Twenty there

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Please do not rush this chapter, read it carefully, I know it's long but it has important scenes I needed to share.     Two days later


Coffee dripped into two mugs under Sehun's watchful gaze when sounds of steps and soft rustling of clothes announced Kai's arrival in the kitchen area. They had a wonderful love making session again last night and the thought brought a smile to Sehun's face. The omega didn't turn to say good morning, suddenly shy and apprehensive. He didn't need to do anything because Kai stopped really close to him and then there were hands on Sehun's hips and then… the alpha leaned in closer to breathe in Sehun's scent. The omega's hands stilled, hovering over the spoon he wanted to pick up. Light breath faning over the skin on his neck, raising goosebumps in its wake. Sehun froze to keep the moment going, to not change anything and give the alpha reason to step back. Kai took a lungful of Sehun's scent.He smelled good. Really good. This close to his neck, It was almost as good as when Sehun had allowed him to indulge in his intensified scent from his wrists and thighs. Unexpectedly, Sehun turned in his arms and put his own arms around Kai's middle. An honest to god shiver ran down the alpha's spine when Sehun's cheek touched the side of his cheek and the omega gave him a nuzzle just inches away from where Kai's neck scent glands were. Sehun held him a little tighter, sighing in contentment. "Don't forget about the event by seven." Sehun reminded without moving back. Kai hummed."I won't dare forgot, Can you do me a favor?” Kai asked, feline eyes shimmering and timbre distinctively eager. Curiosity tickled Sehun's brain. What could have Kai so particularly agog? "Of course, what is it?" "I have something to give you." They both relax into it and let the hug last. Kai could barely remember the last time he was this intimate with an omega. He had spent a long time with Kyungsoo who was a beta… One night stands, though very nice, didn't compare to this. It was barely a prelude to scenting, not destined to be followed by anything more. There was a light blush on the Omega's face when they part and look at each other. Kai couldn't stop himself from smiling, he was so happy.He got a smile in return, the shy one Sehun would always try to hide by looking down.  "The first courting gift, I wanted to save this as the second one but then I remember what my mom told me, how it's done in our family." Kai said. His hands were still on Sehun's hips. Sehun nodded. Kai wanted to pull back and bring the gift out but neither of them was quite ready to put distance between them when they'd rather stay close. Eventually Sehun distracted Kai with food and they move away from the coffee and toward the kitchen isle where the warlock sat down. “Close your eyes and stretch out your hands, palms up,” his Alpha said with a soft smile. Sehun squinted at the request at the same time his head tilted to the side, as if doing so would help him see inside the High Warlock’ head. It was unbearably adorable and Kai just wanted to pet his Omega's silky hair and cover his beautiful face with kisses. But that would have to wait for now, first things first—he could barely contain his excitement. Sehun heard footsteps walking away and then returning, felt Kai's unmistakable body heat in his personal space as the rich of his earthy scent flooded his nose—their bond vibrated vigorously within him and between them.     “I hope you like it,” his warlock said, tone expectant and slightly affected by nervousness. To feel his Alpha like this, it made his heart turn into a timbrel at the hands of a child. “Kai, what is this?” he asked when he felt the weight of a package wrapped with sleek fabric being deposited on his hands. Slowly, he opened his eyes and found himself being gazed at in the most adoring way .That gaze unfailingly made him forget about everything, even about himself. He felt himself falling even deeper for this wonderful man. But, he wasn’t afraid any longer—  Kai was the sweetest fall he had ever taken. “Open it,” Kai encouraged with a full smile. To be showered with gifts, displays of affection, and undivided attention—he still wasn’t used to it. A stammered answer stumbled out of his mouth, “Y-you shouldn’t have, Kai. You’ve already given me plenty. One of which was by letting me stay in your house without accepting rent. Let's not even get started with the addition in my wardrobe and many other things. ” Kai's right hand came up to cup his face, and as a thumb his cheek, the older man uttered, “‘Plenty’ is a word absent from my dictionary, my dear. The gifts I gave you before were the customary ones, even if I personalized them. I wanted to give you something much more personal, so please, go ahead and open it.” He nodded and let himself be pulled from his seat and guided to the sofa by his mate’s hand on the dip of his back. Once they had both taken a seat, he glanced at the Warlock who smiled affectionately, and then proceeded to unwrap the brocade black fabric with raised patterns in silver and gold. Brown eyes settled upon the stack of three books on his lap and a loud gasp suddenly heaved his chest. He almost felt off the sofa when he read the titles of the books, the author, and their value. In front of him were the ‘Complete Works of Shakespeare’ in three full leather- bound volumes decorated in gold with embossed covers and gilt-edged, in the original text, and dating back to 1861. To say he was floored was an understatement—they had talked about many things since they met and so much had happened not only in their personal lives but also in their individual lives, that he didn’t think Kai would remember his special interest in literature. And to go as far as to gift him an antique collector’s edition was just too much… “Do you like it?” the Alpha questioned, voice quiet and eyes searching. Sehun nodded forward in agreement, still unable to pronounce words. Sometimes, he still thought he didn’t deserve someone as attentive and considerate as Kai. It seemed he was hogging all the good luck, leaving only crumbs for the rest of the Omegas. “I more than like it. Thank you, Kai, for everything.”   For everything—love, understanding, concern, listening, comforting, soothing, accepting. Kai's eyes saw all of him, the Eden and the hell that made him, and he embraced it all. Sehun's eyes said more than his mouth, they always had—he was sure his own eyes were the same. Kai had met a plentitude of people—he had been with dozens—yet with no one, he had felt as he did with Sehun— as if his soul was filled with Sehun's soul. “No, I should be the one thanking you for everything, my darling,” he whispered inches away from Sehun's forehead, before one of his hands caressed his Omega’s nape and his fingers ruffled the short hairs at the base of Sehun's skull and his lips embroidered a soft kiss upon his forehead. "I have something else to give you" Kai pulled a small box from his pocket and placed it on top of Sehun's lap. Sehun started at it for a moment, then he stretched to pick it up. "It doesn't mean you have to mate with me right away or share your next heat with me, it can take years to mate or agree to share your heat me. I will wait patiently for you Sehun" Kai said. "It just shows I am– I am willing to commit to you whenever you are ready." Sehun nodded tears welling his eyes. Turning the box in his hand, he opened it and his breath got caught in his throat. It's a ring– a very unique one that Sehun had never seen anything like it in his life. It had a golden shinny stone at the middle,  "It was made by my Dad, he made it for my future mate and I've been keeping it waiting for my whole life." Kai was not sure if Sehun would like the ring, it had a special meaning in Kai's heart because it was a gift from his dad for Kai's future mate. He rubbed his hands nervously, watching Sehun's reactions closely. "Thank you, it's really beautiful." Sehun breathed out, lifting his head to look into Kai's eyes with a huge smile on his face. Placing the books carefully on the sofa, he stood up and pulled the Alpha to his feet before crushing their lips together at same time wrapping his arms around Kai's middle. "Thank you so much." Sehun repeated in a whispery tone. "You’re welcome, my love” Kai whispered back, his lips brushing against Sehun's as he did, sending small shivers down his neck. Now that he had finally given him the gifts and seen Sehun's reaction, the fear he had felt earlier that Sehun wouldn't like it seemed silly now. Sehun gently rubbed his fingers against the back of Kai's head, feeling the longer strands of Kai's usual mohawk styled hair tingling in his fingers. He rested his forehead against Kai's for a second before he pulled a little back and looked at him. Chewing on his lip while letting his hand move down Kai's neck and down to his chest, Sehun rested his hand over his heart as he told himself that it was silly to worry, he tried to smile as he held Kai’s gaze.  “Do you want to spend my next heat with me?” Sehun asked and as he did he almost felt a little dizzy. He had been thinking about it since he had first decided to ask Kai to be his Alpha, ever since then he had wanted to create that mate bond, but he had been too scared. It was hard to admit (even to himself) that he had been scared, but with how Kai had treated him from the very first time he met him, he knew it was right. As for the Bonding itself, Sehun knew he had to want it. He had to welcome and want the Bond, he had to want his mate. Both mates have to truly want each other and dishonest feelings couldn't be jumped over. Just staring at Sehun for a second when he asked him to spend his heat with him, Kai breathed slowly in through his mouth, like he needed to get enough air. “Is this because of–” Sehun interrupted Kai before he could ask the question he had predicted would come, he shook his head as he spoke. “No. I want to" he tried to explain, having stayed awake for hours thinking about it after Kai had fallen asleep the night before even without knowing Kai was going to present his courting gifts today. “I want to because I want you to be my Alpha, my mate officially, not just in words.” “I want to be yours too, officially” Kai smiled, his heart racing in his chest like it never had before, except maybe that time Sehun had asked him to be his Alpha. “I love you, Sehun. It has nothing to do with you being my true mate, I've loved you even before I knew ” Kai said, looking his mate in the eye. “You are everything I ever dreamed of whenever I thought of my mate. You are funny and kind and you care so much for others. You are beautiful inside and out, you have the heart of an angel and the mouth of a demon. You stand up for what is right and you take no while you are doing it. I want you, I want our future and I want to be the father of your children. " "You never said anything about me being your true mate." He said jokingly. "You didn't either and I am sure we both felt we are destined to be from the very start, and I knew you imprinted on me–" Kai said and Sehun's eyes widened for a moment but smiled at the look on Kai's face. Why was he even surprise? Well Kai was a powerful warlock it was only natural for him to figure it out." but the point is I fell for you even without knowing you're my true mate– no we fell for each other not because we're destined to be or because of our impulses but because we chose it and want it. I love you so much and I want to have everything with you Oh Sehun." Smiling at how Kai chose to word himself, Sehun nodded. “I would regret it if I waited as I know I want it, I’m just...” Sehun trailed off for a second, hating to admit weaknesses but feeling safe with Kai, knowing he wouldn’t be judged “I’m just scared”. Kai frowned, absentmindedly running his fingers against the bare skin under Sehun's t-shirt as he looked at the beautiful features of his perfectly sculptured face. “Scared? What are you scared of?” Shrugging his shoulders, Sehun lowered his eyes for a few seconds before lifting them again, finding calm in Kai's “That you would think I was pathetic maybe, or that I am less of a perfect mate since I've suppressed that side of me for long”. Sure that his heart was actually breaking in his chest, Kai bit his teeth together for a second to try and control his emotions. “Oh, sweetie–”  “It’s completely irrational. I know you wouldn’t” Sehun interrupted. He didn’t want Kai to think that he actually thought he was like that, that he believed Kai would think he was disgusting, because he knew better. “I want this, I don’t want to keep myself from being with you because of irrational fears” he said and tightened the grip on the ring he was still holding. “I know you like that side of me” he added and gave a crooked smile, unable to even tell himself Kai didn’t with how the other reacted to him whenever his Omega side showed. Kai moved a hand up to gently cup one side of Sehun's face, he smiled warmly as he brushed his thumb over his cheek gently. “I love that, and all the other sides of you” he said, speaking truthfully. He loved the things about Sehun that were purely an Omega thing, but he also loved every bit of him that was just him, no matter his second gender. “I’m a little scared too, to be honest” Kai said as he played with some loose strands of Sehun's morning hair. “Why?” Sehun asked quickly, a little surprised by the confession and not understanding it. Kai nodded and paused for a second as he stared into Sehun's beautifully brown coloured eyes, wondering how he ever got this lucky. “i am immortal and I am not sure if you'll become one after we mated like my parents, and that scares me to think I might live an eternity without you." He took a deep breath. "But I want this, I don't want to let my fear get in the way of my happiness. You'll be my one and only, Sehun. I want to have whatever I can with you." Sehun leaned in and kissed Kai ever so gently before nudging the tip of his nose against Kai's. “our happiness” he corrected with a soft smile in his tone. He wasn’t stupid, he knew he would grow old and Kai wouldn’t and maybe one day, it would be someone else, but he wouldn’t let thoughts like that sour the moment for him. "I want to be with you too even if I don't get to spend your eternity with you." He stared into Kai’s feline eyes, seeing the hope flashing in them. He took Kai's face in his hands, his heart stuttering in his chest as he searched his eyes. He pressed his lips to his Alphas as he took his future, his love into his hands and gave into the desperate longing inside him, the longing he had lived with for so long. Nodding slowly, Kai pressed to deepened the kiss and they kissed passionately for while before taking a step back and out of habit let his eyes wander over the gorgeous man in front of him for a quick second before speaking. "Warlocks have their own courting tradition. I can do my part of it but you won't be able to return it without magic of your own." He said taking the ring from Sehun's hand and lovingly sliding it on his ring finger. Sehun smiled as Kai brought his hand to his lips and kissed his fingers before pulling down to sit. He sat down on sofa with his legs folded. "What do warlocks do?" Sehun asked. "I'd give you a little bit of magic, a spark, to always be inside you. It's mostly symbolic– it's like a, hmm, like signing, an identifying mark for anyone who could sense it. More importantly, it'd make tracking of it easier for me." "Oh, all right. Like how I imprinted on you?" He said and Kai nodded as he took Sehun's hand, making half-circles with his thumb over it."Are we doing it now?" Sehun asked. "I want nothing more." "Give me your spark, then." They shared a smile. For both of them, it started small in reaction to Sehun's words but then they're smiling wider, the giddiness contagious. They're like a pair of teenagers, giggling at the thought of a first kiss. "Come here," Kai said. They're already close but they could be closer and for this, he needed to put his hand on Sehun's chest. It was not just first random piece of magic he has going to use. He prepared it, made it within himself first, cradled it because it was going to serve an important purpose and if it was going to be inside his most important person, it had to be special, too. Sehun waited quietly watching Kai even though he couldn't see the magic. When Kai touched him, putting his palm in the middle of Sehun's chest, the omega stopped breathing
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.