Thirty nine

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      Fifteen years later.


Dae let out a deep breath and threw his head back, taking a break for a moment before dropping his head and continued to sort out the right materials to be used.  Glancing briefly at his brother who was putting a few accessories for the final design he was assigned to, Dae couldn't believe they both ended up as fashion designers just like their parents. Aurora was the only one that chose a different path when she decided to go to a medical school and now she's a successful surgeon working in one of the finest hospitals. "Are you alright?" Jae asked, looking worriedly at him. Dae nodded, scrubbing his face with both hands. "Yeah, remind me why we can't use magic for this again?" Chuckling with a shake of his head, Jae stood from his seat and strode to where his brother sat. "Pa said it's better when we do it the mundane way, we will feel the love and passion for our work that way." He reached to brush his hand through his brother's hair. "Are you sure you're okay? You feel a lot warmer than usual." "My heat is coming up in a few days time, it must be the pre-heat symptoms." he said, lifting his head to look at his brother. "Oh" Jae made an understanding face. "Still spending it alone?" Dae nodded, he's twenty five but still not ready to mate yet, not that he hasn't found any potential partner to mate with, Scott was a nice Alpha and he had showed how much interested he was in the omega. Dae wasn't ready yet not when they both have eternity to live through. "Yeah." he hummed leaning into his brother's touch. Both Jae and Aurora were Alphas, and Jae had mated Stephen two years back, an Omega who was adopted by Yoongi and Taehyung 11 years ago and the two surprisingly happened to be true mate and are soon to tie the knot in 8 months time. Another fortunate soul was Aurora, she had found her mate and fell in love with the beautiful male omega she met in medical school, they two were now dating and will mate during her boyfriend's next heat. Dae knew Scott wasn't his true mate but it didn't matter as long as they both loved each other, not everyone has the privilege of meeting their true mates, Jungkook wasn't Jimin's true mate, his own uncle Taehyung wasn't Yoongi's true mate, Chanyeol wasn't Kris' but they fit perfectly and that's all that matters. His parents and siblings were just one of those lucky ones in life. The thought of his parents brought a smile to his face, he wondered what they two were doing right now. Probably making out or doing more than that. He cringed at the thought of his parents having in his dad's office. His papa had gone to Kim fashion empire to help with a few designs leaving the boys to handle the final touches for the three gowns requested by the princess of England. The thing was, Jae doesn't work in OKS(Oh-Kim Sehun) fashion enterprises, he worked for their Dad while Dae chose to work for their Omega father. Jae was here on a special request to help with the designs just like how their Papa was requested to help in Kim fashion empire. It's amazing how OSK and KFE were rivals at same time allies– "Yo Dae!" The door opened to reveal Jimin striding in holding a few files in his hand, sufficiently cutting his train of thought. His Papa's best friend had joined the company 7 years ago. After successfully establishing his own dance company, he had given up on that path letting his son(Scott) to take over the company instead, in Jimin's defense he was too old to be dancing at the age of 48 but the truth was he hadn't aged for a day, he still looked like how Dae remembered him to be 20 years back, just like their parents. "Father Jonny!" Jae grinned, rising to his feet as he moved to greet the older man. Jimin groaned, dropping the files on a nearby couch before turning to fix Jae with a fake scowl. "I told you not to call me father. Look at me" he motioned at himself. "and look at you, we're basically the same age, no one will believe I am old enough to be your father in-law." he visibly cringed at his own words and Dae couldn't help but chuckled at his uncle. "Wait a minute! How the hell did I become your father in-law? Last I checked it was Dae who my son wanted to court not you." "What to do father, you did gave birth to my brother's mate, what I am supposed to call you?" He rested a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "Scott's not my mate." Dae found himself saying. "You both are in love with each other, he's your mate to be, and I am sure you'll mate sooner or later–Which makes uncle Jack your father in-law, you're my brother and that also makes him my father in law." "Aish" Jimin let out a frustrated sound. "Go pick your little siblings from school, you papa asked me to rely the message" he poked at Jae's chest. "Ooh you're so manly and strong, you know." "Bet more than your old husband?" Jae quirked an eyebrow and winked at Jimin. "Oh my God!" Jimin gasped dramatically. "Don't you dare, I am sure my very much young husband can kick your when he finds out you winked at his pretty, pretty omega." Jae snorted and was about to give his retort when Dae intervene. "Uhm uncle Jimin you wanted to tell me something when you came in." "Oh right." Jimin turned to face him. "I was before your nosy brother took my attention away." he glared at Jae playfully, smacking his head not so gently. "Show me some respect you chimpanzee, I was there when Sehun had you–and stop calling me names that starts with letter J, I've had enough of that from your Dad for decades." he then turned to Dae. "Your papa wants you to go pick up the new materials that had just arrived from Russia." Dae nodded, he could use a break right now, the work could wait for another couple of hours. "Alright." "I am gonna go pick the pups from school." Jae said, patting his brother's shoulder as he moved to pick up his car keys. "And I am gonna go pick up the goods." Dae said, already heading for the door. "Hey you didn't take your car keys" Jae waved said keys from where he stood. "Nah, I am taking the company's car since I am going to do the company's errands." "You can do that?" Jae asked and the younger nodded. "Ah dad makes me do the company's errands with my own personal car. Maybe I should come work for papa too?" "Nah, just stick to KFE, we don't want you here you lizard–" Jimin started but stopped when Dae's phone rang. Dae glanced at his phone that was now clutched to his hand. A fond smile graced his face at sight of his boyfriend's name flashing on the screen. "That must be Scott, because my grumpy brother only smiles when he's with your son or when received a call from him." Jae grinned, walking to join his brother at the door way. Blushing, Dae ducked his head as he hurried out of the door. He could hear his uncle/father in-law giggling but he didn't dare to turn back. Jae was right by his side, intent to make his life a little harder. "Hey!" Dae picked the call ignoring the cheeky smile on his brother's face. "Hello my love! How are doing?" Scott said from the other line. Dae watched as his brother leaned to kiss his forehead before taking a few steps away but not far away from earshot."I am good you?" "I will be find if I am certain you're fine, so how are you really?" Dae knitted his brows not really understanding what his boyfriend meant. "I just said I was fine." "You're sure you're okay?'' "Why wouldn't I be?" "I checked the date and I am sure your heat is coming in few days, I am worried about you, I know how your heats usually are" he took a deep breath. "I hate to see you in pain, it breaks my heart so much I feel like I can't breathe. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better." Leaning against a wall, Dae closed his eyes, his heart rate increasing as he felt so much emotions swirling around his mind, he felt loved, cared for and cherished. Scott was a very patient, kind-hearted, supportive and protective Alpha, he had never pushed Dae to do anything he wouldn't want to, he knew he had accepted Scott to be his Alpha but Dae haven't told him yet, he only agreed to being courted. Opening his eyes, Dae looked towards his brother, who was looking at him with an encouraging smile, they never needed to use words, Jae always knew what was going on in his head and for once Dae was glad about the ability they shared to read each other's mind. Jae nodded, giving him a thumbs up. Taking a deep breath, Dae spoke. "Scott, I might not be ready to mate, but I want you to know I love you too and I plan on being with you for the rest of eternity. I want you to be my Alpha. I want to share my upcoming heat with you. I am ready." He could hear, a deep primal growl escaping his Alpha, followed by a deep intake of breath and he's sure if Scott had been with him at the moment, the Alpha would've pinned him to a wall and kiss the heal out of him... "I– I am honored Dae, I will love nothing more than to be your Alpha and spend your heat together.  I will wait for you to be ready, whenever you deemed it okay to mate, you set the pace my love and I will follow." Dae let out a breath he didn't realize he's been holding. 
**** Walking into the school, Jae spotted his sisters sitting on bench, Ariana the bookworm had a book in her hands as they converse– share touches? with some two other guys. One of them even reached to brush something out of Alice's head, draping an arm over her shoulder and his little sister seemed uncomfortable as she tried to pry the arm around her but the boy played dump and continued to hold his sister even when she clearly showed she didn't want it. Instantly, his protective instincts kicked in he as matched towards them, growling as though he was about to go wild. Ariana was the first to look up and she smiled widely at sight of her big brother. "Jae oppa!" She called and Alice turned around to see said brother walking towards them like he was about to murder someone. "Oh my God!"she gasped as realization dawned on her. "You two should better run." she said frantically, glancing between her classmates and her enraged brother. "But–" one the boys, name Minsuk started to say but Alice shook her head. "My brother is going to beat the of you two and he'll not listen to an explanation right now, he'll only do that after being satisfied with making sure both of you have broken something in Inside." she shoved both boys to move when she noticed none of them had any idea what her brother was capable of. But she was too late as Jae was already in front of them. Ariana jumped and moved to stand between her raging brother and friends. "Oppa it's not what it looks like. We were just talking" she tried but Jae wasn't having it, all could see at the moment was two boys trying to take advantage of his naïve sisters. He growled threateningly, using a hand to gently push his sister aside before taking both boys by their collars, snarling at them. "The you're doing to my sisters?" He demanded, tightened his hold on them. Alice placed her hands on her brother's looking beseechingly at him. "Please oppa, let it be, they haven't done anything wrong." She tugged at his arms wanting desperately to pry them off but to no avail. "Oh yeah? I saw how he held you and continued to even when you showed you didn't want to held by him." he emphasized his point but pulling at the collar of the same boy that made his little, precious and sweet sister uncomfortable. "I–i am s-sorry" the boy stammered, looking like he's about to his pants. "I like her and just wanted to to be close to her." "Way you got there to get close to someone kid." His eyes changed to their true color, dropping his glamour. It could have been terrifying to do that seven years back but now their country had accepted demon spawns and Omega were respected and seen for whom they are not for what they present. Korea had come a long way, the change wasn't immediately but it had gradually took effect, even as far as the current president being an Omega and his husband being a warlock. "Oh God– he's– he's a warlock." the other boy said.  "Yeah, got a problem with that?" Jae growled. Both boys instantly shook their heads, "No, we don't." They said in unison. "Good!" He growled once again, showing a few set of canines this time. They boys flinched at the sight and Ariana placed a hand on her brother's chest, greenish– feline eyes on display and Jae slowly felt the rage evaporating. Damn! She's doing it again, using her ability to calm him down, any other time he'd appreciate it but right now he really needed to teach two bunch of teenage boys that his sisters were not to be touched. He felt his hands loosened around the boys and Ariana smiled."it's okay big brother, let it go." she said softly and Jae huffed, shoving the boys hard as he released them from his grip. As soon as they're free the boys stumbled on their feet as they hurried away from there.  "Damn! You didn't have to do that." Jae said turning to his sister. "You were going to hurt them." "Damn right I was, but not as how you might thought, I was going to give them a little beating to show them their place." He huffed. "No one touches my sisters." "You've done that brother, I am sure none of them will even want to be friends with us anymore, more or less come any closer to us." Jae hummed, satisfied with the result. "Now let's get you home, there will be a family dinner tonight." He said holding his little sisters as he coaxed them to his car.
**** Kai held a meeting with all his department heads once a month and today was the day. Sehun had been invited to join. Kai insisted that he sit beside him at the huge conference table. Before the meeting properly began, he was introduced to those who didn't already know who he was and then they were served large platters of finger food. It was all very relaxed and everyone seemed to get on very well. Sehun had been used to a more formal setting but found it quite easy to fit in to it. Once the meeting started, He and Kai sat side by side in the middle of the long table. A lot of the reports went over Sehun's head; Kim empire had its fingers in some very diverse pies unlike his own company which only dealt with fashion. He was listening intently, however, trying to take in as much as possible. Kai had been sitting back in his chair, one arm folded across his chest while the other bent and allowed to rest his chin thoughtfully in his hand. Sehun hadn’t really noticed when he spoke to the man giving the report but he did notice the hand that suddenly appeared on his upper thigh. He gave a small start and chanced a look at his husband from the corner of his eye. Kai carried on the conversation with the department head as if nothing had happened and Sehun found himself relaxing a little. Okay then, Kai was obviously craving contact between them and this was his solution to the problem. He could live with that.  That particular report ended and Kai called on the next one; a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties that headed to chain of women’s fashion stores that Kim empire owned. She smiled pleasantly as she began to deliver her report and that’s when Kai's hand started to travel. Sehun fought the urge to react, not wanting to give anything away. He his lips nervously and hoped to God that the man sitting next to him kept his eyes in front. When he felt Kai's hand reach his crotch, Sehun tensed. Was he kidding? Surely, he wasn’t seriously going to do this? Who the hell did he think he was that he could get away with something like this? The short answer to that one was simple, Kim-Oh Kai, his mate, husband and because he could. Sehun shuffled his chair in closer to the table and leaned forward so that he was resting his forearms on the surface. In his peripheral vision, he could just make out the look of amusement on Kai's face. The smart was enjoying his discomfort way too much. Sehun was determined not to let him see how weirded out he was by his behaviour and set his face into a look of intense concentration as he tried to manipulate his scent to not give him away and also focus on what the woman was saying. Not an easy task when you had your Alpha's hand on your crotch. Kai fought the urge to break out into a grin at the way he
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748 streak #1
Chapter 39: I could tell that this story is one that is dear to your heart. It was a nice change of pace from the action-packed ones that I love so much, and the struggle for warlocks and omegas was so heartbreakingly like the world we love in. Great job as usual.💗
Chapter 39: Awwwww never thought this will end so quick<3
thank you for the story!
Chapter 39: It’s not everyday we see a good Omega Sehun Story
Kaianara #5
Chapter 39: All is right and good in the world ! Thank you for the great story! Thank you for such a great, detailed ending!!!
Kaianara #6
Chapter 24: Seulgi is the worse @#$& here.
Kaianara #7
Chapter 23: So I’m not sure who the bad guy is here…Donghae or Seulgi…. Donghae wasn’t surprised about Sehun’s secondary gender, probably because Dr Lee had already told him…. Is Seulgi faking things? What’s the real reason for the dissolution of the friendship?
Kaianara #8
Chapter 22: Sehun’s dad is cheating with Dr Lee. I had a feeling about this.
Chapter 39: Its already completed 😩
Loved reading this one.
Best sekai fic I have ever read. 🌷💗
Chapter 30: When I was reading this chapter, only one thing was in my mind, that how Author nim write this whole chapter when she herself was pregnant, you are brave for writing this.