Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Thirty-Three

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 33























Sandara's P.O.V.:



The days in the hospital were really boring, simply boring. The food there was disgusting. Luckily Hyori went out to buy me some decent food or else I would have died due to the disgusting food. I mean, who eats fish which wasn't even cook properly?! Clearly, not me.


But Jiyong had kept me entertained, since he was my roommate in the hospital and all. My wound had closed up but there was still a slight pain of course. But other than that, I could walk, jump and move like I used to.


The day that Jiyong and I finally got out from that hospital, we celebrated by going back to the mansion and eat seven boxes of pizzas. I didn't know how were we able to finish it but we just did. After that, I was extremely full.


The laughter and joy stopped when Jiyong's phone vibrated. Everyone stared at his phone's screen which kept showing Lee Da Hae Min on it. Bom's first reaction was grabbing the phone but Jiyong beat her to it. He pressed a button and the message read...


‘Heard you were injured. But that's no excuse for the wedding to be canceled. The weddding will be on tomorrow. No excuses. Since I heard Sandara is your best friend and all....we have reserved her front row seat. – D.H.M.’


"I am starting to hate that woman." Hyori spat. All of a sudden, my mood was ruined, all thanks to that Ebony Min lady. She asked men to kill me, failed, and invited me to the wedding. Not only that, but reserved me a front row seat?!


She must be insane.


"We need to call the cops. She didn't dare to kill us and get her hands dirty, but also ask men to assasinate Dara." Jaejoong crossed his arms but winced when he did so. His broken bones were still in healing process so he couldn't move too much.


"But we don't have proof that she gave the orders. I mean, the men did say it was her orders but we don't have witnesses. We need solid proof."


"Not to mention, I'm going to lose my boyfriend." I sighed. Jiyong's arm which was wrapped around my waist gripped tighter.


"I promise I won't get married to another girl, Princess." he held out his pinky like how we always did when we made promises when we were younger. But… We were no longer kids.


I pushed myself against Jiyong and gave him a kiss on the lips. My first kiss with Jiyong.


"Sealed with a kiss." I pulled away from him and giggled. He seemed hazed for awhile but quickly let out a grin after he processed whatever that just happened.


"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to get a shower. I'll think about this when tomorrow comes." I said to them and left the room.


As soon as I stepped into the shower, the cold water fell onto my skin and made me feel fresh. I didn't want to think about Jiyong's wedding or the fact that there are people out there who wanted to kill me.


Wrapping the towel around my body, I stepped out of the shower and allowed myself to breathe. I changed into my white shorts and a purple tank top. My hair was blown dry and I tied it into a messy ponytail.


Opening the door, I saw taped to the door. A pink sticky paper.



Keep walking.



Then another note on the floor.



You're beautiful. Keep walking.



I walked another few more steps and then found another paper.



You're gorgeous. Turn right.


I did as told and found myself facing the room where I kept my old toys which I played with when I was younger. I hadn't been in that room since I was fourteen.


All the toys inside were the toys I brought over to Jiyong's house when we had sleepovers and stuff like that. Turning the door knob, I entered the room and found it not dusty like how I expected it to be.


Then I found another piece of paper on the ground.



I love you.



Grinning, I walked further into the room. The room was decorated with old Christmas lights I left in the room. There was a little fort which was made out of pillows and blankets. When we were younger, we would make forts and sleep in it till morning. But those times involved Bom and Jaejoong of course.


All of a sudden, a pair of hands closed my eyes. I could feel a warm breath whispering into my ear.


"Welcome to my fort. I bet it's ten times better than your little old Genovia."


I laughed at that and turned around smiling at Jiyong. His hair was wet like he just got out from a shower or something. His arms were still wrapped around my waist. Pushing Jiyong, I screamed, "I'm getting in first!"


When Jiyong caught up, he tripped and fell on top of me. I swear, I was blushing like crazy. Our faces were so close and I could feel his warm breath on my face.


"The fort seemed much bigger when we were younger." I said, not tearing my vision away from Jiyong's eyes.


"It sure was." he said to me not looking away either.


The thought of Sun Ye getting married to Jiyong made a tear escaped from my eyes. It rolled down my cheek and slowly to my lip. I could even taste the saltiness.


"Why are you crying?" he said softly as he wiped away the tear.


"Because...of..." but Jiyong interrupt.


"If you're going to say Sun Ye, don't say it. I just want to enjoy this moment with my best friend and girlfriend." he kissed my lips. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him to me.


I didn't know how long we kissed because after he pulled away, we lay beside each other and soon, I just fell asleep next to him. Smiling because I knew he was beside me and that his arms were perfectly around my waist. The moment was too perfect, and I enjoyed every single second of it.

















Jiyong's P.O.V.:


Morning Jiyonge and at first I didn't remember where I was. Then I saw the fort we slept in last night and then the memories of last night Jiyonge flooding back.


Dara was still beside me, fast asleep, hugging my arm.


"Dara! Jiyong! Wake up!" Jaejoong came barging into the room and stopped when he saw us.


"Dude, nothing happened here right? Cuz if she gets pregnant and all, I want to be the godfather."


"Hey! What are you talking about? We didn't do 'it', for your information. Just get out." I threw a pillow at Jaejoong and he went out, smirking. If he tells anyone about this, I would kill myself.


"Hey, Ji...wake up." I gently shook her. Her eyelids fluttered open and she yawned while stretching like a little kitten.


"Wedding day." she said while yawning. day.

















During breakfast, Jaejoong kept talking about him seeing Dara and I back when I just woke up. But we stopped laughing when we saw Avery walking from the living room to the dining area. Her gaze landed on Dara who was snuggled up against me. She glared at Dara for awhile.


"You're Jiyong's girlfriend?" she narrowed her eyes at Dara. What the hell was she doing here? Dara's dad came in with a newspaper in hand while drinking a cup of coffee. He stopped when he saw Sun Ye.


"Miss, who are you and what are you doing in my place?" he eyed her up and down as if trying to identify her.


"I'm Jiyong's fiancé. Today is our wedding day." she said calmly.


"I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong Jiyong. My daughter is dating him, miss." Sun Ye glared at Mr. Park and then turned to point at me.


"I'm getting married to you no matter what, you hear me? My mother waits Bom, Sandara, and you boy." he looked at Jaejoong with anger in her eyes. With that, she stormed off from the mansion and we heard the sound of engine from a car.


"I want to meet this Lee Da Hae person." Dara roared as she stomped up the stairs, leaving the rest of us in complete silence.











Sandara's P.O.V.:


I was furious, how dared that Sun Ye chick entered my mansion just like that? The wedding was held in a resort...the same resort we went to last time with my parents. I wore a pale pink dress which reached till my middle thigh.


I really wanted to meet this Lee Da Hae Min person. I needed to confront her, I had the urge to. Jaejoong and Bom was beside me as we made our way to Da Hae's room in the resort. She wanted to see us? Fine. I don't care.


I didn't bother knocking on the door. I just entered and found Da Hae sitting there with a cup of coffee in her hand, sipping from it.


When I didn't say anything or started confronting her, Jaejoong did.


"Why did you send men to kill Dara?" Jaejoong directly asked. A twisted smile formed on Da Hae's lips.


"Since you have no proof on what I'm doing, I'll just tell you. When my daughter and Jiyong get married, two companies will be joined and I'll just get my husband killed or something then the money goes to me." whoa, cruel lady here.


"So why kill Dara?" Bom glared at Da Hae.


"That, my dear, is just simply Sun Ye's orders. She really loves Jiyong, so she wants to get rid what Jiyong loves most. And my dear, I suggest you wear something more proper for your brother's wedding."


"Forced wedding, lady. And no way I'm getting out of my jeans." she crossed her arms.


"Oh by the way, you won't want this secret to get out."


"Or what?" Bom raised an eyebrow.


"Or this." she took the gun from the bed and shot Bom right at her gut.



















Few more chapters to go!

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10