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Min firm was huge, it had dozens of attorneys despite it being Omegas right law firm. Yoongi who had inherited a crazy amount of wealth from his late father, established it with the intention to help omegas. Be their voice and fight for their rights. And it was doing great with the help of the American government–ministry of gender equality and world omegas supportive unit– that helped with the funds to keep the firm running. Yoongi had been Kris' friend, they went to same college and graduated bar school as the tops of their classes. Some of their professors had been sad and disappointed when Yoongi told them he'd planned on starting a law firm to help Omegas. They saw it as a waste of time for someone as good as Yoongi to dedicate his money, time, energy and skills in helping omegas. But Yoongi hadn't cared about their opinions. He never had, because he knew he was on the right path. And when Kris left his family and decided to join the other Alpha in his quest, the firm had become even more popular. Sehun had learned all those things from his brother and it made him extremely proud of both Yoongi and Kris. He was greeted by a woman with a huge smile on her face at the front desk, and from how sweet she smelled Sehun could tell she was an Omega. "Good morning sir, how may I help you?"  Sehun acknowledged her with a nod. "I am here to see Kris Wu!" His brother had changed his last name from Oh to Wu. It didn't sit right with Sehun but he understood his brother needed to do it since their parents had made it clear he was no longer part of the family. If only her smile grew even more wider. "Now that you've mentioned his name, you must be his brother right?" Sehun nodded and wondered how she knew that. "I've seen your photos in his office" she answered as if having read his thoughts. "I was there to give him some files. Mr. Min left for me to pass over." She quickly added and Sehun just hummed, he didn't have a problem with anyone being in his brother's office. "His office is on the last floor by the left, Take the elevator on the right." She pointed at said elevator and Sehun bowed politely with a thanks before heading to the elevators. He met another Omega, but this time a boy– man on his way up, the man gave a short bow and Sehun bowed back. When the elevator came to a stop he stepped out but stopped because he didn't know which way to go there were many doors in the direction the lady pointed out, so he turned to the Omega that just exited the elevator with him. "Excuse me please." The man lifted his head to look at him. "Yes?" "Can you direct me to Kris Wu's office please." "Oh it's the second door by your left." He said pointing at said office. "Thanks." Sehun bowed at him before turning to leave but the man stopped him and Sehun turned to face him. "Please be careful with what you do in life." "Excuse me?" Sehun furrowed his brows.  "I am just saying, I am aware we don't know each other and it's not my place to tell you how to live your life, but I sensed your aura is different from any other person I've met. When I say different I mean not in a good way. I am sorry if I startled you but my conscious will never let me live in peace if don't say anything. Please stop whatever you are doing to yourself, your counterpart is distraught." He bowed deeply at Sehun. "I am Kim Seokjin Have a good day." And just like that he walked away leaving Sehun to stare at his retreating figure. Baffled. It took him some seconds before he blinked out of his daze and proceeded to his brother's office. Kim Seokjin's words swirling around his head. He knocked softly on the door and heard his brother shout a 'Come in' before he pushed the door open.  Kris greeted him with a wide smile when he saw Sehun walked in. "Sehunnie!" He exclaimed rising to to his feet and met his brother halfway. "What a pleasant surprise." And Sehun could tell his brother was really surprise but in pleasant way to see him. "Hyung!" Was what he was able to say before Kris pulled him into his arms. "I can't believe you're actually in my office." "Well it's about ing time" came another voice from behind them. They pulled back and Sehun turned around to see Yoongi striding in, holding some files in his hand. "Yoongi hyung. It's good to see you." "Come here kid" Yoongi dropped the files on a nearby chair and opened his arms wide to receive the younger. Sehun moved to give the other Alpha a hug. "Good to see you too. How have you been?" Yoongi asked with a grin. They pulled back as Sehun responded. "Good." Yoongi ruffled his hair before moving to take the files and placed them on Kris desk. "I will leave you two to catch up. These are the files you asked for, make sure you take a look at and give that er what he deserves. Jail, Restraining orders, Supervised visits with children, Termination of parental rights if possible. I want you to get the er all of those." Sehun chuckled, shaking his head. That's how Min Yoongi was."what happened? if you don't mind me asking" "Not at all, there's this bastard that cheated on his pregnant mate and he beats him up when the Omega asked for an explanation. He's still in the hospital as we speak, broken ribs, dislocated joints, miscarriage and internal bleeding. The worst part is they have kids and that er beats his mate up in front of said children. I was at the hospital for my monthly check up and I heard the Omega's brother telling a friend about it and you know how I am, I stepped in an asked the Omega to file a complaint against his cheap excuse of a mate. We're going to deal with him and he'll regret ever laying his hands on a helpless Omega who couldn't defend himself." Sehun was very proud of what Yoongi and his brother chose to do with their lives to help omegas. "I am proud of you two, I hope you know that." He needed them to know.  It was because of people like his brother and Yoongi that it was bearable to live in their society. "We know." Yoongi patted his back."I need go see my mate to be now. Come over sometime." Sehun nodded. "I will and I didn't know you were courting someone." Yoongi gave his usual gummy smile. "He's so beautiful. The prettiest omega I've ever seen." Now he was making dreamy eyes.  Sehun was certain, who ever ended up to be Yoongi's mate would be very lucky, everyone knew how Yoongi respected Omegas. "I would love to meet him sometime." "Oh you will, just let me know when you're ready to come, I will invite him over to join us." "That would work." "Alright kid, see you soon." With that the attorney tiptoed to kiss Sehun's forehead."Why the are you so tall" Yoongi grumbled. "It's not my fault you're so short hyung." Sehun laughed at the face Yoongi made as he headed for the door. Sehun then turned to face his brother, that was already skimming through the file Yoongi had dropped on his desk. "Come sit." The older moved to the couch available in his office, making a gesture for Sehun to join him. Sehun did that and Kris closed the file before giving his full attention to his brother. "Hyung!" He called and Kris hummed. " there's something I want to tell you." "Okay, you can tell me anything Hunnie." Kris said in his usual soft calming voice. Sehun swallowed thickly, he had come here with the intention of telling his brother about his true self, and suddenly he felt nervous. But If anyone would understand, it was his brother because he would never judge him and the Alpha didn't have anything against Omegas– yet he was being hesitant. He had never talked about this with anyone except his best friend. Jimin was the only person he had sat down with and told his secret. Kris noticed his hesitation and grabbed Sehun's hand and held them with a gentle squeeze. "Sehun, it's okay if you don't want to talk about whatever it is." Sehun shook his head. "No I want you to know, I know you'd never judge me." Kris nodded. "I'd never." He said firmly. "The truth is: I am not an Alpha."  "Okay." Kris encouraged him to go on. "Actually I am an Omega." He held his breath, closing his eyes as if waiting for his brother's verdict. "It's okay Hunnie, you're not alone." Came his brother's soft response.  Sehun opened his eyes, now glassy to look into his brother's. And what he saw was acceptance, brotherly love and pride, not an ounce of judgement. Sehun let out a deep breath and threw himself into his brother's arms who held him tightly, protectively. He didn't know why he was crying but he just felt the need to do so. "I was so scared of how mom and dad would've reacted, that's why I hid it the moment I got back from the presentation center." Kris hummed, rubbing soothing circles on his back. "You did what you had to, no one will blame you." "But now I am not sure about my choices any more, I've met this guy, he's a nice– amazing Alpha and he made feel things I've never felt or wanted to feel before. I want him so much." "It's okay to want someone that much, you have the right to feel what your heart tells you." "He doesn't know I am an Omega. I am so scared of telling him even though I know he doesn't have anything against my class." It was the first time he admitted of Omega as his class and surprisingly it felt right to say it. "You don't have to rush, take your time." Kris brushed his fingers through his hair and Sehun buried his face deeper into his brother's chest, his brother's ginger and honey scent had always been calming. "We aren't a thing though, but I want to believe he felt something for me even if it's the slightest– even if he doesn't know what I truly am, I want his feelings for me to be solely for me not because of my secondary gender. But I am confused and conflicted." "It's okay to be confused, I am sure you'll figure it out eventually." "He's so handsome." "If you said he is then I am sure he is." "Hyung!" He suddenly whined, hitting Kris' chest weakly. "I am serious." "And I am serious too Hunnie." He lifted Sehun's chin, cupping his face with both hands. "Whatever you said just now wasn't a joke nor did I take it to be one." Sehun nodded, nuzzling his brother's wrist. "I don't think I deserve him." "You deserve whatever it is you want, you're a good boy, now grown into a great man, no one will say otherwise." "You're saying this because I am your brother." "It's the truth, I am sure whoever gets to spend time with you would agree with me" Was he really a great man like to his brother had said? He wanted to believe that but he doubted if he was. Great men didn't hide who they were, they take criticism no matter how bad it might be, with their heads high not cower away from them. He could say Jimin and Taehyung were the example of great men." I want to tell mom and dad but I don't think I am ready to do that just yet." He decided not to think about his non-greatness. "Whenever you're ready, like I've said, there's no need to rush. And I will be there to support you. You know I will." He said wiping the omega's tears away. Sehun smiled, feeling lucky to have Kris as his big brother and he regretted not telling him sooner."This guy I am having feelings for is a warlock, you know what that means?" Kris nodded. "Yeah I do and it doesn't matter as long as he's good for
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.