Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter Three

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 3





Jiyong's P.O.V:


"Why do you hate me?" that sentence made me wondered. How could she not know why I hated her? I sat up and saw her smiling while sleeping. It had been awhile since I ever seen her smile during her sleep. In school, whenever she sees me, she didn't look mad or anything, just sad. I felt bad first during seventh grade, but slowly I just felt normal again. I wasn't going to let this little crashing over house change my feelings. Even if my sister was her best friend.


Dara's P.O.V:


"Dara, wake up!" I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Jihyeon's face. I sat up and scanned the room. Where were the others? Their blankets were folded neatly and I looked around my room, it was still neat. So no one touched it or disturbed it.


"Where are the others?" I asked Jihyeon who was busy scrolling through her text messages. I nudged her and she placed her phone on my bed.


"They're downstairs eating breakfast. That Bom girl? She could eat twice the amount of those two boys combine." I laughed at Jihyeon's expression. If anyone knew Bom, they wouldn't be surprised if Bom could eat a meal for five men. Jihyeon lay out some clothes which I could choose from, on my bed. Since I had like hundred over clothes, I always let Jihyeon suggest the clothes for me to choose.


"You know, that Jiyong guy is kind of cute." Jihyeon sighed as I changed into my mini jeans and white top instead of the yellow one since the yellow one had a stain on it. I still remembered it was because Jiyong got punched by Jaejoong and some blood spattered onto my clothes. It was disgusting but I wondered why I kept the shirt. Maybe for memories? Yeah, right.


"What's for breakfast?" I said as I walked down the stairs. When I got to the dining room, smell of bacons and pancakes filled my nostrils. Three heads turned to me and each had food in their mouth. It was a really funny sight but I kept it to myself in case Jiyong decided to kill me for it. Jaejoong saw me and hugged me like he always did every morning in school.


"Morning, Dara!" he twirled me around. Bom waved me over to sit next to her, which was the opposite of Jiyong. I swallowed and took a seat. Jihyeon came with my breakfast and unlike the others, my knife and fork was carved delicately by a professional. Seems kind of shallow since, who in the world would even spend so much money in stuff like that? After breakfast, Jiyong's phone vibrated. He answered it.


"Oh hey, Ri." he said it like Ri was the most important thing in the world. I didn't know why but I felt a little mad..maybe..jealous? No! I wasn't jealous!


"Yeah, sure. See you at ten." he left the table in a hurry.


We all stared as he left. What was all that about? Bom must have caught my look because she said,


"Hyori does that almost every weekend morning. Asks him to accompany her to the mall on weekends. And then he comes back late at night." she sighed and swallowed another pancake.


"Bommie, how many pancakes had you had so far?" I raised an eyebrow. Her plate was empty but soon it was filled with more pancakes. I sometimes wondered why she ate so much, but never even gain a little weight. Bom was pretty, everyone knew that. But it was those thick glasses that hid her beautiful eyes. And that the fact she loved to tie her hair.


"I ate seven of them. But I'm still hungry!" she smiled at me. Okay..she was scaring me a bit.


"How about we go to the mall later?" Jaejoong had his mischievous grin on. Whenever that face was on, he was always up to no good. Even though we never got caught in any of his tricks or pranks. Even if he did got caught, he would make some lame excuse and the people would believe it because of his looks.


"Why? So you could spy on my brother and his girlfriend?" Bom raised an eyebrow at Jaejoong.


"Yeah. Don't you think it would be fun?" he gave a sly grin which made me laughed all the time. Bom swallowed her last pancake and stood up.


"I'm going with Jaejoong. It'll be fun." she shrugged and went to my room to get some clothes to change into. In school, I tried my best not to look fashionable. But when I was in my own outside world, I wore clothes that sometimes even the hottest girl in school didn't own. I decided to follow Jaejoong and Bom since being stuck at home wasn't any fun. Plus, I didn't have any homework assignments. I changed into a purple halter top with a white pattern on it, a black jacket and jeans.


Bom just wore her normal T-shirt and jeans. Her hair in a ponytail and as usual her thick glasses were on. Since Jaejoong was a year older than us and he could drive, he took my mom's car and drove us to the mall. The mall was just a twenty minute drive.




"GD!" Hyori ran over to Jiyong and flung her arms around him. Hyori was blonde and she was the school's head cheerleader. Anyone who didn't want to feel the wrath of the cheerleaders wouldn't dare to mess with Hyori. So that was how I ended up. The three of us were hiding behind a deco.


"So she could call him GD and I couldn't?" I whispered to myself. So obviously Jiyong didn't hate being called GD, seeing that Hyori just called him GD. I turned around just only to find Jaejoong and Bom drinking strawberry milkshakes. Wait, when did they even buy those? Did they leave me when I was spying on Jiyong and Hyori? I turned to see Jiyong and Hyori but they weren't there.


"We lost them. Oh well! Jaejoong and I are going to the arcade. We'll call you when we're done. Bye!" Bom and Jaejoong ran off. Why did I felt like I was being used? I let it drop and went to buy some drinks. I felt thirsty at the moment so why not a strawberry milkshake? While I was lining up, I caught a glimpse of blonde hair at the front of the counter. Oh my gosh, it was Hyori! I looked around to find Jiyong and he was sitting at one of the booths. Just my luck, bumping into them...alone.


"Oh hey, nerd. What are you doing here?" Hyori faked a smile when she saw me. I knew her enough to know that she didn't like talking to 'smart people'(nerds). Actually, she didn't even like looking at them. I returned her smile and walked up front but she held out her foot and I tripped. All heads turned to our direction. Hyori poured her milkshake on me and laughed walking away. What a nice cheerleader she was. I wondered why so many boys adored her.


Jiyong P.O.V:


Why was everyone staring at my girlfriend? Well, I just called Hyori, my girlfriend. It wasn't like I like her or something. It was well..everyone thought we looked cute together so that was why she became my girlfriend. I turned to see what was happening and to my surprise, I saw Dara on the ground next to Hyori, with milkshake all over her. I was so sure Hyori was the one who did that since she hated everyone who wasn't in the popular gang.


I stood up from my seat and walked to where they were standing. When Hyori saw me, she gave me a sweet smile. I knew I should scold her or something since Dara got humiliated in front of so many people but I just stood there. I felt like a jerk but I couldn't help it. Then a thought came to my mind, her dad would kick our family out from their place. I hated times when I needed to help other people. I took off my jacket and gave it to Dara who was shivering since the air-conditioning was on and her clothes were soak wet.


"GD!" Hyori placed her hands on her hips. What did she want from me now?


"What are you doing? You're not supposed to help me." Dara glared at me. I knew she hated me. She had every right to hate me. But I wasn't going to go soft after this incident anyway.


"You're shivering. I'll send you home. You shouldn't have come here." I told her. After kissing Hyori goodbye, we went to my car. She climbed into the passenger seat which so far the only girl that ever sat there was Hyori. Even my family members never get in my car.


After moments of silence, she finally broke the silence. "You shouldn't have helped me. You hate me." she whispered but since the car was so silent, I could hear every word she said. And every word she said was filled with hatred. I never seen her hating people before, she was always slow to anger. But maybe the hatred was build up since seventh grade.


"This doesn't change the fact I hate you." I said as my hands gripped harder on the wheel.


"Tell me again, did popularity mean so much to you that you could just throw a friendship away like that?" I knew what she was talking about. It was Halloween during sixth grade when I told her I didn't want to be friends with her or Jaejoong. She cried really badly. She asked the same question that night.


Being the mean jerk I was, I replied her coldly. "Yes. It meant so much that I think friendship with a nerd isn't worth it." when those words came out of my mouth, it sounded like it came from another person. Not Kwon Jiyong. Dara looked down and nodded her head. No replies?


"Just want you to know, I stole your toy car that night." What?! I laughed at that statement.


"You stole little Ben?" I named my toy car Ben when I was younger.


"Yeah. He's still in my room, in pieces. Because that was what you held when I first met you." she glared at me.





Chapter Three


dedicated to SuJu-Love for the banner!!!

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10