Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Thirty

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 30






If the room wasn't filled with Bom and Hyori's constant giggling and sighing about their dresses, I bet I could hear my heart pounding against my chest. After I was done with my hair which was now filled with fresh curls, I picked up my blue platform heels and wore them. They were a little too small for me, but I can manage to squeeze.


But apparently, the other two weren't.


"Why are you guys so slow? Aren't you guys the type that wear dresses and go partying more than me?" I narrowed my eyes at them but they just averted their gazes to their dresses and slipped them on.


The only reason I wore platform heels was because I had a feeling I needed to run tonight. Like, really fast. I don't see that happening since we didn't need to run a marathon during the winter dance but whatever, anything could happen, right? So in my case, I was going to wear it.


The snow started to pour two days ago and since I couldn't go out without a jacket and not shiver to death, I had to bring my coat and scarf along. Well, at least I was going to wear it until I get into the school hall where the heater was working.


Stepping in front of the mirror, I glanced at my reflection one more time before the three of us girls exit the room. The two boys were already outside the room, wearing their tux. I had to admit, they looked extremely great in them. They even managed to tie their neckties which clearly impressed me.


"Anyone here besides me has the feeling that we need to run tonight?" Jaejoong looked serious for awhile. Honestly, I had and I wasn't the only one either.


Jiyong and the others raised their hands and then looked at me. I raised my hand too and altogether, we put them down.


"Well, if we need to run, I think I'll get rid of this." I showed them my shoes. The other girls agreed too.


"Well, let's not just stand here! Let's go!" Hyori pushed everyone down the stairs and I almost tripped but Jiyong caught my arm before the floor could make contact with my face. I thanked him and the rest of us walked down the stairs, careful of not tripping. Especially the girls.


Dad was at the bottom of the stairs smiling at me. "If only your mom can see you, you're really pretty." my dad kissed my forehead and I hugged him.


"Thanks dad, I'll see you later." he nodded and the five of us got into Jiyong's car. Xiaoyu and Wuque were already in their car observing each step we took. They too, had a bad feeling about tonight. So they were going to guard the only entrance and exit of the school hall. The thought of that made me calm down slightly, knowing that the twins would be there if we needed them.













Jiyong's P.O.V.:


For some reason, I couldn't stop being paranoid. I just had a feeling that someone was going to pounce on me or maybe because this tux I picked was too tight and it's getting to my head. Dara was beautiful that night, her dress showed off her long legs and her hair fell to the right places. She didn't put much make-up on but she still looked beautiful. Only very few girls could pull that off and Dara was one of them.


Hyori had disappeared into the crowd once we got down from the car. The snow had stopped falling but there was still snow that covered the grass and the green hadn't start growing yet. Well, not that soon anyways.













Dara's P.O.V.:


Comments like "Oh my gosh he's so hot!" or "If only I can get my hands on him." were the only thing I could hear every time Jiyong and I passed by girls. They would glare at me or give me the finger but to Jiyong, they acted like complete s. They drool over him even when he was just in front of him.


"Annoying girls." I muttered under my breath.


"Want a drink?" Jiyong asked me and I nodded. I smiled as he strode over to the drinks section and get drinks. But once he was gone, I felt someone pressing a sharp metal object at the small of my back.


"Keep quiet and follow me, Sandara." okay, so that person was obviously a male.


And he knew me, great. Jiyong came back with two cups but put them aside when he saw the person behind me. I couldn't turn my head, feared that he would stab me with the knife or worse.


"Ask him to dance with someone. You and I have some business." I gulped and smiled at Jiyong reassuringly.


"Jiyong, why not you dance first? I'll go take some fresh air. The dress is kind of tight." I lied and forced a smile. But inside, I was ready to cry. I was scared to death. He didn't look convinced but girls were already gathering around him, pulling him away from me. Whoever that was behind me pressed the knife harder making me arched backwards.


"Exit the door. My guys already took care of your bodyguards." I gulped once again. What did they do to Xiaoyu and Wuque?


"What have you done with them?"


"Just do as I say or I'll hurt more people than just them." that shut me up.


Scanning the room, I hope Jaejoong or Bom was around. But they weren't so mystery guy and I exit the building into the cold air.


He slipped the knife into his pocket and I was free to turn around. He was wearing a tux like the other guys in school, his hair was brown and he had really intense blue eyes. He was hot, but not as hot as Jiyong.


"Mrs. Min orders, I have to kill you." Mrs. ...Min? Like Da Hae Min?


He gripped onto the knife harder and started to walk towards me but I tripped backwards and fell onto the ground. He bended down and looked at me. The knife brushed against my cheek and my neck.


"Please don't kill me..." it came out as a whisper.


"Don't think I'm like the hunter in Snow White, Sandara. I wouldn't let you go, but I wouldn't kill you painlessly either." he gave a sinister smile. My eyes darted to the pile of snow next to me. Maybe I could distract him, at least long enough to get help.


Picking up snow, I aimed for his eyes and he fell to the ground wincing in pain as the snow got into his eyes. I ran into the hall once again and started to look around for Jaejoong or anyone. Just someone who knew about the situation.


I spotted two men who were carrying an unconscious Bom towards the exit while Jaejoong was screaming her name at the opposite side of the room. I ran to Jaejoong and quickly told him everything. He quickly dialed Jiyong's phone number but there wasn't an answer. Maybe he couldn't hear his phone ringing due to the music.


So that was how Jaejoong and I found ourselves chasing after the two men.







Phew! Few more chapters to go!

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10