Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Two

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 2





"Jiyong!" my mother, who suddenly came up behind me, hugged Jiyong. What was Jiyong doing here? I saw his face plastered with shock all over. Bom who was behind him hugged me, who was still in a shock stance.


"Oh, Jiyong! I didn't see you since Dara were in seventh grade! Oh you have grown so big!" I never mention Jiyong no longer being my best friend to any of my family members. So mom didn't know why Jiyong looked so surprised and shocked.


"Bom! What are you guys doing here?" I asked Bom but my eyes were still glued on Jiyong. He raised an eyebrow at me and gave me one of his most good-looking smiles. Then I remembered he had a girlfriend who would kill me if she found out her boyfriend was going to be staying at my mansion. If it really came to the stage where she decided to kill me, I had no choice but to put on full princess mode which was the worst personality I had.


"We're staying with you! Our house collasped." Bom pouted but smiled again and both of us girls screamed because we were going to have more 'girl talk' from then on. Jiyong hugged my mom! Eew! Gross! He saw my disgusted face and smirked.


The Kwons joined us at dinner and I caught Jaejoong giving Jiyong death glares.


"Hey Dara, could you pass me the spoon?" I looked up and realized it was Jiyong who was speaking to me. Wait, why was he being so polite? Oh, right! It was because both our parents were here and he wouldn't dare to call me a nerd or any of that. Bom shifted in her seat, looking not comfortable with Jiyong acting and all.


"Sure...GD." I called him by his nickname and he frowned. I knew he wouldn't like me calling him GD because it was the nickname I used to call him since we were young. I faked a smile as I passed him the spoon. When my skin made contact with his, I shivered. Wait, what was happening to me? I stared at Jiyong for awhile and let go of the spoon and sat back down at my seat.


"Thank you, Dara." he said with an expressionless face. I smiled back but quickly dropped it when dad announced something really unexpected.


"How about the four of you kids sleep in Dara's gigantic bedroom? I bet an army could sleep in there." Bom squealed and hugged me since she was just sitting right next to me.


"Jihyeon, could you get ready Dara's room? Make it a teenage theme for them." Jihyeon smiled and winked at me. Jihyeon was a teenager too but since she didn't have the money for education, she decided to work as our family servant. And since she was a teenager, I trusted her with the 'teenage theme'.


"Goodnight kids, please contact Jihyeon if you need anything. GD? Jaejoong? We bought clothes for the both of you to use. All thirty sets of clothes each. Bom, you have double the amount of your brother's clothes. I know girls could be picky." my mother was the coolest! To be honest, I had more clothes than any girl would have. If a cop seen my closet, he would suspect I rob the mall or something.


"Alright, mom." I told her and closed the door after the four of us entered. When I closed the door, I felt someone pushing me against the door by the shoulder. It was Jiyong. His eyes filled with anger.


"Never call me GD ever again, nerd." he glared at me. The first time when Jiyong shouted at me, I cried. But after years later, I should have gotten used to it. But instead, I felt like crying my eyes out. Tears were starting to come out but I forbid them to flow. I took a breath and nodded at Jiyong. He let go and jumped on my bed.


"Jiyong, get off Dara's bed." Jaejoong crossed his arms and glared at Jiyong who was on my king sized bed making himself comfortable. I knew his dad was like my dad, a billionaire but he had no right to act all high and mighty in my mansion, in MY ROOM. Lucky for me, I learned enough self-defense and had equal strength like Jaejoong. I grabbed Jiyong by the arm and tackled him onto the ground.


"What the-? Nerd get-off me!" I slapped him and he looked at me in terror.


"One rule, Jiyong. When you're in my place, I'm the princess. And you're just the damsel in distress." I smirked at him like he did to me earlier on and got off him. He stared at me in disbelief and made his way to his bed which Jihyeon set up for each of the guest. Since my bedroom was the size of four classes in school combined, four beds could easily fit in my room. That also included my walk-in closet.


"You're so different from when you're in school." Bom grinned at me, clearly impressed I could take on her big brother. I stole a glance from Jiyong and smiled.


"Yeah, I might be a nerd in school. But I'm the princess when I'm in my room." I dropped the smile and glared at Jiyong.


"I can't sleep." Jaejoong grunted. I turned off the light minutes ago but it was obvious all of us couldn't get any sleep. We were just lucky that the next day was a Saturday so we didn't need to go to school with puffy tired eyes.


Jaejoong suddenly sat up, hugging his skate-board. "Could we watch a movie or something?" he asked. I sighed in defeat and we settled down to watch Princess Diaries.


Bom won rock paper scissors and she chose the movie.


"Look, I'm not sitting next to her." Jiyong looked at me.


"What? Am I ugly or something?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Eventually he was defeated when Bom threaten to sell out his secret if he wouldn't shut up and let her see her dream princess life. It made me silently laugh and Jiyong sat next to me. Jaejoong didn't look too happy with it considering he knew how Jiyong acted when we were in school. I smiled at him so he would just relax.


Jiyong P.O.V:


Half way during the movie Dara fell asleep. The moment when she tackled me was surprising enough. I still couldn't believe I was staying in my ex-best friend's mansion. I knew she was rich and that she didn't show or let anyone in school know that she was billionaire Park Sang Woo's daughter but when she was back home, she was like the princess of the whole place. As for Jaejoong, he seemed mad that I was sitting next to Dara. Maybe he thought I would hurt her or something.


"Ji, carry her to her room. I want to sleep while watching the movie." Bom yawned. My sister always took every chance she had to watch this movie; I didn't know why she even liked it! My sister was a nerd, yes. But I still loved her. I was okay if Dara hanged out with her but if Dara hanged out with the other nerds too, I didn't want anywhere near those people. I know I sound like a jerk but hey! My popularity needs saving too!


"Why me? Why not Jaejoong?" I questioned her.


"Because, he's asleep. And you have been treating Dara really badly ever since seventh grade. She should have a sweet sixteen year but what did she get? A monster that calls her a nerd and doesn't even realize when she still cares for him as a best friend." I was shocked at my sister's sudden outburst. Why did Dara still care for me? I was being a jerk to her, wasn't I? I would never understand girls.


"Fine. I'll carry her." I slowly carried her, making sure she won't wake up and walked up the stairs. I somehow wished the stairs weren't that long so I didn't need to carry her for so long. When I finally got to her room, I placed her down slowly on her bed and walked to mine and lay down on it. I was staring at the ceiling when I heard a voice.


"GD?" Why must she call me 'GD'? I looked over at her. Her eyes were closed. She must be sleep-talking. When we were young and had sleep over’s at my house which was her old house, she always sleep-talk.


I sighed and replied her, "Yes?"


No reply. I assumed she was in a deep sleep but then I heard her sigh. "Why do you hate me?"





OMO!!! GD & JJ is in the HOUSE!


This chapter is dedicated to SuJu-Love :)

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10