24 Two Strangers??

My Tutor is My Husband??!! ( Editing )
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ChaeRin POV

"Oh my Gosh!! Yahhh!!!! Lee Yoon Ri !! Let go of me!!!"


I'm freaking screaming on the school hallway until we stopped in the school backyard.


Yeahh, I was dragged along by damn best friend, Lee YoonRi ahgassi who is full by curiousity about me and the ty first night at all. Since in the morning, she bugged at me nonstop , disturbing my precious time, yup of course sleeping dude! She locked my neck with her arm make me a little bit uncomfortable to breathing.


Geez.. Damn all the marriage!


"I won't let you go before you tell me whole of the story that happened those two nights!!!!"

She even tighter the arm lock..


"N-nghh No!!! N-nno!!! Once no w-will be No!!"

I trying as hard as I can coz now its more hard to articulate something from my mouth.


"Geez this girl!! Just tell me, ppali!!"

Oh crap, now she's tickling me on the waist, the one of the most spots that I hate to be tickled. And the end, I was laughing uncontrollably and my screams will make everyone who hear it go deaf soon. But I don't understand why this giant girl doesn't even affected by those.


"O-okay!! Hahahaha o-okay!! S-st-op!! I'll t-tell youuuuu!!"

I was laughing while screaming at the same time. Just in a second , she stopped and released me , while me trying to grasping air to fill my lovely lungs. 


"So cmon tell me pleaseee..."

She pleaded in front of my , doing her multiples aegyo that make me want to throw out .. Hahahaha


"Okay, now heard it right, I'll tell you that in our first night, me and JinYoung were..." 




"Were not doing anything, we even slept in different bed , I was on the couch while he's on the bed."

I said all the words in one breath.


"Mwoya??!! Are you kidding me, Mrs. Jung Cha--"

I quickly grabbed to closed it before my marriage spread by her into whole of world.


Aish.. Having a friend like her something will bring a burden ckckck... But still I can't leave her although she's like yaahh nothings perfect right?


"Be quiet a little ,girl. Calmed down okay??"


She nodded and I think I should tell her some glimpse of the story. Telling her whole the things? BIG NO NO!! Tell her this seconds, I'll guarantee in few minutes you'll hear some versions that gossipped by whole school. Not mean that she's a big mouth who likes to tell another about secrets but she's the type of hysterical and her voice's freaking damn loud!! Even the next building can hear her squealed or screams.


"Tell me ppaliwa. You don't even tell whole of them.. I promise I'll keep my mouth close!!"


"In the wedding party , you remember that I out right?"

She nodded anthustiacally like a puppy.


"Of course I remember, who won't? A bride that passed out after watching a VCR.. Everybody were very panicked there, fortunately your husband quickly catch you or I swear your body must be broke after hit the hard floor."


Ugh, such embarrassing...So it was him who save me from the cold floor huh?


"Yah, okay okay, and as you knew, I was sent back to my new apartment."


"Yah!!! Your opening in your talks is too long!! Just to the point! Ugh, I think I should ask another person,like your mum maybe.."


"If its fine to you , then ask her..."

And I'll sure you'll know nothing cause I never tell my mom anything till noiw hahahaha *evil laugh


"Aaaaaa..." She poked my arm and I looked away ignoring her.


"Pleaseu... Jeongmal, I already curious to the max dearrrrr!!! Bbuing bbuingg oh cmonnn.."

Record on the world, I just watched a great aegyo that performed by YoonRi as long as my friendship with her.


Maybe I should do more things like this to see this great phenomena!!


"Stop YoonRi, my stomach already hurt coz I keep my laugh inside too long, lemme out all of them.. Hahahahahaha" I broke into crazy laughter after stopped her doing aegyo.


"Ugh I hate you Rin! You always like this!"

Oh she's mad now?


"Okay, now I seriously tell you. That night I just know Jung JinYoung is my childhood friend. The reason why I fainted that night is my head uncontrollably bring all the lost memories of my childhood. You know that coz I already told you before, eh?"


She nodded and I continue my story..


"He left with his family and when I was looking for him I just found out he's moving out already and what left are a letter and a teddy bear doll."


"What letter is it? A love letter? Uhhh so sweet!!" She squaled and I just rolling my eyes.


"The hell! What sweet!"

Oh yeahh, hell! Maybe that not sweet, but after recovering my memories, the feeling at that time I can feel it.

That time after read the letter what I've think was I won't let him go and I think should find him no matter what happen.


"Yah Rin! I think that both of you already fall in love since you're children.."


"What!!! Are you stupid? That's impossible!!"


"Heyy, nothing is impossible in this freaking world , girl! I think you two must be fated to each other. Somehow I see that between you and that JinYoung." Her serious face make me want to throwed out and laughed with rolling my body on the floor.


"Oh Gosh! Are you such a witch or like paranormal? I think you're talented at it. You should learn more, YoonRi ah!" I patted at her shoulder and reach a bag of chips.


"Its not funny, Rin. So what are you decided about your marriage? Tell every body at school? Keep it? Or trying to fall for your husband ? Or you have any plan? You shouldn't be quiet and did no action for it right?"



I take the chips and put it on my mouth.


"Chae to the Rin!! You even don't wear your rings??"


"Don't overreacted, babe! I'm just 18 and I want to feel the freedom of my life! And both of us already agree with it. And the ring, here!" I pulled out my necklace with the wedding ring hanging there.


"So both of you made an agreement?"


"Yes exactly a contract."


"Crazy, why both of you just try to walk it out together? What if you two ends in love?"


"Once again, that will never ever happened Lee YoonRi!"


"Okay, okay, up to you. And then what happened after you're concious ?"


"We did the things by ourself and I gotta sleep at the sofa since he already took the bed first! I hate him!!! He's just not gentleman! He even let a girl to sleep at sofa!"


"Sofa?! Jinjja?? Hahahahaahah" she laughed at me now, ugh!


"Yess, he's drunk that night and I kindly let him took the bed. We just drank for some sips of soju to release stress but I just accidentally mention about love experience, and suddenly sulking and turned into gloomy mood." I shrugged and continue munched the lovely chips.


"And then?"


I stopped munching. The next, what happened is he hugged me and then he fall asleep on me. Bad bad super bad memories, I think I need brain washer!!! Or maybe a pot of memories like the Dumbledore on Harry Potter film. I wanna put those bad memories to the trash!!


"And you know already, he's asleep.. The next morning, we went to my house to got some things that left. Then we arranged the house and we ate the dinner that he made."


"He even cooked for you? "


I nodded and peek inside the chips bag.


"He offered it, why won't I refused it?"


"Okay, but you also can cook , why won't you try to cook for him sometimes, that was something a wife should do, right?"


"I know I can cook. I just lazy to do it. And both of us are just two strangers that forcely being together."


"If I were you, maybe I'll consider and think of him. In my thought, all the acts that he did is sweet you know?"


"Ugh, just stop it, if you think like that, just switch with me.. I'm willing to " I grumbled and stand up.


"Yah where are you going?"


"Kajja, the bell is already ringing. "

I ignored her and start walk back to the class.


"Hello Rin." Sandeul smiled brightly.


I keep walking to my seats and slumped to the chair.


"Yah whassup yo? YoonRi, what's going on?"


"Dunno.. "


"Okay all !! Take a seat and please be quiet!!"

Mrs. Jang who teach us Bussiness Education knocked the board and put her thick books and papers on the des

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Welcome June *late greeting* check on chapter 5 guyss it edited with some changes :D


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Chapter 31: update soon~~
sylvia15 #2
Chapter 31: my life is like her now food & sleep!!!
C3cilia #3
Lol shes like me. I can sleep anywhere and anytime
Chapter 29: Yippie!!
An update!! Liking it, loving it! ^^
Daebakk, daebakk need to continue A.S.A.P!!! ^,^
miss_alyrin #5
Chapter 31: Your story really good ! Auccchhh . I really love your story . Can you update quickly ? :'( Jebal !
jessi828 #6
Chapter 31: update soon.
Chapter 31: update soon~
Chapter 27: hahahah this chapter is funny nega jeongmal chowahe ;-)
Chapter 18: afff sooo sweet i really love this chapter~~
Chapter 5: OMG! I'm so speechless! Haha, this story is getting better and better!! ^^