Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock - Chapter One

Ms. Nerd and Mr. Jock

This story is not mine and I already ask permission to post this! Please see her website @ - author is ashleyy15


Chapter 1


11 years ago:


"Dara, this is Mr. Hyun Suk Kwon." I stood behind my dad, hiding from Mr. Kwon. I was a shy girl and I was never good with new people. My dad was business partner with Mr. Kwon in Park Enterprise. Actually, both of them were the boss of the company. I had seen Mr. Kwon lots of times but it was the first time I was standing directly in front of him. He had blonde hair and brown eyes.


"Sorry, my daughter is a little shy." my dad said to Mr. Kwon. He laughed and said, "It's alright, Sang woo. My son here is pretty shy too." I didn't know he had a son with him until he mentioned it. I looked behind Mr. Kwon and there was a boy behind him. He had his father's looks, blonde and brown eyes. He was holding his toy car to his chest.


"Jiyong, go play with Sandara until Dad and Mr. Park finish discussing." little Jiyong smiled at me and I blushed slightly. I never got used to be around other boys besides Jaejoong, who was my neighbor’s son. We went out to the garden and saw Jaejoong, next door, playing bubbles. Jiyong was quiet, for a boy.


"Jaejoong?" I called Jaejoong and he looked up. When he saw me, he ran over to my house and joined the two of us.


"Who's this?" Jaejoong sat next to Jiyong. Jiyong looked at him and hold his toy car protectively; worried that Jaejoong might take it away from him.


"GD." I smiled.


"It's actually Jiyong. But okay." he smiled at me and I sat down with them.


Ever since then, Jiyong, Jaejoong and I became close friends. But turns out Mr. Kwon were actually buying over our old house and our family was moving into a mansion on a hill. Since Jiyong and Jaejoong were neighbours, they became good friends.


7th grade:


"Nerd!" Jiyong pushed me and I fell down at the corridor. He and his basketball jock friends always bullied me. Ever since seventh grade, Jiyong had been the school's most good-looking guy and best basketball player. He even got the school's hottest looking girl as his girlfriend - Lee Hyori. They were in the popular gang.


I had been called a nerd since I aced all my subjects and hang out with the nerds. I didn't look like a nerd of course; I was pretty thanks to my mother's looks. I could have easily gotten into the popular gang with my looks and money. But I preferred not to because I wouldn't want fake friends from the popular gang. Even Jaejoong who stick with being my best friend and a great in skate-boarding, joined me in the 'nerd category'.


The reason why Jiyong hated me was because I refused to be in his popular clique and not join the cheerleaders. No one in school knew I was the daughter of billionaire Park Sang woo of course. I was just regular Sandara Park. Another thing Jiyong left our friendship was because he saw my 'label' as a threat to his popularity. Some friend he was.


Present Time:


"Next time I see you nerd, I'll kill you." an evil grin crossed Jiyong's face. I was going to be sixteen and he still treated me like a nerd. I didn't even look like one! Before Jiyong had the chance to kick my books, Jaejoong stopped him.



"Next time you kick my best friend, I'll kill YOU." he crossed his arms. Jaejoong grew up a lot since he was five. He had one of those skater looks which fitted him a lot. "What did she ever do to you? And she's pretty so stop calling her a nerd!" he pushed Jiyong and Jiyong stumbled backwards. Jiyong looked like he was about to kill Jaejoong but his friends stopped him of course. Who would want to lose Jaejoong when he had high chances to be in the basketball team? What they didn't know was that Jaejoong hated basketball.


"Stop! I'm going to class." I picked up my books and smoothed down my hair. I gave Jiyong a sad look but he returned an emotionless face. I sighed and walked towards Science class.


"Does GD hate me that much?" I sighed when I got to my seat which was, as usual, next to Bom Kwon. Bom Kwon was Jiyong's little sister who was the same age as me. Jiyong was going to be seventeen. She was also one of my best friends.


"My brother hit you again?! I'm telling my mom." she took out her cell phone but I took it from her.


"No, it's alright!" I smiled at her. Even when Jiyong hated me, I still considered him as one of my best friends. Bom frowned and put her phone in her bag.


"I don't get why he even calls you a nerd. I'm the nerd here and you're so pretty. So what if you hang out with us? You're different! Why do you even want to be with us when you could be with the pretty people?" she pretended an angry face which made me laughed a bit. "It's not funny, Dara."


Dara was my nickname for Sandara. But no one called me that except friends and family, and of course, Jiyong.


"He's just worried Hyori would hurt me if he doesn't treat me like junk." I smiled at Isabel.


I heard her sigh. "You could even treat him like he's your friend. Sometimes, I don't get you."


Jiyong's P.O.V:


That Jaejoong pushed me. How dare he? I was practically the king of the school! I admit, I didn't like hurting Dara but if I didn't hurt her, my popularity would shatter and Hyori would leave me. Besides, she's a nerd and a jock like me, don't hang out with nerds like her. With looks and money like that, why didn't she join our clique? I sighed in frustration as I can't concentrate on History Class.


"Jiyong Kwon. Please go to the principal's office. Your parents and your sister are there waiting for you." my teacher called me out. The hallway was empty since everyone was in their respective classes. It was so silent I could hear a pin drop. As I entered the principal's office, the principal and my parents turned their heads to my direction. Bom was sitting there clutching onto her bag.


"Jiyong, we have some news." my dad spoke up. "There was an earthquake in our neighbor hood. Our house and all the other houses surrounding us had collapsed. So we're going to live at my best friend and his family's place for awhile." Earthquake? But wasn't that house the first place I met Dara? I shook the thought out of my head. That wasn't the time to think about Dara. Actually, why was I even thinking about that nerd?


"Go back to class and we'll talk about it when school's over."


Dara's P.O.V:


School finished and I ran out of that place. Literally! Jaejoong received a call that his neighborhood had a little earthquake and his house collapsed. I thought came to my mind. What happened to my old house then? The one Jiyong lived in? I shook the thought out of my head. Jaejoong's mom was living with her friend so at the mean time, Jaejoong could crash at my place. None of my friends had been in my family's mansion before. Even Jaejoong.


I saw my driver, Rain in a limo outside of the school gate, parking there. I covered my face with my hoodie and went in with Jaejoong. The last thing I wanted was people in school recognizing me as the rich girl. I was never good with attention anyways. So why bother now? I had been in a limo for almost a thousand times but it was like Jaejoong's first time inside one because he just can't stop blabbering about it.


When the mansion came into view, Jaejoong gasped. It was huge, I knew that. But I never liked to show off. As I entered, Jaejoong followed me from behind. Mom was sitting in the living room which was in Jaejoong's saying, extremely incredibly huge. "Dara? Back already?" she smiled at me. My mother had brown hair which flowed all the way to her waist and thick eye lashes. She was beautiful for a woman in her early forties.


"Yeah. I am. Jaejoong's crashing for awhile, will that be alright?" I asked my mom.


"Of course! But he's not the only one crashing over for awhile. Your dad's friend and his family also suffered the earthquake and so they'll be staying here maybe for three months until their house is back. It's October so you'll be alright until school ends for the year." I raised an eyebrow. Who else would be staying at my mansion?


Dinner came and we were in our dining room. Jaejoong kept looking around saying that he felt like he was living in a castle. I bet castles looked better than my little old mansion, I told him but he just shook his head and laughed. The door bell rang. Servant Ji-hyeon was about to open the door but I got to the door before she could.


I wondered who would be at the door.


A knock came from the door and I opened it. Standing there was Jiyong Kwon.


Once my best friend.


The person who hated me with all his heart.


The one I would never guess be standing there at my door in a million years.





Images of other characters:

Dara's Dad (Sang Woo)

Servant Jihyeon

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re-read! :)
Isangganda #2
Chapter 20: I always wonder what really is the Job of the twins hired by Dara and Jiyong's parents when Dara is always in trouble? First the camping incident she falĺs in a hill, then she was hit by a frying pan
, now almost ? I just dont get it? And base on the flow of the story the family are rich and if Jiyong parents had bought Park's old house it is a mansion eventually it will not be shaken by earthquake immediately. Where is jaejong parents to allow him to stay for so long with Daras family? Ok Im shutting up now... its is still entertaining though. Lols
Chapter 5: If im not mistaken the picture is from Amazing Twins..I've watched that drama..
shucow #4
Chapter 5: Author-nim! I really like ur story. I recognize the pic haha what drama is it from?
Chapter 36: Great story, it's really worth reading:-)
ILuv_U4Ever #6
Chapter 36: Woah... Just finished reading this .. Really great fanfiction.. ^^
SeohyunorSica #7
Chapter 36: I swear, this could be a drama on tv
Chapter 36: Wahh! Hehe, I read this story in a few days..I just really love it, though. :D So sweet!
I'm not finish reading, but as far as I read, I can say this story is good, I just felt so real, I felt not like reading a imagination story, but this story is really happening lol
Thanks author-nim *bow
tetetzrule23 #10