branch more on his knowledge and skill after he started to travel with Misho and after he met Lang since the other boy could teach him new stuff and train with him. With the years he became a pretty good swordsman.

military strategy:

 Wanting it or not he started to learn it when they joined the war. The entire group would sometimes participate in strategy meetings with Misho and the other generals and they started to pick things up. Heshin picked things quite fast but he didn't need to actually be an specialist in it until Misho's death when he was pushed to be one of the front generals. From this moment he started to read anything and everything about military strategy that he could put his hands on and know besides the normal knowlegde expected of him he also has a collection of obscure  and half forgotten strategies in his mind. And maybe noted down somewhere in his desk, if he can find it.


 In his 21 years since he left his home he learned how to ride and give basic care to a variety of animals used for transport, from the usual Ostrich Horse and Eel Hound to the more terrain-specific Camelephant and Giant Rhinoceros Beetle. Back in his childhood and teenage years he was also used to ride Elephant Koi for fun and once even managed to accidentaly ride the Unagi for five seconds before being tossed in the air and (luckly) falling right into a tree (and not into the water where he would be easy pray. His sister still scolded and grounded him).

Tigerdillo Care:

 Since Heshin met Misho he had been fascinated by her animal guide Gira so he offered to also help taking care of her. Misho teached him all that she knew and after her death Heshin was Gira's primary caretaker and he became a lowkey expert in tigerdillos.


 Back in Kyoshi Island he was the local smith for his village, making and fixing farming tools and fishing tools. Had his father survived or Oyoh been a bit less protective he could have learned the art of making swords and metal fans (first scenario he would be teached by his own father, second scenario it would his father's older apprentice-brother who would have teached him). As it is, he has not practiced this particular set of skills since he left Kyoshi Island, even if he accompanied closely the forging of his own sword. He still has all the knowledge in his head and he's very critical of metalwork in general because he can see the signs that tell if it was well done or not.

Are You Ready?


How do you feel about the war?

 He looks up from his maps with a deadpan stare. I'm a general, what do you think are my thoughts on the war? Unfortunately it's necessary. (That's what he says to himself everyday so he won't crumble under the weight of all the lives lost that were his responsability. At the same time he ressents the war because it was how Misho died but at the same time if there was no war, the chances of him having met Misho in the first time would be much smaller. So things are complicated.)

Do you think it will end soon? Do you want it to?

 He huffs in frustration. Of course I want this bloody war to end. But I'm afraid of what it would mean to us if it ends soon from now. (He says that because of the constant advance of the Fire Nation Army.)

If there is a new Avatar, it would be someone from the Fire Nation. How do you feel about that?

 His expression closes immediately and his jaw gets tense. He doesn't speak. (In their previous life, the Avatar had been one of the people that Heshin loved most in his life and the Fire Nation had been the responsible for taking her from him. The logical-hopeful part of his brain knows that the Avatar exists to help bring balance so it would mean good things for them. The logical-pessimistic side thinks that the Avatar would be brainwashed and they are doomed. The storm of his hurt feelings just thinks it's wrong to live in a world where Misho doesn't exist. And under all of that there is his feelings of just wanting to make sure the Avatar is okay because he knows they would be way too young to hold all of their responsabilities alone and he knows a thing or two about helping overworked Avatars.)


BanaWarrior ✩ Bana

LAST COMMENT: An icon picture, if you have trouble finding a good one.

Oyoh and Heshin have a Nani & Lilo dynamic :')

I would think that at the age of 48, nowadays Oyoh is one of the most experienced Kyoshi Warriors in the high command of it's leadership.

About Misho's section, I wrote it based on what I knew about her, but you are free to adapt things of course! :3

The disease that killed Jurao's mother and Heshin's parents is the same plague.

Also, I'm sorry that Jurao's blurb got unexpectedly long. He turned out to be a more complex dude than I first thought n.n' Also I know that he's not what one would expect of an air nomad descendant at first, but I think that if his family and ancestors had been more obvious about their lineage they wouldn't have survived. Also, it's up in the air if by this point Jurao realised the truth about his blood or not xD

Fun fact: I lowkey picture young Heshin like this (not coincidentaly the actor is Ji Li as the character Nie Huaisang, who's Nie Mingjue's younger brother xD)

Fun Fact #2: Jurao's family actually came from the Fire Nation to the FNC some generations ago.

Fun Fact #3: The gong thing in Kyoshi Island is their version of lighting the beacons in Lord of the Rings xD I though that gongs would do the trick because Kyoshi Island is not that big actually.

Mid-writting the second arc of Heshin's background I realised that I didn't actually wrote the ShinSho epic love story and then I remembered I left some info and clues in the relationship section and in the end I was not confident enough to write with Misho as one of the main characters because I didn't actualy knew how she would act towards romance and in the end it's not a relationship that we will actually get to see because she's already dead, so I decided to leave it up to you how to trace things, if it ever becomes a need. n.n' I also feel like I wrote a bunch of random stuff in Heshin's background but that's what I thought so that's what I will hand you. 

I was thinking that the Omashu Captain that helped him could have been Weishen aka Wenhao's dad.


 It would be cool if Misho talked to him the same way Roku talked to JeongJeong and Kyoshi to the jury in the ATLA timeline (using Aang to manifest - in this case would be Yyn). It could be either to help him move on or maybe it could be Misho putting more fuel in the fire lol Use it for your own benefit.

 Old Team Avatar helping Young Team Avatar

 Maybe Heshin and Oyoh reconciliation?

 Just Heshin dad-ing Yyn. PLEASE

 Heshin being a doting uncle towards Lang and Nova's child (if possible!)

PASSWORD: We Could Be Legends by OUTSKRTS (young Heshin with the rest of Team Avatar), Shutdown by HUDSUN (for when Misho dies), Better Days by Saint Chaos (for Heshin's third? arc, when he mets Yyn and things start to change)




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