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Sehun looked deeply into those eyes and he swore he'd never seen anything as beautiful as them. Kai's usual brown eyes were glowing yellow– no Golden that almost shone with an inner light, black pupils slitted like an animal's… cat's. There were green flecks among the gold with touches of red in them that indicated he was an Alpha. Sehun had seen yellow eyes on omegas, he had them too when in his wolf form but Kai's were different, they're exactly like cat's. And he was already falling in love with those gorgeous eyes. However Kai took his reaction negativly, as he quickly turn around giving his back to Sehun, obviously to hide his eyes, the moment Taeyeon alerted her brother. He understood Kai was different, he wasn't just human/wolf but was something else as well. Sehun didn't know much about demon blooded but he had a few ideas about them. Had read in books and came to know about the existence of demons and how they took human form to be with those that they fell in love with. With no doubt he was certain one of Kai's parents was a demon, which make Kai half demon. But to Sehun it didn't matter what Kai was, he was beautiful either way. He understood Kai's fear because his kind were looked down upon just like how omegas were.The only difference was that not everyone knew about the existence of demon blooded wolves that lived amongst the society. And that was why they usually wear a glamour to hide their true identity and Kai must have unintentionally let his glamour slipped. Sehun wasn't about to make Kai feel objectional because of what he was. Slowly, he make his way over to where Kai stood and placed a hand on his shoulders. When Kai tensed, he gently turned the Alpha to face him. Kai hung his head refusing to look Sehun in the eye and that made something to tug unpleasantly in Sehun's heart. He must to make Kai understand that Sehun had nothing against demon blood."Hey" Sehun said in the softest voice he knew he had. "Look at me"  Kai raised his head to look into Sehun's eyes for a brief moment before he closed his those beautiful feline eyes."No don't hide them. They're beautiful" Sehun said what had been on his mind the moment he saw those cat like eyes. Hearing that, Kai opened his eyes, and they stayed locked on Sehun's. "Y-you think my eyes are beautiful?" he breathed out, it was barely a whisper and Sehun nodded. "You don't know what it means" Kai shook his head slightly. "I don't know much, but I have a little knowledge about demon blooded wolves." Kai's beautiful eyes went wide, making him to appear even more handsome. God he was so ing pretty."You knew about that?" He asked and Sehun nodded once again. "And you're not scared of me?" There was hope in his voice as he said that and Sehun wasn't about to crush it. He shook his head slowly. "No I am not." Subconsciously, he began to caress Kai's cheek with his thumbs. Kai let out a deep breath. "Thank you" he said, a small smile curving his lips. "I'm gonna go" Jiyong said and they both turned to where the other had been stood. Sehun had totally forgotten about Jiyong's presence, and now that he remembered, all the older Alpha had said came crashing down on him. Why did Jiyong despise him? And what did he mean by all those things he said? Yes I just met him but I have the ability to know who he really is. And don't ask me what that is because it's not my place to tell .. Did Jiyong really know what Sehun's secondary gender was? His heart made a dangerous flip at the thought. Kai gently removed Sehun's hands from his face before turning to the direction Jiyong stood. "No hyung I want to talk to you before you leave." He moved over to his brother in law. So many questions swirling around Sehun's head, he wished he could just ask Jiyong and the latter would be straight forward with him. But he knew he wouldn't get anything from him. It was obvious that Jiyong didn't like him. His eyes followed Kai as he pulled his brother out of the house but not before Jiyong turning to give Sehun a menacing look and Sehun almost cowered away but he held his ground. "I am sorry about the way my husband acted" he heard Taeyeon said. He quickly turned to face her already shaking his head."No please you don't have to apologise. It's okay." He brushed it off as nothing, which wasn't true, he knew he would never have a peace of mind until he understood what Jiyong meant. "It's not okay. He shouldn't–" she let out a deep breath. "He normally doesn't behave the way he did, I don't know what got over him." "Noona!" Sehun called gently. "It's fine really." He reassured. She didn't look convinced but she nodded, Sehun could smell her unhappy scent spiking.  "You don't have to feel guilty about anything. I understand that not everyone have to like me" he shrugged, trying to appear unbothered. "So please don't beat yourself up about it." "You're too sweet." She finally smiled. "I would love to stay and get to know you better but I really have to go. Hope you don't mind us catching up next time?" He nodded. "Of course." She moved to kiss his cheek and patted Jungkook on the shoulder, ruffling his hair slightly before making her way out. Jungkook pulled him down the moment Taeyeon was out of sight and they both sat on the couch. "So tell me about yourself beautiful." Sehun chuckled softly, he just met Jungkook but he decided he like the other. "Are you flirting with me?" Jungkook made a gesture, placing his hand over his chest and gasped dramatically. "I'd never." Then he grinned. "I only flirt with Park Jimin even though he hates it when I does that. He usually smack my head and tell me to shut up." Sehun laughed out loud, he knew how his best friend was. It was typical of Jimin.
**** "What happened back there?" Kai asked, stopping in front of Jiyong's car, he didn't understand why Jiyong had said those things and treated Sehun the way he did and Kai knew his brother in-law good enough to know he must have a tangible reason if he didn't like Sehun from the start.It was part of ability to know about one's true nature. "What do you want me to say Kai?" Jiyong raise an eyebrow. "The truth." Kai crossed his arms over his chest. His feline eyes were gone, now replaced by his usual brown eyes. "I know you hyung. You don't do things without a reason, I am asking you to justify your actions." "I don't have to justify anything. I just don't like him. Period" "No" Kai shook his head. "There's more to it." "Look Kai, I Know you like him but he's not good for you." "Why would you say that?" "He's an Oh" "Not enough." "It's enough reason to stay away from him, I don't want you to get hurt." "Please hyung what are you not telling me?" "Why don't you just ask him? Like I've said before it's not my place to tell." "Then why bring it up in first place?" Jiyong groaned, opening the back seat to place his sleeping son inside, before walking to the drive seat. "Just please–" he trailed off glancing at Kai with an expression the younger couldn't decipher " drop it." He got into his car and that's when Taeyeon joined them. "You know I can't do that." Kai said stubbornly, leaning slightly against the car. "Do whatever you want to do Kai. Just go back to your Alpha." One thing Kai could pick from Jiyong's words was the undeniable hint of mockery when he said the word Alpha. Kai almost growl at that, feeling his inner Alpha protested as if it didn't approve of the tittle and Kai that was lost to Kai. "He's not my Alpha." He said what his counterpart had roared inside him. "That's what he is. isn't it?" "Jiyong" Taeyeon warned. "What? I just stated the obvious. You're my Alpha and I am yours" he pointed at his wife. "I don't see the big deal in calling him Kai's Alpha." He ended his sentence in more profound mockery. "What the hell is your problem?" Kai was getting irritated with his brother in law.  "What? Aren't you going to take his knot? Am I wrong?" He scoffed. Kai hit the car angrily and he himself wasn't sure why he was so angry–startling the sleeping boy awake and immediatly the boy started crying. He knew if he was going to be with Sehun, it was only nature to take his knot. Jiyong was right but his inner Alpha couldn't approve of it. Feeling his features started changing, Kai could tell his wolf wanted. "Stop it both of you" Taeyeon growled, her eyes flashing red and her skin slightly changing to blue, she must be very mad at the two of them for her to let her glamour slips. The blue skin was her warlock mark. "Stop being immature" she moved to the back seat where her son was sitting still crying, calling out to his mom. She picked the boy up and cradled him into her arms, rocking him slowly. "Just go inside Kai and you" she gave her husband an unimpressed look. "ing drive and let's go home" Kai closed his eyes and took a deep breath to regain his composure.  "I will get the truth out of him." Knowing her husband wouldn't be able to hear it without her consent, she sent a telepathic message to her brother. It was one of the Kims ability, they could communicate telepathically just like mated pairs. It was slightly different though. They could only speak to one another that way, but couldn't sense the other's emotions. Kai nodded and without a word, turning around and headed back inside.
Sehun glanced up when the front door opened as Kai walked in with a grim expression on his face. Sehun could guess the talk he had with Jiyong didn't go well. Jungkook instantly stood up when he his friend approached. "I will take my leave now" Sehun didn't want his new friend to go suddenly. Jungkook was an interesting guy that coaxed a series of laughter from him.,He brought him joy that only a friend could for the short amount of time he'd known the Alpha, but he needed to talk to Kai and reassure him everything was okay between them. Just because Kai had demon blood in him wouldn't change their friendship. Are we even friends? Sehun wasn't sure but he certainly wouldn't mind becoming friends with Kai. If he couldn't have him the way his inner omega wanted then at least he could be with him in as a friend. "Back to earth Sehun." Jungkook snapped his fingers at his face and Sehun blinked at the Alpha. "I'm gonna go now" he repeated. Sehun nodded, taking Jungkook's offered hand to stand on his feet. "I can't get enough of these soft hand" Jungkook squeezed his hand slightly. "I thought you said you weren't flirting with me?" "Oh I was not." "Yeah you didn't" he chuckled softly. "It was really nice to meet you once again." He gave Jungkook's hand a firm shake.  "The feeling is mutual" Jungkook grinned before finally pulling his hand back.  "Should I see you off?" Sehun asked Jungkook shook his head. "That won't be necessary. Thanks." He then turned to face Kai. "See you tomorrow Kai, and please tell Kyungsoo to come over tonight I want talk to him and he's not answering his God damn phone." "I am not your personal messenger, you know where he lives" "True but he's your not boyfriend, he'll listen to you better. And I saw his jacket in your bedroom." He patted Kai's shoulders with both hands ignoring the way Kai glared at him. "I know you love me." He winked at his best friend before turning to wave at Sehun and then headed for the exit. Sehun's heart was clenching at what Jungkook said. Who was this Kyungsoo? Was he the guy he saw in Kai's room this morning? Was he really Kai's boyfriend? Suddenly he felt like his breath was going to cease, that feeling from earlier was creeping up, wanting to crawl out. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he shouldn't be feeling this way– jealous over a guy who was nothing but a housemate to him. However his inner Omega disagreed with him, it kept telling him Kai wasn't simply his housemate and the damn animal wanted to crawl out. He couldn't allow that, not now, not ever. It clawed at his mind making his head to pound violently like it was being split in half. Suddenly, he felt strong arms holding him, Sehun realized he was about to fall. Kai looked at him worriedly. "Are you okay?" He asked. They were so close that he could feel Kai's breath on his face. Sehun tried not to think about the closeness and instead focused on keeping his inner animal in check. He managed a small nod. "Yeah, just a bit dizzy."he tried to free himself from Kai's grip but that only prompted the Alpha to tightened his hold. Kai brought a hand and placed it on Sehun's forehead, obviously to feel his temperature. "You're warm." He said and
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.