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Kai stood and went to get door. A lady in a very expensive outfit was standing, with both hands crossed over her chest. She looked familiar but Kai couldn't remember where he'd seen her before."Hello how may I help you?" She dropped her hands to her sides, tilting her head slightly before responding. "Is this where Oh Sehun lives? If it is, I am here to see him." "Please come in" Kai moved to the side to let her in. Sehun was still sat where he'd left him. Skimming through his notebook. "There's someone here to see you." Kai informed and the Omega lifted his head to look at Kai's direction, his eyes widen when they landed on the girl beside him and he quickly rose to his feet. "Irene! What are you doing here?" He asked, glancing at Kai briefly before focusing on the girl. "It's been three months and I haven't heard from you so I asked your mom to give me your address" she shrugged her shoulders lazily. "Here I am" "I will be in my bedroom." Kai told him, and Sehun watched as the Alpha walked up to the stairs before turning his attention back to Irene. "You went to my house?" "I did, and you mom was not happy to learn you haven't come to see me" His heart flipped at the mentioned of his mother, he was definitely going to get some scolding now that he was certain his mom knew he hadn't gone to see Irene like she'd told him to. He shook that thought and focus on the fact that the girl actually came to find him. "Come have a seat." Irene did as requested, her eyes openly roaming over Sehun's body, giving him a pointed look and Sehun pretended not to notice, he subtly cleared his throat and sat on the loveseat opposite Irene's.
"Would you like to have anything?" She shook her head. "No" she then smiled widely which almost make him to cringe. "Seeing you is enough." She shifted in her seat, adjusting her dress to show off her cleavage. She was beautiful and her very presence fooled Sehun's senses into thinking he was breathing fresh air from an open meadow. Even with all that, a woman's charms never did anything for Sehun so he didn't let the beauty and the charm affect him longer than a few seconds. Sehun snorted under his breath, it was obvious what she was trying to do. Too bad her or any other y part of her body wouldn't have much affect on him., He wasn't into girls, had never find them attractive and he wasn't about to start with Irene. "So really what brought you here?" He decided to ask. "I told you that already. Didn't I?" He nodded. "You did." "So how have you been? It's been three months and I've waited so long to see you again." "I'm doing good. And sorry to keep you waiting, I was busy with school and stuff." He made a gesture as he said the last word. "I understand, I've been busy myself, you're a fashion major right?" "Yeah." "Oh that's cool, I would love to wear your designs someday." "I bet you would." He said with polite smile. They went silent after that, Sehun focusing his attention on picking a thread that was sticking from the edge of his sweater as his mind wandered to Kai, wondering what the Alpha might be doing right now. He was already missing the warlock's presence and wished to have him close. "When are we going on our first date?" Sehun looked up and he nearly snarled for being interrupted while his mind was on his– the Alpha. "Date?" "Yeah, I thought that was the plan?"  Sehun shook his head. The girl got it all wrong. He didn't have plans on going out with her. He had thought about several ways to turn her down, a way to explain he wasn't in for this alliance but he still didn't know how to tell her. He didn't care what his parents might do or think of him, but he would take his brother's advise and do something for himself for once. "You're a very beautiful woman, and any man who have the sight will fall for you but I am sorry I can't do this with you, I can't go to dates, I can't be the one and I can't marry you and I swear to God it's not your fault, it's me, I just–" he ran a hand through his hair. "Don't swing that way, I am gay and my parents doesn't know that fact." Irene looked baffled for a long minute, staring at him like she actually couldn't believe what she just heard. "I know it might be hard to process but that's the fact, I don't feel attracted to you." She blinked a few times, hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. Then she took in a deep breath and threw her head up before slowly releasing the breath out. Sehun watched her, waited for her to say something and she did after another long minute. "Why does all the handsome Alphas have to be gay?" Was what she said bringing her head down to look at Sehun and he could see a small smile on her face, that was enough to let out the breath he didn't realize he had been holding. "You're the third person I've wanted to date who again happened to be gay, I am good at reading people but I always miss the important things." she made a vague gesture with her hands. "I think it's a sign that I should give up on love." "Nonsense" he waved a hand at her. "Don't you say that, you shouldn't give up just because you've been disappointed three times. I am certain you'll meet the right one someday." She looked uncertain but she nodded."you think?" "Yeah, I have faith." She smiled at him– a simple gesture, genuine, with no hidden meaning to it. "I will have faith too then." Then her smile turned into a playful one. "So is he the one?" Sehun knit his brows, not understanding what she meant. "He who?" "Your handsome housemate, I am sure he's gay too" Sehun couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah he's gay but no we're not–" he made a gesture with his hands." I mean not in that way, he's a good friend though." She looked at him with wide eyes and open mouth. "Are you that oblivious or foolish?" "What do you mean?" "Don't you see the way he looks at you. I saw that look like he doesn't want to leave me with you even for a minute afraid that I am going to snatch you from him." She said. Sehun was the one blinking at her like she'd lost it.  "Don't look at me like that Oh Sehun!" She snapped her fingers at him. "I am only stating what I saw even though I refused to acknowledge it when I saw it earlier."she stood from her seat and moved to where Sehun was seated. "Listen to me, you should make a move on him before someone takes him away while you watch." She sat next to him, placing both hands on his shoulders. "Believe me when I say he's into you." Sehun couldn't believe the turn of events. Irene was definitely something else, she came here trying to seduce him and make him fall for her and now she was rooting for him and Kai to be a thing. "I can't believe you're actually saying this" he shook his head, letting out a laugh. "I appreciate your efforts but he doesn't do relationships." "You should make him start with you, there's always a first time for everything, be his first boyfriend and keep it that way forever." She squeezed his shoulders slightly. "I've liked you from the moment I met you, but it's okay if you don't feel that way about me, I would never force myself on anyone– well please do not mind that I tried to seduce you." She chuckled and Sehun laughed a little as well. "Love cannot be forced, but I want you to be with the person that makes you happy, and if that Alpha makes some butterflies to erupt in your stomach then he's the one." She patted his shoulders before pulling her hands back and rose to her feet. "I will tell my parents I don't want to go out with you, if my dad insisted I'd just say I am gay." "Why would you do that?" Sehun stood up as well. "Because I know your parents won't be happy if they learned that the problem was from you– but Sehun do not let your parents dictate your life. Rich parents– no parents in general can be a pain in the , they won't realize they're suffocating their children until it's too late. Even if you don't want to be with that y housemate of yours, you should find someone–" "No I want him" he quickly said before he could stop himself and Irene smirked, taking a hold of his hand.  "Good, you should come out to your parents." She told him seriously, Sehun open his mouth to speak but she raised a hand, halting him. "Listen to me very carefully, I know we're not friends but we don't have to be for me to tell you this, because I've known you for a few months and I've come to understand the type of person you are the moment I saw you  I am a psychologist, It's my job to read people. You shouldn't hide who you are, Do not be a stranger to the harshness of the world, do not be ashamed of who you are, don't think that people will not love you as you are. Don't let anyone break you down or tell you what to do, not a friend, not your parents, stand up for yourself. You're glorious Oh Sehun no matter what you are and there will always be a place for you in the world. When the sharpest word cut you through, send a flood and drown them out, be brave and be who you're meant to be, make no apologies for who you are." Sehun felt his inside tingled, Irene had no idea what her words did to him., It was as if she knew Sehun was hiding his real identity not just his uality, like she had seen right through him. He continued to stare at her as tears gathered in his eyes, but he blinked them away and refused to let them fall. "Does those words apply to me even if I am not an Alpha?" He couldn't stop himself from asking. She nodded firmly. "Yes, no matter what you are, Alpha, beta or Omega." She said. Sehun took a shaky breath. "Thank you." He told her and she gave him a genuine smile. She squeezed his hand gently."Thank me when you act on my words." He nodded.  "I should get going, my cousin needs me" she said and Sehun smiled. "Can I have your number?" He suddenly asked. "Oh my God! Did you just asked for my number?" She said in a dramatic tone. "Hey I want to be friends. If that's ok with you." "Of course I want to be your friend." She released his hand and pulled out her phone before passing it to him. He accepted it and typed his number before passing it back. She typed something on her phone and turned the screen to show it to him, she'd saved his name as 'Handsome gay'. And Sehun laughed. "Seriously?" She shrugged, pocketing back her phone. "I will call you when I am bored and my cousin won't stop whining about the Alpha he's falling for." "He's also an Alpha?" "Nah" she shook her head. "Omega, his name is Baekhyun" Sehun nodded and picked his phone from the couch. "Your number." He passed it to her. He saved her name as beautiful straight girl. And she laughed so hard that she almost toppled over him. "It was nice to really get to know you." He said extending a hand. "Like wise" she shook his hand firmly. "Bye handsome!" She winked at him, jerking her head to the stairs. And that was when Sehun smelled him, he pulled his hand back before turning to see Kai descending the stairs, holding a cup of tea as he headed to the kitchen area without sparing them a glance. Sehun let out a breath, turning his attention back to her.  He escorted her to the door before shutting it and walked to where Kai was. "Hey" Sehun crossed his arms, leaning on the kitchen counter.  Kai was talking two cans of beer from the fridge, he turned slightly to face Sehun, using his leg to close the fridge. "Oh hey! Your girlfriend is gone?" Sehun could tell the Alpha was trying to sound nonchalant. He nodded and decided to go with the flow, wanting to see if Kai would react if Sehun confirmed Irene to be his girlfriend. "Yeah. She's beautiful isn't she?" Something flashed across Kai's face but it was gone as soon as it came and he quickly changed his expression to poker face. "If you say she is then I guess she is, girls aren't really my thing, you know that." He passed a can to Sehun who accepted it with a thanks. "I know." He popped his beer open, taking a sip before he spoke. "She's the girl my parents wants me to marry." Kai moved to the kitchen isle and pulled out a chair to seat on, his expression still unreadable. "And do you want to?" Sehun shrugged, moving to pull a chair as well. "I don't have a say, but I don't mind, I really like her" he lied. Kai averted his gaze, then pulled out his phone to check on something. "I was going to oppose but since you like her–" he paused taking a deep breath. "I guess there's nothing left to do about it, I want you to be happy, that's all that matters." He lifted his face to look at Sehun and the omega could see the sincerity in those brown orbs. They stared at each other without blinking, he
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.