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Kai rested his head against the cushion as he listened– no he wasn't actually listening, just pretending to be as his mother spoke to the board of directors. His mind was almost entirely on the pretty man he met today that was too beautiful to be an Alpha. In Kai's twenty six years of life, he had never felt what he felt today. Sehun was beautiful but the feeling had gone beyond the other Alpha's beauty. All Kai wanted to do that morning he saw the other was pull him and hold him into his arms forever. The feeling was just too much and it scared him. 
He had been with several men in his life but what he felt today wasn't normal, his Alpha had screamed and trashed inside his head wanting to get loose and get closer to Sehun. It took all of Kai's self control to keep his counterpart in check. What he felt wasn't love or lust but the urge to just be closer to the other. Maybe it was attraction but Kai wasn't sure, the feeling was something similar to how his mother and dad, or how his sister and her husband had described. As if they were joined by some invisible force, a gravity that pushed and pulled them to occupy each others space with barely a spare inch between their bodies. He just hoped whatever it was would fade soon, because Sehun was going to be living with him. Because if those feeling didn't wear off then there would be a problem. Sehun was an Alpha and Kai wasn't even sure if the other was into men let alone another Alpha. The most important point was Kai didn't do serious relationships. He'd never been in one because of two reasons, one: he have to be honest about what he really was and he couldn't risk anyone finding about the demon blood that ran in his veins. Two; he was immortal and falling in love only to watch the love of your life grow old and die someday while you live for eternity in pain of the lost, was a terrifying aspect. Which was why he was better with one night stands or having buddies to satisfy his needs. But what he felt for Sehun wasn't that, it was more. Kai wanted get to know the other, know what he looked like in the morning, and how he would feel against Kai while they slept and the things in between. In other words, Kai wanted be with him for a very long time. He didn't understand why he was suddenly harboring feelings for another Alpha male. He missed his dad he wished the other was still alive.The older would have known what was happening to him. His father who had been a demon and a prince of Edom came to the surface in search of his true mate. His dad had wandered the earth for hundred of years before he met Kai's mother. His mom was wary– afraid of his dad at first but after getting to know him for a few years, she believed his feelings were genuine and agreed to marry him and, twelve years later the two mated and his mom became immortal just like his dad. Kai and his sister Taeyeon, having demon blood in them were both immortal as well. That blood coursing through them gave them the ability to do magic. And were known as warlocks. Kai was only half demon and he was not sure if his mate would be immortal like him. His sister had found her mate and the two have mated four years ago, her husband/mate was a warlock as well and he had the ability of knowing what someone truly was and immediately knew he and Taeyeon were meant for each other. It was easier for them because they're both immortals. But for Kai it might be different. Kai both liked and feared the idea of someone being a perfect mate, a destined one. The idea on its own was appealing, but being immortal in a world where everybody wasn’t- the idea of finding that mate only to outlive whoever and then spend the rest of what had to feel like an eternity longing for him or her was terrifying. He couldn't do that to himself and as years went by Kai realized finding his other half amidst billions of people was not easy, it was impossible even. His mom and sister were just lucky. That was the main reason he refused to have a serious relationship with anyone, because he knew he wasn't going to age nor die. His mother was unfortunate because her mate died after she became immortal, she had to spend the rest of her eternal life alone.  His dad died trying to protect Kai from his grandfather who sent his minions to get Kai since his dad had refused to go back to Edom and be the ruler he was born to be. He wanted to have a normal life with his family in the mortal realm. And being the only son, his grandfather refused to let his son go because he couldn't have another heir. His dad despite being a demon had been a good person with Honor and Kai truly loved and respected his father. "Kai! Kim Kai are you listening?" His mother called repeatedly cutting his train of thought. Not having paid too much attention to what was really going on, Kai almost jumped a little when his mom placed her hand on his arm and looked at him questioningly. "Huh?" Kai blinked at her. "I've been talking to you but it seems your mind has been elsewhere"  Kai glanced around the conference room and noticed the others have left. it was just him, his mom and sister. "Kai are you alright?" His sister asked, voice laced with concern. He brought his attention to his sister and nodded. "Yeah I am just–" he trailed off letting out a deep breath. "I am not sure if I should tell you or not." "Of course you can tell us anything, we're family and what is our motto?" "Always and forever." His mom nodded with a smile gracing her face, but it did nothing to hide her concern."That's right. Now spill" He gave his mom and sister a look of uncertainty for a brief moment before he spoke."I met a guy today and he made me feel things you both described when you met your mates" he said holding his breath for moment. His sister stood from her seat and walked to where he sat, taking a hold of his hand, a wide smile on her face. "Oh my God, this is amazing Kai. What's his name?" "Sehun." Taeyeon covered her heart with her hands and instead gave him a look like he was a basket of baby kittens “I’m so happy for you. His name is beautiful. I am sure he's beautiful too and will give you pretty pups" she was smiling so widely now almost reached her ears as her round Kim eyes shone with an over exaggerated amount of excitement over the news.  Kai's heart dropped at his sister's words. How could he tell them that the person they're talking about wasn't an Omega but an Alpha? But this was his family if Kai could tell anyone it had to be them, they didn't hide anything from each other. "He's not–" he stopped when the door opened and his brother walked in, adjusting his shirt as he strode toward them. "Hey Mama!" Taehyung said cheerfully, moving to kiss their mom on the cheek. The woman smiled widely at the sight of her younger son, she wrapped an arm around Taehyung's shoulder, dropping a kiss on his forehead. "My baby boy!" Kai always knew his mom was very fond of her adopted son and it always brought a smile to his face whenever he saw the two's interactions. Taehyung was the an Omega. He was adopted into the family 8 years ago, when he presented and his birth family kicked him out–his only crime was being an Omega. Hyoyeon saw him laying on the street and immediately her motherly instincts kicked in,despite her being a beta, and she took him under her wings and gave him hers and her late husband's name.  Both Kai and his sister welcomed the new addition to their family with open arms and they never gave the Omega any reason to feel less of a Kim or made him feel he wasn't part of their family from the start. They love and care a great deal about their little brother and were both very protective of him. And Taehyung has returned the feelings, he loved his siblings despite knowing that they were half demons. Taehyung had went to the best high school and now he was currently in his first year in college–the best collage of course. And their mom had made him one of the company's models just like she made Kai. The two brothers were one of the best models in the company and not just Kim fashion empire, other companies did hire them to model for them, too. Kai had made it a habit for himself not to accept any endorsement from a company that didn't hire his brother to work along side him. It had became widely known that the Kim brothers only work as a pair. However Kai did work occasionally on his own. And that had earned Taehyung lots of respect despite being an Omega. Least to say; he was one of the most respected Omegas in their society. And Kai wouldn't sit for any less. "Hyung!" Taehyung called and Kai for the second time blinked out of his trance. "He's been doing that lately" Taeyeon said, leaning her head on the young omega's shoulder. "Why?" Taehyung scrunched up his nose– the way he usually did when worried for his siblings– holding his sister firmly against his side. "That's what we were talking about until you came in" Hyoyeon said, glancing at her younger son. "Oh am i interrupting something?" Taehyung smirked. "Adult stuff?" His mom, smacked her son on the head lightly. "Brat" Taehyung laughed, pushing his sister gently to the side. "Well" he stretched his arms. "I came to show you my lastest design" lifting his head, Kai took a proper look at the clothes his brother was wearing. It was good. Tae had improved a lot, he had been designing his own clothes and sometimes his family's for couple of years now. He hardly wear branded clothes, like Kai, opting to make an
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.