Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Twelve

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 12





Dara's P.O.V.:


"The window is open!" Hyori pointed at the bathroom window.


It was open. Jiyong, if you're playing some trick, just wait until I find you. I would kill you. Bom was looking at the blood, and then she narrowed her eyes.


"Dara. This isn't blood. It's paint." Bom bended down to examine the liquid on the floor. True enough, it wasn't blood, because it didn't have any smell.


Usually if it was blood, it would give out a really disgusting smell.


"Jaejoong, where is GD?" I grabbed Jaejoong by the front of his shirt and glared at him. He gulped and looked at the other girls for help but Hyori was too confused while Bom was examining the 'blood'.


"Room." Jaejoong gave a sheepish smile and I let go of him. I stormed over to my room and saw Jiyong shirtless on my bed.


"Hey, nerd."


"Kwon Jiyong. What kind of trick are you and Jaejoong trying to pull? It was lame." I crossed my arms. I wasn't actually mad because Jiyong and Jaejoong pulled that trick, I was mad because they couldn't pull a good one. What kind of trick was that? A ten year old? Please! That was lame! Even my youngest cousin could do better!


"What? If we did anything more than that, you girls might get scared!" Jiyong raised both hands in surrender.


Scared? Really?


"Jiyong, you have known me for so many years. Do you really think I would get scared by those silly stuff?"


"Silly stuff? Are you sure you're a girl?" he smirked.


"I'm pretty sure I'm a girl. Fine, let's have a bet. We'll go to the cemetery and see which gender gets scared first. The loser will do the dishes for a month."


"You're on!"

















"Dara, why do we have to come to the cemetery?" Hyori complained for the third time which was not helping my headache. The moon was full that night so you could fully see the cemetery. The boys had gone to the other side of the cemetery and the girls at the opposite side. Whoever that screams first, loses.


"Because, Hyori. We will show the boys that there's no such thing as ghosts and that we girls are not scared by 'silly stuff'." I explained for the third time. The air was cold so we had to wear jackets. For Hyori, four jackets won't stop her from shivering from fear.


"I regret coming with you guys."


There was a scream from the boys' side. The scream sounded like it was from Jiyong's! Were they trying to pull another trick out here in the cemetery?


A human figure was heading our direction. Poor scared Hyori shone the flashlight at the figure's direction and Jaejoong appeared.


"Are you here to admit girls are better than you?" I smirked.


"No, Dara. Jiyong's gone." his face was filled with panic and he was sweaty.


Jiyong was gone? Jaejoong really looked scared and pale. Maybe it wasn't a trick.


"Where did you last saw Jiyong?" I asked Jaejoong and he pointed at a huge tree in the middle of the cemetery. Abandoning Jaejoong and the others, I ran to the tree to find Jiyong. If anything happened to Jiyong, I would feel guilty, not to mention I was the one who suggested the whole cemetery thing. What would his parents say?


"Jiyong?" I called out his name but there wasn't any answer.


"GD...?" I gave up and sat down under the tree. Suddenly, someone jumped down from the tree and covered my mouth. What the-


"Scared you, didn't I? Now which gender loses?"


I slapped his hand away. "Obviously you boys lost since I heard you scream just now." a smirk made its way to my face.










"I hate you."


"No you don't."






Sorry! Short Update!

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10