Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Twenty-Three

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 23















Jiyong's P.O.V.:



Dara had been in the bathroom for half an hour. What do girls do before their dates? I was wearing my jeans and a blue button up shirt.


The door knob turned and Dara came out, wearing a black dress with a white headband on her head. I didn't realize I was staring at her until she cleared .


"You're really pretty."


A smile formed on her lips.


"Thank you." We were standing so close; I had to hold back my whole being so I won't kiss her. I better change the subject or things would get awkward. I held out my hand for her to hold and she held them as we exit the hotel lobby and into Xiaoyu’s car.


I asked Xiaoyu earlier if I could borrow his ride and he reluctantly gave the keys to me.













When we got out of the car, Sohee's mansion came into view. It was huge and you could hear the music from inside, blast in full volume. Back when I was still dating Sohee, she was a party . She would always show up in every party and if she wasn't invited, well, you could make sure she won't invite you.


Before Dara and I could open the mansion's front door, Sohee opened it and instantly, I could see Dara's smile faded. Her smile instantly turned into a scowl as she saw Sohee's face. I couldn't help but smiled at that.


"Hello, Jiyong." Sohee gave Dara a devilish smile as she kissed my cheek. After she pulled away, I wiped my cheek with the sleeve of my shirt. That made Sohee frowned and Dara smirked at Sohee. The awkwardness increased but luckily a drunken teenage guy grabbed Sohee by the waist and pulled her back into the mansion.


"Sohee! Loosen up and have fun!" the guy said. She gave him a disgusted look and punched him in the gut. Whoa, she still had her moves down.


Okay, time to start the plan.


"Dara, could you get some drinks for us? I'll meet you at the kitchen." I smiled at her as she went off. Pushing drunken teenagers aside, I went to the kitchen and inhaled as there was more room than there was in the living room.


One of Sohee's maids was making out with a teenage boy. A disgusting sight, really.


Turning my attention away from the couple, I saw Sohee coming into the kitchen with a victorious smile. If she think I would be with her right after Dara was gone, she was wrong. Even if she was the last person on earth, I wouldn't date her.


"Where's Sandara?" her expression became serious.


"Drinks. Who did you pick for me to act with?" She told me that she would choose the perfect girl to act with me in front of Dara but she never mentioned who she was.


"Idiot, me of course. You didn't think that I would let some girl kiss you, did you?" was she flirting with me? That was just disgusting. I knew she was pretty and all but she didn't make me go shy and all not like Dara. She was just like a Barbie doll, pretty and perfect on the outside but empty in the inside.


Stepping on tiptoes, she forced her lips against mine just before Dara came in with two cup of drinks. The drinks fell onto the ground and spilled on the carpet that was going to leave a stain. She was staring at us.


Realizing that Sohee was still there, I pushed her away and she stumbled onto the ground.


Dara looked on the ground, her hair blocking her face from my view. She wasn't going to cry was she? If she was, I would feel really horrible.


After what seem like minutes, I heard a laugh. Sohee looked at me in shock, no, she wasn't the one who was laughing. Dara was laughing. Shock was written all over my face as I turned to look at her. She was looking with me, her laughter filled the kitchen. The music stopped and everyone must have sensed drama in the mansion because almost everyone crowded around to see what was going on.


"GD you idiot." she laughed. But it was a sad laugh.




"I knew, Ji. I knew what was going on. You didn't think I didn't expect this, did you?"


"What..." Then I remembered. Someone was behind the potted plant when I secretly talked with Sohee back at the formal dinner. It must have been Dara but then how did she know that Sohee was going to kiss me? I, myself didn't even knew that.


"Ji, you didn't expect me to not know my own cousin, did you?" Cousin? I stared at Sohee in horror. Sohee was Dara's cousin?!


"Yeah, yeah. My mom and her dad are siblings. Get used to it." Sohee scoffed.


"Hee, I thought you changed. Guess not. I know you still like Jiyong, admit it. But you know what? He doesn't like me or you. She likes a girl named Dara. I'm Sandara." Oh, Dara. You were such an idiot. How could you not even realize I meant you all this while?


Sohee screamed in frustration and tried to pull me but Dara gave her one of her karate kicks and she was on the ground, unconscious. Remind me to never mess with that girl.


"Don't think I would talk to you either, Kwon Jiyong. You, once again, have disappointed me on a Halloween party."











Dara's P.O.V.:


Leaving Jiyong standing there with everyone staring at him (the girls were glaring at him).


I left the place and muttered.


"And here I thought you were going to be my knight shining armor. Guess this Princess Mia will rule Genovia alone."


But deep down, I knew, and my heart knew, I was breaking into pieces.









Bad Jiyong!

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10