Twenty five.

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About important chapter. Please read carefully.


  Kai woke up to an empty house and he almost freaked out but Sehun's text was enough to assure him that his omega was alright. He took a bath, ate some breakfast–lunch before deciding to go talk with Jungkook's father about the mating. The Jeons were one of the oldest (even older than the Kwons) powerful and also counsel members of the warlocks' community and they're best known for their knowledge about anything regarding to ancient history of their kind. If anyone could tell Kai if a royal warlock had ever mated with a mortal it was them, Kai had set his mind on mating with Sehun and he wanted a way that would let them live together for a very long time if not eternity. He had never felt his immortality as heavy as he did now. When he had nothing to lose, when his heart had been protected inside an iron fort, when he had been lost in carnal pleasure, when he didn’t have anything to be afraid of—it had been easy to embrace his immortality as a gift, a lucky few got to have. Now…, now an amalgamation of disparate feelings assailed him. He also knew that Sehun might be infertile. And again if anyone could have information on how to help his omega, were the Jeons. Dressing himself in a casual outfit, Kai directly opened a portal to the Jeons mansion. "Jesus!" Jungkook's omega father startled, almost dropping the plates he was holding. "Kai for God sake when will you stop doing that?" Kai rubbed the back of his neck, he had a nasty habit of startling the Jeons as he liked to portal into their home uninvited. "Sorry" he said with a grin. "That's what you always said" the omega smacked his head lightly and Kai grinned even wider. "You're not sorry you brat, I will have to raise the ward around my home on maximum alert to stop you from startling me all the damn time" he said but Kai knew he didn't mean what he just said. "Jungkook is not home, he spent the night in his penthouse with Jimin again" the older emphasized the word 'again' as he moved to drop the plates on the dining table. "Ohh Kook must be having the best moments of his life." Kai said in a playful tone. "Where's Jungsuk?" "At his Alpha's place." Kai hummed. "Actually I am not here to see Kook, I came to talk to you." "Oh" the older turned to face Kai. "What is it? Is everything alright?" He sounded worried. And Kai quickly nodded. "Everything is fine, I just have a few questions about mating." "Oh Gods, please tell me you're not here just for me to tell you how to have with your Omega during his heat" Kai laughed, his cheeks coloring slightly . "I know how to do that, I want to know if you've heard anything about a Royal warlock mating a mortal." "You mean soul bond?" Jungkook's father eyes lit up. "You're not only going to mate him but you're going to bond your soul with his?" "Soul bond?" "You don't know what that is?" Kai shook his head. "No, I've heard of it. But I don't know much about it or how it works" "Come, they're a lot you need understand" he ushered Kai into the living room."I need you to listen to me carefully." He took a seat and Kai sat next to him as the older conjured two cups of tea for them. "A soul-bond is when you share your soul with your mate, a part of you will be in them and same for you a part of them will be in you. Mortals do have something similar to that, but they call it blood-bond. A blood-bond created between two who were mortal meant that their life energy would be evened out between the two. If one got sick, it would pull from the life energy of the other to even out the difference, the idea being that they would live and eventually die together. Between two who were immortal, that simply wasn’t an issue and between a mortal and immortal it usually slow the aging of the mortal, about doubling their expected lifespan or even more. But in a case like yours– i mean a royal i don't know if it will stop the aging completely or if your mate will be immortal as well. It wasn’t common, if anything it is very rare. For my two hundred years I've never heard or seen anything related to royal warlock and a mortal mating." Hearing that, hope bloomed inside Kai, even if he couldn't really be with Sehun for eternity at least a hundred or more years would be worth it. "But you have to know it can be dangerous if not performed the right way, you can lose your Omega for good" Kai's heart sank at the thought of something going wrong and causing him to lose Sehun for good. He would have to make sure to do it properly and everything would be find. "i want to do it" “Kai are you sure about this?” the older pressed giving him a stern look ,but Kai knew that the omega only wanted to make sure that he knew what he was possibly signing up for. Lowering the cup with the tea, Kai let out a sigh “I’m sure of it” he said, feeling somewhat defeated.  "When one of the two passed when both were mortal, it was hard for the one left behind, but when the one left behind was immortal it usually took less than a century for the person to ‘lose their mind’ and end up ending their own life. It was a risk my mate and i had taken, but the risk there was lower because for all intent and purposes we should both live for hundreds of years; if you make that bond with your Omega, you might be signing up for 100 to 200 years maybe, if you're lucky." "You did say though that there is no documented case of mortal creating a soul-bond with any royal warlock, maybe it’s different” he tried, feeling his inner Alpha clinging to the idea as he went on “Maybe he’ll live for hundreds of years or even gain immortality.” Jungkook's father looked at him with almost a hint of pity in his eyes “Are you willing to bet your life on it? if it is not different, you will be alone until the end of your days once he passes”. Kai felt the urge to lash out, to portal the Jeon omega into the desert or under the deepest sea at the mere mention of his mate’s demise, clenching his fists tightly for the few seconds it took for the rational part of his brain to kick into gear again. Swallowing back a growl, he slowly nodded. It was one thing for him to think about it, that Sehun one day might pass away and leave him behind, but someone else pointing it out hurt just as much. “Sehun is special” he said. His inner Alpha preened at his words. After he had let himself calm down again, it wasn’t Mr. Jeon's fault that he was so on edge and it wouldn’t be fair to let it out on him, even less when he was a guest in his home.  If they did this, even if Sehun's life was just extended another hundred years or so, it meant he would put his mate through the pain of watching almost everyone close to him grow old and die before him. Kai didn’t like to think of it, but he knew that it wasn’t fair to ask Sehun to possibly have to experience the same if he couldn’t even bring himself to think about it himself. Looking at the cup he was still holding onto, Kai was going over the different scenarios in his head. The pros and cons, not just for himself but for Sehun. The older Omega had gone completely silent again, having leant back in his chair and was now holding a book that Kai couldn’t remember having seen anywhere close before now, guessing he must have zoned out for a little bit, glad the other man was giving him time to think. Closing his eyes, he tried to picture what their lives would be like in twenty years, thirty, forty and with every year he went on he found himself smiling wider to himself, enjoying the possible future he was making for them. He couldn’t even picture a life without him now and he didn’t want to. He wanted Sehun to stay in his life for as long as possible, even if doing this only gave him another ten years with his Omega it would be worth it. Opening his eyes again he met the older dark brown ones, the omega smiling now. “One can only assume that you have made up your mind, going of course by your posture and facial expression” he said and it was only then Kai realised that he had sat up straighter, no longer staying slumped down in the deep chair and he was now smiling. “I have” Kai put the cup down and for the second time and smiled “I still need time to think about how to do this” he said, feeling happy with his decision, the small pieces of doubt he had been having before all but faded away.  "I was a mortal when I met my husband, and luckily for me he happened to be my true mate, and the moment I met him i knew he was the one and I didn't want to live without him, I've lived for over two centuries and I am still young, maybe it will be the same or even more for you." Omega Jeon had said that he knew Alpha Jeon was the one for him, that he didn’t want and couldn’t live without him and that was what Kai felt too when it came to Sehun. As much as he thought back fondly on the moment when Sehun had said he wanted him to be his Alpha and to their conversations about creating their mate bond, he wanted this to be something a little different, a little bit more lit-candles and roses kind of special.  "I will have my husband write the instructions down for you when he gets home and will send it over, he's the warlock and was the one that performed the bonding ritual, it's not just about the Kai, the special bonding will happen after you've bitten each other. Well my husband knew better how this works." Kai nodded, taking a deep breath before deciding to talk about the other matter at hand. "Thank you, but I have something else to discuss with you." Mr. Jeon dropped the book he was holding and lifted his head to look at Kai. "I am listening." "My Omega has been taking suppressants for four years, and I think– no I am sure it has affected his womb, he had a dream– we both had dreams, a message from our counterparts. Is there something that can help him– us? I love him so much and I won't mind much if he can't have my children but I still haven't told him the damage he's done to himself, he'll blame and will never forgive himself for it and I can't have that" Jungkook's father nodded along with Kai's words to make the younger know he understood what he just said, he took a deep breath."Well yes, there's something that can help him" he said and Kai shifted a little, a small smile curving on his face. "If your dad were alive things would have been easier but since he's not then I think one of your dad's family could help, they're royal demons and only the Royal's have the ability to cure infertility." Kai's face fell as he stared at the older. "What do you mean?" "I was open about it, it wasn't a trick answer, only royal demons can help your Omega" he repeated firmly. "But where will I find them? They're all in Edom." "You'll have to go to them. You're part royal demon, you have the ability to portal yourself to Edom." "No" Kai shook his head, he couldn't go to Edom, his dad had died to make sure he wouldn't be there. And he wasn't going to let his father's sacrifice go in vain even if it meant never having a child of his own. They could find another way or adopt a child but going to the one place his father didn't want him to be was out of the options. "I can't do that, I can't go to Edom. You know what happened to my dad." The older nodded. "I know, and I miss your dad too, he was a good friend of my husband's. But think about it Kai, it's been 14– 15 years now and your grandfather hasn't sent anyone to get you, maybe the death of his son had made him realized his mistake." "What if you're wrong? What if he still wants me there but was just waiting for me to bring myself to him?" "I am not sure Kai, my husband doesn't have any contacts in Edom, he's never been there to be honest" "Then you realize I can't risk being separated from my family and mate, they can't handle it if my grandfather decided to keep me in Edom. So no that's not an option, my Dad died trying to prevent it from happening and I am not going to let his sacrifice go in vain" The older nodded in understanding. "Then I am sorry Kai, there's nothing I know apart from that, that could help. May the Angels help you and your mate." He said giving Kai's hand a gentle squeeze. Kai took a slow deep breath, managing a small smile before rising to his feet."I am going to go now" The older rose to stand as well. "One more thing, I hope you know you have to invite the warlocks for the pre-mating soiree, you'll have to introduce your mate to your people, you're the leader after all." Kai facepalmed himself, he had totally forgotten about that, but now that Jungkook's father had mentioned it, he would have a talk with Sehun about it and set a date for the soiree. "Thanks for reminding me, I will talk to my mate and set a date for it" Jungkook's father hummed. "Good, uhm Jungsuk's mating ceremony will be taking place in four  months time. Just thought I should let you know." "I will keep a note on it." Kai said already moving to open a portal."Thank you for everything." He waved his hand and a portal appeared. "You're welcome." Jungkook's father gave him a smile with a short wave. "Send my regards to your Omega." "Will do" With a polite bow he stepped into the portal.
**** Stepping through the portal, Kai was hit with the distress smell of his Omega the moment he was inside his bedroom. His Alpha instincts kicked in, screaming at him to comfort and protect his omega. Turning his head to the right, his eyes landed on Sehun that was curled up in the Alpha's bed, crying his eyes out. Kai quickly moved toward his omega. Sitting down on the bed, the Alpha pulled Sehun into his arms and began to rock him slowly.  Suddenly, Sehun wasn’t alone anymore. Two strong arms were pulling him into a lap and against a warm firm chest. That warmth, that smell. That sense of comfort and security. Kai. He clung to his boyfriend like he expected to have him vanish, right before his eyes. Hands held him tightly against his chest, fingers carding through his hair. Warm lips rested on his furrowed brow. More tears fell when Sehun didn’t think there would be anymore left. A dark patch quickly formed on the pale green shirt below his cheek. Neither of them said anything for a while; content just to hold each other in the dimly lit room. Words weren’t needed at that time, anyway. Slowly, Sehun lifted his head to look up at Kai. The worry and concern he saw all over his face almost made his chest explode. His own cheeks were damp. "Kai Kai–"Sehun choked out. "I told Mom the truth." He managed to get out between heavy cries. Sehun needed not to say more, Kai understood what his omega meant. "Oh Angel..." the alpha shook his head. hating himself for not running to hug Sehun the second he walked into the room,  Kai was going to fix it., He wanted his omega to know he was safe and that Kai was here and would always be there for him. He tighten his long muscular arms around Sehun's convulsing body, encasing as much of his mate as he could. They each, almost like fate, buried their faces into each others necks, flicking their noses against their glands, needing to purge all the negativity, pain, loneliness and loss out of their systems, and replace it with the familiar loving heat that they both missed more than breathing or life itself. Sehun tightened his grip into Kai's shirt and he finally let himself go, finally feeling safe as his sobs were absorbed by his alpha, and each one replaced by the brushing of Kai's lips against Sehun's neck. "Even though I knew she wouldn't take it lightly, it still hurt when she asked me to leave." "I am so sorry Sehun."Kai whispered gently, the hair at the back of his Omega's neck. "If my own mother can't accept me for who I am maybe she's right, I am despicable–" "Nonsense" Kai cut him off, he couldn't allow Sehun to think that way of himself again, Kai had tried to show Sehun that omegas were not the problem. There was nothing wrong about being one and Sehun had finally accepted who he was, Kai wasn't about to let self hatred to consume his lover, he couldn't allow Sehun to go back to the way he used to be." You're glorious my darling, if your Mom thought otherwise then she doesn't deserve such a wonderful man like you as a son, do not allow
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.