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Jimin adjusted his position, tilting his head to look at Taehyung who was curled up beside Yoongi. Kris was sat across them, Chanyeol sitting by his side. They were all sitting outside of Sehun's room(at the hospital) Jimin was itchy to go see his best friend  He was used to being the one to take care of Sehun during his unique heats. Now that Kai was the one to do that, Jimin kind of felt useless, he wanted to be useful, wanted to be there for his best friend, but the doctor had forbidden them from going in unless it was extremely necessary. The doctor said Sehun only needed his Alpha for now, Kai's presence and scent were what was keeping him alive. The family and friends had to wait for at least 24 hours before they could see him and now 23 hours had passed. He trusted Kai to look after his best friend, even though he wasn't sure if the Alpha was aware Sehun's was his mate or not, but he knew Kai would always do the right thing. He had known Kai as a fine gentleman. He sighed, rubbing his temple. "The wait is killing me" he voiced out. Taehyung lifted his head off Yoongi's chest to look at Jimin. "I know, I really want to see him too" "I just hope Kim Kai isn't taking advantage of my brother." Kris muttered with frown. "Hey!" Taehyung glared at Kris. "my brother would never do such a thing." "I hope you're right." Kris clenched his fists, breathing through his mouth. Yoongi waved a dismissive hand at the two, his eyes closed. "Just stop talking, I am trying to take a nap here." He cracked an eye to look at his best friend. "Whatever he's doing, it's helping Sehun, because according to Jimin, Sehun's not screaming in pain like he usually does. So do not make assumptions." Kris opened his mouth to speak but Chanyeol shushed him, by placing a hand on top of Kris' neck. "Relax! Hunnie will be fine, Kai is not that type of guy." Kris looked at his boyfriend, he didn't know much about Kim Kai apart from what Sehun, Chanyeol and the internet told him. He just wanted his brother to be okay. "I still can't believe Sehun's an Omega." Chanyeol said suddenly, and that earned him a glare from his younger brother. "What is wrong with being an Omega?" Jimin demanded and Yoongi opened both eyes to look at Chanyeol's way, a deep frown on his face as though daring Chanyeol to say the wrong word.  The older Park quickly shook his head. "Nothing is wrong with being an Omega, I am just kinda still surprise, he looks nothing like an Omega." "What are you implying?" Taehyung asked, crossing his arm over his chest. "Nothing, I mean he looks strong and muscular–" "Are you trying to say omegas are weak?" Jimin shot at him. "What? No I mean they're usually not muscular like Sehun is, I for the most part was really convinced he's an Alpha." "Chanyeol" Yoongi called, voice low. "Just shut up now" "Alright" Chanyeol nodded. "I will shut up now." "Good!" Yoongi hummed, leaning back against the chair and closed his eyes once again. "You know I don't have anything against omegas right? My precious lil bro is one– I love and respect him so much, just as much as I'll love and respect Sehun, nothing will change." Chanyeol murmured,  rubbing his hand on Kris' neck. "I know" Kris offered a smile. "I was really intrigued by the whole thing, nothing more"  Kris nodded. "I know you are." Chanyeol smiled, leaning to kiss his boyfriend's cheek. Satisfied with Chanyeol's response, Taehyung leaned back into his Alpha's warmth and sent a smile Jimin's way. Jimin smiled back, and was about to speak when he heard someone called his name. He turned to the source and was met with the sight of Jungkook walking over to them. "Kook? What are you doing here?" He asked rising to stand. "Hey!"Jungkook greeted with a wide grin. "I was here to see my hyung and I caught your scent on my way out so I followed it" he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Jimin fought the urge not grin too like love teenager. Instead he raised a questionable brow. "You have another brother apart from Minsuk?" "He's a friend, a doctor that works part-time in this clinic." Jimin nodded, turning slightly when someone cleared their throat. It was Kris and he had a playful glint in his eyes. "Is he the Jungkook?" He asked. "The Jungkook?" Jimin shook his head. "Seriously hyung?" "Well I've heard a lot about him, and judging by the way you keep smiling, I assumed he's the one." "Jeon Jungkook!" Jungkook introduced with a polite bow. "You must be Kris hyung. Sehun's older brother." "You knew my brother?" Kris asked, suddenly more interested. "Yeah, he's my friend." He then bowed at Chanyeol who nodded at him, before Jungkook twirled to Yoongi and Taehyung."Tae-Tae!" He grinned once again. Taehyung groaned. "Stop calling me that Kook" "But I like calling you Tae-Tae. It suits you." "Hey kid don't let him repeat himself. I won't appreciate anyone making my omega unhappy." Yoongi suddenly spoke, his eyes still closed and Taehyung smiled, burying his face even more into his Alpha's chest. "Is he Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, whirling to face Jimin. "It's hyung for you kid" Yoongi spoke once again. "Yeah, the one and only" Jimin responded to Jungkook's question. "Ah that explains it" Jungkook glanced at the pair one more time. "So what are you all doing here?" He asked with a hint of curiosity in his tone, his attention now fully on Jimin. "A friend of mine is hospitalized." He said carefully, not intending to mention Sehun's name.  Now Jungkook looked genuinely worried. "A friend? I hope it's not Sehun?" Jimin shook his head. "You shouldn't bother–" "Jimin!" Dr Lee called, cutting his sentence off. Jimin revolved to face the older Omega. "Yes doctor is everything alright?" "You can go see him now, it's almost 24 hours. I think his Alpha is safe to go now if he wants to." Kris shot up from his seat when he heard that. "Thank you doctor." Jimin said, then turned to Jungkook. "You should get going, I will see you on Friday." He didn't want Jungkook to see Kai exciting the room, because he'd ask questions and Sehun might not like it if more people were involved. "Oh okay, I should probably head out" he made a gesture, pointing his thumb at the exit. "I will see you on Friday" he smiled. "Bye" Jimin waved at him, he watched as Jungkook started moving in backward motion as if not wanting to stop staring at him or to part from him. And the thought of Jungkook not wanting to part from him made him giddy but he composed himself not to give himself away from how happy he was in the inside. "Bye" Jungkook waved back his smile never leaving his handsome face. It was only when he reached the exit that he turned around and continued out. ****
Hours passed by with them both staying in the same position. Kai knew that he could easily conjure up a book or something to keep himself busy, but he just couldn’t take his eyes off the omega who had curled up around his legs. It wasn’t ual and especially not for his inner Alpha because Jimin had been right, Sehun kind of smelled. However there was something about the tall man that had Kai feeling overprotective and it had nothing to do with the fact that Sehun was his friend, it was something more. Sehun was still shaking, still trembling and still crying and in pain, but the coughing was settling down and the hurting Omega was luckily drifting in and out of sleep most of the time and it also wasn’t as hard as Kai had thought it would be to get him to drink when he did stir. Possibly as much as 22-23 hours had passed when there was movements outside of the closet and Kai looked up from Sehun and to the door where Jimin entered, getting down on her knees to peek in on them. Jimin looked sleepy and tired but smiled as he saw them “Aww” he let out and dropped back on his knees, blinking slowly. Kai was sure he probably looked as tired as the young Omega, but though his clothes were stained with Sehun's blood, sweat and tears now. “He seems calmer” Jimin said with a sigh. Kai knew that him and Sehun weren't a thing, and he knew Jimin was Sehun's best friend and belonged here more than he did, but he couldn’t help the feeling of wanting everyone else to leave them alone, to leave him to take care of the hurting Omega clinging to him. Not sure what to say, Kai just nodded at what Jimin said and then made a face as he smelled the scent of another Alpha, knowing it was going to be Kris and sure enough, second later, Kris was next to Jimin but looking a lot less pleased with what he saw. “What are you doing?” Kris growled, looking from Kai to Sehun who had his arm wrapped around Kai's waist, face still buried in the fabric of his shirt. “I knew we shouldn’t have left Sehun with him” Kris was addressing Jimin now, but his voice was too loud for Kai liking who quickly hushed him. Kai rested his hand on Sehun's head and narrowed his eyes as he looked at the other Alpha “I haven’t done anything, I’m simply sitting here”. Kai kept his tone hushed and concentrated on staying calm, knowing it wouldn’t do Sehun any good if he sensed him getting angry. Kris didn’t look pleased “Well, we are here now so you can leave”. “Hyung” Jimin sighed, sounding as exhausted as he looked “Don’t talk to him like that, he did us a solid here.” he mustered up a smile as he looked at Kai, brushing one hand through Sehun's hair “you are okay to leave though, thank you so much Kai. I am sorry about how snappy I was with you earlier”. Kai looked down at Sehun again and if he was honest with himself he knew he didn’t want to leave him even though he was about to pass out from exhaustion, but he also didn’t want to outstay his welcome, it was Jimin who had asked him to come here, not Sehun after all. “That’s okay, I don’t want to be in the way” Kai said, still keeping his tone low as he moved his hand to lift Sehun's arm up, slowly pushing away, hoping not to wake him. The second he pulled away though, Sehun let out a desperate cry that sounded so hollow and filled with need that Kai wondered if his heart actually cracked and broke at the sound, and when Sehun's hand grasped at him, trying to hold him back, Kai knew he wouldn’t be able to leave him even if he wanted to. Settling back down again, Kai looked at Kris who looked shocked and then at Jimin who was biting his lips together, looking like he had just stumbled upon a basket of baby animals wearing flower crowns under a rainbow. “I can’t” Kai said, knowing there were a million things he couldn’t do when it came to Sehun. He couldn't leave him like this, couldn’t hurt him and couldn’t give up on him. Jimin was still smiling, wide eyes with one hand resting over his own heart “And you shouldn’t”. “But–” Kris started but was elbowed in the chest by Jimin who shot him a look that probably would have killed weaker Alphas. Jimin turned his attention to Kai again, he gave a new tired smile “Okay I will go take a nap in Sehun's ward, just call if there is anything, if not I will see you when he wakes up. Ah and your brother is outside”. Kai just nodded, finding Jimin's attack on Kris amusing enough to keep himself calm even though the alpha was increasingly becomi
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.