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    He felt much more like a human after taking the shower, even though a part of him was against washing Kai's scent off.He changed into a clean set of clothes Jimin had given him and ate the food his brother brought. Yoongi, Taehyung, Chanyeol, his brother and best friend all watched him while he ate. After finishing his food, Sehun pushed the plate aside and turn to face his best friend who had a frown on his face."Something wrong?" He asked. Jimin let out deep breath. "Your mom called me, she said she's been trying your number but wasn't going through and she thought that I would probably know what happened to you since she's aware we're still friends even though she particularly asked you not to be friends with me" he ran a hand through his hair. "She wants to see you, I told her you were busy with exams that's why you switched off your phone." he finished with another sigh. "When?" "She said as soon as possible, it's urgent" Sehun rolled his eyes, his mom could be dramatic sometimes, he was sure it was nothing serious. She just wanted him to go see her sooner than he might take to do that. He nodded. "I will go see her tomorrow." "So how are you feeling?" Yoongi moved to where Sehun was sitting, placing a hand on the younger's shoulder. Sehun looked up and gave Yoongi a small smile. "I am better." Yoongi hummed. "Good, you should have more rest though." He ruffled Sehun's hair. "And I want you to know you're not alone, you have me– us" his eyes darted around the room for a brief moment. "To support you. I am not going to ask questions because I know you have a reason to hide what you are from the start, I would never judge you kid. And before I forget, I talked to one of your professors and lied– not really lied but told the half truth that you were sick and he said you could take your exams when you get better. " Sehun leaned into Yoongi's hand that was now caressing his face, the Alpha's scent was calming and Sehun was thinking of adding Yoongi's things to his nest, he was a family to him. "Thank you hyung" Yoongi nodded and moved aside when Taehyung stepped forward, the alpha giving the two omegas some space. Taehyung pulled Sehun into his arms and Sehun wrapped his own arms around his friend's middle. "Glad you're okay, I was so scared something would happen to you." Sehun held his friend tighter. "I really appreciate your concern." "Jiyeon was worried about you, he even portaled himself here to see you." Sehun broke the hug to be able to look at Taehyung. "He did?" Taehyung nodded. "He doesn't understand what was happening, he just missed you." A genuine smile curved Sehun's lips, his heart growing a few more sizes at the thought of his little friend. "I miss him too, I uhm want to thank your brother for his help." He didn't know if it was the right thing to do, but he did appreciated Kai's help. The Alpha had helped him without knowing Sehun had imprinted on him or that he was Sehun true mate, Kai was a good man the least Sehun could do was thank him. There was no need to hide in the house, it had already happened, Kai knew about him and there was no changing it. Taehyung grinned. "He's in our family house, I can give you the address." "I didn't say I was going to your house, I can thank him on the phone." "You don't have a phone now" Jimin piped up, a smile on his face as well."It would be better if you visit him" Sehun groaned, but his friend was right, he turned to where his brother was, silently asking for help and the Alpha smiled and nodded, Sehun smiled back at his brother before turning to his friends "I will do that within the week." Jimin made a disapproving sound. "Why not today?" Sehun rolled his eyes for the second time. "He left the house for a reason Jimin, I need to clear my head for while." "Alright" Taehyung clapped his hands, there was a definite enthusiasm to his demeanor and Sehun wondered why Tae seemed so happy. "I will text you– oh wait, you don't have a phone now." "I will get a new one today." "Alright, call me when you get one so i can text you the address." Sehun nodded."I will." "Or I think I will just write it down on a piece of paper." Taehyung said moving to the table, he picked a pen and paper and scribbled the address before passing it to Sehun. Sehun accepted it and shoved it into his pocket without taking a look at it. "Hey Sehunnie!" Chanyeol said, and Sehun turned to face the older, that was sitting beside his boyfriend. "Hey hyung" "How are you feeling this morning?" "I am good." Chanyeol nodded. "So you will stop taking the meds now?" Sehun shook his head. "I can't stop, not yet, i will have to continue with my mediation." "What?" Chanyeol nearly shouted, shuffling to stand like Sehun said the most unbelievable thing. "Why would you take those if they're making you sick?" "I have to, my parents" "Are you seriously considering your parents right now?" "I don't know how they'll react." "You know it's possible they might understand" Yoongi said from where he stood. Sehun shook his head. "You don't know my parents, they expect nothing less than perfection. Always" he emphasized, running his hands through his hair. "Sometimes I wonder if I could live up to it. I don't want to disappoint them." "You were in extreme agony before Kai got here Sehun." Chanyeol continued. "your body would have over heated– heck you could have died yesterday, and  I am certain you parents won't be affected or give a you're gone and you talk about not wanting to disappoint them?." He pointed a finger at Kris. "Do you know how he was last night? He couldn't sleep, stayed all night because he was terribly worried something might go wrong even with Kai by your side. I had to give him something to help him sleep and even when he got a few hours of shut eyes, he was talking in his sleep calling your name over and over again. So Oh Sehun if you are ever considerate about someone it should be yourself and your brother" he took a deep breath. Sehun blinked back the tears threatening to fall, he understood where Chanyeol was coming from. He really did. He also wished the other would understand how he felt too, he was grateful and lucky to have Kris as his brother and all of them as his friends, he truly appreciated their support but Sehun wasn't ready to tell his parents yet,  "I am truly grateful for your support– I am so sorry for making you all worried. But my parents will disown me if they know the truth and I don't know what to do with my life if that happens. My whole life I've depended on them." He couldn't have them turn their backs on him now, he still needed them. He had to finish his studies and get a good job. Now things would only get messy for him. Who would he depend on? Who would sponsor him to finish his collage? He blinked out of his thoughts when he heard Chanyeol speaking again. "So what if they disown you? So what if they can't accept you? Look at your brother he's no longer an Oh but he's doing perfectly fine and he's happy" Chanyeol jabbed a finger toward Kris. Kris came closer and rested his hand on Chanyeol's neck, gently rubbing at his scent gland."you shouldn't make him do something he's not ready to do" he said softly. "I've lived in Oh household for 26 years and I know what they are like and how they despised Omegas. Sehun being one of their own won't change their view on omegas, don't be harsh on him" Chanyeol let out a deep breath and threw his head up for a moment, wordlessly starting at the ceiling. "I wish I am as courageous as Kris hyung, but I am not and our situation differs he's an Alpha who had a masters degree when our parents disowned him, while I am an Omega who pretended to be an Alpha for four years and I am still in college, if they cut me out now I don't know how to finish my studies, I have one more year to go– my– my life would be difficult without their support now." "No Sehun, I am not asking you to do what you're not ready to do, but your life will never be difficult without your parents like you might thought it would be–  I will support you, I will sponsor for your education and get you anything money can buy and not just me, your brother and a lot of people out there would be willing to support you till the very end. Your dynamic doesn't matter to us" Yoongi said, his tone firm but soft at same time. Sehun averted his gaze to the white curtains, he could smell the gentle support coming from the three Alphas in the room  Alphas have a way to help omegas in so many ways, sending calming scents was one of them. And he did appreciate it. "Like I've told you the other day, there's no rush. Take your time and do what you want to do at your pace, I will always be here for you." His brother said and Sehun turned to face him. "I know" he said, then proceeded to give his brother a hug. The omegas joined the hug when Jimin asked if they could join, but the Alphas didn't ask, they stayed on their spot not wanting to overwhelm Sehun who had just gotten out of a suppressed heat. Instead they continued to tell him they're here for him through their scents. "Thank you." He told them. "All of you." "No need to thank us, we're your family too–"Yoongi said but he sounded a little unsure. "At least I consider you to be one" "I consider you all my family too" he said and he meant it. "Then you have nothing to worry." Chanyeol said and this time he spoke with a smile on his face.
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.