Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Five

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


 Chapter 5


"Oh my gosh, GD." my hands flew to my mouth. I took off my jacket, this time, for the person who hurt me before. Jiyong glared at Hyori and she gulped.


"I can explain. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were going to stand there! I didn't know!" she started to blabber but Jiyong cut her off.


"It's over, Hyori. You're right. We should break up." he said as he pulled me away from the crowd. I could feel stares all around me as we walked out of the canteen. When we got to the hallways, he stopped. "Why did you stand up for me, nerd?" he crossed his arms.


"Because, I don't hate you." I placed my hands on my hips. He took off the jacket I lend him and shoved it at me. "And also because I consider you as a friend, not just my daily bully." he stared at me as if I was weird. I sighed thinking Jiyong won't get it and took my books as I headed for the next class since the bell rang minutes ago.


"Are you having English later?" he asked, my back still facing him.


"Yes, why?" I turned around to see him smiling. The smile I hadn't seen for a long time unless he was with Hyori. I really wished I had a camera to take a picture. His hair was still wet but was quickly drying up since his hair was short.


"Could...I...walk with you? I bet some people won't want me anywhere near them...after I dumped their princess." I nodded, understanding who and what he was referring to. The 'popular people' probably didn't know who to side with.


Jiyong or Hyori. Most of the boys would choose Hyori and most of the girls would choose Jiyong.


"Sure. But for the record, even if you don't consider me as a friend, you're mine, alright?" I said as I walked down the corridor with Jiyong slowly following me from behind. All of a sudden, I heard Bom and Jae screaming my name. What were those two up to again?


"Dara!!!" I heard Bom scream. If only her voice wasn't so high pitch, that would have helped a lot. "Dara! There's a school trip to the waterfalls this Wednesday!" a wide grin plastered on her face when she caught up to me. Jae caught up with us and cheered as he kept repeating the words 'School trip' with Bom. Those two were so hyper because of a school trip?


"If you guys would excuse me, I'm going to class first, alright? Come on, Bom." I pulled her along. "Bye, Jae!" I smiled at Jae before we left him.


Jae returned the smile and ran off to his class.




"So, Jiyong. What do you have to say after Dara stood up for you?" Bom nudged her brother. Jiyong looked away with his hands in his pockets. What was up with that dude? One moment he was happy and then angry the other. Or maybe he just didn't like getting teased by his own sister. I have no clue.


"See you guys later." Jiyong said and went in to his classroom. That was a first. I was still not used to the fact that Jiyong didn't push me until I fell for a day, stood up and ended up getting soaked himself, and smiled his genuine smile.


"Hey Dara!" I didn't need to turn around to know it was one of the cheerleaders calling me. Those fake barbie doll voices? Who wouldn't know it were them? I turned around just to come face-to-face with a blonde cheerleader who seem pretty mad. Hyori must have sent them.

"What? I have class to go to." I didn't need to bother with these people. So Bom and I just walked to our class but when we got to the door, someone pulled me by my sleeve.


"Hyori just wanted to give you this." she was heading to my face but before she could slap me, I grabbed her hand. No one, NO ONE slaps this girl. A surprised expression made its way to her face. Of course, no one ever stopped her from doing the things she wanted. Maybe I was a first.


"Tell Hyori not to mess with Park Sang Woo’s daughter." As soon as those words came out of my mouth, the cheerleader slowly stepped back and so did her followers behind her. My dad paid the school to not let anyone knew about me for my own safety but I just blew it. So what if they told everyone? Everyone was going to figure it out sooner or later.


"You mean, billionaire Park Sang Woo? Kwon Hyun Suk's business partner?" she turned slightly pale. The warning bell sounded and I smiled as I went into the class. I bet Hyori would tell everyone about it. Hopefully they would treat my friends nicer after they knew. Bom was grinning all the way even when the teacher was teaching. Alright, time to find out what was wrong with her.


"What's with the smile? It's creeping me out." I raised an eyebrow at her. She just shrugged and said, "Just that you rule." No I didn't. I was going to be called a faker since I figured out probably no one would believe me after years of hiding it behind people.


"People are going to call me a faker. They won't believe it anyways." I shrugged hoping she would let the subject drop. In the middle of the lesson, Jiyong knocked on the door and most of the girls' attentions were directed to Jiyong.


The teacher nodded for him to come in. Jiyong whispered something to the teacher but I couldn't hear since I wasn't sitting at the most front.


"Sandara Park. Mr. Kwon and Mr. Park are in the principal's office. You're excused." the teacher nodded in my direction. All eyes were on me then. Bom mouthed something like 'Talk to you later' and I nodded at her. Carrying my books, I followed Jiyong out of the room. What was so important that our dads were involved?


Jiyong knocked on the principal's door as we entered. Two guys were behind our dads. They looked about eighteen since they didn't look too old either.


"Dad?" my dad looked at me and smiled as he patted at the two empty seats. Jiyong and I sat down as the principal sat in her desk typing something on her computer.


"Alright, so Jiang Xiaoyu and Hua Wuque would be going on the school trip on Wednesday with these two youngsters as bodyguards, am I right?" the principal finally spoke up.


"Yes, since it's a two days one night trip, I'm worried the children will be...hurt." Mr. Kwon said. The principal nodded and his typing speed increased.


"Done. Xiaoyu and Wuque will report to the school on Wednesday where they'll join them on the same bus. Nice meeting you." as soon as the principal looked up from the computer, the bell rang and I heard people running and screaming as they ran out of the school. Our parents said Xiaoyu and Wuque would send us home since they were needed back in the office. So they left in a hurry.


"So you're the Sandara Park that your dad has talking about, huh?" Xiaoyu patted me on the head. What am I? A puppy? I smiled and nodded.


"And you're Kwon Jiyong." Wuque high-fived with Jiyong.


"We're twins. But in case you guys can't tell us apart, we try not to wear the same clothing." It was actually easy to tell them apart since Xiaoyu had highlights on his blonde hair while Wuque didn't. But if you weren't standing near them, you couldn't tell them apart of course.


"We're eighteen so we could be your bodyguards. Not only for your class trip but all the other fun days as well." Fun days? I laughed at Wuque‘s statement.


"Fun days?"


"Why not? Isn't high school fun?" he raised an eyebrow.


"Not for the billionaire's daughter, it's not. Everyone stares and whispers about you."


"I thought the students don't know?" Jiyong looked worried. Wait, he didn't know? So why were the students staring at me like that? Or the news just didn't reach him yet. Whatever that works.


"I might have accidentally spilled it out." I felt like the most stupid person in the whole world. Xiaoyu and Wuque looked at each other and nodded. Did they know something I didn't?


"Dara, the whole school knowing about it, is alright. Since you two have us. I'm starving so can we find little Bom and your friend and get going?" Wuque complained. Just on cue, my stomach grumbled.


"Alright, little princess is hungry too! Let's go home and maybe the cook can make us some food to eat."


"Whatever. Let's go, nerd." Jiyong stopped and turned around. "I meant, Dara." he messed up my hair and I followed him out to the parking lot where Wuque was already in the car with Bom and Jae. The two had confused looks on their faces. Guess they didn't know Wuque yet. I had to introduce them later on.






"Sandara?" I heard my mom's voice as we entered. She was reading a newspaper and she looked up to see us. The twins stared at her for a moment. I knew what they were thinking. How my mom did look so young and pretty? Maybe it runs in the family or something. I flopped onto the sofa and the television.


Jae came over and sat next to me. "So explain to me why a pair of twins is with us."


"They're our bodyguards. You know, since the whole school knows about us and all. GD and Bom needed bodyguards and so do I. They'll protect you too if you want." I also explained how they were going to stay with us and attend our school.


"Alright. They are too old for you anyway." he shrugged. I hit him on the shoulder.


"They're eighteen. But yes, I won't go out with someone who's two years older than me." I laughed.


"So what's so funny, Dara?" Bom sat next to me.


"Oh nothing. Jae here thinks the bodyguards are cute." I smirked.


"What?! You're gay?" she laughed at Jae who turned red and pretended to strangle me.


"I'm not!" he shouted.


"Oh so do you think I'm cute?" Jiyong joined in. It was like old times when the few of us played and teased each other. I missed those times. Jiyong laughed and smiled a lot as he hugged Jae and pretended to kiss him.


"Eew Jiyong. Get off me. Since when you turned gay?" Jae laughed.


"Since little Jae here did." he batted his eyes at Jae which made us girls laughed.


"Okay, I think we teased each other enough." I decided to stop them before Jiyong really did kiss Jae. Jae laughed and wrapped his arms around me like what he always did when he got too hyper.


"I'm packing my stuff for the school trip. Don't go into my room until I'm done." I warned them and raced up to my room. While I was packing, I decided to turn some music on so it won't be so boring. The song 'The Story Of Us' by Taylor Swift came on and I kind of jumped along to the beat.


I heard someone cleared the throat and I froze. Someone was behind me?


"You look funny jumping there." I turned to see a smirking Jiyong as he leaned against the door frame. Oh great and it was just the both of us in the room. I tried my best not to blush and stood my ground.


"What's so funny about it?" I answered back.


"You used to dance at my house back then. It was so hilarious." he started laughing. "But somehow adorable at the same time."






The Twins

Left Side is Xiaoyu and Right Side is Wuque (the one wearing white)

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10