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      Sehun couldn't sleep even though he was so tired, he'd been turning around for almost an hour now trying to sleep but whenever he shut his eyes, the only thing he saw was Kai. He had to do something quick or else he was certain he would lose his sanity. Groaning, Sehun stood from his bed and proceeded to walk out, determined to talk to Kai right away. Knocking softly on the door, Sehun waited to be invited in before he pushed the door open and closed it behind him once inside. Kai was sat on the sofa close to his bed, a sketch book and a pencil in his hands. "Hey, you have a minute?" Sehun asked, chewing on his bottom lip and flared his nostrils to take in the sweet scent of the Alpha. Kai dropped the items and made a gesture for Sehun to come closer. "Yeah sure, is everything okay?" Sehun had been silent and distant since the moment Kai portaled them back home. Kai was worried for the omega and had been wanting to ask what had changed his mood but didn't want to seem like he was pushing or imposing on the Omega. Sehun moved to take a seat next to Kai, his eyes flickered to the sketch book settled in their middle, and he was entranced by it, it was a sketch of a dress and it was beautiful, whoever get to wear such design must be lucky. This was the first time Sehun was seeing anything related to the Alpha's work, sometimes he forgot Kai was a designer, which meant they were in the same field. Kai cleared his throat to get Sehun's attention and the omega snapped his head to see the Alpha looking and waiting for him expectantly. Sehun instantly remembered what he was here to say. He took a deep breath, leaning his head against the couch.“I think I kind of like you” he said, a mixture of pride for admitting it as well as fear over doing so spread through him, but nowhere near as much as he had thought it would. Looking down at his knees, Sehun avoided looking up at Kai who like on cue instantly smelled sweeter and even more inviting than before, possibly reacting to Sehun's words. Kai had his body the sofa to look at Sehun who refused to look at him, he smiled and felt a soft warm tingling spread through his body at the sound of Sehun “I think I kind of like you too”. A part of Sehun wanted to snuggle up against Kai and be held and another part wanted to run away, scared of what it meant that Kai agreed with him and felt the same way. “I don’t want to” Sehun admitted, lifting his head and looking at Kai who looked a little hurt by what he said and Sehun couldn’t blame him for it as he wouldn’t have liked it much if Kai said the same about liking him. “Why not?” “Because I think I’m more than what that makes me” Sehun confessed while questioning why he was confessing it in the first place. Kai looked at him questioning “What does that make you?” “An Omega” Sehun huffed and looked down at his knees again, wondering if he would have admitted this or even talked about it if it wasn't for the fact that he was so tired that his mouth worked faster than his brain. Kai could smell it, the self loathing and pain in that one word alone and it was heartbreaking to see just how little Sehun thought of his own gender and in that, himself. Holding back the urge to use all of his limbs to wrap himself protectively around Sehun, Kai bit his lip and kept his eyes on the tall man who looked somehow small on the sofa next to him “There is nothing wrong about being an Omega, Sehun and you are also a lot more than just your gender”. “It means I’m weak” Sehun protested. Shaking his head, again Kai had to fight the urge of wanting and almost needing to comfort and protect the other man, his inner Alpha screaming at him to act, to make their mate happy. “That's simply not true”. “Omegas are submissive, dependant, , weak baby making machines, it’s gross” Sehun's jaw tightened and his entire body tensed up, his words about himself and his gender dripping with venom and hate. He knew that he was more, but the way he was taught was hard to make him believe otherwise. Kai shook his head again, it was a good thing Sehun was letting it out. He kept everything so tight to his chest that Kai wondered, sometimes, if Sehun had a box in his heart where he locked away his emotions. It was refreshing to see them pour out.“That's an awfully ual way of looking at Omegas. You and others of your gender are more than what you offer in bed.” Kai stated firmly and watched as Sehun leaned forward like he was trying to curl up and hide. "Sehun I don't want to pressure you but I want to be with you, I want you to give me a chance to court you. I really really like you. You shouldn't deny us that which we can have." Sehun closed his eyes momentarily, exhaling through his nose as he thought of Taehyung's words again and his own determination to be with Kai. Sehun met Kai's eyes once more. He could see it there, laid open for him to see. He could see the fear. He could see the hope. He could see the dawning realization that Kai's immortality would always be a point of contention. He could see the way Kai met the impossibility of their situation and homophobic society - and faced it head on. He could see the stubbornness that made Kim Kai strong. And he wanted that strength. He wanted to protect it. He wanted to shelter in it. He wanted more than anything to tell Kai that it would all be okay, he wanted this too. "Okay." Sehun said barely a whisper. And Kai's eyes went wide, not expecting Sehun to agree so easily. "You're not jesting?"  Sehun shook his head, looking down at his lap. "No, I mean it, I really want to be with you Kai, you're so different from other Alphas and I want to have something good going between us" he said, pushing a stand of hair our of his face." But I am so tired right now, I needed to get those words out and–” he drew in a breath, not looking up. “And I couldn’t sleep or relax and I just wanted to come in here because I knew it would help, because of you, and that makes me weak” It was scary to admit it, but Sehun was sure Kai would have guessed it already that he came here for something like this, he was powerful and this was probably not the first time an Omega had come running to him like this. Unable to not react, Kai shifted a little closer to Sehun and gently ran his hand down his spine in a comforting manner, wishing he could just rip away all of his insecurities and pain “You know, your presence calms me too, it’s not a one way thing.” Something inside of Sehun ached for Kai when he touched him and confessed what he was feeling, but Sehun was just so tired that his mind wouldn’t fully go along with it. “You’ll feel better once you get some sleep” Kai added in a soft tone. “I can’t” Sehun whispered as his eyes drifted shut, almost falling asleep as the words left him. Kai smiled to himself and stood up, he held out a hand for Sehun “Stay. You can sleep here with me. Just sleep” he added that last bit so Sehun wouldn’t think it was all some sleazy plan to get him into bed. "No I don't want to disturb you, I saw earlier that you were working on your designs" "Don't worry about it, it can wait, now c'mon" Sehun looked up at Kai though half lid eyes, he tried to wrap his mind around the idea and the offer. He couldn’t find the words, but he wanted to. So without thinking too much about what he was doing, he reached out and took his hand, letting Kai pull him to his feet and without a word let him guide him to his bed Sehun watched as Kai pulled off his robe and got into bed, lying down on his back with the covers pulled halfway up his chest. Sehun reached up and pulled off his t-shirt but kept his trousers on, not completely comfortable with the idea of getting too undressed before getting into bed with someone else. Sehun climbed onto the big wide bed and slowly lowered himself down on the mattress and rolled over on his side, looking at the silhouette of Kai in the dark room. Surrounded by Kai's strong Alpha scent, Sehun felt safe and comfortable, blinking slowly as he chewed on his lower lip, already struggling to stay awake now. This wasn't the first time he was sharing a bed with Kai but this was different the other time was based on instincts because Kai needed him as his omega– true mate to soothe his nightmares but now it was his choice to be here– their choice. Kai let his head fall to the side when he felt the bed shifted and opened his eyes in time to see Sehun shifting a little hesitantly over towards him. Closing his eyes and and not moving, Kai let Sehun alone decide how far he wanted to take it, having to to bite his tongue to not let out a sound of pure happiness as Sehun laid down –though on top of the covers— next to him, resting his head against his shoulder and wrapping his arm around his waist. Nervous about what he had just done, Sehun held his breath for a few seconds after laying down next to Kai, only breathing out in a sigh of relief when Kai's arm came to rest over his but without doing anything else. Whispering a weak ‘goodnight’, Sehun closed his eyes and smiled when Kai whispered a ‘goodnight Sehunnie’ back at him, feeling warm and snug as he without problem drifted off to sleep. ***
Kai exhaled hard as his eyes fluttered open, scanning his room without moving. Small ray of sunlight made their way into the room between his heavy curtains, lighting up the room enough for his his dark eyes to perfectly take in his surrounding. Next to him, or more accurately- half on top of him, Sehun still slept almost soundlessly. The omega had moved in his sleep and now had both one arm and one leg wrapped around Kai who in turn had wrapped one arm tightly around him. Kai his lips and shivered at the feel of Sehun lips –that now were half parted and brushing against his neck–, a tingle spreading across his skin whenever the other man exhaled. Sehun smelled soft and sweet, a stronger scent of rose and honey than Kai could ever remember. He also felt light and fresh like a summer breeze but what was new and harder to ignore than Kai thought possible was the very pleasing scent of Sehun's morning arousal. Kai wasn’t sure if he was to blame or not, if it
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.