Thirty three

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  4 weeks along.


Sehun woke up to an unpleasant feeling, his stomach churning, sweat literally dripped from his forehead, an intense wave of nausea was quickly rising up inside his body, sort of like heartburn, only the omega could have sworn that he could nearly feel the sick levels building up inside him, as he started struggling to swallow. As Sehun clawed his fingers into the bed sheet, he initially resisted the urge to call to his mate, knowing that Kai must have been exhausted as he hadn’t woken up the second he did like he normally does. But after a few more seconds, the urge to be sick growing exponentially, Sehun started to get scared and he knew his scent would change and wake his mate up anyway, so the omega spoke out softly at first: "Kai?" After a few seconds with no answer, Sehun asked again, unable to stop a small tinge of worry influence his voice as he gripped his grumbling tummy, increasing it in tone slightly; "Kai?" But the alpha still lay sound asleep, the office stress had obviously absorbed every last ounce of strength the warlock possessed, and his exhaustion meant that he couldn't even hear Sehun saying his name. "Husband?" Sehun pressed again and again, getting steadily louder as his breathing got quicker.  Soon however, after still no response except the steady soft exhalations coming from his mate, Sehun's worry, spurred on by the charging tide of nausea, turned into a slightly irritated mood, illustrated by his huffing and puffing as the omega's eyes raised to the ceiling, "Kim Kai!" Sehun called again more forcefully, this time actually shaking his mate’s arm, getting slightly desperate for his husband to wake up. A deep sudden intake of breath, which inflated Kai's chest emphasising every contour of his abs, indicated that the alpha was starting to regain consciousness... but Sehun needed him now. "Alpha... I need you!" Sehun called out urgently to his mate, worried he was about to lose control and vomit all over them. Sehun's words, laced with desperate omega undertones, deafeningly echoed throughout Kai's head the second they left Sehun's lips. 'I need you... I need you... I need you'. That one plea soon became as powerful as a thousand voices, all begging for Kai to wake up and help his love, to be with him. Kai's head turned aggressively in their pillows and his face began to twist as pained winces escaped his diminishing slumber, and he soon began to claw his fingers into the sheets, obviously beginning to feel his mate’s pain. Sehun's call was so overpowering that within less than just couple of seconds of making it, the omega overrode his alpha's sheer exhaustion, and Kai's body suddenly shot up with a deep hollow gasp as his eyes shot open. Kai's actions practically made Sehun jump out of his skin as he watched his husband's actions, hovering his hands just above the warlock's skin, concerned that if he touched him it would make it worse as the alpha was clearly distressed. However, Kai was more than just distressed, he was in a full blown confused and terrified state, with his chest panting and breath dripping irrationally angrily from his mouth, his eyes scanning the room for danger. Kai knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what. As a result, the warlock had instantly prepared a surge of his most powerful magic, which was sparking aggressively off his fingertips as the fires behind his eyes raged. While each scared breath poured out of Kai, the alpha's brain kept screaming 'SEHUN'S IN DANGER! PUP IN DANGER! PROTECT, PROTECT, PROTECT!' "Sehun!! God where are you!?" Kai abruptly screamed out, his face muscles straining and contorting at the intensity of his emotional calls. While keeping one hand out stretched ready to attack, Kai thrashed his other limb behind him, searching for the most important thing in his existence. Upon witnessing his alpha losing control, Sehun acted on pure instinct as he pushed aside his own turbulent feelings, and he not only managed to catch his mates flailing hand within his own hands protective grasp, the omega also simultaneously shuffled his body along their bed, trying to position himself behind his alpha by swinging one of his legs around Kai, wanting to encase his mate with his own body.  All the while, the haze in Kai's brain soon became too much as his body slowly began to freeze with fear, he didn't realise what was happening or where Sehun was... that was until Kai felt Sehun's arm wrap firmly across his chest, which slowly started pulling him down until he felt his back plastered across the perfectly toned chest of his omega. The tension within Kai's body immediately began to dissipate as he felt safe with Sehun, his distorted breathing soon began to calm and the alpha slowly began to relax. Sehun tilted his head until his lips brushed past his alpha's ear, feeling the true extent of Kai's confusion and fear, needing to comfort him; "Shhhhh.... It's ok Kai, I'm here! I'm here... I'm here... I'm sorry..." Sehun began, lacing his soft words with as much love and calming nature as he could, emphasising these feelings by gently caressing Kai's hand and chest in small circular . "I'll always be here Kai, I'm never leaving you. Everything's okay, you're okay, I'm okay and our baby is prefect." The omega continued to whisper into Kai's ear, a small smile spreading over Sehun's face as the Magic streaming out of his alpha's hand dissipated. "S.... Sehun?" Kai stuttered out as he continued to regain his grip on reality, his eyes blinking rapidly as he took in their surroundings, but still not able to fully shake off the terrified feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Are you okay? Is... is our baby safe?" Kai almost cried out, not knowing why but he thought Sehun was in danger. He had the most terrifying dream about his mate getting attacked by Suhodeus and his demons. "Oh my god Kai of course we are! I promise we are..." Sehun wanted to say more forcefully, however a lump of sick in his throat forced him to cut his speech short. After hearing most of his omega's words, and taking a few deep controlled breaths, Kai carefully began to shuffle his head back into his husband's grasp, the residual shaking in his body being absorbed by Sehun's arms, and their warm loving link. "Kai I'm sorry" Sehun started, burying his nose into Kai's fluffy hair, needing to fill his nauseas body with his mate's scent. However this couldn't calm him as Sehun soon started shaking his head back and forth, the guilt he was feeling momentarily overtaking everything else he was experiencing. "I'm so sorry I scared you... damn it!" Sehun shouted out, not only causing his whole body to convulse, but his hand around Kai's body also clenched as he felt increasingly annoyed at what he thought was his selfishness. Kai jolted in Sehun's arms at the sudden outburst from his omega, but instead of making it worse, the jolt was exactly what Kai needed as the cloud dampening the warlock's senses and mind quickly diminished, and his whole body sparked into life. As the warlock's senses exploded, they were almost instantaneously flooded with the acrid stench of Sehun's distress. Well it should have been foul to the alpha as Sehun's pregnancy enhanced every aspect of his emotions, including the scent, but the more time Kai had spent with Sehun, and the new levels of connection they shared, emphasised by their link, the edge had been taken off the omega's negative scents. However this was how Kai knew Sehun was worried, his scent was so strong that the alpha had to fight not to turn his head. "Sehun if you say sorry once more I swear to god I'll... I'll withhold for a month!" Kai shouted out, trying to sound extremely sincere and angry, but secretly wanting to take the edge off of Sehun's worry, and he knew the best way to do that was to make him smile. Luckily, Sehun couldn't help but let out the chuckle that had rapidly built up in response to his alpha's comments, the renewed surge of serotonin charging around his body like water on a burning fire, helping to calm the sickness and guilt  had been feeling for causing Kai all of this distress. After a few seconds, Sehun felt good enough to play as his eyes narrowed and a playful grin descended over his mouth; "You couldn't even last a week without my , much less a month you craving, big dicked beautiful man" Sehun purred and nibbled into Kai's ear, his volume steadily increasing to match his growing embarrassment at what he was saying. But that wasn't the only thing growing... and Sehun knew this wasn't the time. It had the desired effect when Kai suddenly spun his whole body round, still managing to stay within Sehun's arms of course, and the warlock locked his gaze right onto his omega's eyes with his deglamoured orbs, a look of pure insultedness plastered across Kai's features with his mouth wide open, a short deep breath inhaled, and his eye brows furrowed. "Uhhhhh!" Kai sighed out, "I could so last a week!" Sehun just responded with a 'really' pout, with his lips tightly shut and his head falling slightly to the right to emphasise the ridiculousness of what the alpha had just said. The intense stare from Sehun started unnerving Kai, at first his fingers twitched in the bed sheet, but it was his eyes that were the first to break from their position as they started bolting back and forth. ' this man.... what he does to me!' Kai managed to think in his head, never experiencing anything like this before because he was usually the dominant alpha, and even other alpha's bowed to his strength... but Sehun was holding his own and even teasing him. "You do the same to me" Sehun murmured out with a wide grin spreading across his face. Kai kept changing from a stunned look to a frustrated one." I said that out loud didn't I?" Sehun simply nodded and tightened his lips, fighting a losing battle to stop his grin turning into a full teeth smile, knowing Kai was a bit fragile still. "4 days?" Kai questioned hopefully. Again Sehun responded by just shaking his head in denial, his smile still present. "3 days... come on!" The warlock pleaded comically, trying to look very serious. "More like 2" Sehun whispered into Kai's ear as he moved his head to rest on his love's shoulder, "and I wouldn't have it any other..." 'Oh my god he's right!?' Kai said to himself again, this time ensuring it was to himself, but... why did Sehun stop? Kai quickly manoeuvred his other hand from Sehun's, and he placed both over his omega's shoulders and started trying to push him out of the crease between his own neck and shoulder, hating breaking their hug. As Sehun tried to resist, Kai's suspicions were confirmed when the underlying turbulence in their link that the alpha had become aware of suddenly intensified, and a wave of nausea spread over his own body. "Sehun stop!" Kai ordered, hating to use nearly the full extent of his alpha influence, but something was wrong with his mate. The omega froze as his eyes crunched shut and his short sharp puffs of air illustrated his growing sadness and fear, and Kai could feel it all. He also felt Sehun's resistance stopping after his words, so Kai carefully pushed Sehun upright and the change in his omega was obvious from the sickly colour of his face alone. "Oh Sehun why didn't you tell me you were feeling like this?" Kai nearly roared out at his mate, but during his outburst, he had unconsciously started gripping his own stomach, the link between them transferring some of what Sehun was feeling. All of the fight had been taken out of Sehun by how he was feeling, and Kai was shouting at him and he knew he was going to throw up soon and he had failed his alpha and... as the cacophony of thoughts swirled around Sehun's head, a tear began to fall down his cheek, cursing himself for failing Kai as his body started to shake. Kai could see his own distorted reflection in the tear that fell down his beloved's face, a look of anger and ra
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747 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.